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2015-06-08, 10:52 AM
Mandor stepped into the tavern, mentally gauging his coin belt. It wasn't exactly empty, but neither was it overflowing with spare cash. Still, he should be able to afford a decent meal without too much trouble. He stepped over to the bar and waited for the bartenders attention. "What do you have for food?"

"We have a nice potato stew going," the bartender offered, pointing to a nearly full bowl another patron was digging into. "Two coppers, and it comes with bread. You can get a slice of roast chicken, and it's a right generous slice, for another five coppers, or upgrade the bread to white for four."

Mandor controlled his instinct to wince and nodded instead. A tad expensive, but it looked like the tavern was fairly generous with its portions. "I'll take the stew, and add a slice of roast chicken. How much is your wine?"

"Two silver pieces for a pitcher," the bartender reached under the counter to pull the pitcher in question out.

"Very well. I'll take a table, if you don't mind," Mandor ordered.

"Very good sir," the bartender smiled. "There's one free over by the job board in the back there, if you're interested in taking a look."

"That obvious, am I?" Mandor smiled. "Thank you."

"I'll send the serving wench round with your meal right quick," the bartender offered. "If, that is, you pay up front?" Mandor pulled three silver coins out of his purse and slid them across the bar. "Very good, sir," the bartender nodded. "And good job on those orcs, might I add," the bartender slid five coppers back.

"I think your math-" Mandor began, only to be stopped by the bartender's shaking head.

"Good job on those orcs," the bartender said firmly. "Can't afford to give you a free meal, but my cousin..."

"I understand," Mandor nodded. "Torm keep him safe."

"I'm sure he's in Lathandar's keeping," the bartender shrugged. "But thank you."

"Your welcome," Mandor turned and walked away. The bartender hadn't intended to throw raw salt on the wounds, but he'd certainly succeeded in that goal anyway. Mandor and his group had planned well, but having their ambush turned into an ambush on them had been devastating. They'd managed to fight their way out of it, killing the majority of a tribe of orcs in the process, but they'd lost half their number doing so. They're plans for revenge had proven almost as dangerous, killing the rest of his adventuring group and failing to rescue any of the hostages they'd tried to save.

Mandor fingered his dagger, remembering the savage joy at slitting the last orcish bastard's throat. It was simply too bad that he'd been a little too late. A little too slow. The hostages were all dead, and the bounty the city had promised had been predicated on rescuing at least a few hostages.

Mandor looked over the job board despondently. There was plenty of work, but-

As his eye fell on one job in particular, the entire room grew quiet. He glanced around, wondering why, but it appeared to just be one of those occasional lulls that happen in any conversation. As his eye returned to the advert, the conversation resumed.

"I hear you, Torm," Mandor whispered, taking a closer look at the advert in question.

Adventurers Wanted!

Wagon requiring escort to town of Phandalin. Pay 100gp for safe delivery of contents to Barthen's Provisions. Additional minor duties required.

Good conduct and performance will be rewarded with additional work. Contact Gundar Rockseeker for more information.

Mandor sat at the table and thought over the advert, casting his eyes over the tavern. Rockseeker sounded like a dwarven name, but there were several dwarves here. And that completely ignored the possibility that Gundar might not actually be here.

"Your food, sir," the serving wench slid the platter onto the table in front of him.

"Is Gundar Rockseeker here?" Mandor asked.

"Yes sir," the wench pointed out a table in the corner before sliding off to do more work.

Mandor began eating the piping hot stew, noticing that the generous proportions seemed to be a bit more generous than anyone else's. He appreciated the gesture, even if it was like a dagger to the heart. The bartender meant well. But his eating was mechanical, as he kept his eyes on the table the serving wench had indicated.

Rockseeker probably was a dwarf, then. A dwarf and a tall human were busy arguing at the indicated table, anyway, and the human was clearly acting deferentially. At least, somewhat deferentially. Between them, a small girl was picking daintily at much the same meal Mandor was busy shoveling down his gullet.

Mandor just wished he could hear what the argument was about. He debated taking his meal over, but that seemed a tad bit rude to just sit down and eat at the same time he asked for work.

Oh well, he'd find out soon enough. And he'd be rude if it looked like any of them got ready to leave, but from the brand new mugs the serving wench was handing them, that seemed rather unlikely. But why these three? Why this job? What did Torm want from-

A single shaft of light broke through the clouds and framed the girls face. His father would have argued that it had only caught half her face, but Mandor knew another omen when he saw one. It was the girl. Praise be to Torm the dutiful!

But why?

Here is where you guys come in! Start bringing your characters around and lets get this party started!

Oh, and OOC thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?419965-Lost-Mines-of-Phandelver-OOC)!

2015-06-08, 04:19 PM
It had been a rough few months for Maria. Since learning of the death of her parents, she was in a daze, emotionally spent and close to tears. Like any child would be if had lost someone close to her. Then she was packed up and shipped out of Shadowdale, away from the only home she ever knew and put under the care of a dwarf trader who was constantly on the move and before Maria knew it, she was now permanently on the road. It was all kind of overwhelming and took quite a bit of adjusting on her part.

But like most children, she did adapt. Being the tenacious and stubborn little girl she was she helped out carrying cargo, though limited because of her small size, and acted as guard herself. She also warmed to Gundren and she and him had become close friends, often confiding with him whenever she needed to. Mind you the pain and grief was still there, but instincts and time made her stronger and better.

