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2015-06-08, 02:25 PM
This thread is for DMs only! All others will receive free mandatory attendance on one of Shadow Spider's Exciting Excursions!

Heading north along Mastiff's Road, you reach a large gatehouse in the city's outer wall, known as Rivergate. It stands open. On the other side, you can see the great river rushing by with a stone causeway built into it just inches above water level, the river flowing through channels under and through the stone. The Fortress is built on a large island in the middle of the causeway.

Looking past the island, you can see another large gatehouse on the far shore. Just beyond that gatehouse is the Docks and outer slums of the city. Looking at it, a shudder sneaks its way down your back. A place more lacking in Light you have never seen in all your days.

As you approach the massive gate of the Fortress, one of three guardsmen posted at the gate steps forward.

"Halt. What business have you here?"

2015-06-08, 04:41 PM
In his full kaleidoscopic splendor, Xim pauses, smiles enthusiastically, and waves. Not having a clue what this city protector is babbling, Xim goes into his spiel, "Hallo! Ich bin Lumos Maximiss , Priester des Solaron . Ich möchte den Kapitän Herrman zu helfen die Stadt im Kampf gegen die Dunkelheit zu sprechen."

Hello! I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I wish to speak to Captain Herrman about helping the city fight the darkness.

2015-06-09, 01:21 AM
The guard looks at you blankly for a moment then sighs.

"If you don't speak the local tongue, best you move along."

2015-06-09, 01:23 AM
Catching that he wasn't understood, Xim takes that mask from his belt and dons it.

"Hello! I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I wish to speak to Captain Herrman about helping the city fight the darkness." he repeats in his new, magically-imbued grasp of Common.

btw, 5 years of Aldhaven... that's pretty huge

2015-06-09, 01:29 AM
Even bigger than your free bonus feat! You make only the second person to claim the bonus too. *shrug*
The guard nods.

"I see. Seems pretty important, but... what 'darkness' are you talking about?"

2015-06-09, 01:34 AM
"There is a darkness that hangs over this city's docks at night. I feel the call of the Light Eternal to do my part in ending it."

crap... I just realized... I'm sending my character on a quest to go fix the "docks at night" problem... by placing light bulbs.

2015-06-09, 01:41 AM
No night, no problems. Makes perfect sense!"Ah, well, in that case, you should know that the Watch no longer maintains a presence within the Docks. Agreements have been made with the local Blue Hand hobgoblin tribe to oversee security and law enforcement in the area. If you'd still like to meet with Captain Herrman, you're welcome to make an appointment with the dispatcher."

He steps aside and points towards a building you can see just through the gate behind him.

"Go through the front door. The dispatcher will be in the first office on your left."

2015-06-09, 01:54 AM
"Thank you for the information. I shall arise now and seek the leader of the blue hand tribe."

With a bow and a few offered words of prayer in draconic, Xim heads off to the Docks and searches for any blue-handed hobgoblins he might find.

2015-06-09, 12:22 PM
As you pass through Dockside Gate, you get a sense of stepping into another world. The Docks are quite different from the rest of the city, not just in appearance but in the very feel of the area. It's as if a spirit of malice lingers in the air.

The first few buildings around the gate look to be in good condition and share the same general building style as Old Town on the far side of the river, obviously government buildings of some kind. Farther out, the buildings quickly degenerate into ramshackle structures built in haste for the cheapest cost possible. Interspersed throughout are a few larger buildings of slightly better construction, apparently built as warehouses. To the north, you see rows upon rows of "houses" that are little more than dangerously leaning shacks, which you conclude is the area known commonly as The Slums. You know the piers of the Docks are to your left from here, though you can't actually see them from here due to the buildings.

The crowd thins out past the gate to the point that there's nothing to blend into. People travel in small groups of no more than 2 or 3, and even those are fairly far apart.

2015-06-10, 12:04 PM
Xim heads over to the Slums and keeps his eyes out for a hobgoblin.

2015-06-11, 08:15 PM
Heading north on the main road, you are quickly stopped by a heavily armed hobgoblin patrol. Each carries a number of weapons and wears obviously magical armor. Blue handprints have been tattooed on their faces.

"H'ain't seed you rounds here afore. You up ta no good?"

The one who speaks levels his pike at you.

