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2015-06-03, 01:08 PM
A Dungeon Slayers Tale

Valask Noir (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=217856) Aasimar Paladin
Kel Revys (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=218402) High Elf Rogue
Kyllen (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=188670) Human Sorceror
Marak (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=218798) Dwarf Monk
Serrin Drackmir (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AHtW7wlLGdeM-KOhoxlOn3Xqqv8oY9DPwj6yzzkPdB8/edit#gid=0) Human Necromancer
Misericorde (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=218947) Human Commander

A spot in Verin (https://www.pinterest.com/pin/442549100854678380/)

Not far from Santa Clara is a town called Verin. It isn't a remarkable town, just a small city that was the center of local commerce, a place for farmers to get the sort of goods a village just can't produce. In fact the town hardly figures into our tale except for one small detail. On the edge of town stood a building slightly out of place with the rustic feel of Verin. It was a small fortification adorned with a curious symbol, a sword driven through an archway.

This curious building was the Guild Hall of the Dungeon Slayers. Despite its martial outward appearance, the innards of the Hall appeared to be a taphall and lively one at that. On the one end of the hall stood a polished mahogany bar well stocked with wines, ales and spirits. On the other a bulletin board laden with potential jobs for the Guild members. There was a flight of stairs leading to a balcony under which were offices and a few rooms were guild members could spend the night if they wished.

Our story begins in one of these offices.

Scene: Valask, Kel and Kyllen have been called into the Guild Master's office.

Guffin had been the guild master for several years. A seasoned veteran of both wars and dungeon raids, the Old Dwarf had the respect of his peers. So when he called the three adventurers into his office they had come with little argument.

"Well I know this is a bit irregular," he began, "but I've got a job I'd like you to take. It seems some children have gone missing in Summerfield. Yes, I realize that Summerfield is a backwater village with little to offer but I personally guarantee you will be paid your due. The innkeep there is an old friend and I owe him one."
Guffin gave Kyllen a dark look, "No burning down anything this time. I'm sending Valask and Kel with you to make sure."

Scene: Meanwhile Marak, Serrin and Misericorde are in the common room.
It would be nice if one of you would check the job posting board.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-03, 08:32 PM
Kel plays with a shiny bauble retrieved from Guffin's bookshelf, before a stern look from the guildmaster reminds her to put it back where she found it. "I'm sure we can find something there to make it worth our while, but your guarantee of payment does make it sound so much sweeter. Any clue of what is going on, or are we going in blind?

2015-06-03, 08:32 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

Marak enjoys drinking. It's not something that monks did much, and alcohol was strictly forbidden at the Iron Fist Monastery, but now that he's free to wander the world, he finds that he has a dwarve's taste for ale. He is, in fact, starting to feel a little tipsy, which embarrasses him. Even though he's a dwarf, he has only been drinking regularly for the past few months, so he's still a lightweight.

Still, if he expects to keep drinking, he's going to need to keep working. Fortunately, there's usually plenty of work to be had around here. He steps up to job posting board and has a look.

2015-06-03, 08:53 PM
Serrin is sitting at one of the tables near the job posting board itself, a glass of some sort of wine half finished in front of him as he looks over the runestone he'd recently acquired, turning it over in his hands.

The skeletal warrior that's known to follow him around is standing nearby, in the shadows, almost invisible in the corner there until someone looks for a few moments too long. At least one person has been startled by it a moment before seeing that Serrin's right there.

Finishing the wine, with a flick of his wrist, a ghostly, skeletal looking hand clutches the glass and brings it toward the bar across the room (just barely avoiding someone stumbling by), before letting go and dissipating. He's never been one to rely on the table being cleared for him, and he's not much of one for clutter when food or drink is involved. It might be amusing to some, considering he doesn't care a whiff how messy a given ruin or dungeon tends to be.

"Anything good?" he suddenly asks Marak, only looking up to actually glance toward the monk at the job board after the words leave him, a brow raised curiously.

The hand is just his representation of Mage Hand.

2015-06-03, 08:57 PM
Guffin sighed as Kel returned his souvenir. He'd taken the thing off a dark elf he'd slain long ago and he still didn't know if it was magical or just pretty. "Well our information isn't complete but I have descriptions of the missing children for you." Guffin handed Kel a piece of paper which read:

Martin Ashworth, age 8, black hair, brown eyes, a lanky child, left farmhouse to hunt for mushrooms, never returned.

Dedra Collins, age 7, blonde hair, blue eyes, last seen playing by Woodcutter's Creek.

Donal Freed, age 10, red hair, green eyes, small for his age, ran into the woods from older brother after trip to village.

At the Board:
Marak saw the usual small jobs: dire rats in the basement, lost heirloom, caravan guards to Axis and back. Only one job seemed interesting.

Cattle under attack by mysterious creature, left sick and faint, drained of blood.
Need menace removed, will pay gold.
For more information come to Dhane's Ranch outside of Blumill.