A visit to Neverwinter offered her a reprieve from the rigors of travel and the tastelessness of rations. It also gave her a chance to visit the libraries and do her most favorite activity of all. Read and research. She was having a grand time. But she knew it would not last. While she wished she could stay in Winterfell forever, her guardian needed to move on. Maria was grateful that he decided to go on ahead so that she could enjoy her stay in Neverwinter a bit longer. Though she did not mind joining him on his trip to Phandelver, he insisted on it. Either way she was fine with it. She did not care whether they got to Phandelver first as Sildar suggested or whether Gundren went ahead.

Eating the stew that was provided, Maria had for the most part lost her apetite with all of the arguing that was going on all around her. She did not want to get involved but it was getting a little annoying. Then she noticed for a few seconds that the room seemed to become a little too quiet. Then start up again, rather abruptly. She looked around concerned before continuing to eat. And then for some reason a bit of sunshine shone on her face causing her hand to cover it a bit before again it abruptly disappeared. Rather suspicious of what was going on, she pulled out her wand from her pocket and placed it on the table before finishing her food.

2015-06-08, 08:22 PM

Nox entered the bar, eyes sunken and bruised. His head reflexively ducked under the door as he came in, but when he raised it, his weary eyes were alight. He looked from person to person, muttering under his breath.

"No... No... No, no one here mat..." he trailed off as he noticed Maria.

No... It can't be! he thought. Dead... Dead a dozen years! My children are gone and only I can bring them back! No distractions. No distractions! But... She's alone. Weak. Helpless. Nox began to stagger towards her, shaking his head to clear it.

"Adelayde-no. Girl-what's your name?"

2015-06-08, 09:17 PM

OK, screw seeming rude. A half-orc was making a bee-line for the girl. The monster wasn't actually acting threatening or Mandor would have already stuck his glaive in the bastard's back, but that didn't mean that Mandor could just ignore the brute. So Mandor picked up his food and moved over. "So, you Gundar Rockseeker?" he asked the dwarf, setting his food down on the table to free his hands. He very deliberately didn't check his weapons. He'd checked this morning. Except for the glaive, which he couldn't really carry with his food in hand, he could have them at hand in an instant if needed.

"Aye, laddie," Gundar said. "But if you'll excuse me-" the dwarf tried to turn to face the approaching half-orc.

"I'm thinking about hiring on," Mandor continued firmly. "I'm fairly decent with a glaive, though mine is currently in for repairs. And you may have heard of me, I just dealt with a nest of orcs." The slight emphasis, combined with the flick of the eyes, made his real point clear.

"I'll certainly consider your application," Gundar nodded in understanding as the orc arrived, "but if you don't mind?"


Gundar understood why the stranger had interrupted, but it was still annoying. Keeping any trace of his irritation from showing, he turned to face the half orc, watching out of the corner of his eye as Sildar Hallwinter moved to take the orc in the back if needed.

"Who are you, half-orc, and why are you accosting my ward?" Gundar demanded. "And for that matter, what exactly are you doing in civilized company without chains on and a knife at your throat?"

2015-06-08, 09:27 PM

"Chains? The only chains that bind me are those of my past, dwarf." He glares at Gundar, but looks back at Maria, his eyes softening. "Nothing. It is nothing. I was mistaken." She's dead. They're all dead.

2015-06-08, 09:30 PM
"Then unless you're here about the job, like this gentleman," Gundren gestured at Mandor, "perhaps you will do us the favor of moving on?"

Gundren didn't exactly understand the half-orc's comment about the chains, but the thing was making him increasingly nervous. It almost seemed like the beat wasn't exactly entirely sane, even for a half-orc.

2015-06-08, 09:33 PM

"Perhaps. I'll need a moment." He closes his eyes, concentrating on the cube contained and hidden within his pack.

Tell me... Should I join?


Of course. I understand.

"I shall join, if you will hire me."

Nothing. It's a cube of massive power, but totally unsentient. Nox is simply more than a little insane.

2015-06-08, 09:37 PM
Gundren splutters. "Hire?! You?!" Hoist upon his own petard!

"I certainly never... I wouldn't..." Gundren glared at Sildren. "Stop laughing!"

"You did make the offer," Sildren commented between guffaws.

"Very well, I am a dwarf of my word," Gundren said grudgingly. "If you can hold your own in a fight, you can help with the escort. Same goes for you," he added in Mandor's direction.

"What are your names?"


Mandor frowned, but held his peace. If the half orc didn't cross the line, he wouldn't push matters.

But if the half orc made one wrong move, especially towards the girl...

"I am Mandor, of the house of Allon."

2015-06-08, 09:39 PM

"Nox. Any other name is gone. As for holding my own in a fight..." He began to chuckle, low and dark. "I would demonstrate, but I fear it impolite."

2015-06-08, 09:41 PM
Linda Leadheart

The slightly armored woman walked into the tavern, keeping her hands intentionally at her sides. Everything seemed normal, but she did find it odd to see a half-orc in it. She moved towards the half-breed a bit cautiously in order to see what exactly was going on.

2015-06-08, 09:44 PM
"Very well," Gundren said grudgingly. "I'll take your word for it. If you can't hold up your end of the bargain, you won't get paid."

"Job is simple," he said more loudly. "I have a wagon of supplies I need delivered to the town of Phandalin. I also have a ward who I acquired recently, who will require escort. She will travel with the wagon, and you are responsible for her safety. I'd take her with me, but Sildar and I intend to push hard. I don't want to subject her to the stress of such rapid travel, and the wagon will allow for a much more comfortable trip anyway. Make certain she arrives, safe and sound. You'll be paid 100 gold for the wagon. Escorting her will be considered part of the delivering the wagon intact, and if you fail to deliver her in one piece, not only will you not get paid, but I will personally take the loss out of your hide."


