View Full Version : Choices for a brief, high level campaign.

2015-06-04, 05:31 PM
I have been invited to a game which is expected to run from level 14 to about level 18 and i was wanting to try some new classes/multiclasses - specifically the sorcerer as its metamagic looks pretty awesome.One thing I want is to try for the whole Gish type feel.

So, I was thinking - which of these ideas would be the best - and am I missing something obvious to improve these?

Idea 1
Take 11 levels of Eldritch Knight then Sorcerer.

This would give me a bunch of spell slots and the ability to give disadvantage on saves from the eldritch knight as well as three attacks. Sorcerer would give me a few more spell slots and most importantly metamagic. This would allow me to use 3 attacks, break resistance and then cast something like poison spray. This is probably less effective than just twinning a cantrip but it lets me get up in their face. The extra spells give utility as needed or, more often will convert to sorcery points. I kind of need the fighter chassis to get past the MAD problems. Race probably half elf.

Idea 2
Sorcerer x Paladin 11.

This would focus on what the paladin is good for - massive single target damage. In this case the aim would be to drop a quickened hold to get criticals on the target - followed by enough smite power to get the job done. Even searing smite becomes reasonable if you add charisma every turn. Race probably half Orc for bonus crit damage

Idea 3
Tempest Domain Cleric (at least 6 - probably 8), Eldritch Knight 6/8- take polearm master and sentinel then war caster. The aim is to use lightening damage and your movement coupled with reach to stop enemies getting in contact with you or your party. Shocking grasp will drive enemies away. Take spiritual weapon and or spirit guardians to round out damage whilst you control the battlefield for those situations where it is needed.

I don't know how good these will be in practice; I think that if you can maintain almost martial levels of damage output but add some fun utility spell in you should be able to have a good time. I like that fighter gives you so many ASIs - it lets you try some things that would otherwise be very silly. Any thoughts on what would be better?