View Full Version : The Worldwound Incursion (IC)

2015-06-05, 06:36 PM
The noonday sun shines down on the excited crowd. The air is filled with the smell of frying food and the cries of the merchants trying to sell it. After weeks of preparation and anticipation, the festival of Armasse has finally arrived. The opening ceremonies are just moments away. You've been lucky enough to secure spots near the cathedral facade in Clydwell Plaza, so you'll have a good view of them. After that, you have a day of jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and more to look forward to.

Kenabres is normally a grim town, having been on the front lines of a war unlike any other for generations. For now, though, everyone is smiling.

The Faery Queen
2015-06-05, 06:55 PM
Valda wasn't paying much attention to the festivities right now. A skunk - a SKUNK of all things - was chasing her cat Lune to hell and back. Or, well, across town, anyway. Vibrant blue rose petals dotted the streets and that was the only thing keeping her on their trail; she'd caught glimpses of the skunk in hot pursuit of her white cat but it was too fast for her and she was wary of grabbing the animal, lest it spray her.

How had she even gotten into this mess? The cat had promised her knowledge and all she got was shenangins.

2015-06-05, 07:09 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Food. There would be food. But there would also be people. With such large crowds, he was sure to be seen. On the other hand, so long as he kept his skin hidden, he could pass as a gnome or halfling. No one noticed the little people. But the witch hunter might be there. But he might not.

Entrain had spent the first part of the day wrestling with himself, but finally, his hunger had won out. He hadn't eaten a proper meal since his return to the city and his expulsion from his foster father's home. Wrapping himself in a brown cloak, he made his way to the festival.

Once he had arrived, the mood had son infected him. His cloak helped disguise the concentration that was required for him to mimic speech. It was enough for him to get a good meal down and then, instead of slipping back into the shadows as he had intended. He slipped towards one of the more crowded areas, hiding within the crowd from unfriendly eyes.

Then, he saw a skunk chasing a cat. That seemed not to be in the mood of the festivities. He stepped between them, blocking the skunk's path with his small body.

2015-06-05, 08:09 PM
"Chap! Oh, come on, Chap!" Camilla called, hurrying through the streets. Skunks, as a rule, didn't chase things. They weren't really interested in things that weren't edible, since predators tended to leave them alone. The problem with familiars was that they were too smart for their own good, and Chaplain knew full well that nobody was going to argue too hard with a skunk if he wanted to amuse himself. Just then, somebody- a short gnome, you got all sorts here- stepped out in front. She did not want this to end with Chap in a contest of wills with a stranger. "Chaplain, I swear by the Empyreal Lords, if you don't get your striped butt over here and leave that poor cat alone, it's no mealworms for a month!"

The skunk slowed to an awkward trundle, turning around and waddling back towards Camilla, his head bowed contritely. "That's more like it. Look, I know this is all very exciting, but that's no excuse to harass the local fauna." She scooped him up, seating him on her shoulder where he draped himself and let out a low whuff of a sigh. "Yeah, yeah bud, a real tragedy. Look, it's a holiday, so I'll see if I can get you some festive grubs." She looked down at the cat, still present. Oddly enough, it had a blue rose where one eye normally would have been. "Oh. Oh that's great. Great work, Chap, chasing down the supernatural cat. If I have to duel a wizard over this, you're going to be black with blue stripes. Is it yours?" she asked the gnome, slipping into the gnomish tongue for politeness.

2015-06-06, 01:50 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain silently thanks Desna that he had learned the gibberish that is gnomespeak. Concentrating briefly, he creates the reply, using the gnomish tongue.
<Gnome> No, it is not. I simply wanted the poor cat to be able to enjoy the festivities as well.
As soon as the message finishes, he breaks off the flow of power before it starts looping. That was one of the earlier lessons he'd been forced to learn, always remember to stop the sound.

The Faery Queen
2015-06-06, 03:43 PM
" That's-" A high voice cied out- " That's my cat!" The cat's owner was running towards them, her armor hit so hard by the sunlight it gave off an almost blinding glint as she made her way towards them. With one quick motion she scooped up the cat in her right hand, chastising it under her breath as she gave a thankful bow to the two strangers in front of her. " Thank you. I thought I'd never catch up to them!"
The cat glared at Chaplain as it was cradled against its owner's breastplate in a rather tight grip. Valda grinned as she panted a little bit, looking over Camilla first, then Entrain, before checking her cat's rose eye. One of her own eyes was shut tight, the skin around it mottled and twisted. " Huh. You left a bunch of petals behind, but your flower doesn't seem to be any thinner.."

2015-06-06, 06:06 PM
"Yeah, well, I think Chap was enjoying festivities a little too much. I'm Camilla, by the way- performer," she said, giving a low bow, the effect of which was slightly spoiled by needing to hold Chaplain in place by the scruff of his neck so he didn't fall off her shoulder. "And this is Chaplain, Chap for short. He won't give your cat any more trouble, will he?" There was a whuff that contrived to sound at least somewhat contrite.

2015-06-09, 04:57 PM

Aria sighed as she left the confines of the great cathedral, squinting her eyes in the sun as another new batch of crusader recruits shuffled off into the crowds in the square. The festival of Armasse was always a traditional time to renew one's oaths, or to undertake new ones, and she had just completed administering primary rights to the last group she was to swear in this day. She looked out over the vast crowds that gathered in the square, getting ready for the speech which would truly begin the festivities, trying to decide what exactly she would do, before her stomach growled loudly, reminding her that she hadn't eaten this morning.

Hefting her pack onto her shoulder, it carried most of her worldly possessions so she wasn't likely to leave it behind; Aria rushed down the cathedral's steps, moving in the direction of the food carts that had been set up along one side of the courtyard.

2015-06-09, 07:04 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

The little blue goblin starts to sweat a little. The armored woman would probably not have a positive reaction to his presence, if she discovered who he was. He turns, as if seeing someone he knows, and begins to walk away, concentrating on his reply.
I am sorry, I think I just saw someone over there.