"I accept your terms," Mandor said quickly. The job dovetailed nicely with the task Torm had set before him. He'd be a fool to ignore it.

2015-06-08, 09:45 PM

"She will be safe. From everything." Even myself.

2015-06-08, 09:47 PM
Linda Leadheart

100 gold isn't too shabby...

"Is that offer still open?" The blonde human leaned a bit towards the table in order to get a reply.

2015-06-08, 09:55 PM
"Aye!" Gundren nodded to her. "Just remember, you must be able to hold your own in a fight. Just having weapons and armor may not be enough."

2015-06-08, 09:57 PM

Nox sighs, and his hand bulges. It splits open at the palm, revealing a bloody orb of raw force in his hand. He casually tosses it into the air, specks of blood pattering down. "And now you've forced me to be rude."

He waves his hand, and the orb vanishes, his open palm steadily knitting itself shut.

2015-06-08, 09:58 PM
Gundren stumbles back. "I wasn't even talking to- What in the nine hells was that? Wait, nevermind, I don't want to know!"

2015-06-08, 09:59 PM

"Ah. Have my apologies, then."

2015-06-08, 10:13 PM
Linda Leadheart

"That was odd..." Linda just squinted at the half-orc trying to figure out what happened. "Anyways, I can do magic like this."

The woman picked up a nearby fork and bent it in twain before using Mending to repair it.

"I can make fire too, but that would be a bit dangerous."

2015-06-08, 10:27 PM
Gundren nods happily at the slightly more traditional magic. "That looks quite useful. And please, lets be courteous to our hosts and avoid anything that might burn down the building."

2015-06-08, 10:48 PM
Linda Leadheart

"I'm also trained in the medical field, and by trained, I mean I can dress a wound and heal you up and zap you with magic to close wounds."

2015-06-08, 11:08 PM
Maria was canny enough not to answer the half orc and look to Gundren for help and protection. Something about the half orc though makes her think twice about judging him. She'd seen that look before from her parents. A sort of concerned genuinely caring look, even if it seems sort of delusional. For now she remains silent. If anything she is not judgemental. Being a very young wizard has led her to be under intense scrutiny. Seeing that there is no threat at the moment she picks up her wand and puts it back in her pants pocket.

2015-06-09, 12:41 AM

A young woman, older than Maria but younger than most of the others had been watching the whole scene rapt while tearing at a piece of bread hungrily. Once she had finshed it, and gobbled up all the crumbs, she left her seat and strolled over. "Fight?" she asked, with a rough voice that had seen little use. "I fight." She smacked the Greatsword strapped to her belt, the only piece on her that didn't look ragged, for emphasis? "Fight Great Evil?"

2015-06-09, 12:26 PM
It's honestly not too hard to miss a halfling, especially when one is generally taller than five feet. Vermia understood most people did not look up or down but straight ahead towards their goal,and that suited her just fine. The small woman who wore plain cotton tunic and pants, hidden beneath a warm cloak stands upon the very tips of her toes to get a better look at the offering upon the wall.

A hundred gold coins would surely line her pockets and be an excellent starting point for her journey now that she has come down from the serenity of the solitude that she had endured for nearly twenty years.

She heads to the table where others are gathering, running a hand through her, thankfully clean, graying hair. It had been so long since she had to converse, so long since she had spoken a word.

"I am Vermia Thistle," she begins in a hoarse and rumbling voice. "If you need an escort for your caravan, look no further."

2015-06-10, 08:10 AM
Gundren grins widely as he looks over the assembled group of adventurers in front of him. "I think perhaps we have an escort," he announces. "I'm leaving first thing in the morning, the instant there is enough light to travel by. Sildren, here, will be providing me with my escort. You lot will be responsible for bringing the wagon along behind us."

Gundren stands and reaches a hand out to Maria. "Come, my dear, we need to show them the wagon they'll be responsible for."

Gundren leads the group around back. "Here she is. You'll note she's already been packed and is ready to go, mostly. There's some space for you to lash your own belongings to her, to lighten your own loads. One of you will be required to drive her, but that shouldn't be too onerous a duty for mighty adventurer's like yourselves. Deliver her to Barthan's Provisions in Phandalin, and Maria to me, and the reward is yours."

"And on that note, Sildren and I need to prepare for our own departure. Good day, gentlemen and ladies," Gundren bows to the group then turned towards his ward.

"Maria, as I told you earlier, I have responsibilities that I simply cannot forsake. My brothers are expecting me any day now. These adventurers should do a decent enough job at keeping you safe, and I know the reputation of a few of them. They should be good enough to get the job done."

"I'm sorry, again, that I have to do this, but I'm already overdue. My brothers will be upset enough as it is over how late I am."

Gundren sighed. "Good luck, my dear. And sorry again about your parents." Gundren gives her a rough hug. "Now, why don't you get to know this group. You know where the room is, come to bed when you're ready. Sildren and I will probably already be napping, so we can leave as soon as there's enough light. Goodbye."

Gundren and Sildren hustle off.

2015-06-10, 09:35 AM

Nox, after the departure of Gundren and Sildren, moves to stand over Maria, looming in a protective fashion.

2015-06-10, 09:46 AM
"So, the weather, amirite?" Linda looked for a sup to casually sip as she tried to make small talk with a bunch of strangers.

2015-06-10, 10:00 AM
Pheius, looming over a book tattered with age, gilded with moss and clay dust, and stained with countless spots from no doubt endless use as a coaster, couldn't help but over hear the conversation being had not more than a few feet from where he sat.
It never quite did make sense, coming to a tavern in an attempt to quietly and peacefully study, but than again this particular Dwarf was unusual in more senses than one. Even when young, it proved easier for his attention to wander and focus on the mystical and imaginative when surrounded by noise and distractions.

