View Full Version : Miko

2007-04-23, 10:51 PM
What do u think will happen to her?
i kinda think she is gonna end blackguard anti-heroine.

2007-04-23, 10:53 PM
I'm hoping she learns of Roy's death and sees the error of her ways, helping the OotS as her atonement quest.

2007-04-23, 10:56 PM
yeeeah probably not gonna happen. She's pretty crazy. I don't think it'll be easy (if possible) to turn her right again. I dunno bout going straight blackguard. She's more of a law/religious zealot than an anti-paladin.

2007-04-23, 10:56 PM
Doing the wrong thing for misguided reasons and losing her paladin powers is incharacter for Miko.
Siding with Evil and going blackguard is not.

Most likely she will go on quest to atone (though she will not think it is to atone just a test of her gods) and be an antagonist and foil to the order while on her quest.

2007-04-23, 10:58 PM

Please, Rich. Please.

2007-04-23, 11:02 PM
Personally, my theories as to what I think is possibly going to happen Miko are thus.

Theory One:
Miko comes to the (correct) conclusion that she was wrong the whole time in the way she's handled the current situation and that she's lost her honor. She attempts to make up for this through seppuku (ritual suicide, just in case anyone doesn't know what that means). Hinjo may attempt to plead with her to still attempt to atone instead, and Miko either accepts this possibility and decides to try to do so, or decides that through her own death she is atoning and kills herself regardless.

Theory Two:
Somehow or other during the siege, the dungeon area is destroyed, thus freeing Miko and the Linear Guild. While the LG makes a hasty retreat, Miko wades out into battle, either certain that by defending AC now might be a way to atone. Picking up one of the either the fallen hobgobs or AC soldier's weapons, she starts to cut down enemy after enemy. Thing is, I expect she'd probably eventually run afoul of Belkar, and, at that point, will either 1) decide he may have the right to live, at least for now, since he's defending the city or 2) decide that, by killing him, she'll be forgiven since she may consider him one of the reasons for her fall. Unfortunately, with her current state of mind, I'm saying 2.

Theory Three:
If the city somehow survives the onslaught, or possibly even not, Hinjo renders Miko's verdict for what she's done. Possibly hesitant to have her executed, Hinjo instead has her drummed out of the city and forced into exile, permanently. Miko becomes a loner, either attempting to find atonement or simply a new way of life. Either way, we don't hear from her for awhile.

Theory Four:
Because of current conditions, Hinjo offers Miko the chance to atone once more, that being to assist the OoST in their quest to find the necessary components to resurrect Roy. She doubtfully accepts, something that thrills neither her nor the OoST.

Those are just my thoughts, really. :P

2007-04-23, 11:09 PM
She and Belkar marry and live happily ever after. The End.

Until someone makes a sequel, damn them.

Jari Kafghan
2007-04-24, 12:48 AM
I still like my Miko ~ Hitler idea.

Miko honestly believes she is doing good, and therefore anything that opposes her is doing evil, because she is "destined." She eventually projects this obviously decaying theory - to anyone sane - onto her own gods and the paladin order, becoming enormously evil in the process. Meanwhile she stays away from things that were previously classified as evil to her, undead, goblinoids, et al, and instead relying on more human people to support her theory.

Heck of a way to make a villain in my opinion.

But since I have said it Rich won't use it. :P

2007-04-24, 01:08 AM
I think Jari nailed the essence of Miko's character development so far. There's pretty much no way in hell that she'll turn Blackguard - doing so requires a conscious commitment to evil, which she vehemently fights against.