The Faery Queen
2015-06-09, 07:52 PM
" Oh, uh... okay." Her voice trailed off as she watched the blue goblin-man walk off, before turning her attention back to Camilla. " I'm Valda. I was a performer," Valda laughed a little as she said this, " Or was trying to be a dancer, at any rate. I've got bigger fish t'fry right now. So what do you do? And does Chap help out?" It took a lot of self-control but Valda held off the urge to poke her new friend's skunk.

2015-06-11, 07:18 PM
"A pleasure to meet you, Valda!" Com said, proffering a hand to shake, making sure it matched up properly with Valda's free hand. "Always nice to meet a fellow entertainer, even if it's one who's fallen upon real work of late. As for me, well, I am an actress of sorts." With a flourish, she pulled out a stylized paper mask from her robe, putting it to her face. It depicted a man looking very confused. "… whether comical…" A quick motion and she was in another mask, this one depicting one of the great heroes the First Mendevian Crusade. "… to the historical. Chap mostly helps out with the comical ones, don't you Chap?" Somewhere along the line, she'd pulled out a tiny paper mask and put it on the skunk's face. "Although any other skunks you see doing handstands, I would recommend avoiding as a matter of principle."

2015-06-12, 01:01 AM
You find yourselves suddenly enveloped in darkness, unsure of where you are or how you got there. Your heads throb, your ears ring, and breath comes with difficulty. Thought the lack of light poses little difficulty for Aria and Entrain, the others must rely on different senses to make sense of their surroundings. The air is thick with choking dust and the sounds of coughing, moaning, and rocks clattering. As you grope through the pitch darkness, you find yourselves lying on a mound of rubble, covered in dust and dirt. As you move, you trigger small landslides of gravel and rock.

Just as your headaches begin to relent, the memories all come flooding back. Lord Hulrun had just taken the stage to bless the festival, clad in his shining, resplendent armor. He didn't get the chance to do more than clear his throat before a bright light flashed in the west, as though the sun had risen again but from the wrong direction. Lord Hulrun's shadow fell huge and distorted onto the cathedral. A moment later, the sound of a tremendous explosion roared through the air, and the plaza itself shook.

To the west was the fortress known as the Kite, where it had stood guarding Kenabres's wardstone since the end of the Second Crusade. It had vanished. In it's place, a plume of fire, smoke, and lighting erupted into the heavens.

The crowd would have collapsed into panic then and there, were it not for the sight of a massive shape, winged and gleaming, rising out of the crowd. It was the silver dragon Terendelev, Kenabres's ancient guardian, come once again to defend her city. From the ruin of the Kite flew another figure, thrice the size of a man and as nightmarish as the dragon was majestic. Fire and lightning danced across his red skin, and curved black horns crowned his monstrous head. In one hand, he held a fiery sword; the other wielded a flaming whip. There was no mistaking his identity: it was Khorramazdeh, Storm King of the Worldwound. As he descended, Terendelev gave a powerful roar and charged her opponent.


The ground continued to shake and began to disgorge fiends into the streets as the demon and the dragon clashed above. The fight ended in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev’s body. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the screaming crowd. No one who survived that day would ever forget the sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell. Meanwhile, an enormous demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The resulting rift shot across the plaza, and offered you no chance to escape—it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness, arresting all attempts to defend the people, escort them to safety, or simply flee the carnage.

But as you fell, the dragon saw your plight. Though her death loomed over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more lives. As she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic slow your plummet into the darkness. As you drifted down into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword arcing down and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.

2015-06-13, 12:07 AM
Camilla rubbed her head, sitting where she was for a moment while she worked out roughly what happened. She felt a bit sick just thinking about it when it finally all came back. Picoperi preserve, an assault on the city. Terendelev slain. A few slow breaths helped her calm herself. First things first, safety. "Chaplain? Gonna need your help on this one." she whispered. After a moment, the skunk emerged from the neck of her robe, climbing out somewhat uncomfortably from where he'd hidden himself away as a tattoo for safety. That was just part and parcel of whatever it was he was, and she'd long since accepted that as a matter of course. "Listen, I'll need you to let me know if there's anybody else nearby, okay?" She didn't have a lot of light to work with, so she'd need somebody keeping lookout when she couldn't. Chaplain's nose was good enough for that.

Now… to assess the situation. Camilla made a pass with her hands, and suddenly she was surrounded by several glowing blue wisps, shedding a soft light over the area. Another gesture of her hand, and they flew out, circling around in a wide circle some twenty yards out to give her a better view of the area.

Dancing Lights SLA- doesn't make any noise. Camilla has low-light vision, so she's keeping the lights seventy feet out. Anybody without low-light vision won't see her after the initial creation of the lights.

Chaplain has the scent ability (no, not that kind), so he'll know if somebody else comes within thirty feet.

2015-06-13, 10:10 AM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

It happened so fast. The world seemed to end as the army of demons emerged. The protector of the city was laid low. And now he was falling. Well, not like he'd had that much going for him.

And then he began to slow. Something was delaying his fall. He landed lightly. The crystal scurried out of his robes as he lay on the ground, looking around slowly. He sees the lights appear from Camilla's spell, but doesn't react immediately. Instead, he wills words to emerge several yards away from himself.
Is anyone else alive down here?

Psicrystal is popping out. It is sighted (described below), and has a telepathic link to Entrain.
Using a standard to Create Sound 30ft away from me
Meanwhile, Entrain is staying still and trying to hide in the darkness.
Stealth: [roll0]

Although it has no physical sensory organs, a psicrystal can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can’t discern invisible or ethereal beings. A psicrystal’s sighted range is 40 feet.