Closing his book with a dusty snap and stowing it somewhere amidst the soft folds of his travelers cloak and beneath the tinkling chains of his metal protective shirt, Pheius stood from the table he had been lurking at quietly for the past few hours, and made note to intercede this gathering of would-be travelers.

"Well and met m'fellows!" Says Pheius with an all too soft voice for one of Dwarven stock.
"It would appear you've got yourself quite the expedition mountin', m'good.. *ahem* Gunder was it?", He says as he addresses the Post-submitter. Clearing his voice Pheius adds his introduction to the others, "Pheius Adle-Brack, er *ahem* Idle-Brick they've called me. 'M a merchant 'nd entrepreneur, and I just so happen t'be lookin' for safe passage to the very same place! Y'see, I happen t'be fresh out of Trade Partners in the area, 'nd it's hard makin' a living without 'nyone ta trade with!".
The man pauses for a moment that is perhaps a few seconds too long, making things a little awkward.
"Ahem, yes well. I'd would appreciate it if I were t'get passage on this expedition 'long side these others here? Wouldn't ask for compensation 'course. Would happily do it for free if's whats needed. Passage is all I seek, errm... If you'll allow it?"

The man stands awkwardly for a moment, and regardless of the Employers response, begins to zone out and stare hard into the faces of those gathered around him.

2015-06-10, 10:01 AM

Mandor, seeing Nox standing a little too close to Maria, moved over to protect her. He didn't actually threaten Nox, but at the first wrong move...

2015-06-10, 10:03 AM

He glares at Mandor, and asks "What are you doing?"

2015-06-10, 10:06 AM

Mandor was tempted, sorely tempted, but he really didn't have any choice. As much as he'd like to refuse to dignify the question with a response, that would just be picking a fight for the sake of picking a fight.

"Keeping an eye on the young lady is part of the job. I'm making sure she's actually protected."

2015-06-10, 10:11 AM
Linda Leadheart

"Friends...?" Linda tried to make a peacekeeping gesture, but her words trailed off into a question as she tried to calm the two down.

2015-06-10, 10:16 AM

"I know it's been a good while since I last entered a town, but since when has it been proper for two grown men to crowd around a little girl like that?" She remarks while casually moving towards the trio. "The both of you give the lass some breathing room, and her personal space back. Definitely 'fore we get in trouble with our newest employer."

Less than twenty minutes after entering a town and she's already working people that really need a good few smacks upside the face.

"And yes, friends. So long as we can actually respect some boundaries."

2015-06-10, 10:16 AM

Nox looks at Linda, then laughs. It starts as a low chuckle, before coming out in gales of mocking laughter.

"My only friends died over a decade ago, Miss Linda. I have no intentions on new ones anytime soon."

2015-06-10, 10:25 AM

Mandor looked at Linda and considered her point carefully. "We have been hired to protect her. I would be remiss in my duties if I wasn't on hand when a threat threatened."

A small smile appeared on his face, though, as he realized the perfect way to needle Nox. "Perhaps you aren't looking for friends, friend, but apparently some have been looking for you."

2015-06-10, 10:28 AM

"Then I suppose I must dissappoint them. Perhaps if I meet someone who can understand me, I'll make an exception but you-all of you-know nothing." Nox sets his face in a grim, hollow grin. To look at him now is to see a man haughty with knowledge, but bitter and empty because of it.

2015-06-10, 10:57 AM
Linda Leadheart

"Understanding others is part of the job in my line of current employment." Linda remarked, trying to gently push Nox a bit more into being welcome.

2015-06-10, 10:58 AM

"Then understand this," he says, eyes icing over. "I do not care about any of you. I will try to keep you alive because that is my duty, but if you die? I won't feel a thing."

2015-06-10, 11:01 AM
Linda Leadheart

"That's a tad harsh..." She looked a bit downtrodden from Nox's scathing retort.

2015-06-10, 01:05 PM
Barbara's eyes furrowed in confusion. That was one thing about living with humans. They always were upset about things she couldn't understand mattering. If she could understand at all. Barbara's instinct was to smack them both to get them to behave, but humans didn't work that way. They talked.

"We fight together. That is what we need, yes? We only fight and work together. We are not a full pack."

2015-06-10, 01:33 PM
Pheius Idle-Brick

All Pheius could remember doing for the past few minutes was losing himself in the wonderland that is his imagination. His inner thoughts foremost on his mind than the discussions being had at the table around him. The Dwarven fellow, Gundar, had not replied to the mans inquiries yet, or if he had Pheius had not given it notice.

Looking first from Mandor, than Maria and to Nox, Vermia, Nox, Barbara and Linda, his thoughts trailed to many odd and confusing things. The last thing he could remember thinking before he accidentally opened his mouth to shout the same sentence allowed was...

"I wonder what you'd'll look like wearin' dangly bell caps." Followed by an abrupt and awkward chuckle to himself. It took only seconds to Pheius to realize he had spoken allowed, and not to himself.

2015-06-10, 01:45 PM
Maria continued to observe the interactions of the party interest with intense curiousity. These were supposed to be her bodyguards after all. In truth she was not judgemental. As she ate she seemed pretty comfortable with this group, even with the half-orc, no matter how rude he seemed. Deciding to join the conversation she decided to try and break the tension by sticking to the subject at hand.

So what skills do each of you have that can contribute to help protecting me and this caravan?

2015-06-10, 01:49 PM
Linda Leadheart

"I can do magic, helping and healing in particular."