2015-06-12, 12:35 AM
"Actually, I'm up to all kinds of good!I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I wish to speak to someone in charge about helping the city fight the darkness, especially in the docks."

2015-06-12, 12:57 AM
The hobgoblin scratches his head for a moment before replying.


It seems he isn't the brightest hobgoblin around.

2015-06-12, 01:05 AM
Wondering if the mask is working properly, he speaks a little louder and slower. "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!"

2015-06-12, 01:14 AM
He looks rather rankled.

"Hey! I gives tha orders 'round here! You want see tha boss, I takes you. You no like it though!"

2015-06-12, 01:20 AM
"THANK YOU! May the light shine upon you!"

2015-06-12, 01:28 AM
He grabs you by the shoulder and shoves you towards one of the other hobgoblins.

"You takes to boss man. Wil' handles this one."

The hobgoblin sighs and leads you off towards the Slums.

2015-06-12, 01:43 AM
Xim happily follows his "guide" along, taking note of the sights as he is lead to the boss. Though he does pick up that they're quite suspicious of him, he doesn't mind. He knows that the goodness and light shining in his heart will see him through.

2015-06-12, 01:51 AM
You approach a hobgoblin sitting cross legged in the shade while shouting orders at a group of hobgoblins sifting through the damage done by some recent battle or something on the north end of the Slums. A half-orc sits silently next to him in an incredibly awkward pose that only crudely mimics the hobgoblin.

"Boss, dis here guy wants talk to you. Make big deal of darkness."

He shoves you towards the other hobgoblin and quickly leaves before he can be given some other job he doesn't want.

"Well, Bennet, it looks like we're popular today! What can I do for you, little shiny kobold?"

2015-06-12, 01:55 AM
"I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I wish to speak to you about helping the city fight the darkness, especially in the docks."

2015-06-12, 02:03 AM
He looks up at the noon sun.

"Seems pretty bright to me. What do you mean by..." He pauses and looks at the silent half-orc for a moment.

"Oh! Thanks Bennet. I'm sure that's it. You meant that as a metaphor. Darkness being evil, right?"

2015-06-12, 02:14 AM
"Yes, that too. Can you think of any way I could help you fight the Darkness?"

2015-06-12, 02:16 AM
"Oh ho! I can think of many ways... but I think it would be more interesting to hear your ideas first.

Clever idea, Bennet, making him go first." He smirks to the half-orc who has neither moved nor spoken.

2015-06-12, 02:20 AM
"What if we made the streets of the Docks and the city walls glow at night? Then Darkness would have nowhere to hide and its grip on this beleaguered area would begin to wane."

2015-06-12, 02:22 AM
Wilstaff just stares at you blankly for nearly a minute. Just as the award silence becomes almost unbearable he blurts out, "Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! You have my support. You should start immediately!"

2015-06-12, 02:41 AM
"Of course. Do you have anyone who can help me?"

2015-06-12, 02:42 AM
"Well, I guess it depends on how you're going to go about doing it."

2015-06-12, 02:48 AM
"For now I guess I can start by placing some continual flame objects around the Docks and use my divine energy to keep a part of the area brightly lit as if with daylight and see what comes crawling out of the darkness to oppose me. Could you spare a mage to help me produce the continual flames as well as a bodyguard or two? Oh, and the material components for another 20 castings of continual flames. Combined with the 10 I have on my person, that should be a good start."

2015-06-12, 06:34 PM
"Well, it's a start.

Yes, Bennet, I was just getting to that. Thank you.

Unfortunately, we lack the manpower to patrol the Docks at night. When the sun sets, the Extracity Watch retreats to the Slums. We only retake the streets of the Docks when the sun rises again. The uh 'Darkness' doesn't venture out in the day so much, so we can keep it in check. I'm counting on you to get this started so we can fight the Darkness better."

2015-06-13, 07:52 AM
"Can someone at least help me with the castings?"

2015-06-13, 05:19 PM
"I'm the only spellcaster of any note, but I've got all my spellcasting tied up fighting a monster of my own. Otherwise, I'd be happy to help to... light the way!"

2015-06-14, 01:18 AM
"Well, can I have your endorsement to go trying to find people willing to take a stand with me against the Darkness?"

