View Full Version : Should Roy Stay Dead?

2007-04-24, 10:08 AM
How many want Roy to stay dead and how many want him alive? I'm just curious to see the numbers on this one.

2007-04-24, 10:47 AM
I personally would rather him come back. He is my favorite character, and his wit is what made the comic funny for me.

2007-04-24, 10:51 AM
"Wanting" Roy to stay dead and whether Roy "should" stay dead are different questions. I think Roy "should" stay dead (at least for a long while) to grant weight to death in the world of the story. If he's resurrected too quickly or too easily, death in the story becomes meaningless.

Yet, despite thinking he "should" remain dead, I'd very much "want" see him come back.

2007-04-24, 10:53 AM
I'm amazed that Roy was the first to fall in this battle no pun intended. I would really like to have him come back though... After he has a few words with his father though because that would be really cool.

2007-04-24, 10:56 AM
Actually, Roy's dad is "trapped" in that circle...


2007-04-24, 11:04 AM
The OOTS has outgrown Roy -- In the beginning they couldnt even handle a guard duty without him and were if not helpless, hopeless. They have grown. It is time to cut the proverbial cord and advance without Roy.

king korath
2007-04-24, 11:10 AM
I think that the OOTS should have to raise money to bring him back, but he should stay dead just to see how the party stays together as Roy was a binding forcin the order.

2007-04-24, 11:12 AM
Either way works for me..

So.. this is like.. the 20-30th thread about 443, I'd say that it's the most controversial comic to date.

Mad Scientist
2007-04-24, 11:14 AM
Roy's the hero! Besides if he's dead doesn't that mean that he'll have to hang out with his dad in the afterlife? That alone would probably annoy him enough to find some way to come back!

2007-04-24, 11:19 AM
Black Belt: Yes
Frohman: Yes
Roy: No!, or at least not until the final few strips

Too many webcomic characters have been permadeathed.

Green Bean
2007-04-24, 11:21 AM
No no no no no, unequivocably no, never ever ever ever, not now, not ever in this or any other universe, known or unknown.

2007-04-24, 12:02 PM
Even if Roy should stay dead for a while for dramatic license, he needs to come back later to utterly destroy Xykon. Having the OOTS without Roy is like the Autobats without Optimus Prime.

2007-04-24, 12:29 PM
"Wanting" Roy to stay dead and whether Roy "should" stay dead are different questions. I think Roy "should" stay dead (at least for a long while) to grant weight to death in the world of the story. If he's resurrected too quickly or too easily, death in the story becomes meaningless.

Yet, despite thinking he "should" remain dead, I'd very much "want" see him come back.

/agree. While most likely the character is not completely gone from the strip, there should be a measurable affect by Roy's death. As for the Megatron/Optimus Prime metaphor... Optimius Died. He didn't come back till very late in the 3rd season. The rest of the autobots merely plugged on, with the legend of Optimus to spur them. The same might be true here.

2007-04-24, 01:07 PM
No. Very no. The Order of the Stick just wouldn't be the same without Roy. Might as well call it Order of the Twig.

2007-04-24, 01:29 PM
He's the main character, and what's more, there's no good reason why he wouldn't be raised.

2007-04-24, 05:08 PM
Until we have at least 1 comedy talk between him and his dad.

2007-04-24, 05:49 PM
there's way too many yes responses here.

Tharj TreeSmiter
2007-04-24, 06:05 PM
What do people have against Roy?

2007-04-24, 06:07 PM
I think he is a very funny character, particularly because he holds the group together. He's the only reason Elan doesn't get himself killed (other than Haley) Belkar doesn't murder random people, Nale doesn't capture Elan (and kill him, see above) and Xykon doesn't take over the world.

They can't really leave him as dead, or I think the comic will lose a lot. I do think he should spend some time hanging out in the afterlife however, talkin with dad.

2007-04-24, 06:08 PM
I want to see him talk to his dad. THEN he should get rezzed.