2015-06-10, 04:27 PM

"Nothing you need to know about. Fa-" Nox catches himself, cutting off the last word abruptly. "Nothing you need know about. Suffice to say I too have magic at my disposal."

2015-06-10, 05:05 PM
Pheius Adle-Bark

"Erm, well than.." he says, waving his tattered and aged spellbook around like it were a common ledger. A few pages manage to fall loose, and in a blind panic he scrabbles to gather them all together, no doubt misplacing them in whatever system it is he utilizes for organizating his arcanery.

"Man, 'm I glad they didn't 'ear the thing 'bout the bells 'n all! Phew"

2015-06-10, 08:12 PM

"My strength lies in steel, and unwavering holy purpose," Mandor answered the question.

"And as for you, good dwarf, with Gundar having already left, I suppose it falls to me to welcome you to our company." Given how readily Gundar had accepted everyone else to apply, there wasn't much doubt in Mandor's mind how the dwarf would have been recieved. Bumbling fool or not.

Perhaps that was another sign from Torm of some kind, but if so Mandor had no clue what it was or what it meant.

2015-06-11, 07:02 PM
Pheius Idle-Brick

The dwarf gives a shake of his head, regaining his focus for a moment on the people around him. "Err, ya, a'right 'M'in!"
he says, his thoughts immediately wavering back to his own distracted mind, I wonder if I just dreamed of that other dwarven fellow... Wouldn't be the first time now!

2015-06-11, 07:19 PM
Linda Leadheart

"So... when will we be off?" She looked around at the others.

2015-06-11, 07:20 PM

Nox stays silent, continuing to loom over Maria.

2015-06-11, 08:13 PM
All the while the others talked, Barbara stood bewildered, only being able to guess at what some of them were saying. At least they seemed to be done now. "So now we go?"

2015-06-11, 09:26 PM
Maria was pleased with the answers. Lots of magic, though low on muscle. It was a good thing she herself could provide a little help of her own. She was unsure whether to tell them. But she decided that they were going to find out sooner or later.

Well we should leave at dawn. So I suggest we go to an early bed. That way we will be fresh and ready tomorrow., she turns around and is about to head to the inn when she then pulls something out of her backpack, Oh and I guess I should tell you now, the dwarf over there is not the only wizard here.

Maria shows everyone her spellbook, which unlike Pheius' is much more neat and tidy, before neatly putting it back into her backpack, closing it tightly and heading back into the inn.

2015-06-11, 09:31 PM

When Maria draws out her spellbook, Nox lets out a gasp. "You... Why? Don't. Don't!" he falls down on his knees in front of her.

She won't just be dead...

"Adeliede, don't! You don't understand! This isn't... it isn't right! She was right, and I should've listened, so listen to her before it's too late! Don't let your life get consumed, torn away by... By..."

Nox stands back up, slowly, gaining his wits about himself. "Maria. Magic is a dangerous tool. Don't use it lightly."

2015-06-11, 11:03 PM
Linda Leadheart

"She probably understands that. It's no more a tool than a sword or battleaxe." Linda explained, but took a step away from the angry half-orc.

2015-06-12, 05:08 PM

"It would appear our new group has it's fair share of steel and magic at it's command," Mandor nods. "If anyone has any shopping to do before we leave, now would be a good time to do it."

"We leave first thing in the morning," Mandor continued. "I suggest we have one driver on the wagon beside Maria, and the rest of us should fan out around the wagon as we travel. I'll take the lead."

Mechanically, the party is better off if someone with proficiency in vehicles (land) drives the cart. Someone without that proficiency will face occasional skill roles to determine the success (or failure) of their attempts to control the cart.

2015-06-14, 11:27 AM
The next day, the party sets out on it's journey. It's not all that long a trip, but it does take a while. They learn a little of each other, dealing with a few minor mishaps along the way.

Then, after they take the turnoff for Phandalin, they encounter two dead horses sitting in the middle of the road...

You recognize them as belonging to Gundren and Sildar.

2015-06-14, 11:36 AM
Linda Leadheart

"This isn't very good..." She spoke to herself aloud as she looked about for anything that might be lurking.


2015-06-14, 01:47 PM

"Everything dies," he says, but also keeps an eye out.

17, rolled OOC.

2015-06-14, 02:07 PM
"Oh, no" Barbara says to herself. She slowly approaches, trying to determine what exactly the horses died from.

So, which check should I roll? Medicine, Investigation, or Perception?

2015-06-14, 04:14 PM
Maria is up and early the next morning and ready for travel. She already has her spells prepared and does not take her time taking a seat at the front of the wagon. For the most part she keeps to herself and just admires the view. She will help load whatever supplies needed to be loaded before departure.

When they come across the dead horses, a look of panic immediately appears in Maria's face as well as recognition, Those horses belong to Gundren and Sildar!


2015-06-15, 01:22 PM
The goblins snicker at the foolish human who walked right into their ambush, and two of them charge forward to attack, raising their swords to slash at the unarmored woman.

Goblin 1:

[roll0] to hit Barbara
[roll1] damage
[roll2] possible critical damage

Goblin 2:

[roll3] to hit Barbara
[roll4] damage
[roll5] possible critical damage

The first Goblin's attack catches Barbara square in the leg, biting deep into her thigh. Unfortunately for the creature, the damage -- while painful -- wasn't enough to disable, and in it's rush to attack her it got ahead of it's compatriot, giving her just enough warning to dodge the second attack.