I'm thinking of using that bonus feat for Leadership to get me the bodyguards that I need. Sound fair?

2015-06-15, 08:07 PM
"Right, like Bennet says. I've already endorsed you. What's the question again?"

2015-06-15, 09:18 PM
"Nothing further. Thank you!"

Xim departs to the docks and stands in the middle of the first plaza, square or large intersection he finds and begins preaching on the streets: "Why should we fear the docks at night? Join with me to take a stand against the Darkness!" He spends the afternoon preaching taking a stand against evil to the passersby, singling out random passersby to personally address.


Diplo checks to influence random people to convince them to help him

2015-06-16, 08:07 PM
About half of the, admittedly few, people in the Docks make it a point to blatantly ignore you; however, several with turn and go a different direction or cross to the other side of the street to be farther away from you. Others look at you with a look of fear and leave as quickly as they can without drawing too much attention. The rare few, however, stop to listen for a minute before dismissing you as insane and leaving.

Finally, after a few hours, one older man stops and listens to you 'preach.' He walks up and says, "Okay then. How do you play to liberate us, little lizard?"

2015-06-16, 11:27 PM
"It begins by shining Light on the Darkness so the nature of this evil becomes known. Without a place for it to hide, Darkness loses much of its power over people. From there, once we know the nature of this Darkness, it will be a matter of finding the will and the way to banish it. Would you join me in rising up to show this evil that we will not be cowed?"

2015-06-17, 05:26 PM
"Maybe. Would you rather I just tell you the nature of this 'Darkness'? Oh, yes, that might speed your quest along nicely..."

2015-06-18, 11:57 AM
"The Darkness is so bold as to not hide its true nature?"

2015-06-20, 04:43 PM
Sorry for the slow posting. I've been both very busy and pretty sick the past few days.
He nods introspectively for a moment.
"Perhaps you could describe it as such. Then again, you might say I've been close enough to see it first hand but far enough away to still escape with my life. If you think you're really up for piercing the darkness, you should come with me. But... if you think you'll go dim before it, go back to the city and don't come back. Your life, your choice."

He turns and starts to walk away before you can respond.

2015-06-20, 05:30 PM
nah man, it's 100% cool. This is supposed to be a fun and relaxing thing. Life happens.

Xim follows him wordlessly.

2015-06-20, 05:56 PM
He walks about a block before slipping into an alleyway between two warehouses. Just inside the alley, he knocks an odd cadence on a door, which opens to admit him. He silently beckons you to enter before disappearing through the open door.

2015-06-20, 06:06 PM
Not understanding what's going on but trusting this stranger completely, Xim will walk through the door as bidden.

2015-06-20, 06:25 PM
The door is pulled closed behind you. As you look around the (previously dimly lit) room, you realize that you're in a small storage room on the back side of one of the warehouses. Crates are stacked up in here, several of which are being utilized as chairs. The older man you've followed is busy talking the people present into putting away their weapons rather than attacking you, as you are his invited guest.

You see three other humans, one half-orc, and what appears to be a dark elf.

2015-06-20, 06:28 PM
"Hello! I am Lumos Maximiss! I have come to fight the Darkness that holds the Docks in terror at night!"

2015-06-20, 06:54 PM
They look at you skeptically.

The older man who brought you takes a seat on one of the crates as the half-orc waves an axe at you.

"Yeah? You and what army? You don't look like you would last six seconds in a real fight."

2015-06-20, 06:56 PM
"Well, hopefully the army of those who live here who aren't willing to live in fear any longer. Wilstaff thought my plan sound enough to endorse, though apparently actually diverting any resources to helping it is beyond him."

2015-06-20, 07:17 PM
The half-orc scoffs.

"That one wouldn't know an honest fight if it clubbed him in the face."

A human woman interjects, "That's enough. Personal grievances against the Blue Hands have no place here. You know that. They're the closest thing we have to a unified force against the... er... 'Darkness'."

The others nod agreement. "So, little kobold, what brings you to want to change the Docks? You don't look like one of the local tribe."

2015-06-20, 08:22 PM
"I'm not. I'm a priest of Solaron and I come from the land of Conviction. Our god teaches us to fight darkness wherever we happen to find it, and the Docks of this city seems to be gripped by an extreme darkness. It is my holy duty to stop this and give the people of this city Hope."

