View Full Version : Congratulations, Thog!

2007-04-23, 05:47 PM
Though things are not looking good for Roy, let us remember that four hundred strips ago we first met his green skinned doppleganger, who would one day be known as one of the funniest characters this comic has been blessed with. So gather you're puppies and ice cream, and come to appreciate :thog: !

:thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog:

2007-04-23, 05:50 PM
:thog: :thog: :thog:

2007-04-23, 06:10 PM
:roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy: :roy:

I am not pleased.

2007-04-23, 06:16 PM
:thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog:
What will Thog think about all this? Seriously, does he get kicked out of the Linear Guild now? Since he doesn't have a good oppasite to be the evil oppasite to?

2007-04-23, 06:34 PM
Who says Thog is getting a transfer between adventuring parties? Roy's only dead NOW. He is most likely NOT going to be perma-dead.

Besides, Thog may like not-Nale, but Nale has a way with words(and Suggestion spells).

Sorry, Thog. No transfer for you.
(Though I do think Thog is slowly drifting toward Chaotic Neutral, away from his initial Chaotic Evil starting alignment package.)

2007-04-23, 06:35 PM
Thog fears he will never again know the majesty of the Gumdrop Mountains!

2007-04-23, 06:39 PM
:thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog: :thog:
What will Thog think about all this? Seriously, does he get kicked out of the Linear Guild now? Since he doesn't have a good oppasite to be the evil oppasite to?

OK, thanks SO much for putting "WWTD"* in my head.:smallfurious:

*What Would Thog Do

2007-04-23, 06:39 PM
okay, thog have new rule now: everyone must talk like thog unless they bring thog lots of ice cream! with sprinkles!

((Optional, but it will help the mood.))

2007-04-23, 08:23 PM
Yeah if Roy doesn't get resurrected Nale will have to ditch Thog. All you Thog lovers had better hope that he isn't dead for good. :smallyuk:

2007-04-23, 09:47 PM
Nooooo. More Thog threads.

2007-04-23, 10:06 PM
or thug will join the order of stick then nale will have to get an ant- thog

2007-04-23, 10:18 PM
Due to unfortunate typo in dwarven religious books, Thog was elected to be one of the leaders of Norse pantheon. Luckily, all the merchandise that was inscribed with WWTD didn't need to be changed.

True story. Really happened that way.

2007-04-24, 01:36 PM
thog happy talky-man go splat! :thog:

2007-04-24, 03:14 PM
:thog: Yay Thog!

2007-04-24, 03:44 PM
OK, thanks SO much for putting "WWTD"* in my head.:smallfurious:

*What Would Thog Do

This does to my signature.

2007-04-24, 05:24 PM
It's been pretty obvious that Thog ignores Roy unless absolutely necessary. Thog ignores most characters unless hitting them. I don't see how Roy's death will suddenly make him sit up and take notice.

2007-04-24, 05:30 PM
Thog like breaking stuff.

V Junior
2007-04-25, 01:49 AM
junior confuzzled. will thog go now talky-man is gone? :(

2007-04-25, 03:47 AM
or thug will join the order of stick then nale will have to get an ant- thog

Who is thug lol

2007-04-25, 06:52 AM
So, Thog is the only Linear Guild member so far to succeed and take out his Stick.

Yeah, he planned all this...

2007-04-25, 07:13 AM
Yay Thog. I think he's really sweet actually I have taken a liking to him throughout OotS speshly in the Thog like puppies page and where he and Elan went to find Nale. Thog is really good at heart.

:thog: YAY!:thog:
*hugs Thog plushy*

2007-04-25, 09:40 AM
Hmm, imagine:
since Roy is a bit down at the moment :smallbiggrin: and the OoTS need a new "Tank" (god bless mmo´s) maybe Nale will throw out Thog since Thog no longer has a good counterpart in the Order, this could result in Thog as a member of the Order, and (as we all hope and pray for) Roy will reappear, as a member of the Linear Guild, due to his outrage of being thrown out of his own party.


2007-04-25, 05:09 PM
Maybe Nale'll ty to get thog into a dangerous situation and save him in order to make him the opposite?

brian c
2007-04-25, 08:07 PM
Yeah if Roy doesn't get resurrected Nale will have to ditch Thog. All you Thog lovers had better hope that he isn't dead for good. :smallyuk:

I don't get why people keep saying this. Nale found replacement members to be opposites, but the original Linear Guild members just happened to coincidentally be evil opposites. Seeing how useful Thog is, I don't think Nale would drop him just because Roy died; besides that, Roy isn't likely to stay dead, and it's not just as easy as saying "Sorry Thog, we're gonna have to let you go"

2007-04-26, 06:36 AM
I don't get why people keep saying this. Nale found replacement members to be opposites, but the original Linear Guild members just happened to coincidentally be evil opposites. Seeing how useful Thog is, I don't think Nale would drop him just because Roy died; besides that, Roy isn't likely to stay dead, and it's not just as easy as saying "Sorry Thog, we're gonna have to let you go"

He didn't have any problem with getting thog crushed by a giant anvil.

2007-04-26, 07:49 AM
Thog fears he will never again know the majesty of the Gumdrop Mountains!I love that line...:thog:

What Would Thog Do
Now that is a truely scary thought!

Rai Thunder
2007-04-26, 08:12 AM
Hmm, imagine:
since Roy is a bit down at the moment :smallbiggrin: and the OoTS need a new "Tank" (god bless mmo´s) maybe Nale will throw out Thog since Thog no longer has a good counterpart in the Order, this could result in Thog as a member of the Order, and (as we all hope and pray for) Roy will reappear, as a member of the Linear Guild, due to his outrage of being thrown out of his own party.


Yeah, but if Roy comes back to life, there's no chance he'll have been thrown out of the OOTS. If Thog replaced him beforehand, Thog would get kicked out. Roy is the heart and soul of the team anyway.