The Faery Queen
2015-06-15, 05:53 AM
" What-" Valda's reaction was a little slower than the others as she and Lune fell into the abyss. The feeling of nothing under her feet caused her to feel a terror so pure she thought she might be dead. Yet, surprisingly, she wasn't. As their fall slowed to a safe landing and she heard Blue's voice, Valda called out, " I'm here!" She then grabbed her cat, yelling, " Camilla, are you down here too?!" As her eye strained to make out the other figures in the darkness, she used her shield-arm to tap around, attempting to feel out any possible walls or obstructions in her path.

2015-06-16, 05:33 PM

"Oh my aching...." Aria trailed off as she glanced about her surroundings, seeing the motion of others in the darkness, then immediately closing her eyes against the flash of light summoned by another survivor. She slowly brought herself to her knees, remembering what she can of the horrors wrought above. She checked about her person to make sure all of her gear made it through the insanity above, "Thanks to The Inheritor for small miracles at least." she mumbles, bowing her head for a moment after finding all her equipment safely stashed away on her person; then she hauls herself to her feet and shuffles through the rubble towards the light and voices she can find in the dark.

As she comes closer, she calls out to the others "Is anyone injured? I seem to have made it through not much worse for the wear, but I can help if anyone needs it!"

2015-06-16, 05:41 PM
Voices! She wasn't the only one down here. The glowing wisps flew inwards, floating around her and clearly showing her position in the darkness. "Over here! Hurry… this light isn't going to last long. We can at least get ourselves together. Does anybody have anything to make a spark with?" she called out to the others.

The Faery Queen
2015-06-18, 10:22 PM
As her eye caught the orbs of light Valda let out a sigh before jogging over towards Camilla. Lune was already next to Com, its tail whipping around wildly as it glared at Chap before settling at its owner's feet. " I don't have anything like that on me. I don't think I'm that lucky," Valda mumbled with an exagerated tone. Being randomly dragged into some obscure destiny hadn't left her time to pack much, and honestly, she was rather elated to even be alive, let alone here with others in this dank, oppressive darkness.

2015-06-19, 05:26 AM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Seeing the women he had met earlier in the light, Entrain begins to crawl towards them, focusing his will. Again, the voice comes from about 20 feet to the left of him.
I don't have any such implements, but I can see quite well in this darkness. I could see if there is anything down here.

2015-06-19, 06:13 PM
"Hoi, much appreciated!" Camilla called back into the darkness, then waved at Valda. "No worries, we'll manage one way or another. Some joke- I have plenty of candles, but nothing to light them with. Chap'll let us know if anybody else gets near." There was a gentle whuff once more.

2015-06-22, 11:36 PM
The blue glow of Camilla's magical lights reveal the cavern to extend just over sixty feet upward and outward. The mound of rubble she and her new companions have found themselves on occupies one end of the cave, and on the far end two narrow passages wind away into the darkness. Lying between two clumps of stalagmites looms a dark shape--it appears to be a spider the size of a horse, lying motionless on the natural stone floor.

The rubble around you proves to be a grim sight. Pieces of Kenabrians who didn't survive the fall jut out from the stone and wood. Less gruesomely, the blue light gleams off of a few palm-sized silver scales, remnants of the dragon who saved you.

At this point, it becomes apparent that a few others have survived the fall along with you. A middle-aged nobleman, his finery ruined, stands up and begins sputtering indignantly. A short-haired woman stirs in the rubble, her leg pinned beneath a heavy stone. Her expression is calm, but her eyes are glassed over with pain. A white-haired elf reels blindly towards the sound of your voices, using his staff both to guide himself through the rubble and to support himself. His face is a mass of hideous scars, and as he approaches you catch the faint smell of burnt flesh.
“You there!” he shouts in your general direction. “It seems we’re in a fine mess here. I am Aravashnial. Tell me, what are your names, and what are your experiences fighting demons and the like? And do none of you have any source of light? I can’t see a blasted thing.”

2015-06-26, 10:48 PM
"Camilla Nomer!" she called back, the presence of others in the area instilling her with all the confidence having an audience always did. "The only demons I've 'slain' have all been Chap in a mask. As for light, I've got candles but nothing to light them with, and I can only ke- oh." She suddenly stopped, realizing the implication of what the man said. "Aravashnial… we do have light. Not for long, but we have it for now. Can you see any difference?" The lights leapt from their orbit around her to encircle the man before returning.

2015-06-26, 11:10 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

I am Entrain. I have no need of light. I have experience fleeing from demons, not fighting them.
Entrain continues his crawl towards Camilla.

The Faery Queen
2015-07-01, 09:37 PM
" Valda," She said, loud enough for Aravishnial to guage where she was, but not so loud it was overbearing. The possibility of this new person also being newly blinded hit her like a brick; it was an experience she remembered well. But Valda had been lucky. Perhaps Aravishnial would be lucky too. " I don't have much experience fighting, period. But it's my job now to learn. Are you in any pain? Would you like to hold my arm?"

2015-07-05, 10:40 PM
Morigan, the Concussed

Today wasn't supposed to hurt. She'd finally arrived in Kenebras after a much too long journey from Magnimar, and there'd been a festival going on. Today was supposed to be fun. Instead, when she'd finally gotten to a comfortable and clean place to rest for a moment after failing to secure a seat at the early mock duels, all Abyss broke loose.

I came here to study demons, but I didn't think it would be this dangerous! Unfortunately, years of study in the safety of a classroom does little to truly prepare one for a full-fledged demon assault, and Morigan fared little better than the masses around her when Terendelev and the Storm King took to the battle in the sky over the city. Pushed to and fro by the stampeding crowd, Morigan found herself pushed into a chasm that she didn't remember seeing there a moment before. The last thing she saw before her head connected with the wall that she fell next to was the silver dragon's final act. She didn't even have time to give a silent thank you before the darkness took her mind.