2015-06-04, 06:40 AM
Valask slams a fist to his chest. The bird on his shoulder flutters it's wings in response.
"Guffin Sir, you can count on us! We will find those children and bring vengeance upon the culprits responsible.

I assure you we will try keep damages to a minimum."

With the last bit he looks towards the fire Mage.
Of all the words in his little rant, talk of vengeance seemed to rile him up with the most excitement.

He will be keen to get started and try usher the pleasantries along.

2015-06-04, 08:43 AM
Marak - Dwarf Bard

Marak nods at the necromancer. He was a strange one. "Just this one," Marak says, pointing to the blood-drained cattle posting. "Do you think it could be vampires? I wouldn't think they would stoop to feeding off cattle, but you're the expert."

Space Lawyer
2015-06-04, 10:14 AM
Kel looks askance at the riled-up paladin, eyebrow mightily arched. "Riiight. Vengeance and justice and all that." Valask was like a champion hunting dog: strong, determined, loyal - and none too bright. In some ways, he was the best strong arm companion that Kel could ask for.

"So, kids are wandering into the woods and never returning. Sounds like one of those tales to frighten the children and keep them at home. The woods are dark and full of danger; best not to go off into them and disrupt the social order, that sort of thing. Still, they are disappearing, so it seems there is some sort of actual truth there."

2015-06-04, 10:46 AM
"...... are disappearing, so it seems there is some sort of actual truth there."

And in the priestesses divine light the truth shall guide us and set them free!

(yup, I've decided he's one of those paladins and is going to inappropriately say things like that when he misinterpret's conversations or hears trigger words.

And Kel, he says sternly and seriously, turning to address her.
I'll be watching those wandering hands of yours, we have a guilds reputation to uphold!
And with that his animal companion squawks loudly in agreement as Valask proudly gives their master a reassuring nod.

(He was only new but he sure was a suck-up always trying to impress...)

2015-06-04, 11:12 AM
"It's possible, if desperate. But I always thought they tended towards just more blatantly attacking people in such cases," Serrin says, moving to slowly get up and walk over towards the board. Once he gets about two and a half steps there, the Skeleton moves to follow, as if some pre-set notion of what an acceptable distance from the necromancer was buried in there.

"Decent reward, though. Might be worth checking out to see," he adds, a thoughtful expression on his face a moment.

Rolling to see if anything else that might drain blood and target cattle comes to mind (Using Wizard's Student background):

2015-06-04, 01:16 PM
OOC: @Falco You know of several possibilities: Stirges, Dire Vampire Bats, Chupacabras, Peuchen, Ustrel, angry pixies playing a "joke". Without more info you can't be sure.

2015-06-04, 01:44 PM
"Really, it could be any number of things, thinking about it. Dire vampire bats, various sorts of more unique creatures. Even a group of fae that wants to confuse us," he mentions after a few moments longer, "We'll definitely need to get a better look at it to have a better idea."

2015-06-04, 02:07 PM
"Whats all this then?" Misericorde asked, a tankard of brown in her fist. She still moved as gracefully as those who relied upon it to live, but her slightly slurred speech made it clear the tankard was not her first. And probably not her last.

She was born again; she wasn't a saint.

Slapping Marak, her fellow Crusader-hater, on the shoulder, she came up to the board and squinted at the notices. She kept her distance from the necromancer's pet.

"Huh," she says, cocking her head. "A bloodsucker, eh? Sounds ... odd. Kinda up your alley, eh?" She let out a guffaw directed at Serrin, which wasn't unkindly. She'd rubbed shoulders with stranger in her past life.

"Pays good though... we should go investi-ger-gate. And end this bovine scourge once and for all!" And with that rousing statement, she took a long swig.

2015-06-04, 03:58 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

Marak looks around. "Three way split sounds good," he said, taking a swig of ale himself. He reaches up and pulls the notice from the board. "Let's head out first thing in the morning." No need to stop drinking quite yet.

2015-06-04, 09:34 PM
Serrin furrows his brow just slightly at the drunken commander, "Honestly, I've never been big on Vampires. I like my blood intact and all," he muses. It's not one hundred percent true, but better to just sort of squash the association now, right?

"Regardless, yes, a split and heading out in the morning sounds good to me as well," he agrees, nodding slowly.

"In the meantime, I think I need more to drink. Watch my skeleton, will you?" he asks Misericorde as he steps away to head back toward the bar, if only because he specifically did notice how she avoided it previously, since it can't really get into trouble on its own.

Regardless, it does step closer to the commander, 'eying' her (if you can call it that; the skull is just sort of facing her). It's a creepy looking thing, clearly once humanoid, though a bit too old to tell specifics beyond that, clad in rusty, normally useless armor and carrying a half broken sword that nonetheless seems oddly well balanced for it.

2015-06-05, 01:02 AM
Kyllen looked down at the ground sheepishly.

"It was just a little fire. But don't worry Master, we'll bring those kids home! I promise I'll be careful. But sometimes you can't make an omelet without burning a few haberdasheries. That's what Dad always said."

