View Full Version : 3rd Ed Control Temperature?

2015-06-03, 01:21 PM
The spell Control Temperature from Frostburn has the following description:

You imbue an area with cold or fire energy, reducing or raising the temperature by one temperature band per five caster levels. Effects of the new temperature on creatures and the environment are incurred immediately (see Cold Dangers, page 8 of this book, and Heat Dangers, page 303 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
I have no idea what a "temperature band" is. Google search results aren't showing anything useful. I'm stuck scratching my head here wondering if I'm simply an idiot for not knowing what it means. Can someone help me with this?

2015-06-03, 01:26 PM
It's referring to a table of different temperatures. There's one on Frostburn pg. 9. There's probably also one in the DMG (and I'd wager there's one in Sandstorm), but I already found the one in Frostburn, so that should do.

2015-06-03, 01:31 PM
It's listed in the Frostburn book what the different bands are:

Temperature Band

Extreme Heat
140° F or more

Severe Heat
110° F to 140° F

90° F to 110° F

60° F to 90° F

40° F to 60° F

40° F to 0° F

Severe Cold
-20° F to 0° F

Extreme Cold
-50° F to -20° F

Unearthly Cold
-50° F or less

What each band does and how to protect yourself from it is covered in Frostburn as well.

2015-06-03, 01:32 PM
I didn't think to check the rest of the book to see if it said anything about temperature bans. Thanks, man.

2015-06-03, 06:16 PM
You might also be interested in the rules compendium section on the effects of different temperatures. They exists elsewhere, but RC just has them put together very nicely.