Several minutes later, shuffling noises around her finally reached the tiefling's brain. Groaning, her tail and wings twitched, knocking loose the rocks that had kept her concealed as the still impeccably dressed blonde fiend tried to lift herself off the ground with marginal success. "Thought I heard...voices..." she mutters, as she tries something easier and opens one eye before wincing and bringing a hand up to cradle her sore head. Right at the base of the horn, that's going to be tender for a few days...

It takes another few tries, but eventually she manages to lift herself up, bringing her hands inside her robes without bothering to pull them through the sleeves and brushing rocks off of herself before standing up with a groan. "Someone said something about light and demon slaying? I can start a fire, if there's anything to burn," the tiefling says, glancing at each of her fellow survivors, cocking an eyebrow at the strange grouping, but head hurting too badly to comment. "And I've studied demons plenty, but I can't say I've slain any," she says honestly, glad her illusion seems to have kept Nocticula's holy symbol covered.

2015-07-14, 05:52 PM
Camilla sighed in relief. "Thank goodness! Here, I've got-" The lights floating around her suddenly winked out. "Embleer Frith," she cursed under her breath in Gnomish, and waved her hands to produce the lights again. "I can't keep that up forever. Buuut…" she triumphantly pulled a handful of candles from her sack. "You can light these! Oh, and introductions. I'm Camilla, or just Com, and that's Valda, Entrain, and Aravashnial."

2015-07-14, 10:46 PM

Seeing Camilla pull out a candle, the tiefling mutters a short invocation, igniting the wick with a miniscule burst of flame. Even that pitiful level of magic elicits a groan from her however. "I'm going to be feeling this one for a while, I think..."

Sighing, she steels herself for another burst of pain as she casts another cantrip to clean herself of the dirt that was clinging to her beneath the illusion, surprised by the significantly less intense ache that followed. "Or maybe I just need to work it off."

"Anyway, my name is Morigan, and as you can probably tell, spells are more my area. Now does anyone know where we are? I didn't know there were caves beneath Kenebras..."

2015-07-22, 11:12 PM
“Ah,” says Aravashnial. He touches his face and winces; almost everything above his nose is burned beyond recognition. “No, I see no difference. It seems I am blind. Miss?” he says, attempting to look towards Valda’s voice. “Thank you for your offer, but I will be having the one who says he needs no light be my eyes. From your introductions, it seems you are the closest thing we have to someone able enough to—“

“We haven’t all introduced ourselves yet, elf, although I believe I should need no introduction,” interjects the nobleman.

“Ah. Horgus Gwerm.” Aravashnial grimaces and shrinks away from his voice. “It is good to see that you seem to be well.”

“What do you mean, ‘see?’ We’ve established that you’re blind as a bat, Aravashnial. Otherwise you’d know that I’m anything but. These clothes are ruined, and I do believe I’m bleeding.”

After Aravashnial spends a few moments struggling to come up with a response, the prone woman speaks up. “I suppose I should introduce myself as well,” she says. Her voice is calm and quiet, but her eyes betray that she is in a great deal of pain. “My name is Anevia Tirablade. I’ve aided the Crusade in the past, but I can’t say I’ve done much in the way of taking demons head-on.”

2015-07-23, 02:00 AM

Feeling better by the second, the last thing the tiefling needs right now is the headache that a man like Horgus Gwerm is likely to cause. As he mouths off to the elf and complains about his own injuries and mocks the other survivor's blindness, she very nearly lashes out before stopping herself. No. Not now. Verbally viscerate him later. Don't want him trying to turn everyone against me while we're at war. Just suck it up and play nice for now.

Sighing, she marches over to the prone Anevia and checks her for wounds. Though she's clearly trying her best, it's not that difficult to tell that she's not particularly pleased about listening to Horgus' complaints about blood-loss and clothing damage when others are far worse off. "Your outfit is less ruined than a simple spell's ability to mend, Master Gwerm," she says, badly veiling her irritation before pausing and taking a breath. This time, she actually does her best to be diplomatic. "I could clean your outfit now with a simple cantrip, and repair any damage it has suffered with another one tomorrow. As for your injuries, a man of your caliber can stoically endure his wounds while a lady is tended to, can he not?" She pauses and looks toward Anevia speaking far more softly. "I'm going to try to move this rock, alright? Physical strength isn't really my area though so it will only be for a moment. You're going to need to move your leg out as quickly as you can so we can get a look at it."

I hope we have a healer...

Diplomacy on Gwerm (because the first line probably upset him so damage control!) [roll0]

Diplomacy on Anevia [roll1]

Not sure if a strength check is needed, but if so [roll2]

2015-07-23, 05:46 AM
Entrain (https://www.heroforge.com/load_config=266324), the Silent Scribe

As he reaches the small circle of candlelight, Entrain slowly rises to his feat. So, these were the other survivors. The silly performer and crippled woman he had met earlier, a demonologist, a blind elf, a silly ass of a nobleman, and a rookie crusader. He scowled. Their odds did not seem promising. Not at all. But the situation had enough tension without him creating more.He went to check and make sure his hood still shrouded his face and stopped as his hand met nothing. His cowl had torn free in the fall. His face was exposed...

2015-07-23, 08:40 AM
Camilla busied herself lighting two more candles from the lit one and passing them out so that there would be even enough lighting. "That's a good idea, Aravashnial. Entrain, where'd you get t- oh!" She turned around, only to see the… gnome? standing there with rather unusual skin color and a great many runes carved on every available surface. She slipped into Gnomish. "You, uh, got a little something there," she said, gesturing broadly at her face. "Anyways, that's beside the point. Would you mind lending him a hand?"

Horgus Gwerm seemed like unpleasant enough company to have along, but she could probably manage to eke a bit of entertainment from him. "You're bleeding? Let me have a look," she said, moving over. As soon as she neared him, she sucked in her breath sharply. "This is worse than I thought. You must be in shock! Lie back down and don't move- I'll see what I can do."