2015-06-05, 02:29 AM
Misericorde seemed to brighten when Serrin mentions more to drink. He couldn't be that bad, hey?

The thought immediately disappeared as the skeleton turned to face her. She gave it a sour look for a while, keeping her tankard close to her lips like a shield, before finally shrugging and taking a long swig. She then punched the skeleton playfully on the arm.

"So, you and Scary... you guys a couple or what?"

2015-06-05, 02:40 AM
The skeleton just stares at her, though almost seems to tilt its head. While it's clearly more 'alert' than a typical specimen of its kind, it also doesn't seem to be able to communicate effectively.

2015-06-05, 12:55 PM
Misericorde chortled, this time punching Marak on the shoulder. It seemed to be her thing.

​"Bad news, buddy, looks like the skeleton is taken."

Space Lawyer
2015-06-05, 01:17 PM
"Well, I say we spend the rest of today getting ready, and we set out at first light tomorrow morning. Where exactly is this village anyways? Think we have a chance of making it there in a reasonable time on horse, or will we need to go by water?"

2015-06-05, 01:17 PM
"Yes, well couatl have very different standards than most folk." Guffin's tone was even. "Point being: This is a small village be considerate." The Old Dwarf slid open a drawer and pulled out a small coin pouch. "This should cover traveling expenses. It's about 2 days by foot to the east. Get some rest tonight." While unspoken the intent was clear, this conversation was over.

A group of four entered the common room and headed straight to the bar. One was a tall white-blonde man with a scraggly beard, he carried a round shield with a boss and wore a long sword on his hip. He brought with him a faint smell of ice. His companions were no less distinct. The tiefling carried a tome with the Great Golden Wyrm's symbol emblazoned upon it, which seemed at odds with both his leathers and his diabolic appearance, still though there was something about him that drew the eye in a pleasant sort of way. A heavily armored halfling was with them, the sight was comical at first but the halfling carried himself with ease and the cape he wore appeared to be made of owlbear pelt. Lastly there was a woman and what a woman! She was tall with red-gold hair and a figure most would envy. She carried a long bow unstrung and wore a pair of short swords at her hips. The woman did not wear armor but was dressed in practical clothing mostly greens and browns. She was ravishingly beautiful but did not seem overly aware of it. The four of them ordered drinks then walked up the stairs to a balcony table where they began to talk cheerfully.

2015-06-05, 01:45 PM
Serrin comes back with another glass of wine before too long, seeming just slightly amused with the tail end of what he had heard Misericorde saying regarding the skeleton. Motioning to the side, Serrin seems to get a point across and the undead moves back into the shadows for now.

"Anyway, we should leave fairly early tomorrow, if possible, to make sure we get there with plenty of time," he says to the other two, taking a quick glance to see if he can discern more exact distance.

The group that comes in gets a bit of his attention, and he does glance towards them (especially the red/gold haired woman), though doesn't say anything about it for the moment.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-05, 01:49 PM
Kel snaps up the gold with blurring speed. "Right, right." She beats a hasty retreat from the office, the pouch stored out of sight.

When the others come out, she says, "I'm going to get packed. Anything in particular we need?"

2015-06-05, 05:02 PM
Marak -- Dwarf monk

Marak laughs, a little louder than than Misericorde's joke warranted. "I like my women with a little more flesh. Is it even a woman? It's hard to tell." He can't help but notice the redhead who just came in as he speaks, though truth to tell he has very little experience with women. None to speak of, to be honest, the result of being raised in a monastery where he was more a prisoner than an acolyte.

2015-06-05, 05:12 PM
Serrin blinks at the question asked, glancing aside a moment, "I never thought to find out," he says, looking thoughtful, "Would likely need a ritual of some sort. Not worth the trouble right now," he adds.

2015-06-05, 07:31 PM
Kyllen thinks hard before answering Kel.

"I have no idea!"

2015-06-06, 12:07 AM
When the others come out, she says, "I'm going to get packed. Anything in particular we need?"
Valask had followed out last, watching his to-be companions, he was normally more of a solo artist.
He holds his hand out, palm up, towards Kel.
"Five days worth of rations and water each, if we walk" he gestures with his open hand towards Kel as he waits for the money. "and a very early sleep, we break before first light, we will move in the dark with torches. Every unnecessary hour could see those children closer to death."

Valask catches the newcomers but can only gaze with his peripheral as he keeps a steady eye on Kel.
The ice warrior caught little of his attention,
The Tiefling, well that was walking trouble,
The armoured halfling, now there was a challenge Valask would like to spar with.
The woman, and what a woman, Vallen's mind instinctively retraced the other men, 'where any of them her suitors?'

2015-06-06, 09:06 PM
Kyllen is immediately distracted from the talk of preparations by the foursome on the balcony.

"Wow! Who're they? I've never seen them in the guild before."

