View Full Version : Optimization Low Spoiler Solo Sorcerer Optimization Advice for Hardcover Shackled City in 3.5?

2015-06-04, 06:47 PM
Greetings, all!

In the future, I'd like to play the 3.5 Hardcover version of the Shackled City Adventure Path. This is a campaign that can go from level 1-20 for a standard 4-person party.

I, however, prefer to do things... differently. I'd like to start at ECL1 as the only full-time PC. I may take Leadership later, but that assumes I get to play at ECL6+. I plan to play a Fun, Powerful Sorcerer (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qtn0MDtFABUY9upKwTZlzd9SOeNPF7DHfzv4DsAma NQ&authuser=0) (that's my homebrew, and, yes, that's the official name) with Savage Aasimar (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) as my race - preferably with the Magic-Blooded (http://blackmarches.wikidot.com/magic-blooded) template.

Assuming 32 point buy and access to all official sources (though probably not "Dragon" beyond the feat Easy Metamagic), what sort of build do y'all recommend?

1: NO SPOILERS! NO SPOILERS! NO SPOILERS! Certain minor plot details may be necessary to answer this post, but I'd prefer to stay focused on the mechanical side of things to minimize spoilers! I know this campaign is set in Greyhawk in Cauldron. It's primarily an urban and a dungeon environment. The action occurs over the course of many chapters, whatever that entails. Judging by the cover of the book, there's probably a demon as a major plot point. Because this is D&D, there are probably all the D&D iconic creatures - illithids, umber hulks, beholders, dragons, demons, devils, and maybe some celestials.

2: I've heard this is a difficult campaign. Paizo made it. My intent is to play smart and gracefully and win.

3: My Fun, Powerful Sorcerer (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Qtn0MDtFABUY9upKwTZlzd9SOeNPF7DHfzv4DsAma NQ&authuser=0) has many notable improvements over the standard 3.5 PHB Sorcerer. Whenever I recover Sorcerer spells from resting, I can swap a Sorcerer spell known for another Sorcerer spell known of the same spell level. Metamagic doesn't inherently increase my Sorcerer spell cast time. I'm also effectively a single-classed Sorcerer/Incantatrix/Archmage, meaning I have spiffy class features without feat tax. (Were I to use a 3.5 PHB Sorcerer, I'd likely go that route.)

I went with my FPS class due to wanting to try it out. Sorcerers have intrigued me since 3.0, but have always sucked compared to Wizards - at least for me.

4: Hirelings and henchmen and trained animals are OK. Probably limit 3 full-time extra companions/pets due to time and space.

Summonlings are, of course, OK. The only 'limit' is how many I can cast at a time.

5: I chose Savage Aasimar (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) due to it granting +2 CHA, Outsider type (Native subtype) with no level adjustment! It also fits into my character image of an angel sent to the prime material plane to determine whether this place should be annihilated and wiped clean.

6: Alignment is unimportant to us. Even the noblest of Paladins in 3.5 is expected to kill things he and his masters don't like and take their stuff to better repeat the cycle. In short, we mostly ignore alignment for mechanical purposes and play with creature (sub)types instead. Thus, protection from alignment is instead protection from type - same effect, but the caster must specify a creature type or subtype upon casting, like [Shapechanger] or Outsider.

7: Low level survivability is of higher priority than high level survivability. Reaching ECL6 is the endpoint of what I consider 'low level' due to E6 (the eternity in low-level land) capping there. Level 4 spells @ECL7 (yes, that's part of the revision - and I need not go Kobold) chnage things notably, like via Avoral form for polymorph. (My sweet, sweet Ravid form via alter self is +15 natural armor and 60' fly (good) for 10 min/CL!)

8: I can learn Sanctified spells from Book of Exalted Deeds. If a Wizard can learn them, a low-ranking angel Sorcerer should be able to!

9: No gestalt. That complicates things and switches the focus from smart play to adding my CHA to everything twice.

10: Flaws and traits are OK.