View Full Version : Expedition to the Positive Energy Plane

2015-06-04, 10:06 PM
This is more of a theoretical exercise than anything else, but when reading the description of the Positive Energy Plane, the SRD intones, sinisterly:

An unprotected character on this plane swells with power as positive energy is force-fed into her. Then, her mortal frame unable to contain that power, she immolates as if she were a small planet caught at the edge of a supernova. Visits to the Positive Energy Plane are brief, and even then travelers must be heavily protected.

So I got to wondering: if you did want to go hang out on the Positive Energy Plane for a while, what sort of protection are we talking about here? What sort of spells or stuff would you have to do in order to hang out on the plane for a while?

(And yes, I know there's Planar Shepherd - can we be a bit more creative than that? :smallbiggrin: )

2015-06-04, 10:11 PM
Well, here are the relevant rules for major positive-dominant planes:

A creature on a major positive-dominant plane must make a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being blinded for 10 rounds by the brilliance of the surroundings. Simply being on the plane grants fast healing 5 as an extraordinary ability. In addition, those at full hit points gain 5 additional temporary hit points per round. These temporary hit points fade 1d20 rounds after the creature leaves the major positive-dominant plane. However, a creature must make a DC 20 Fortitude save each round that its temporary hit points exceed its normal hit point total. Failing the saving throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, killing it.

The easiest thing to do is just stab yourself every 6 seconds, and let the plane heal you. A metamagicked persisted thunderhead will do it for you. You could also acquire the Undead of Construct types, and be immune to non-object Fortitude saves.

Also, SRD notes that the PEP contains islands where it is merely minor positive-dominant and therefore you don't explode there.

2015-06-04, 10:14 PM
There's a Cleric 3 spell called Positive Energy Protection in the Bastion of Broken Souls module, which prevents the blinding and temporary HP. It's also quite handy for undead as protection against turning, and is available at CL 12 in Ring form at 16000 gp, in the back of the module.

EDIT: The module also includes rules for blindfolding yourself to prevent the blindness. You retain vision out to 300 feet.

2015-06-04, 10:17 PM
As flickerdart said, so long as you are taking damage you will be fine. A bleed effect would be perfect and is only a DC15 heal check to stop.

2015-06-04, 10:28 PM
Flat persistent damage sources in Core:

Bat swarm: 1 damage/round until stopped by a DC10 Heal check (does not stack).
Bearded Devil: 2 damage/round until stopped by a DC16 Heal check.
Horned Devil: 2 damage/round until stopped by a DC24 Heal check.

So just go tussle up some devils and their pet bats, and you're fine forever.

2015-06-04, 11:00 PM
The dangers from the PEP come from it being major-positive aligned. This causes you to gain temp HP. Too much causes you to FORT save vs blowing up. However, the effect doesn't effect objects. As a side-effect, undead and constructs don't risk blowing up (or any other creature with the 'immune to things that require a fort save that don't effect objects' immunity). Yes, undead are perfectly safe on the Positive. One should also note, however, that the PEP is an energy plane, not a plane of matter. So coming with some means of flight is recommended if you want something more than controlled falling.

2015-06-04, 11:06 PM
The Life Ward spell does the trick. Alternately, the Avoid Planar Effects spell or better yet, the Attune Form spell will protect you too. Attune Form is the best for this specific purpose since it lets you protect a decent number of people per casting for 24 hours at a time.
All of these can be found in the Spell Compendium.

2015-06-05, 04:00 AM
I recently came across a mundane item somewhere that was designed to let you stay on the plane. It was a form of bracelet that you wind up, and it then proceeds to cut your arm every round for I don't remember how long.

Now where the hell was it from? I think that it was from one of the web articles. Could maybe be dragon mag, but I'm definitely leaning towards web-articles. Ring any bells?

2015-06-05, 04:06 AM
The easiest thing to do is just stab yourself every 6 seconds, and let the plane heal you.

I wanted to quote this and highlight the fact that it is probably one of the funniest ways you could go about exploring a new place. Just a group of adventurers constantly stabbing themselves while the walk around looking for a reprieve from the constant positive energy.

2015-06-05, 04:56 AM
I recently came across a mundane item somewhere that was designed to let you stay on the plane. It was a form of bracelet that you wind up, and it then proceeds to cut your arm every round for I don't remember how long.

Now where the hell was it from? I think that it was from one of the web articles. Could maybe be dragon mag, but I'm definitely leaning towards web-articles. Ring any bells?

That's probably the 'Torture Bracelet', which is also from the Bastion of Broken Souls module.

2015-06-05, 05:19 AM
If one used a greater crystal of adaptation (3000) on his armor, wouldn't it protect him ?

2015-06-05, 08:02 AM
That's probably the 'Torture Bracelet', which is also from the Bastion of Broken Souls module.

Ah, yes, found it, 2d4 damage per round for 12 hours. For only 300 gp and no worry about getting dispelled/anti-magiced, I think it's a rather elegant solution.

Also, I'm now wondering whether there might be some way to exploit it. Surely there must be some way to benefit from taking low-ish damage per round. :smallconfused:

Honest Tiefling
2015-06-05, 11:01 AM
I don't suppose the plan of sending in minions to accomplish the job is a viable one? I mean, If I can go there, so can other people and they might have more experience in taking away immunity. So why not suit up a helpful little minion and send them in instead?

2015-06-05, 11:10 AM
I don't suppose the plan of sending in minions to accomplish the job is a viable one? I mean, If I can go there, so can other people and they might have more experience in taking away immunity. So why not suit up a helpful little minion and send them in instead?
When you want something done right, you have to do it yourself!

2015-06-05, 02:56 PM
Doesn't the PEP lack air? IIRC the NEP and the PEP are the most inhospitable planes.

2015-06-05, 03:37 PM
Doesn't the PEP lack air? IIRC the NEP and the PEP are the most inhospitable planes.
The DMG makes no mention of air-lacking, and the default assumption is that there is air. MotP/PlH might have more details.

2015-06-05, 03:44 PM
Doesn't the PEP lack air? IIRC the NEP and the PEP are the most inhospitable planes.

I think it does (lack, that is), but I'm not sure. It's an Energy plane, not a plane of matter (which apparently, fire is in dnd), so it's kinda lacking in stuff in general. The fact it does having living inhabitants (ravids, Lumi) seems to imply it does have at least some parts of it that have air.

I mean, where the PEP intersects with Air is almost definitely breathable, but has the issues you'd expect from a thing called 'the quasi-elemental plane of lightning'