He's pointing rather obviously.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-06, 09:25 PM
Kel is visibly pained as she hands Valask a portion of the money - just enough for him to buy the supplies he had mentioned for himself. "We might be able to hitch a ride on a cart heading that way. It'll be a lot easier than walking. I'll head down to the market to get some things and see if anybody is going towards Summerfield." She looks out the window and teleports to the street.

2015-06-07, 01:00 AM
"Ha, you must be new if ya haven't heard of them." rumbled an older man from behind Kyllen. The oldster had been a guild member before he retired a few years back.
"They are gone for long stretches at a time chasing big payday jobs. The tall one is Calder MacHallon, he's one of them Highlanders just east of Foothold, a rowdy bunch that. But don't mistake him for a berserker. That one is a cold and canny as they come." He paused.
"The horned one is Teller. No one knows his real name anymore. He is not your average Teifling. He was raised by paladins who found him in the ruins of the Golden Citadel, and he became the Chronicler of Deeds of the Golden Order before the bug took him and he started delving ruins for stories of bygone ages. If'n ye're lucky he might treat us all to a tale later."
The Old man took a long swig of his ale before continuing. "The small one is Matrim Halldoor, one of the Bloodwood Brothers, an order of paladins devoted to seeking evil out in the forests and wild places. He's a fair fighter himself, but it's his friend Sebastian you need to worry about." He chuckled roughly then continued without explaining himself.
"And, the lass, well she is something. I've seen her put an arrow in a bull's eye from 15 paces, which I realize doesn't sound impressive but the bull was charging her at the time in a fury. Then she sidestepped the thing while it died from the explosive spell she'd laid on the arrow. Oh right, her name, Lorra Kildare." He said her name with a touch of sadness like a drunk man nursing his last glass of wine.

2015-06-07, 03:17 AM
Valask lets out a defeated sigh as Kel disappears...
this was going to be a testing of his patience
Once the old man had finished explaining about the new comers Valask speaks to Kyllen.
Boy, get some supplies and ready up"
He says gently, handing him most of the coins received from Kel.

He then turns back to the old man, "any idea of their last job?"

Space Lawyer
2015-06-07, 05:28 PM
One of the nice things about being able to teleport was that it was quick and easy to get just about anywhere, especially if you had a spyglass. Kel popped into the market in little time. Luckily, the market was still busy, with all the farmers from the surrounding region having come to sell their most recent crops. It didn't take long for Kel to find one who would be heading east tomorrow, though his route diverged well before Summerfield. All it took was a few kind words and some proof that Kel and the rest were actually licensed guild adventurers and not random marauders to get a spot on the back of the farmer's cart. Well, that and a promise Valask would help the man lift some heavy crates into the cart the next morning.

With a few stops, Kel picks up the necessary supplies. A fancy umbrella catches her eye, well-decorated but practical. If she was going to be riding in the back of a cart under the hot sun for hours, she was definitely going to need that. Food, of course. What was it with the Santa Clara region and frying everything? After making it clear that she wanted something that wouldn't be an oily mess in her pack, Kel got what she wanted. She already had most of what she needed back at the guildhouse, so with that she was done. She teleports back down the road, coming to guildhouse rapidly.

2015-06-07, 06:29 PM
Kyllen nearly ran into Kel on his way out the door.

"Oh wow, you're back already! Valask asked me to get supplies, but I've never gone on a job far from the village before. Did you already get everything?"

Space Lawyer
2015-06-07, 07:22 PM
Kel pops open her new umbrella. "Barring an unexpected detour into some ancient cave or overgrown wilderness, I think I've got everything we need." Not that there was much wilderness to be had around these parts; even the forests that separated the rolling field and farmlands always had a manicured feel to them. Maybe the humans around here though themselves explorers traipsing through these trees, but Kel had spent time in the Queen's Woods. That was a whole different sort of environment; some of the trees had been around far longer than the current Age had, apparently. Still, calmed didn't necessarily mean tamed, and there were things out there to be wary of. Best to stick to the roads and the villages.

2015-06-07, 07:33 PM
Marak - Dwarf Bard

"Sure, sure," Marak slurs. "We should probably go to bed early so we can get started in the morning. We should also buy supplies, but it's a little late now and I may not be completely sober, so it's better to shop in the morning."

OOC: I'll need to make a list for the shopping trip, but at the least we'll need rations, camping supplies, and Marak needs some throwing stars and a bow and arrows. I took Heaven's Arrow, but haven't gotten around to equipping him properly.

2015-06-07, 07:49 PM
"That's fine. I do need rations, though I should otherwise be well equipped already," he mentions, shrugging a bit and having a sip of his drink, listening idly to the others talking about the others that had entered.

2015-06-07, 09:33 PM
"Great!" Kyllen punched the air.

"Oh, I like your parasol! Maybe I should get something extra for the trip too. Oh, do you need any help with things? I want to make sure everything's ready for tomorrow, first big job away from the guild and all..."

He's like an excited puppy, you guys.