Nox, Maria, please prepare your actions for this round, and Mandor (me) and Pheius should prepare their actions for the start of the next round. Everyone else, please stand by -- you're getting skipped this round. Please feel free to RP your reactions to the surprise, just don't prep any actions because you don't get them... yet.

2015-06-15, 01:27 PM

"Everything dies. Especially you, little scum."

Nox raises his hand, a ball of force expelling itself through his palm. He hurls it forward at one of the goblins attacking Barbara, aiming to kill the loathsome little creature.

Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-06-15, 01:32 PM
Goblin 3 Rolls:

To Hit: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Potential Crit: [roll3]

Unfortunately for Barbara, she still hadn't seen the archers taking a bead on her. An arrow darted in out of nowhere to catch her in the side, thankfully deflecting off her rib cage rather than taking her in the heart as intended. Still, the long bloody furrow it left as it ripped it's away across her back was devastating. It didn't incapacitate her, but she clearly could not take much more!

2015-06-15, 01:46 PM
OK, with just Maria and Goblin 4 left to take actions in the surprise round, everyone is welcome to prepare your next action.

You can have one 'pending' action at a time, so once I resolve one action you can ready your next. This lets me keep combat moving a little bit faster than waiting until everyone has posted then resolving all at once.

The goblins are in full war cry, and the entire party is now aware that in addition to the two who charged Barbara, there is an archer hidden somewhere off to the right, in the underbrush.

You guys also saw another goblin hidden off to the left of the trail. You know where both of the archers are, the rest of the party won't until you share it.

2015-06-15, 05:30 PM
Look out!

Maria yells too late as Barbara is set upon. Pointing her wand in the direction of the goblins she mutters an incantation and three silvery darts of energy shoot out and strike three goblins.

Magic Missile 1 Damage: [roll0]
Magic Missile 2 Damage: [roll1]
Magic Missile 3 Damage: [roll2]

2015-06-16, 12:42 AM
Resolving Maria:

Maria's three magic missiles streak out, striking three of the goblins. One streaks off to the left, mildly wounding one of the archers, as well as revealing it's position. Another streaks off towards the right, mildly wounding that archer. The third and final missile streaks forward and seriously wounds one of the ones who had attacked poor Barbara.


Despite the distraction of the incoming magic missile, the last goblin is able to sink another arrow into Barbara. This third attack was too much for even her primal vitality, and the blackness of unconsciousness dragged her under.

Feel free to role play falling unconscious when you make your death save!

To Hit: [roll0]
Advantage: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Potential Crit: [roll3]


Mandor found his eyes attracted to the missiles Maria threw at the goblins, and heading the obvious sign from Torm he charged into the affray and struck at the goblin archer. His slashing glaive managed to slice loose the shrubbery the create hid behind, sending it's cover crashing into the ground just in time for his reverse strike to bring the butt end of the staff into contact with it's head. The resounding crack of impact, combined with the suddenly crooked angle of it's neck, suggested that the beastie was quite, quite dead. Reversing course, Mandor turned and began charging towards Barbara, and the next nearest goblin.

Main Action: Attack
To Hit: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Bonus Action: Off Hand Attack

To Hit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

2015-06-16, 12:44 AM
Pheius Adle Bark

The dwarf seem utterly taken by the sudden ambush! More so than many would be. In a rush the self-titled "Wizard" begins flipping furiously through his spellbook, pages and notes flying chaotically around him.
"Erm, umm, uhh...Ah! Aha! Right!", and with a wave of his hand and the utterance of the arcane, something Magical happens!

10ft area, 60ft range at the closet goblin he can. If they are in a tight-group than I wanna hit more than one if possible, or block a path in the road to keep them from rushing our allies. Any who are hit by grease and any who enter or exit the greased area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or fall prone. (DC 12)

2015-06-16, 12:56 AM
Gob1 Dex Save: [roll0]
Gob2 Dex Save: [roll1]

A magical ball of grease crashed down around the road, coating the goblins and the unconscious barbarian. Mandor managed to skid to a stop before entering the affected area. One of the goblins lost his footing, but the other was able to keep on it's feet.

2015-06-16, 01:00 AM
The fallen goblin stands up and picks it's path with care, but it quickly joins it's companion in charging after the threatening paladin who had already taken down one of their friends. He faced their coordinated attack with cool determination, and used his glaive to cleanly deflect the attack of one of them into clear air. Unfortunately, the other was able to use the distraction to sneak in and get a slash, though it wasn't able to put full force into the blow. If it had tried, it's face would have met the butt end of Mandor's glaive.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Possible Crit: [roll2]

To hit: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Possible Crit: [roll5]

One of the goblins was forced to use part of it's move just to stand up, and both had to deal with double movement cost from rough terrain. But because Mandor charged in recklessly, he was still close enough that they could reach him.

2015-06-16, 11:39 PM

Nox eyes the most wounded looking goblin as he expels another orb of force. He takes a moment to aim, and hurls it with all his might again, the orb trailing flecks of his own blood as it flies.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]

2015-06-17, 12:05 AM
Once again, Noximilleon's eldritch blast streaks straight past the goblin it should have killed.

2015-06-17, 01:50 AM
Linda Leadheart

"Hold on, I'm on the way!" Linda shouted as she sprinted to the downed berserker and proceeded to use a Healer's Kit on her.

Using the Healer Feat, I heal her for [roll0] hit points

2015-06-17, 09:37 AM
Barbara awakes to the sounds of battle.

2015-06-17, 11:07 AM
Vermia Thistle

The graying halfing shuffles towards the fallen warrior with surprising speed, leaping towards the nearest goblin as she draws her blade in an attempt to stab the craven foe. If the blade sticks, she will use that as a hold to gain further momentum and slam her heel into the temple of her victim's head!

