View Full Version : Optimization 3.5 OR Pathfinder - 0 BAB character

2015-06-04, 10:41 AM
As in title. 0 BAB. Null. At lvl 20.

Is it possible to do viable char with that single limitation? 3.5 or PF, no hybrid.

2015-06-04, 10:45 AM
If you don't use partial base attack bonus, yes, you can. Just keep taking levels in non-full-base attack classes, and pick up levels in ur-priest and things that advance divine casting. Yes, you will end up with loads of prerequisites you need to spend feats and skill points on, but you'll still have 9th-level cleric spells at the end.

There's only one class that I know of that doesn't give you base attack, War Hulk, but it requires 5 base attack to enter.

Evan Epis
2015-06-04, 10:47 AM
I would say 3.5.
There are many PrC that you can combine with lvl1 dips to achieve that.
In PF, I'm not so sure.

2015-06-04, 10:52 AM
Absolutely. Here is a build that I had posted in one of the dipping builds post.

Beguiler 1/Conjurer 1/Master Specialist 1/Rogue 1/Ultimate Magus 1/Visionary Seeker 1/Mage of the Arcane Order 1/Geometer 1/Mindbender 1/Unseen Seer 1/Fatespinner 1/Wayfarer Guide 1/Incantrix 1/Arcane Trickster 1/Arcane Devotee 1/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Divine Oracle 1/Loremaster 1/Elemental Savant 1/Archmage 1

Spell Progression and Caster Level Wizard 17
Spell Progression and Caster Level Beguiler 2

Assuming Human (with no flaws) Feat Progression
1: Spell Focus (conjuration), Versatile Spellcaster
2: Scribe Scroll (B)
3: Enlarge Spell, Skill Focus (spellcraft) (B)
6: Cooperative Spell
9: Mindsight
12: Iron Will
13: Quicken Spell
15: Skill Focus (knowledge [religion])
18: Energy Substitution (to taste), Spell Focus (transmutation)

at Level 20: BAB +0, Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +36

2015-06-04, 11:14 AM
Survivor is a Prestige Class from Savage Species with 5 levels that grants no BAB. You can enter it with Commoner, or you could do something like: Rogue 1 / Psychic Warrior 1 / Wizard 1 / Survivor 5. simply add on Prestige Classes with 0 BAB and +1 Manifester Level or +1 Caster level. There are plenty of those.

2015-06-04, 11:26 AM
I wonder if there's a good way to do it melee style. My thought is that you do commoner into survivor, or something like that for about five levels, and then you pick up divine power temporarily somehow, probably through an item, after which point you take war hulk for ten levels. Fill a couple of levels with the LA and/or RHD necessary to get large, and fill the last couple with some worthwhile dips (cleric is an obvious good one, and there are others), and I figure that you have yourself an at least halfway competent melee build, owing primarily to massive strength from both war hulk and whatever monster you're using. Either that or it's awful. Whichever.

2015-06-04, 12:29 PM
I'd probably start with LE Dragonborn Krynn Minotaur Totemist 1 shaping Claws of the Wyrm, Dragon Tail and Sphinx Claws(later to be bound via Open Least Soulmeld (Hands) with Shape Soulmeld (Incarnate Avatar), and then paying someone for a permenencied Enlarge Person to qualify for War Hulk

2015-06-04, 02:07 PM
Isn't War Hulk a Complete Warrior class? That means that you lose all of the benefits of the class whenever you lose its prerequisites, so you'd either have Divine Power up and rock (but have a nonzero BAB), or you'd not have Divine Power, have zero BAB, and totally suck.

On the other hand, this also enables the Bruce Banner build: Start with whatever humanoid (halfling for the laughs, but anything will work), take three levels of Stoneblessed to count as a Goliath, take one level of barbarian with the goliath racial substitution level, and then take War Hulk. When you're calm, you're just some dude, but when you get angry, you become large and really, really strong.

2015-06-04, 02:15 PM
Isn't War Hulk a Complete Warrior class? That means that you lose all of the benefits of the class whenever you lose its prerequisites, so you'd either have Divine Power up and rock (but have a nonzero BAB), or you'd not have Divine Power, have zero BAB, and totally suck.

Nope. Miniature's handbook. I checked, for you and I are apparently similar brands of crazy where this sorta thing is concerned.

2015-06-04, 02:47 PM
Stoneblessed also grants BAB through its three levels so for the OP it's a no-go.