Bluff about his wound: [roll0]
If he doesn't object, Camilla casts Sleep. Anybody who makes a DC 16 spellcraft check is in on the joke.

The Faery Queen
2015-07-24, 12:17 AM
Valda had been about to lead Aravashnial to Entrain when Gwerm spoke up. As the introductions began anew she took a moment to look over everyone once again, attempting to differentiate their faces as best she could in the darkness, and keep their names from slipping her mind. This was the largest group of strangers she had interacted with in months and she hadn't exactly been prepared for so many new names and faces.

The second Gwerm began whining about his clothing to an extremely injured man was the second Valda decided he wasn't a very worthwhile person. Fortunately, Com's teasing was enough to satisfy her lust to tell the elf off (though she mentally told him pull his fancy breetches out of the twist they were in), and she turned to Morigan and Anevia. " Let me try moving the rock first, miss Morigan. You just woke up."

For moving the rock: [roll0]

2015-07-24, 05:57 AM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain shakes his head. He gestures towards the rest of the area around them, and creeps out of the circle of light.

Of course he couldn't help. He was small, and beyond that his muscles were weak. But he could see, and few things could see him, so he began to explore around their little hole.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-07-30, 02:01 PM
Gwerm looks askance at Morrigan for a moment but nods, placated. "Thank you for your offer, though I rather doubt these clothes will ever be the same. But yes, attend to the sneak first, by all means."

The rock moves easily enough with both Valda and Morrigan moving it. Anevia can't help but cry out in pain as she jerks her leg out from beneath it. With the rubble cleared away, you can see that her shin is bent at an unnatural angle. Her leg is broken, perhaps in multiple places.

Terendelev's silver scales gleam a little brighter as more candles are lit and distributed. Horgus is about to say something when Camilla begins to speak to him. He seems alarmed at Com's diagnosis, and after some sputtering about how he doesn't feel quite that bad, he obediently lies down as best he can. He watches as Camilla chants and waves, and blinks heavily. "Well?" he says with irritation when nothing further happens.

Entrain moves from side to side as he descends, doing his best to avoid the bodies and the occasional broken cart or barrel. As he approaches the giant spider, it becomes clear by the smell that the creature has been dead for some time. The body is not entirely still, however. A bulge wriggles in the spider's abdomen, and Entrain hears the muffled sound of chewing.

2015-07-30, 06:32 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain, seeing the squirming corpse, focuses his will, projecting his voice back amongst the others.
There's a dead spider up here with something inside of it.

2015-07-30, 09:23 PM

Leaving the annoying one to Camilla, who seemed to know what she was doing, at least to Morigan's addled head, the tiefling focuses on Anevia. This...doesn't look good. Glancing between the patient and Valda, she decides that it's best not to spare anyone's feelings and state the simple truth. "Your leg is broken...I can't speak for anyone else here, but mending broken bones is not really my area." Looking at Valda, "I don't suppose you know how to make a splint or something?"

When Entrain's voice reaches her, Morigan looks toward where he disappeared off to and calls out quietly, hoping her voice doesn't carry too far. "Just keep an eye on it, but don't get too close. We can deal with whatever it is when everyone's wounds are tended to." And that's when she finally notices the silver gleaming of the scales. Not wanting to leave Anevia untreated, however, she waits to investigate until something can be done about that leg.

Spellcraft for Com's joke (1d20+8)[9]


2015-08-02, 06:39 PM
Camilla sighed inwardly. He was too foolish to realize she'd been lying, but mentally resilient enough to shrug off the spell. She just continued chanting, switching spells to a simple spell to clean the wound up a bit. "There. It's not perfect- I'm no priestess- but it's not going to get any worse," she said, quite honestly.

"Wait- there's something in the spider?" Camilla said, stepping back and looking a little worried. Any demon that took up residence in the corpse of a giant spider sounded incredibly unpleasant.

The Faery Queen
2015-08-04, 07:59 PM
Valda kept her voice low, so only Morigan could hear her. " I wish I could say I knew what to do for a broken leg, but I've lived in a temple all my life. The worst thing I've ever treated was a sprained ankle... and I just propped that up on a pillow." She tried laughing softly, keeping her tone apologetic, but Valda had grown unconsciously tense. If only she knew more. Some paladin she was.
Her cat curled up next to Anevia, nuzzling her hand.

2015-08-05, 01:23 AM

Nodding to Valda, she looks at Anevia. "I'm...going to try and make something to help brace your leg and set the bone so it heals properly, but I've never actually practiced this, I've only read about it. I'm sorry if this hurts, but we can't just leave your leg untreated..."

Speaking up so the others can hear more clearly, "If anyone knows anything about making splints, we could use the help. As long as whatever's moving inside the spider stays in the spider and away from us, we can deal with it later."

Untrained Heal [roll0]

Start tossing in Aid Anothers guys!

2015-08-05, 08:54 AM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain circles around the dead spider slowly, looking for an angle to see how whatever is inside the corpse got inside.

can't roll here (on mobile), but stealth and perception are both called for. Going to go around the top on the map first, staying about 10ft from the body

2015-08-13, 07:36 PM
As Entrain searches for an entry point for whatever's inside the corpse, he is startled by the sudden appearance of two exits. A pair of maggots larger than himself burst out of the spider and begin creeping towards him.

Entrain: [roll0]
Camilla: [roll1]
Valda: [roll2]
Morrigan: [roll3]
Aria(?): [roll4]

Maggot 1: [roll5]
Maggot 2: [roll6]
Average: 8.5

For Round 0 of combat, we have no surprise round. Since everyone but Camilla beat the average NPC roll, everyone but quid is currently up. Your fellow survivors are either noncombatant (Anevia, Aravashnial) or uninterested in fighting these things (Horgus), so I didn't roll init for them. I rolled for Aria, but we won't be waiting on her--this is Siddwinder's last chance to rejoin the campaign.

