View Full Version : Will these things play have an important role? *Spoilers*

2007-04-23, 05:15 PM
I've just been going through the archive again, and I've just realized something.

We're all forgetting about a couple of things.

The first thing: What about the wizard? You know, the one that was in prison. The "I suppose" that Hinjo got as a response probably means that she's somewhere with the forces. Does anybody have a guess on what her role in this might play?

Secondly: What about Hinjo's package? It's probably important, but does anybody have any clue what it might include?

It might be a bit odd to think of it with the more important things currently going on in the plot, but either of those things might be important soon. Does anybody have a guess on what they might do?

And yes, spoilers might not be in my post, per say, but they will probably crop up soon, so I felt that it was a good idea to put it in.

2007-04-23, 05:16 PM
Oh, AND....the nameless prisoner! That wasn't on the records. I'd kinda assumed it was Nale and his pack, but....

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the package was used solely for the purpose of the double entendre. Or, maybe it was the poke'ball.

2007-04-23, 05:19 PM
Oh, AND....the nameless prisoner! That wasn't on the records. I'd kinda assumed it was Nale and his pack, but....

Oh, and I'm pretty sure the package was used solely for the purpose of the double entendre. Or, maybe it was the poke'ball.

The package was the custom pokéball for professor oak. Otherwise, the stupid shopkeeper would refuse to sell him a pokéball. :smallwink:

2007-04-23, 06:37 PM
As amusing as that would be, I somehow doubt that it would be that, considering that Miko already had one before the delivery, and I seriously doubt that Hinjo would wait that many levels before having a mount.

And yeah, the 3 prisoners not on record would be Nale, Sabine, and Thog. Unless they were somehow recorded afterwards and some 3 other random prisoners were somehow captured without records for some odd plot reason, that is.