View Full Version : Getting the most out of Shadow Pounce

2015-06-06, 07:20 PM
I was hoping I could get some help with finding swift, movement, and standard teleportation spells to use with shadow pounce from Talflammar Shadow Lord. What I'm looking for is class level suggestions to ensure that I get what I need but don't have terrible BAB and magic items that could help as well. This will be for a Lv. 20 character so gold isn't an issue.

Two other questions:

1. Do the penalties to attack stack or reset when you get an extra full attack from shadow pounce? For example: I use a swift action teleport to gain a full attack of 20/15/10/5, and then use a move action teleport to get another full attack. Is the new full attack 20/15/10/5, or 0/-5/-10/-15?

2. Is there a reliable way to use the shadow hand teleport abilities for shadow pounce and the dancing mongoose abilities for extra attacks with swordsage or warblade? I don't remember if you get them randomly or if they are prepared like wizard spells or if they are more like spontaneous casting. If it's random then they wouldn't be worth it because they'd be a little too unreliable.

2015-06-06, 07:35 PM
Totemist 2 will get you move action teleportation but it will end your turn, so you have to use it last.

If you get 2 full attacks in a round, both will be 20/15/10/5.

Edit: the maneuvers aren't random, you get to choose.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-06, 07:37 PM
Totemist 2 will get you move action teleportation but it will end your turn, so you have to use it last.

If you get 2 full attacks in a round, both will be 20/15/10/5.

Edit: the maneuvers aren't random, you get to choose.

Unless you are a crusader.

2015-06-06, 10:24 PM
Are there any other options besides totemist?

2015-06-06, 10:27 PM
If you're using the Shadow Hand teleportation maneuvers you won't need to worry about randomness. Swordsage is the only class with access to Shadow Hand, and they get to pick their maneuvers; however, you do need to put up with spending a full round action to recover a single maneuver inside of combat.

2015-06-06, 10:44 PM
Lets see, Totemist 2 is harsh to take, but necessary, as that move action teleport is great. For standard action, you can use the shadowpouncer's shadow jump for 10ft. I think that both get it.

For swift/Immediate, A wand chambered wand of Stand, since dropping prone is a free action.

2015-06-06, 10:59 PM
If you're using the Shadow Hand teleportation maneuvers you won't need to worry about randomness. Swordsage is the only class with access to Shadow Hand, and they get to pick their maneuvers; however, you do need to put up with spending a full round action to recover a single maneuver inside of combat.

The Adaptive Style feat can help you make the most of your full-round maneuver recovery.

2015-06-06, 11:13 PM
Blade of Orien has another move action teleport, but that's 10 levels. It does come prepackaged with it's own shadow pounce though.

... Actually I'm not sure how well that mixes with actual shadow pounce. Would that give you 2 full attacks per move action teleport?

2015-06-06, 11:53 PM
Swift teleports:

dimension hop power (Adept/Freedom Mantle 1)
protective interposition spell (Forge of War, Clr/Pal 1)
dimension hop spell (PHBII, Dsk/Sor/Wiz 2)
knight's move spell (Spell Compendium, Clr 3/Pal 2)
flicker mystery (Shadowcaster, Ebon Whispers 3)
greater dimension jumper spell (Complete Mage, Sor/Wiz 9)
Shadow Blink maneuver (ToB, Shadow Hand 7)

Move teleports:

Blink Shirt soulmeld (Totemist 2, Totem Chakra)
dimension jumper spell (Complete Mage, Brd/Sor/Wiz 5)
Shadow Stride (ToB, Shadow Hand 5)

2015-06-07, 12:01 AM
Im fond of the rkv shadowpouncer, you can, depending on divine impetus interpretation, take as many pounces as your turn undeads last