2015-08-13, 08:09 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain, seeing the maggots burst from the body, scurries away, extending a hand as he does so. Several of the runes carved into his arm flow down to his fingertips, coalescing into a swirling mass of black energy before launching at the nearer of the two maggots. The energy strikes the creature in the side, distorting its very existence as it suddenly exists on multiple planes of reality all at once.

Movement and rolls on Roll20, did 3 damage

2015-08-13, 08:40 PM

Seeing the overgrown maggots, the tiefling shivers instinctively and tries not to let the disgust show on her face but fails miserably. Shaking her head she quickly looks away and keeps her attention on Anevia. "I'll stay with you. There's no point in wasting my magic on something like that, and if our friends can deal with that on their own, none of us are going to survive the trip back to the surface anyway."

Continue trying to figure out how to make a splint. Can I try again? lol

The Faery Queen
2015-08-16, 09:52 AM
Valda was quick to get to the closest maggot, slamming the blade of her scimitar into its flesh and cutting it open as much as she could.

2015-08-16, 03:40 PM
Valda cuts deep into the side of the disrupted maggot. It spasms once and then falls still. Unperturbed by its fate, the other maggot creeps forwards and vomits a foul slurry all over Valda. The stench of decomposing and half-digested spider fills the air.

Morrigan begins anew with trying to craft a splint for Anevia. While Anevia eyes her quiver, apparently weighing whether or not she should join the combat herself, Morrigan finds a narrow board, stronger and straighter than the stick she was trying to use for the splint before.

Valda needs to make a DC 13 fort save or be sickened for one minute.

Morrigan's heal check seems to be going successfully. She'll need a few more minutes to finish it.

The party is up for Round 1.

2015-08-16, 05:45 PM
The smell emanating from the maggot's filth was rancid, but being on friendly terms with a skunk meant having a certain tolerance for such things. Camilla hastily fished out her dagger, running over opposite Valda. She waved her knife as menacingly as possible. Did these things even really see? She hadn't really considered if they'd actually recognize the cold iron blade, but still, it was as helpful as she was going to be against the things.

Flanking to give Valda a +2. She has to spend a move to draw the dagger, so not much else this round.

2015-08-16, 06:35 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain stops for a moment, looking at the black energy flowing out of his scars around his hand. He'd never seen them do that before. It only takes a moment for him to compose himself. Time for study when oversized maggots weren't trying to eat some of the only other non-hostiles remaining. He raises his hand again, carefully aiming so as not to strike either of the two women, and the black energy again tears forth, seeming to blur the maggot between realities.

Rolled in Roll20, 14 to hit touch (it does), 4 damage (9 rolled, halved due to creature type)

2015-08-16, 10:18 PM

Seeing Anevia eye the bow, Morigan shakes her head. "I appreciate the effort, but save the heroics for when I'm not working, alright? I don't think you want to try and draw a bow while sitting and unable to move your leg anyway, and I'd really rather you didn't hurt yourself any worse than you already are."

I can't help in the fight, but I might as well try to make friends, right? Diplomacy is sort of a non-action that can take place while I'm using Heal, right? :smalltongue:

[roll0] (....huh, her Diplo is a lot lower than my diplomacy usually is...riiiiight, had to get Rich Parents rather than a Diplo Trait)

The Faery Queen
2015-08-21, 08:59 AM
Valda holds back a violent gurgle as she turns to the next maggot, slashing into the damned thing with an even heavier stroke this time. Its oozing innards made her stomach heave a second time and she turned the moment she thought it dead. Gods! That smell! " Uurrggh..."

2015-09-12, 09:27 PM
Valda made short work of the remaining maggot, despite the nausea. The chamber was suddenly quiet, though the stench lingers.

Despite Horgus giving condescending advice on everything from setting the bone to tying the splint in place, Morrigan manages to get Anevia back on her feet. She finds a long, stout stick to help support her weight. She winces, but she can hobble slowly. "Maybe I should guide Aravashnial," she suggests. "I don't see either of us moving fast any time soon."

2015-09-12, 09:34 PM
Com stepped around the corpse of the monstrous maggot, not paying the smell much mind. "Here, let me take care of that for you." A few words and a gesture, and the filth began to vanish, cleaned away by unseen forces. "I'm just glad we didn't have to deal with the spider itself."

2015-09-13, 06:01 AM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain looks back at the others, then begins to move forward, his eyes and ears alert for danger.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

The Faery Queen
2015-09-13, 12:58 PM
" Thanks," Valda nodded at Com before turning to Anevia. " I can carry you if you're comfortable with that. Then we can guide Aravashnial together. That might make travel faster, and it would certainly be easier on your leg." Her gaze moved around the room as she tried to gauge everyone's reactions to it. Seemed common sense, but she knew at least one person would be complaining about it. " If nobody has an objections?"

2015-09-13, 01:04 PM

Nodding, at first to Anevia and then to Valda, the tiefling helps the former up and, if she doesn't object, into Valda's arms to help support her as she walks.

"It's as solid a plan as any we're like to have down here. For now, we should probably explore this area some more. I saw something over on the wall a minute ago. If you're all done playing with bugs, I think we should make sure we're not about to have more problems as soon as we start to move." Wasting little time after handing Anevia over, she makes her way to the gleaming silver she saw earlier.

Detect Magic if needed

2015-09-25, 11:35 AM
Anevia nods appreciatively. "Sounds good to me. Thanks." Aravashnial is more skeptical.

"I understand you did the bulk of the work in dealing with those creatures? We can't afford to have our best warrior hampered in such a way," he says.

"To be fair, the...diminutive fellow...seemed to help take them down as well," she counters. "Some sort of magic, I think? I see your point, though. Thank you for the offer, Valda, but I think I can manage."