If not, then she will still find a way to slam an elbow into their neck or stomach, Vermia is very stubborn like that.

Move Action to close the distance for the nearest goblin next to Barbara that she can reach.
Attack Action to stab that particular goblin.
Bonus Action Attack due to Martial Arts
Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage 1 [roll1]
Crit Damage [1d6]

Bonus Attack [roll2]
Bonus Damage [roll3]
Bonus Crit Damage [roll4]

2015-06-17, 12:00 PM
Vermia Thistle quickly proves her worth in a fight, jumping forward to stab one of the goblins in the heart. As it crumbles, she uses her momentum to spin past and deliver a devastating roundhouse kick to the one Maria's magic missile had already injured, killing it as well.

Initiative Tracking:

Mandor, Pheius, Nox, Linda, Vermia, >>Barbara, Gob3, Maria

2015-06-17, 01:09 PM
Pheius Idle-Brick

The ambush and ensuing fight went by in a blur. It had taken less than a minute to deftly strike down almost all the would-be assailants. Pheius was still busy re-organizing his spellbook, unaware that one goblin yet lived, having wrongfully believed they all had been struck down with speed and precision.

Basically just passing my turn. No need to waste more spells, bigger threats lie ahead.

2015-06-18, 04:15 PM

Nox forces out another orb, throwing it at the goblin. He is not, at the moment, aiming to kill, only to wound or distract.

Rolls in OOC thread.

2015-06-18, 05:38 PM
Stupid Barbara, not thinking of ambush. Barbara must have gotten sloppy in her weeks inside the towns and cities. She was down before she could even react, unable to even comprehend what happened beyond a general sense of shame.

But Barbara was also strong, and quick. Once the healer woman had applied her skills, Barbara was back up, and took in the situation. There was one goblin in sight, and Barbara wasted no time in jumping up and attacking him.

To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Damage (if applicable)[roll2]

Ironic that the fluff tells about her reacting quickly when it took so long to get it up. Honestly, got a bit confused about how we we doing initiative, and whether we waited until it was our turn to post.

2015-06-18, 05:43 PM
Barbara has completely destroyed the last of the goblins.

What do you do next?

2015-06-18, 05:45 PM

"Excellent job taking a prisoner... Oh wait. You killed it."

2015-06-18, 05:47 PM

"It was a goblin. Who cares about prisoners? They're almost as bad as orcs," the paladin groused.

2015-06-18, 05:49 PM
Barbara's eyes narrowed. "Not kill it? Why?" She had never had the need to not kill creatures, at least not when outside the cities.

2015-06-18, 05:51 PM

Mandor smirked, and commented, "Maybe he doesn't want to kill any more of his brothers than he has too. Great family resemblence between goblins and orcs. Orcs are large, stupid, and filthy, while goblins are small, stupid, and filthy. Two out of three ain't bad!"

2015-06-18, 05:52 PM

"Yes. So we could interrogate it."

2015-06-18, 05:53 PM

Mandor snorts. "Interrogate it about what?"

2015-06-18, 05:57 PM
Linda Leadheart

"Possibly about what happened to Gundren and the other one."

2015-06-18, 06:00 PM

Mandor opens his mouth to retort, then snaps it shut angrily. He begins to look around for any signs of their employer, or any trails the goblins might have left.


"Aha!" Mandor points off to the side. "The goblins went that way. Looks like about a dozen goblins have come and gone down that path to the side, and it looks like some of them were carrying something large the last time they went through. Large as in a person!"

"Adventure awaits! Clearly Torm wishes us to follow after them!"

2015-06-18, 07:49 PM
Maria begins inspecting the area, looking for clues as to where the goblins have come from, maybe some tracks.


2015-06-18, 08:02 PM
Barbara similarly searched the area. She didn't like having to trust other people's eyes.

And Barbara's Perception Check


2015-06-18, 08:04 PM

Nox investigates as well.

[roll0] IS ACTUALLY A 10

I thought I had proficiency, but I was wrong.

Investigation check, not Perception.

2015-06-18, 08:09 PM
Linda Leadheart

The Favored Soul took a look around as well.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-06-18, 08:25 PM
Your determined investigations simply confirm that Mandor did, in fact, find the goblin's trail.


"I told you! Torm has set the truth path before my feet, and now we shall follow it!"

2015-06-19, 09:56 PM

"No one likes a braggart, Torm-boy," Nox says. "Now let's follow the path. Hopefully our employer still lives."

Nox makes off down the path Mandor has found.

2015-06-19, 09:58 PM
Linda Leadheart

"Hopefully they're okay." Linda remarked as she followed Nox. "I've never heard of Goblins taking prisoners before though."

2015-06-21, 12:36 PM

The party, lead by the half-orc Nox, follows the goblins trail. Ten minutes later, Nox puts his foot down inside a perfectly ordinary and completely unnoticeable loop of rope, only to have it snap tight around his ankle and yank him straight upwards. He's left, dangling in the middle of the trail, the ground just out of his reach.

2015-06-21, 12:39 PM

"Well, that's one way to deal with an orc problem," Mandor laughs. "Hang them upside down!"

2015-06-21, 12:40 PM

"I've done you no harm, Mandor, however tempting it might've been. Pray don't test my patience any further. Now," Nox says, "Someone cut me down."

2015-06-21, 01:05 PM
Barbara, seeing her companion caught in a trap, work of a coward who wouldn't face an enemy head on, strode forwards and cut him down in a single slice.

Do I need to roll strength to cut him down?

