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True believer
2015-06-04, 05:11 PM
Dear members

I am going to play a TN 18 level wizard with the magister template. I will be part of a mostly Evil party that brings chaos along it.

In RP terms the magister template doesn't stuck with the entrance in so famous, evil party. Any suggestions on a RP that balancing both of them ??? The concept is playable or should i get read of the template ???

2015-06-04, 06:22 PM
Well, I'm not big on Realms lore, but would you think that it would make it easier if you were Chaotic Neutral instead of True Neutral? You can promote magic and chaos at the same time, after all.

2015-06-04, 11:16 PM
From a RP perspective, the role of the magister is to encourage the ever-wider use of magic in the world. If you can rationalize that the various orders of magic in the world have stifled the spread of magic with their rules and restrictions, then a period of chaos would in fact be needed to restore the balance and allow magic to resume spreading through its natural course.