"Useless, the both of them," Horgus mutters under his breath. "A blind wizard and a crippled thief. Seems we'll be letting them slow us down anyway, though." He sighs, and begins to speak loud enough for everyone to hear. "Look, as I'm sure you all know, I'm a wealthy man. As awful as this situation is, some of you seem competent enough, at least. If anyone here can help get me back to the safety of my estate, there's a thousand gold in it for them." He scowls. "Anyway, we'd better get moving. It's not like we're going to be making good time."

Morrigan, meanwhile, investigates the silver scales. Picking one up, she experiences a rush of sadness, followed by a sense of determination--and a sudden insight. Morrigan intuitively knows that the scale in her palm gives her the power to change her shape into that of another humanoid. She sets about investigating the other scales in the same way.

In what is certain to be an indication of strict adherence to WBL as the path progresses, you have found The Scales of Terendelev, which are essentially a set of four minor artifacts. Picking one up (while another scale is not currently in your possession) causes you to intuitively understand its use. If you ever have more than one at a time on your person, you receive the benefits of none of them. Each scale is CL 19th. They do not occupy a magic item slot. Each has a different use, and they are as follows:

Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast levitate. A pillar of roiling clouds rises below the levitating object or creature, growing and shrinking with the target’s altitude. This pillar is 5 feet in diameter (regardless of the target’s size) and provides concealment (20% miss chance) to any creature or object wholly contained within.
Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast alter self. While disguised, the target gains a +4 bonus on all Bluff checks made against evil creatures.
Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast resist elements—but only against electricity or cold.
Three times per day as a standard action, a scale can be used to cast align weapon, but only to make a weapon lawful or good. Unlike a normal align weapon spell, this effect can be cast on an unarmed strike or natural weapon.

2015-09-28, 05:41 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain shakes his head at the man as he picks up one of the scales, feeling the energy of the fallen dragon still coursing through the scale. It was macabre, but such was the path forward, or so it seemed to him. Feeling a momentary rage beginning to build, he stops for a moment and slows his breathing, refocusing his mind towards the nature of the monsters who had caused this suffering before retaking his place at the front of the group, functioning as a forward scout.

Taking the Resistance scale, and remaking psionic focus, setting my target to Outsiders. I'll move up to the front, to take advantage of having both Darkvision and a crazy good Stealth mod.

2015-09-29, 09:49 AM

Frowning at the scales, happy with the aid they can provide but saddened by the reminder of the great Silver's fall, the tiefling quickly explains their value to the others, going over what each scale does in turn, before nodding to Horgus. "You're right about that at least, we shouldn't stay here longer than we have to. There's no telling how far we'll have to walk to find an exit back to the surface...I'm not even sure how far we fell. And in any case, we'll make sure you're returned to whatever might be left of your estate, so long as you stay with us. There's no telling what might be down here, and we can't guard you if you don't let us."

She glances up, fruitlessly as even her eyes can't pierce the darkness forever, before she shakes her head and looks toward Anevia and Aravashniel. "We'll go as slow as we have to, strength in numbers and all of that, but the quicker we can move the better."

2015-09-30, 05:47 PM
Camilla wasted no time in consideration- one of the scales seemed to call out to her. Disguise and transformation, a fitting gift. It was painful not only that there was such a cost behind it, but also that it should be spent on her, just a common street performer. Well, not exactly common, she reflected, but still.

She considered Anevia's refusal, looking a little skeptical herself. "Well, let us know if it gets to be a problem. If we do run into anything else, I can stall for enough time for our stalwart friend here to get herself ready. At any rate, we'll get everybody back, gods and goddesses willing." Her hand moved in a silent entreaty for protection to Picoperi. It was hardly the sort of thing he concerned himself with, but he was said to look out for wanderers. That seemed close enough, and she'd rather trust that than a prayer to any deity she hadn't had much cause to pay respects to in the past.

The Faery Queen
2015-10-01, 09:45 PM
Valda's eye wandered from person to person as they each spoke. This may have been the largest group of strangers she'd ever heard talk.
No, not strangers. Something about that word felt wrong. Something else. There wasn't really a word for bonding over mutual survival, though, or if there was she didn't know it.

" Alright. The offer's still open if you need it, Anevia." She shot a smile to Camilla in thanks - it felt good to have someone else understand. " I'd like to stay by you and Aravashnial's side, at least."

As the scales were brought closer to the group, Valda felt a tightness in her chest that moved from her heart to her shoulder then down to the birthmark on her hand. Sacred strength. That felt right, somehow. Without a word she picked up the scale, her grip tightening as the feeling intensified. It felt like dying. She recognized that.

2015-10-05, 11:39 PM
As the others slowly move forward, Entrain darts into the southern passage, which opens up into a small chamber. A stone ledge juts out of the south wall fourteen feet above the ground. A backpack dangles from it by a single leather strap. The passage continues to the east, and begins to curve north. A narrow fissure in the ceiling yawns up into the dark.

2015-10-08, 02:49 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain, seeing the pack, quickly focuses his mind. His hands begin to produce a sticky kind of slime along the palms, akin to how some reptiles are able to climb vertical surfaces. Then he begins to scamper up the wall to the backpack.

Manifest Minor Metamorphosis (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/m/metamorphosis) (scroll down, they're all on the same page) to give myself a 20ft climb speed for 1 minute. Puts me at 5/6 Power Points for the day.

Taking 10 (legal with a climb speed) for a total of 16 to get me across.

If that won't be enough, I'm going to manifest it again to decrease my size to Tiny. That boosts my Dex to a 20 and lets me use that instead of Str. So my 16 turns into a 23 and my reserve of Power Points drops to 4/6

2015-10-08, 09:11 PM
The rock wall has plenty of natural handholds and footholds, but Entrain's secretions can't properly adhere to their wet, slippery surfaces. He manages to reach the ledge by shedding most of his mass through psionic shrinking.

2015-10-08, 09:25 PM
Camilla let out a low whistle, positioning herself under the bag after passing off the torch. "Here, can you drop it down?" she asked, holding out her arms to catch it. It seemed unlikely that Entrain, now little larger than Chap, would be any position to carry the bag down himself.

