View Full Version : My theory *spoiler*

Lizard Lord
2007-04-24, 12:03 AM
This is what I would like to happen once Xykon gets through the wall.

We know that Redcloak's involves going behind the lines killing a bunch of people and turn them into zombies to open up a second front. What if he kills a bunch of people behind the wall, but before he zombofies them Unnatural Wizardry Girl reveals herself to be a necromancer, makes them into Zombies first, and uses them to fight Xykon. There is no way Redcloak would predict that the lawful good city of paladins would have a necromancer on their side. IF this did happen how would Hinjo react? Would he be like "I highly dislike what you did, but your actions kept Azure City safe so I will pardon you for this crime (not that she wouldn't still have to pay for whatever leftover jail time she might have) or would he spend her to trial for comiting Unnatural Acts of Wizardry AGAIN?

I don't think it will actually happen, but you never know.

2007-04-24, 09:34 AM
uhh... on hobs or humans...?

Lizard Lord
2007-04-24, 11:00 AM

The plan was for Xykon to go behind Azure cities walls.

The supposed "necrogirl" is not going to be the one to kill the humans, just the one to turn them into the undead so Xykon can't do it first. Though I suppose that isn't going to matter to much in the eyes of the paladins.

2007-04-24, 06:44 PM
Fight fire with fire, huh? Eh, it could happen... in my opinion it would be unlikely, but we haven't seen evidence to the contrary yet. Guess all we can do is stay tuned.

Mad Scientist
2007-04-25, 01:05 PM
An interesting theory. I guess it depends on how powerfull that character is.

2007-04-25, 03:39 PM
My money is on unnatural wizard girl becoming the new LG anti-V.

2007-04-25, 03:47 PM
The idea of her being a necromancer and raising some dead sounds pretty likely, actually. I dunno about single-handedly turning the tide of battle, but "unnatural acts of wizardry" certainly sounds like necromancy.