2015-06-20, 08:54 PM
The dark elf snorts back a laugh.

The woman continues, "So, can we count of you if things get dangerous? You're not from around here and can scurry back to your own lands if you want. None of us would blame you, unless you ran away in the middle of a fight."

2015-06-20, 09:32 PM
Xim is genuinely confused by this. In his homelands, the concept of not being deeply committed to your cause and seeing it through no matter what is something that others in foreign lands might do, but the natives of Conviction have, well, a deep sense of conviction for every goal they attempt.

"Why would I want to leave here? There is a cause worth fighting for and others who care as well. I may have been born in shining lands of happiness and peace, but i didn't become an extraplanar missionary so I could stay safe at home."

2015-06-21, 12:57 AM
They look at you like you're nuts. Obviously, they don't know anything about prismatic kobolds.

"I guess that's good enough. Fril, tell him what he needs to know."

One of the other humans pulls out a glowing dagger and throws it at you, sticking it into the floorboards at your feet.

"You want to know the nature of this 'Darkness' as you put it? Simple. There's a group of nasty little buggers, corrupt humans by the looks of them, living down in the sewers. They're damn near impossible to see or hear when they don't want to be, are invisible to most all divination, and come up at night to find hapless individuals to drag underground and sacrifice to their dark gods. They have a special love for torturing and killing humans. That there is a human bane dagger I took off of one that tried to gut me two weeks ago.

This little group is the only resistance effort still fighting them. Sure, the Blue Hands keeps the main streets safe enough during the day, but they run away as soon as the sun sets. They just don't have the man, ahem, goblinoid power to eradicate the dark ones for good. We're doing what we can fighting a guerrilla war against them, but they're better at it than we are."

2015-06-21, 10:00 AM
Considering the lands he comes from, Xim finds it odd indeed that some great evil god isn't directly involved in this but all the better. In this world it appears that the gods almost never set foot on the world.

"Now that I know, my next step is to take away their resources. You say they hide in the shadows? Then we need to take away their hiding spots. If the nights in the docks are no darker than the days, they will have no time or place to operate freely."

2015-06-22, 05:39 PM
They all look at you like you're slightly mad but are trying not to show it. The woman, apparently the leader, speaks up again.

"What do you need to accomplish this?"

2015-06-23, 09:55 AM
"Light, and lots of it. The continual flames spell is ideal, though any light source will help. I figure we'd need to start small, say perhaps one alleyway or one block. Light it up so that there is nowhere left to hide and show the thugs of darkness that they cannot make us afraid. After making one place secure, we will grow our network until there is nowhere left to hide in the whole district."

2015-06-23, 10:58 PM
She nods. "I see. That's an... interesting solution. You're going to need a lot of ruby dust for that plan."

2015-06-24, 12:22 AM
"Yeah, I know. I've only got 10 continually burning pebbles on me at the moment. I wonder if my temple would help subsidize the cost..."

2015-06-24, 08:17 PM
Most of the humans seem bored or pensive, the dark elf idly sharpens a short sword while seemingly paying you no attention, but the half-orc seems on edge and finally speaks out, unable to keep quiet any longer.

"Now look here. This little lizard isn't going to be of any help to us! He wants to fight off the skulks by hanging Christmas lights! He's useless. No, worse than useless. You can't seriously be expecting us to try to protect him while he goes about this inane task!"

The leader shrugs. "Well, I am considering it. It's isn't something we've tried before..." She trails off, slightly uncertain.

"I guess I should have vetted him more before bringing him here, but he seemed like he would have been a good ally," mutters the old man who brought you here. "Even if he doesn't help us out directly, this might get one of the major temples in the city involved, which could really help out..."

"That's a good point. I like that one."

"No. Just... just... no. This is going to end badly. I'm not ready to die for some useless runt."

Murmurs of agreement come from the two other humans.

Finally, the dark elf speaks. "I can't say if his plan is good or not, but it is certainly unique. If it has a chance of driving them deeper underground or letting us wipe them out completely, then I say go for it. If it doesn't, well... I suppose I'm just saying that there's no harm in trying something new."

2015-06-25, 08:55 AM
"If your current plan is working then please forgive my folly and I will aid you in your efforts. If not, you would be surprised at the power that "Chrismas lights" can have."