2015-10-09, 12:47 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

There is no response from Entrain, but he attempts to loosen the pack, dropping it back down to the others before climbing back down himself.

2015-10-09, 01:49 PM

Seeing the glow coming from Entrain, the tiefling looks at him curiously as he shrinks. "An interesting talent...but you're making me more and more curious as to what you are my little friend." Watching him scamper up the cliff to get to the backpack, she hastily steps away when he tosses it down, having no intention of being the one to catch it. "We'll need to have a chat one of these days."

The Faery Queen
2015-10-14, 08:41 PM
Valda had taken a moment to pause while holding her newfound treasure, but quickly made her way back to the thick of the group just in time to see Entrain scampering up the wall and shrinking. That. That was new.

2015-10-14, 08:44 PM
Catching the pack, Com began rummaging through to see what had been left. "Huh. Odd it ended up there…" she commented as she did.

2015-10-17, 11:06 AM
The pack lands heavily in Camilla's arms. The bag seems to be well-made, covered in pockets and hooks. A pair of padded bands could be tightened around the chest and waist to better distribute the weight of it.

The pack is a masterwork backpack, (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/goods-and-services/containers-bags-boxes-more#TOC-Backpack) which allows its wearer to treat their Strength score as one higher than normal for the purposes of calculating carrying capacity. It contains:

10 days of trail rations
Flint and Steel
Two Flasks of Oil
A Bundle of 12 Arrows
A Set of Caltrops
A Potion of Cure Light Wounds (Labeled)
A Potion of Lesser Restoration (Labeled)

2015-10-17, 12:03 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrian quickly clambers back down. As the others examine the contents of the backpack, he draws out a small journal and begins writing.

Remaining Tiny for the time being, since it doesn't actually lower my move speed as far as I can tell. So I've got probably 8 more rounds of that.
For anyone who tries to read the tiny writing, you won't be able to understand it. Entrain journals in a mass bastardization of every language he knows, making the books essentially useless for everyone who isn't him/magically assisted.

2015-10-25, 12:12 AM

"Well, these could be useful," the tiefling says, picking through the pack. "But I think we've wasted enough time here. Shall we move on?"

2015-10-25, 08:40 PM
Once they were finished looking through the backpack, doing a quick check to make sure the potions were indeed magical, Camilla passed it off to Valda. "Do you mind? I can help with getting it on with your sack if you'd like," she said, nodding to Morrigan. "Yeah, I think we can move on. I don't think I'd call it wasted, though."

The Faery Queen
2015-10-30, 10:03 PM
" I don't mind - and sure, thanks." Valda accepted Com's help with a smile, glad that Camilla thought to even ask. For such a dire situation she felt surprisingly calm, and even a little good, since she could be of some help to so many and meet such a kind person.

2015-10-31, 01:05 AM
Having finished writing and returned to his normal size, Entrain resumes scouting ahead. He makes it about thirty feet before the passage splits. The wider tunnel doubles backwards, and appears to open up into a small chamber. The blue can make out a heap of assorted trash in the back of it. The smaller tunnel continues forward, and also seems to widen into a chamber.

2015-10-31, 02:01 PM
Entrain, the Silent Scribe

Entrain focuses for a moment, relaying the information about what he sees back to the others.
Small cavern. Connected to other branch. Rubbish in corner. Narrow tunnel to larger chamber. Will scout larger chamber. Explore side passage if you want.
Then he continues forwards towards the larger chamber.

Create Sound does have a range of close. So 30ft is about the limit of my range to talk like I was in the party. Odd side benefits of needing to spend a standard action to speak.

2015-11-02, 06:03 PM
Camilla considered the options. "Actually, does anybody know what all this is for? The area, I mean, what it's used for. I didn't know about this at all, and I'd be more comfortable poking around with a little more information." She looked at the others to see if they knew anything more than she did. Failing that, the trash heap would probably contain some clue.

2015-11-09, 09:10 PM
Horgus lets out a a huff of scorn. "I see you don't know any of the local history, but I suppose I shouldn't expect any more from a vagabond such as yourself. We're in the Kenabres Underground--a byproduct of overzealous construction during the First Crusade. They dug more catacombs and sewer tunnels then would ever see use, so now they serve as nothing but dens for pariahs and mongrels."

Meanwhile, Entrain is greeted by the sound of angry hissing as he steps into the chamber. The sight of a battered-looking snake blindly tasting the air makes it clear that his presence has been noted, and not appreciated.

I handled the actual rolls in the roll20 so I could post the final order here.

Entrain: 17
Snake: 5

Entrain: 17
Valda: 14
Morrigan: 12
Camilla: 9

Snake: 5

Well, that's convenient.

As the viper slithers towards him, Entrain quickly refocuses his psionic attunement to deal with this new threat. Stepping back just as the serpent reaches him, the goblin raises his psychic defenses and attacks. The disrupting blast makes no noise, but the distortion in reality is instantly recognizable to the survivors.

2015-11-10, 07:11 PM
That wasn't a good sign, Camilla thought as she felt an odd ripple pass over her. "Something up ahead!" she said to the others, waving the rest of the battle-ready group onward. She hurried up ahead until she was able to see what Entrain had found.

Double move.

2015-11-11, 05:46 AM

Seeing Camilla take off in a hurry and hearing that Entrain might be in danger is enough to get the tiefling moving at a brisk pace to catch up. It'd be interesting to learn more about these passages, but for now, there was trouble to deal with.

Double move, sticking next to Cam.

2015-11-25, 02:04 PM
The snake crawls forward and lashes out. Fortunately, the goblin is able to dodge its dripping fangs with ease.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Sorry for drawing out such a simple combat. The party is up.

His counterattack finishes the snake off. The body is not a pretty sight. For a moment, the caverns are as silent as the goblin himself.