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View Full Version : Free (or low-cost) campaign-sharing resources?

2015-06-04, 03:11 PM
My regular group plays roughly biweekly, and we swap between a couple of different campaigns. As some of the storylines have been going on for > 5 years, it's gotten hard for the players to keep track of NPCs, major plot points, etc. What would be just about ideal would be a free wiki-hosting service with the ability to lock down the editing functionality to the appropriate users. Any suggestions?

2015-06-04, 03:44 PM
There are probably a couple of options, but the best by far that I have found, that I still actively use today, is Obsidian Portal. (https://www.obsidianportal.com/) Without paying anything, you can set up a campaign setting, write out a wiki, provide images and maps, keep track of characters and major NPCs, list important items, and keep a campaign log. In it's free state it has pretty much everything a beginning GM needs to keep track of their game. As is the case with a lot of free services like this, you can pay for additional perks, but the site, formatting, and hosting are all provided for free.

Additionally, other players can sign up using Google, Twitter, or Facebook and join your campaign as players. Editing functionality can be granted to them by you if you wish, but by default the only person who can edit your campaign's wiki is you.

2015-06-04, 05:01 PM
Sounds pretty much perfect. Thanks!