Xim didn't understand what "Christmas" was, but he's sure that this strain of lights would be as useful as any other.

2015-06-26, 03:14 AM
"Well, it looks like we're split fifty fifty here. Normally, we'd draw lots to make the decision, but since we've got an odd man out here, I'll give you some input.

So Lumos, what do you think? Do we go with your plan or stick to ours?"

2015-06-26, 03:30 AM
"What exactly has your plan been so far? I am new to this area and I do not know the goings on of the Docks yet. Have you all been successful in abating the worst of the attacks?"

2015-06-26, 03:44 AM
"Setting traps, being bait, and running away as fast as possible."

2015-06-26, 11:56 AM
"Then our two plans are hardly in opposition. i guess I'm volunteering to be the bait in a trap. A bright, shiny, glowing piece of bait that might just end up making it a little safer to do this."

2015-06-28, 11:20 PM
"I see... Come back in two days, an hour before sundown. We'll have everything ready by then, and I'll have something that should be of help to you."

2015-06-29, 11:53 PM
"I'll be there." If there is nothing further, Xim will depart and head back to the Plaza where he will go up to the town crier and pay him to add another item to his list of announcements:

Why should you fear the Docks at night? Join the Light Eternal as we drive Darkness from the Docks! Together, we will make this a better place. All interested should seek out Lumos Maximiss in the Temple to Solaron, the Temple District.

He'll then go and buy the materials for another 5 castings of continual flames and return to the temple of Solaron. He'll seek out the head of his order and say, "I've found some natives of this city willing to join with me to fight the Darkness that grips the city's docks at night. Can anyone here spare a few spells to help me cast continual flames on a few rocks for the next couple of days? I've the materials for five castings, and I can spring for another ten if the temple's finances can't afford to help me subsidize a few more."

btw, CozJa has sent me a pm expressing interest in joining up with me. hence why Xim is putting an ad in the Town Crier

2015-06-30, 01:26 AM
The priest to whom you're speaking shakes his head and smiles, "Nonsense to even ask. We keep numerous scrolls on hand to assist in spreading the Light! I shall give you some and spread word of your request to any volunteers."

He steps away for a few moments and returns with a collection of scrolls in his arms. He dumps the scrolls into your arms with a grin.

"Is ten enough to get you started?"

2015-06-30, 03:05 AM
"I'd love another five beyond this if we could spare it. I want to start with thirty glowing pebbles for my first stage. Gives me enough firepower to ensure I drive away the Darkness in a decent area."

2015-06-30, 03:07 AM
"I'll see what we can do, but this is all we have prepared of this spell for the moment. We can probably have another two or three ready tomorrow, four for sure by the day after and five if you're lucky. It just depends on what other requests we have come in."

2015-06-30, 03:22 AM
"I understand. As many as we can spare by the day after tomorrow would be wonderful. If any strangers off the street inquire about me, I think I'm going to see if any of our warm brothers over in Minrhet's temple want to help me kill bad guys!" Xim will stow the scrolls in his quarters at the temple for now and go knock on the door connecting the twin gods' temples.

2015-06-30, 06:10 AM
A burly draconian with burnished bronze scales (http://orig08.deviantart.net/f30d/f/2009/341/b/d/draconian_by_katthyatt.jpg) opens the door, looks back and forth for someone, seemingly confused. Thankfully, he glances down and notices you before closing the door.

"Oh. Hello little one. Did you knock?"

2015-06-30, 08:10 AM
"Hi! I'm going to be beating up and maybe killing some evil people of Darkness in this city's Docks in two days. Would anyone in your temple like to help me Shine the Light?"

2015-06-30, 08:39 AM
Is there some reason for the text color changes?He grins as only an oversize reptile can grin.

"Sounds like fun. I spread the word. Where do we sign up?"

2015-06-30, 12:42 PM
... I swapped my character's text color here for the one I'm using in LoC. Oops

"I'll be leading the group out just before sunset in two days. It should be quite a party."

2015-07-01, 11:43 AM
"Whoa. Whoa... Hang on. Did you say into the Docks at sunset? You can count me out. I'll spread the word though."