2015-06-08, 11:33 AM
In the Common Room:
The old man just shrugs. "The Four Aces play it pretty close to the chest."

The night passes uneventfully, just a ordinary night in an ordinary town. The morning breaks bright and clear, a few patches of pleasant white clouds in a beautiful blue sky.

2015-06-08, 11:43 AM
Valask bangs heavily on Kel's door, as his agitation grows so does his grumbling and the power of each blow.
They were suppose to be on their way by now.
Valask had already loaded the mans cart for him, along with their gear.

He knocked once on Kyllen's door and moved on when he heard a crashing commotion inside.
But Kel's room, not a stir.

'Thats it' he thought to himself as he stepped back and raised a heavy boot, ready to kick the door in.

You can have him kick the door in or interrupt, Outcome/ interaction open to anyone. :smallcool:

2015-06-08, 11:58 AM
The next morning, Serrin is up before the sun is fully out, and is quick to get ready and to head back out towards the guildhouse itself to meet up with the monk and the commander, knowing they did agree to go first thing. He just hopes their own definition of 'first thing' doesn't vary too much from his own.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-08, 01:07 PM
A thoroughly grumpy Kel yanks open the door. "Are you insane? she hisses. She points to loose tripwire, which was connected to what appeared to be a series of darts whose tips glistened a wicked green. "Try not to kick any poor villagers doors down when we get Summerfield."

Kel collects herself, and grabs her belongings. It was going to be a long day.

2015-06-08, 01:29 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

Marak was accustomed to getting up early at the monastery, and arrives at the guild house by dawn, with only a slight hangover. He reminds his companions that he needs to buy a few things before leaving, but is otherwise quiet. He's used to traveling light, but with an adventure on hand, he knows he should be better prepared.

Once I get the opportunity, I'll purchase a longbow and 20 arrows, a dozen throwing stars, a dagger, and standard adventuring gear, along with a healing potion.

2015-06-08, 02:08 PM
Miserichorde is waiting for the monk and necromancer at the front of the guildhouse. Last night she drank enough to drown a small whale... yet she seems perfectly fine, even broodingly thoughtful, as she stares off into the rising sun.

She catches sight of Marak and Serrin and gives them a nod; her demeanor is dramatically less light than last night, though not entirely brusque.

"Morning, chaps. Any business we need to attend to?"

2015-06-08, 02:26 PM
"Well it seems that there's a bit of shopping to do first. I should probably acquire some rations, but otherwise I'm set to go as soon as you all are," he tells them.

His skeleton, of course, can be seen nearby, just watching the group of them for now.

2015-06-08, 02:33 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

"To the market, then," Marak says, leading the way.

2015-06-08, 07:36 PM
Kyllen came running out of his room, loaded for bear. Overloaded, probably. He's a skinny kid.

"Are you guys ready to go?"

He practically bounced with excitement before he managed to contain himself.

"Oh um, Kel, do you need me to carry anything for you?"

Space Lawyer
2015-06-09, 10:14 AM
Kel glances at the bulging pack on Kyllen's back. "Errm, no, that's all right. I've got it." Truthfully, she did. Kel had a tendency to travel light - the things she needed often didn't take much room, and anything else she needed she could simply steal. "Let's get going."

She leads the gorup downstairs to where the farmer, Gregor, was waiting. "Aight, nows you faulks fixed ta go?" Could humans really not even speak their own language correctly? "Yes, I think so. Anything else you all need?"

2015-06-09, 10:44 AM
Valask mumbles a little prayer before carefully loading his sword and shield into the cart, then jumping in after them.
He reaches out offering a helping hand.
"C'mon, let's get going then" he calls back with an eager smile. His bird squawks over head as it circles them.

Valask watches the skeleton nearby, he knows it was from the guild but still trusted it very little.

2015-06-09, 01:22 PM
"Alright, adventure time!"

Kyllen punches the air. And nearly falls over.

2015-06-09, 09:14 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

Once they arrive at the market, Marak goes from stall to stall, wasting no time in order to purchase the items he needs. He barely even haggles. "I will pay you fourteen gold for this," he tells one merchant, holding up a longbow. When the merchant attempts to raise the price, he puts the item down and moves to the next stall. That merchant has already seen how unwilling Marak is to haggle, so it's left up to him to decide whether to take or leave Marak's offer. Since Marak's offer is scrupulously fair, a surprising number take it, and the whole thing's over pretty quickly.


12 Throwing stars
8 gp, 4 sp

14 gp

20 arrows
2 gp

Adventuring gear

5 gp

Healing potion
50 gp

4 gp

83 gp, 4 sp

2015-06-10, 03:55 AM
Let's do the Time Skip Again!


It's summer and you're in a field, but this isn't Summerfield. By the directions Gregor gave you when you hopped off his cart you should be getting close, maybe another couple hours walk. It is beginning to get dark. Up ahead you see a farmhouse not far off the road. Perhaps they could let you sleep in the barn?

