View Full Version : [Pathfinder]Building a pirate ship's Crew

2015-06-03, 10:46 AM
In my PF game we have decided to become pirates. We stole a ship, decked it out and acquired a respectable crew.
We will use most ship rules the game offers, though we'll probably nerf ship AC (it's the touch ac + p: sailor modifier, usually 2+mod) a bit and reduce the combat rolls' difficulty if it proves too high(a sailing ship requires dc 30 p: sailor checks to maneuver in combat, at low speeds) for what we established as normal: most people never go past level 5.

Our crew consists of 42 human sailors, of which two are very skilled first mates. Another five are weresharks from our druid's homeland.
The generic sailors are competent, but will see as little melee as we can make them, so they exist to operate the ship and its weapons.

Here's where I ask you folks for help!
We already figured sailors use a generic stat array ( 11 13 12 9 12 8, in order) and the experts and barbarians will use heroic stats(15 12 14 10 12 8).
All will have traits for +1 sail, +1+class perception.

The generic sailors are level 2 warrios with skill focus sailor and weapon focus ballista For a final attack mod of +4. Their 4 skill points are spread in climb, swim, sailor and perception.

The experts are level 2 warriors and level 2 experts, with one more feat (total of 3). Which feats to take besides skill focus? They will pilot in our absence, so their p: sailor is maximized without question. At this level it means a mod of about +12, or +17 with our ship's maxed mobility. Of the 20 skill points, Which skills to take? I went for a similar spread, but with intimidation and sense motive, maxed profession and some knowledges.

The weresharks are level 3 warriors, level 1 barbarians. With two feats and 10 skill points. I'm lost on which feats to given them, but they'll be used for sabotage and small skirmishes, as well as front liners just after us (we're level 6). Their lycanthropy gives them stats worth of PCs and the usual toys of dr/silver, a bite attack, the fact they're sharks...

So. Any tips, suggestions, traumas? I would love your advice.

2015-06-03, 11:31 AM
In my PF game we have decided to become pirates. We stole a ship, decked it out and acquired a respectable crew.
We will use most ship rules the game offers, though we'll probably nerf ship AC (it's the touch ac + p: sailor modifier, usually 2+mod) a bit and reduce the combat rolls' difficulty if it proves too high(a sailing ship requires dc 30 p: sailor checks to maneuver in combat, at low speeds) for what we established as normal: most people never go past level 5.

Our crew consists of 42 human sailors, of which two are very skilled first mates. Another five are weresharks from our druid's homeland.
The generic sailors are competent, but will see as little melee as we can make them, so they exist to operate the ship and its weapons.

Here's where I ask you folks for help!
We already figured sailors use a generic stat array ( 11 13 12 9 12 8, in order) and the experts and barbarians will use heroic stats(15 12 14 10 12 8).
All will have traits for +1 sail, +1+class perception.

The generic sailors are level 2 warrios with skill focus sailor and weapon focus ballista For a final attack mod of +4. Their 4 skill points are spread in climb, swim, sailor and perception.

The experts are level 2 warriors and level 2 experts, with one more feat (total of 3). Which feats to take besides skill focus? They will pilot in our absence, so their p: sailor is maximized without question. At this level it means a mod of about +12, or +17 with our ship's maxed mobility. Of the 20 skill points, Which skills to take? I went for a similar spread, but with intimidation and sense motive, maxed profession and some knowledges.

The weresharks are level 3 warriors, level 1 barbarians. With two feats and 10 skill points. I'm lost on which feats to given them, but they'll be used for sabotage and small skirmishes, as well as front liners just after us (we're level 6). Their lycanthropy gives them stats worth of PCs and the usual toys of dr/silver, a bite attack, the fact they're sharks...

So. Any tips, suggestions, traumas? I would love your advice.

Get some magic?

Even if you want to your sailors to stick to NPC classes for the most part there are several spells on the Adept spell list that would be invaluable. Just to list a few spells from just the 0 and 1st level that would be invaluable on a ship: Create Water, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Comprehend Languages, CLW, Endure Elements, Obscuring Mist

Frankly, I can't imagine a world with access to moderate magic (which your's exceeds since you have 5 weresharks on crew) in which at least a little incredibly useful magic wasn't know to the crew, if not a full-fledged mage employed on the ship. The barest minimum on the worst ship would be at least one guy that knows Mending.

2015-06-03, 11:43 AM
We have casters, it's us. A druid, a wizard and a bard. while magical creatures and wonders are common for an adventurer's scale, casters are not. I have no say in the crew's levels and stats, only how they will level up, their feats and skills.