2007-04-25, 05:39 PM
The OOTS has outgrown Roy -- In the beginning they couldnt even handle a guard duty without him and were if not helpless, hopeless. They have grown. It is time to cut the proverbial cord and advance without Roy.

If they have grown, they will prove it by resurrecting him. That ought to be painfully obvious to anyone who has studied the other PCs.

2007-04-25, 05:45 PM
Never, never come back AAAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!

2007-04-25, 05:51 PM
Never, never come back AAAAAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!

now why do you say that?

2007-04-25, 08:04 PM
I think Roy is going to stay dead for a while and eventully get the choice of going back.He likes the after life becuase its much more peaceful and stuff. Then he see his team getting beat up with out him and realizes that his party of incomptent fools needs him.

2007-04-25, 09:13 PM
I think he should spent time dead to increase the dramatic tension, then make an agonizing decision whether or not to stay dead, because it's either "Go back to the headache I called life" or "Chill in the LG afterlife", but he remembers his responsibilities, and REALLY needs to escape his dear father.

2007-04-25, 09:14 PM
I think he should spent time dead to increase the dramatic tension, then make an agonizing decision whether or not to stay dead, because it's either "Go back to the headache I called life" or "Chill in the LG afterlife", but he remembers his responsibilities, and REALLY needs to escape his dear father.

Not sure his father will be in the same afterlife... His father seems more CG...

2007-04-25, 09:14 PM
Yep. Definatly.

2007-04-25, 09:15 PM
i would rather he stay alive we need a pecamistin the story :smallbiggrin: / :smallfrown:

2007-04-25, 09:21 PM
Not sure his father will be in the same afterlife... His father seems more CG...

Meaning he'd hang the rules and bother Roy anyway. Chaotics are like that y'know.... He being a caster could probably pop in anyway, he's done that before as well.

2007-04-25, 09:22 PM
Meaning he'd hang the rules and bother Roy anyway. Chaotics are like that y'know.... He being a caster could probably pop in anyway, he's done that before as well.

Ahh... but his father would likely be under close observation... i doubt the caretakers or whatever would let him stay around long, but hey...

Da Luniz
2007-04-25, 09:24 PM
if anything, Elan might do something insane/stupid and multiclass into a fighter just ot pick up Roy's sword and by some twisted fluke, one shot Xykon

2007-04-25, 09:29 PM
Ahh... but his father would likely be under close observation... i doubt the caretakers or whatever would let him stay around long, but hey...

He's already bound and gagged one celestial already... I'm not sure what would stop him, and there's been no mention of him since his illusion of Belkar, which is redundant by now.

2007-04-25, 09:33 PM
I just expect a nice chat between roy and his father, getting to the mushy appologies stuff, then rezzing. just to blow the mood
or he could be raised as a mindless undead

Samurai General
2007-04-25, 09:34 PM
He HAS to come back.

2007-04-25, 09:35 PM
He's already bound and gagged one celestial already... I'm not sure what would stop him, and there's been no mention of him since his illusion of Belkar, which is redundant by now.

If they wanted him out i doubt they would use one measly celestial...

2007-04-25, 09:38 PM
I got surprised by seeing Roy dying... I somehow didn't expected the Reaper to touch any of the gang, probably due to light-hearted tone of the story.

I've been there before. Superman died, Cap. America died 4 times and lets not talk about Goku. On a universe where resurrection is a matter of cash and level, it would be easy to bring him back.

However, when a dead character is brought back to life in any medium, it, for me, signs a line of decline on the whole story. You can't generate tension if there is no real danger.

I like Roy, but I -hope- he stays dead. This open a world of possibilities. Mourning, necromancy, a new leader for the order.

If he is brought back, I would just expect any conflict to quickly forward to it's resolution since there is no danger anyway.

2007-04-25, 09:38 PM
If they wanted him out i doubt they would use one measly celestial...

He's an accomplished illusionist, I'm sure he can think of something... anyone seen the South Park where Hell invades Heaven? I'm thinking something like THAT going on...

2007-04-25, 11:19 PM
As long as the Giant does it well, I dont care.