Dhane's Ranch
While the other group headed east then turned north. The trek to Blumill from Verin was decidedly northward. You reach the outskirts of Blumill, a small town built around a mill, about dusk.

2015-06-10, 01:48 PM
Serrin's fairly quiet for the trip, but that's not likely too terribly surprising to the others.

"Well then," he starts to say as they actually arrive at the place, walking forward a bit and starting to look around.

"I suppose we should just go straight to the ranch, then?" he muses, motioning in that general direction if it's visible. The thought that it may be a bit late doesn't even really cross his mind.

2015-06-10, 02:32 PM
Valask loudly tells stories during the trip, either boasting of his ability or preaching, but it's all in good fun with a laugh and a smile.

As they eye the farm ahead he turns to the others.
"If we hustle we shouldn't get caught in the dark for long, if at all.

He checks on the torches he packed. He knew the chances of beating night fall were slim but he wanted to push on.

Those missing kids are relying on us.
He looks to Kyllen, if he could sway him then Kel would be out voted.

So what do you say? We use our legs and push on hard, like men, or do you need to nap?

Space Lawyer
2015-06-10, 02:42 PM
Kel sits on a rock by the side of the road, then *blip*

She is leaning on a tree a small bit down the road. "Feel free to keep on walking; you'll get tired long before I do. We'll just show up to Summerfield in the middle of the night, armed and bearing torches, asking intrusive questions about the village and the children. I'm sure we'll get a warm reception."

2015-06-10, 02:52 PM
Miserichorde's eyes are everywhere except her companions. She at least has a decent expectation that they won't suddenly jump at her and drain her blood; everything else, not so much. Its clear she'd rather not fight in the dark.

"Yes, lets go find the ranchers, and get some intel on this area and what we are dealing with. Its getting dark.

"So... which direction is the ranch?"

2015-06-10, 03:10 PM
"I want to be a man!" declares Kyllen.

"But, um... I kind of agree with Miss Kel. I'd rather not face another mob this week, if I can help it."

2015-06-10, 03:15 PM
Valask grumbles at the kid, letting him know he was disappointed. "Alright ladies, let's go impose on these good people then."

He re-adjusts his supplies, and marches on to the farm house where he will politely knock on the door.

2015-06-10, 03:21 PM
"Wait a moment. This is a smaller town. I imagine they have less experience dealing with..." he motions to his Skeleton, considering for a moment.

Serrin reaches down and tugs his cloak off, leaving him with fairly normal looking clothes underneath, if a bit cheap and thin, and he wraps it around the skeleton, who just sort of sits there while he works. The cloak already has a bit of his hair in it, so that's taken care of already.

"Let's see..." he takes a moment, as if considering how he can go about this, "Do either of you have a mask of any sort? If not, I may need to wrap him a little tighter and see about buying one tomorrow morning" he mentions, frowning a bit.

2015-06-10, 06:35 PM
Misericorde shook her head no, then regarded the skeleton with a critical eye, head canted to the side a bit and a fingernail carefully being chewed upon.

"Hope you're buying the next round, because the only way thats gonna fool anyone is if everyone is dead drunk. But it'll have to do... err, what do we call 'it' anyway?"

2015-06-10, 06:40 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

"Skelly," Marak says decisively.

He looks around and eyes the setting sun. "I say that we go to the ranch now and introduce ourselves. We can have the skeleton hang back. We'll probably want to keep a watch on the cattle tonight, in case whatever it is shows up. Or . . . can Skelly keep watch?"

2015-06-10, 07:04 PM
"I'll get one tomorrow morning, then," he says with a shrug and a sigh, about the mask. He nods a bit at Misericorde, but it's the best he can do right now.

A brow is raised, though, at the monk's suggestion as to a 'name', "Isn't that a bit obvious?" he asks, shaking his head, "Just call it 'Sam' or something if anyone asks," he adds on with a shrug.

"But yes, he can keep watch, most likely, and I can set up an alarm with it so we'll know if something approaches, and he can then perhaps hold it off, if needbe," he mentions.

2015-06-11, 12:14 AM
Summerfield Group:

As Valask knocks, you hear a rustling then the door opens. A large man holding a stave appears at the door, behind him is a broad shouldered youth with a kitchen knife. "What do you want stranger?" The farmer attempts to look and sound fierce, but the effect is a tad comical to a group of seasoned adventurers.

2015-06-11, 02:16 AM
Valask bows as deeply as his armour will permit.
"evening good sir, me and my companions were on our way to summerfield to offer our assistance in the search for the missing children, however I fear we won't make it by dark and was hoping you would be so kind as to let us take refuge from the dark night in your barn.

"If you wish we will be in and out without disturbing a thing, otherwise, well, we can be pretty good company and help out a little"

With that, with a heavy hand he pats Kyllen on the back, volunteering the boy.

