View Full Version : Power Point Recharge Trick

2015-06-05, 12:13 AM
I read in a handbook about a Recharge Trick for Power points that involved Using Metapowered Synchronicity (with Linked Power) Alongside Midnight Augmentation To make a loop, where Synchronicity Linked to Bestow Power ended up costing 1 in total (The writer assumed Synchro (1PP) Linked to Bestow (3PP) Would cost 4, -2 from metapower -1 from Midnight augmentation = 4-3 = 1 So, he would be able to cast This again and again (given the action from synchro and sharing it with a lvl 3 psicrystal, having it focus for you thus essentially being able to restore his pool in 1 round, as long as he has half of it intact.)

When reading Midnight Augmentation, and as the name implies, the -1 PP only works when augmenting the power, Essentially rendering this trick obsolete.

Is is just like that? or am I missing something?

2015-06-05, 12:19 AM
the psionic tricks are pretty airtight. the one you're talking about is the first one in here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1187.0) under the title of the MoI recharge tricks. they do get a little involved at times. here's how this one works:

you're reducing the cost of bestow power to lower than the amount of power points it cost to manifest. this lets you fill up faster than you run out and top off.

2015-06-05, 12:21 AM
Synchronicity is 1PP

Linked power makes the second power basically count as an augmentation.

The Linked power you are manifesting is Bestow power. It costs 3 points.

Metapower reduces the Aug cost by 2
Midnight by another point.

This means you get Sync + Bestow power for 1PP.

Rinse, repeat.

P.S. You do need 2 psionic focuses(so Psycrystal containment) because Linked Power and Midnight Aug both require expending your Psionic Focus.

2015-06-05, 10:14 AM
P.S. You do need 2 psionic focuses(so Psycrystal containment) because Linked Power and Midnight Aug both require expending your Psionic Focus.

Schism gets you a third focus as well, because your secondary mind can take the purely mental action of recovering your focus for you (assuming Psionic Meditation.)

2015-06-05, 11:02 AM
Oh, so using a metapsionic feat on a power counts as augmenting it? thats good to know.

2015-06-05, 11:47 AM
Oh, so using a metapsionic feat on a power counts as augmenting it? thats good to know.

No it doesn't - rather, the idea is that you gain enough free PP from MABP that you can afford the metapsionics, which get you more actions, which let you recover even more etc.

2015-06-05, 11:56 AM
No it doesn't - rather, the idea is that you gain enough free PP from MABP that you can afford the metapsionics, which get you more actions, which let you recover even more etc.

how does it work, then?

2015-06-05, 02:19 PM
Yeah, I always read it as having to augment bestow power.

Starting cost: 1 (sync) + 6 (bestow power augmented) 7PP => 4 PP granted.

-2 Metapower
-2 Azurin + Midnight Augmentation

3PP => 4PP gained.

Note 1: You cannot do this in one round. You need to expend your psionic focus twice each loop in addition to manifesting (Metapsionics + Midnight Augmentation). You can certainly do it over several rounds.

Note 2: I strongly believe in that the RAI of the power was meant to never be able to target yourself under any circumstances. However, it totally works with two psionic characters targeting each other.

2015-06-05, 03:11 PM
Yeah, I always read it as having to augment bestow power.

Starting cost: 1 (sync) + 6 (bestow power augmented) 7PP => 4 PP granted.

-2 Metapower
-2 Azurin + Midnight Augmentation

3PP => 4PP gained.

Note 1: You cannot do this in one round. You need to expend your psionic focus twice each loop in addition to manifesting (Metapsionics + Midnight Augmentation). You can certainly do it over several rounds.

Note 2: I strongly believe in that the RAI of the power was meant to never be able to target yourself under any circumstances. However, it totally works with two psionic characters targeting each other.

The trick in the brainstorming post does not mention azurin, thus its not there. That's why I am asking, how does it work?

2015-06-05, 04:39 PM
The Azurin, a race from Magic of Incarnum fyi, gives you a free point of essentia and a bonus feat as human and while is not necessary for the trick can be useful if you wish use other incarnum stuff. Midnight Augmentation also gives you a point of essentia so you would then have 2 points of essentia. At the start of the day you can choose to invest any essentia you have into any essentia feats you have, i.e. Midnight Augmentation, at which point they are locked in there for the day, also as described in the feat you must choose a power (in this case Synchronicity, but it can be any other 1rst level power), and for the rest of the day when you augment that power in any way it reduces the cost of that augmentation by the amount invested (in this case 2).

You also have the Metaspionic Feats Linked Power and Metapower. With metapower you choose one power you know (Synchronicity, or whichever other power you chose) and one Metapsionic feat you know (Linked Power), and that power is now permanently modified by that Meatapsionic Feat (you can now no longer cast it without also using the Metapsionic Feat) but as a bonus the augmentation cost is now also permanently reduced by 2. With Linked Power you choose a second power to manifest when you manifest the first, with the second power activating the next round. You add the cost in PP to manifest the second power to the first as an augmentation cost.

With a Psionic Crystal and the Psicrystal Containment feat you can now have 2 psionic focuses (the feat Psionic Meditation you can gain focus as a move action, which causes this trick to work faster and is therefore recommended).

The trick then works as such.
Turn 1: Manifest the power Synchronicity on yourself, expending both your own focus and that of you psicrystal, and choose the power Bestow Power to be linked, costing you 1 PP (1 for Synchronicity, +3 for the augmentation Bestow Power, -2 for Midnight Augmentation, and -2 for Metapower). The power Synchronicity goes off this turn.
Turn 2: The power you previously linked activates, targeting yourself gaining 2 PP. You then spend your move action to psionicly focus yourself and your standard action to focus your psicrystal.

Continue to repeat this until you regain all lost PP, gaining 1PP every 2 rounds (total 5 PP per minute). It is generally recommended to do this after combat during the cleanup phase.

Any other questions?

2015-06-05, 04:50 PM
The trick in the brainstorming post does not mention azurin, thus its not there. That's why I am asking, how does it work?

It does not work unless you have either another source of essentia (Azurin is a good one, but most incarnum feats would give it to you.)

Alternatively, the original Torc of Power Preservation works.