2015-06-21, 01:11 PM
Maria knew enough to stay in the middle of party. She was best effective with her front and back covered. Unfortunately as she went with her party, one of her front defenders fell into a trap. Shaking her head she stays where she is, ready for any attacks from the side.


2015-06-21, 03:05 PM

The dwarf is taken back by the sudden trap being sprung. His nose finally torn from his crumpled spell book, he watches as the powerful women frees his companion from the snare.

"O-oh please do try'ta'void 'urtin the rope. I could make some use o' it fer us! Plus I'been meanin' ta replace m'last one."

2015-06-21, 03:26 PM
Barbara blinked at the Dwarf's question. Something about rope? Well, he could have the rope if he wanted. Barbara turned to scan the woods for enemies.

My turn for a perception check. Hoping everyone else's bad luck doesn't rub off on Barbara.

2015-06-21, 04:08 PM

Nox picks himself off the ground, then casts his eyes towards the woods.


2015-06-21, 09:43 PM
There are no further signs of goblins, but Barbara's rough and ready solution drops Nox painfully on his head.


2015-06-21, 11:42 PM
Maria sees Nox cut down. There were times when Mandor could be annoying, and this was one of them. She did not like seeing people made fun of because of that. Traps were a serious thing, even harmless ones. Still she remains silent and stays in the middle of group.

Okay let's keep moving. Every second we wait our chances of rescuing our employers lessen.

2015-06-23, 07:57 AM

Being the sort of person to spend years in solitude to train and perfect her art, Vermia was finding it a bit hard to be sociable again. Which is not so much a problem when the rest of the group was picking up her slack so easily.

2015-06-23, 11:34 AM

"I agree. I still want to get paid, and corpses don't pay well."

2015-06-23, 11:36 AM
Linda Leadheart

"And here I was expecting something along the lines of you saying 'but Goblin corpses do pay well.'" Linda joked towards Nox, letting out a nervous laugh afterwards.

2015-06-23, 04:38 PM

Poor Nox. First he dangles up in the air, then he discovers that leafy patch in the ground is in fact a framework of light branches covered in leaves to hide a pit underneath.

2015-06-23, 04:40 PM

Nox's first warning of trouble is when the ground creaks underfoot, then even as he looks down the framework gives way, dropping him into a ten foot deep pit.

The edges aren't too steep or sheer, he can climb out, but it's still humiliating to be caught by two traps in a row.

2015-06-25, 10:32 AM
Linda Leadheart

"Perhaps we should let someone else take the lead." she told Nox before extending her hand to help hoist him up. "I can patch you up if you feel you need it."


2015-06-25, 12:29 PM
Maria shakes her head and tries not to smirk. She wonders how many times they will be delayed because Nox keeps running into traps. But more importantly she is hoping that the traps do not become more lethal so she agrees with Linda.

2015-06-25, 01:21 PM

The little warrior lets out a snort as she gazes down into the pit. "You'd think th' one who don't care if'n we perished would stop needin' our help."

2015-06-26, 09:49 AM
Nox successfully climbs out of the pit, and the party continues on. The path eventually reaches a small cliff, and the party sees a small stream coming out of a cave. The path appears to cross the stream right in front of the cave, but the other side of the stream is thick underbrush, blocking your view.

2015-06-26, 09:57 AM
Linda Leadheart

"Hold on." she tells the others as she looks in the bushes near the cave. "This is the goblin cave, right? There were traps earlier, so we should be on the lookout."


2015-06-26, 01:13 PM
Barbara moves to the front of the group, and wordlessly looks for traps as well.


2015-06-26, 01:19 PM

"Perhaps Mandor should take the lead from now on."


2015-06-26, 03:52 PM
Maria moves to the middle of group making sure that her front and back are covered.


2015-06-26, 07:29 PM
None of the party sees anything past the impenetrable brush of the the thicket on the other side of the road.

2015-06-26, 07:31 PM

"Sure I'll take the lead," Mandor laughed. "It's just goblins, how bad can it be?"

Images of 'how bad it could be' flashed in front of him in memory, as the last time he'd uttered those words came back to haunt him.

"Then again, are you sure you want me to lead?" he asked more quietly. "I haven't always made the best of choices."

2015-06-27, 10:37 PM
Barbara blinked in silence at the paladin's words, before striding forwards towards the cave.

2015-06-27, 10:38 PM

Nox offers simply one word. "Coward."

2015-06-28, 07:53 AM

"Says the one who keeps needin' help." The halfling remarks with a sigh as she strides with Barbara, hand casually sitting on the hilt of her blade.

"Let me join you warrior, wouldn't want to leave yah by yourself if they're plannin' an ambush."

2015-06-28, 09:43 AM
Linda Leadheart

"If there was an ambush," Linda paused as she began to follow the others. "Would it be best if we drew them out?"

2015-06-28, 10:40 AM

As requested, Mandor takes the front. The party steps fearlessly forward, and as they tromp across the bridge, they run face to face with a group of goblins.

2015-06-28, 04:54 PM

Nox lets out a sigh at the sight. "More scum."

2015-06-30, 05:16 PM
Attack 1 to-hit:[roll0]
Attack 1 dmg: [roll1]
Butt-Attack To-Hit: [roll2]
Butt-Attack Dmg: [roll3]

Mandor lashes out with his polearm, attacking the filthy beasts.

2015-06-30, 06:56 PM
Barbara, seeing the goblins ready to attack, smiled before drawing her sword, and charging

Not gonna waste a rage on 2 Goblins, so...

To hit:[roll0]

2015-06-30, 07:05 PM

Nox lets out a second sigh before raising his hand and readying an Eldritch Blast.