[roll0]+1cha +2lvl +1 temple acolyte (or+3 if you accept field medic, it's hard persuading the stubborn glory bound)

2015-06-11, 08:45 AM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

"All right, then, let's find this ranch," Marak says. "Skelly can lag behind and keep watch once we talk to the folk there."

2015-06-11, 01:26 PM

The farmer relaxed a bit then spoke somewhat more quietly. "Fine, it isn't locked. Just be out by morning." The farmer then shut the door in Valask's face. Something clearly had the locals spooked.

2015-06-11, 01:48 PM
Valask turns to the others, looking blankly...
He raises his shield and studies his face in the reflection from different angles, opening his mouth and checking his teeth.
Convinced he scrubbed up alright he speaks "huh, I thought I was quite pleasent... Oh well better get set in, Kyllen lead the way. he nods the boy towards the barn.
He will wait until Kyllen is out of earshot then whispers seriously to Kel, a hint of concern in his voice.
'do you want to investigate?'

Surely she could tell something was off, but reading people wasn't really Valask's thing. Unless it was written on them, and involved making them unconscious first.

2015-06-11, 04:27 PM
Kyllen happily trundles off to the barn, leaving a trail of Dancing Lights to illuminate the way.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-11, 04:37 PM
"Sure. We can take a look around, ask a a few questions." The first object of interest was, in fact, the door itself. She places her hand on it, feeling the little spark inside the thin wood.

"Greetings, Door. How are you feeling? Is the farmer keeping you properly oiled and not slamming you?"

2015-06-12, 12:22 AM
The door replies. "Was open, but nobody went through." Despite the fact that it had no voice it still managed to convey that it was dejected. As for being slammed it did seem somewhat grumpy over that.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-12, 10:06 AM
"I'm sorry to hear that. Has anyone strange come through recently? Anybody odd come to stand in front of you?. We're looking for someone that we think has been lurking about, maybe even breaking in doors and not using them correctly."

2015-06-13, 08:40 PM

"Only odd person is you, how are you talking to me." It's not very informative.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-13, 09:27 PM
"I see. Thank you very much. Have a nice night, and make sure to stick if the farmer doesn't oil you."

Kel turns to Valask. "The door hasn't seen anything. If we want to get anything, we've got to either break in to snoop around, or knock and ask the farmer some questions."

2015-06-14, 02:36 AM
"I hate to say this but Kel your an at*mumbles*ve woman. Our best bet is to lure the young man out, give him a reason to display his strength. Play the damsel in distress, just don't over do it. No breaking in and no stealing!

With that he will reach for her back pack. Valask will leave this up to Kel while he goes and helps Kyllen set up.
Truth is he was starting to worry about all the flamable hay in the barn. No smoke, yet.

Valask follows the trail of peculiar little dancing flames.

2015-06-14, 10:29 AM
Marak - Dwarf Bard

"So, anyone know where this ranch is?" Marak asked. He looks around for someone to ask, or maybe an inn or tavern--something that's open this time of day.

2015-06-14, 12:45 PM
"I'm sure if we just ask where Dhane's ranch is, someone here can tell us," he says to them, though his expression says he's probably not figuring himself to be the one asking about for such things. Especially given the fact that most people will assume vampires or some such, and he doesn't exactly have a lively look to him.

2015-06-14, 04:12 PM
"Yes, agreed. Let's get a move one... and yeah, lets keep skelly outside town for now."

As was her habit in towns, Miserichorde kept her weapons stowed but loosened their belts; she had her shield on arm but made a show of seemingly fussing at its edge, disguising her wariness with distracted fastidiousness.

Do we see anything like an open public building, a tavern or inn? Whats the town like anyway?

Space Lawyer
2015-06-14, 05:51 PM
Painted lips curl in distaste. Kel hated playing the damsel in distress. She wasn't ever some simpering fool waiting helplessly for a hero to come save her.

Still, Valask was right. The bumpkin youth had probably been raised on a steady diet of heroic tales, and the opportunity to make a rescue of the fair elf maiden (*snrk*) would probably have him springing out of the house in a flash.

Kel crosses to the other side of the road into a copse of darkened trees. This was going to be so embarrassing.

"EEEEEK! Help me! What is this - oh, pffft, spiders! Ahhh! Somebody get these things off me!"

2015-06-14, 10:26 PM

There is only one tavern in Bluemill. It's not a large town just a few streets with a three-story water mill painted bright blue at the center of town. The tavern is creatively named The Blue Mill Inn. It's a fairly quiet night, a few local shopkeepers speaking over a glass of wine in one corner, and a rancher and his men eating at the counter.

While Kel plays damsel, the others hear raised voices coming from inside the house. You can't make out the words. It sounds like the son wants to check on you, but the parents won't allow it.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-15, 10:32 AM
"Oh no! My clothes are getting caught on these branches and thorns!"

Charisma+ Secret police (lying and acting) + level: [roll0]

2015-06-15, 04:13 PM
Kyllen gasps.

"Miss Kel is in trouble!"

He tosses aside his bag, magic wreathing him as he rushes to her aid.

2015-06-15, 09:14 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

Spotting the rancher, Marak walks up to him and introduces himself. "You wouldn't be the owner of Dhane's Ranch, would you? We're here about the job posting."

2015-06-16, 02:44 AM
Serrin leaves the skeleton hidden at the edge of town for the time being, and follows after the others. As Marak starts to talk to the ranchers, he moves to follow as well, but lets him do the talking for the moment.

2015-06-16, 03:48 AM
Kyllen gasps.

"Miss Kel is in trouble!"

He tosses aside his bag, magic wreathing him as he rushes to her aid.

A heavy gauntlet catches the boys shoulder, Valask just laughs.
"Keep your pants on boy, that woman ain't in no trouble, and if she were, do you really think she would call out like that?"

There's something going on here, and well, Kel has 'unique' methods of finding things out. You see, sometimes you need to dip a toe into the river of deceit in the name of the greater good, just don't let the current pull you in.

We will help these people even if they don't ask for it.
For the light of the divine chases away all shadows, not just those it is aimed at.

2015-06-16, 12:51 PM

A few moments of silence are followed by the sound of a window sliding open, then the young man from earlier came walking around the house. He was still holding the knife but his manner was anything but threatening. "Miss? Do you need help?" His words were tentative as he walked in the general direction of Kel.


"No, I'm not Dhane. He's not been in town since he sent that notice around." The rancher grimaced. "I've had some of the same trouble, but Dhane's been hit hard." The other rancher goes on about his troubles but explains that Dhane's Ranch is about half a day's ride to the east.

2015-06-16, 02:11 PM

Kyllen actually looks a bit disappointed that he doesn't get to play hero. His magic sloughs off him like water off a duck, splattering on the ground.

"Well cripes, let me know next time. I could have blown the whole scheme!"

2015-06-16, 09:37 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

"I see," Marak says. "I suppose this means we won't be arriving tonight. Is there more you can tell us about the trouble you've been having?"

2015-06-16, 09:41 PM
"Yes, I don't suppose you've actually seen any of what's been doing this? Even if just a vague figure that could be differentiated between humanoid and not?" he adds on.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-18, 01:23 PM
Kel holds her position. Remember, this is just some bumpkin kid. No hurting him.

She walks out into the open, hands open and non-threatening.

"In fact I do. I have some questions that I think you can answer. What is your name?"

2015-06-19, 01:13 PM

"It's Danel, miss, Danel Koper." The young man was probably about 16 and awkwardly lanky, he'd most likely fill out and be a fairly brawny man in a couple years. At the moment he had a somewhat distrustful look in his eye.


"Nobody has seen the thing. But one of my boys says he heard it. Let me get 'im for you." The rancher calls over one of his men who proceeds to describe a high pitched buzzing sound.

The rest of the night goes by uneventfully. You are able to find lodging and manage to get Skelly into town with a minimum of fuss.

2015-06-19, 03:04 PM
"A buzzing sound?", he asks, trying to think through what that could mean, "At any rate, thank you, that's something at least," he mentions in return.

That night, he'll also see if he can find someone selling a mask if there's any sort of a market in the small village. If not, he'll just be careful about skelly for now.

Roll to see if the buzzing sound is enough to give me anything else to work from as to what this might be:

2015-06-20, 04:30 AM
[roll0] Vslask looks for any odd tracks or prints around the grounds.

2015-06-20, 03:11 PM
Serrin will mention to the others when out of range of the ranchers, "The buzzing sound combined with the blood loss, as well as the focus on larger animals over people... it has to be stirges. At least, I'm almost entirely certain."

2015-06-20, 03:19 PM
Marak - Dwarf Monk

"So not vampires, then," Marak says. He's not sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. "Still, we should get out there. We're going to have to find the nest and destroy it." With that, he begins the trek to Dhane's Ranch.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-20, 04:09 PM
"Good to meet you, Daniel. I'm Kel. My friends and I are adventurers, from the Dungeon Slayers guild over in Verin. We're here to find out about those children that have gone missing, and put an end to it if we can. Do you know anything about what has been going on? Any odd happenings, suspicious people lurking about? Well, suspicious people other than myself."

2015-06-22, 11:47 PM

"No, Ma'am. We ain't seen nobody. If we had, with children going missing, they wouldn't have gotten real far." The boy said hesitantly. He seemed honest not much guile in this one.

Valask finds no tracks other than the kind a farm would normally produce.

Space Lawyer
2015-06-24, 07:48 PM
"Where do the children like to go around here? Where would they have gone if they were looking to get away from their parents? Any secret spots around here? Don't worry; we've little reason to tell anyone."

2015-06-26, 01:06 AM
Serrin will go to follow the monk, after he finishes his check around for shopping opportunities, eager to get this taken care of as well.

So would he be able to get his hands on a mask or no?

And sorry for the slowness, was thinkign misericord would be posting again, based on what was said, so was waiting on that.