2015-07-01, 01:22 PM
"Okay! The names Lumos. Lumos Maximiss. I'll be in the temple all day!"

2015-07-01, 01:42 PM
He nods acknowledgement and closes the door between the two temples.

2015-07-01, 01:48 PM
Xim departs back to his temple where he'll pick up a handful of pebbles and try to enchant one with eternal flames.


2015-07-01, 02:55 PM
I don't think that worked...

2015-07-01, 04:25 PM
I couldn't remember either. I've never actually tried to cast the 2nd level spell from Precocious Apprentice before without some sort of cheat to ensure it works.

Having looked it up, it actually succeeded. It's a dc 8 caster level check.

2015-07-01, 04:41 PM
Then yay!A small flame appears on the peddle, flickers a bit, then gutters out. A little magical attention to it, and blowing on it to get some oxygen in there, brings the flame back to life. A few seconds later, the magical chain reaction is established, and the spell is complete. Yay!

2015-07-01, 10:45 PM
Thrilled to see that his mentor's teachings on some advanced magics wasn't wasted on him, Xim will stick this to the top of his head. He may not have continued his childhood studies into sorcery very much upon being accepted into the priesthood, but Xim didn't care. This particular spell was his spell.

Xim then went on to meditate for a few hours about the glory of the Light Eternal and how best to serve Solaron in his quest. in his meditations, a thought crossed his mind: He had just planned to stick the glowing pebbles to things but he realized that he wouldn't be able to cast the spell 30 times in one sitting when the time came. Maybe the temple had something in their storage that could help. If not, he probably has the time to hire out such a magic item made. He can even provide the spells for it should they not be prepared for this request.

He'll return to the priest from before and asks, "I was meditating on the task at hand in trying to bring Light to the Docks, and I realized that my plan to stick the pebbles to things might not be achievable through my own arcane powers. Do we have any magical items that would help me in sticking my lights up on the city streets?"

I'm picturing a never-ending roll of stickiness as an at-will use-activated item to help you stick two things together...

btw, mostly I'm just killing time while I wait for that player to contact me IC for our teamup

2015-07-02, 12:05 AM
I kind of figured. That's why I gave you 2 days IC to meet up with him.

Yes, an endless roll of double-sided duct tape would be amazing.

It needs to have stick and make whole at will.The priest thinks for a moment. "I'm not sure we have anything like that, but I can check to see. If not, we may be able to find a craftsman willing to make such a device."

2015-07-02, 07:34 AM
"That would be wonderful!" Xim's mind wheels with the possible applications.

I'd say we'd wanna keep it at mending so that it's not too OP. After all, creative uses of stick and mending together should be able to "duct tape" anything whole.

2015-07-02, 12:43 PM
"Alright, well, give me a day or so... I'll have an acolyte search."

That's kind of the point! :smallbiggrin:

2015-07-02, 09:15 PM
"Thank you!" Xim exclaims as he gives his fellow priest a hug.

2015-07-03, 04:53 AM
The priest awkwardly pats Xim on the back and disengages after a few seconds.

"Right. Of course. You're wel-welcome."

2015-07-03, 05:18 AM
Believing that he has his affairs well in hand for now, Xim will look around the temple to see if there are any others in the priesthood who would like his help.

2015-07-13, 10:29 PM
Haven't heard from CozJa. Are you still planning to team up with him, or should we move along without him?

2015-07-13, 11:27 PM
let's move on. He's missed his chance to die in the docks at night go adventuring with me!

2015-07-13, 11:39 PM
I just want to say that my wife is awesome and being married to her is amazing.
Do you have your BGG Con (https://boardgamegeek.com/bggcon/prime) ticket yet? If not, are you on the waiting list? If not, it may be too late to get one. If you do get on the waiting list, you usually won't get a ticket until just a few weeks before it starts. Tickets are $95 if you can still get one.You wander around the temple a bit, but it seems that there's actually not much going on around here. Then again, Xim might look around harder and uncover some other information, as the DM doesn't really remember much about Solaron and isn't really familiar with the temple the other DM added to the game.

Of course, he could also go find some other ways to prepare for hanging lights in the Docks.

2015-07-14, 12:10 AM
I never really fleshed the place out very much, tbh. Other than being enthusiastic and generally brightly-lit, I'm not too sure what the temple's like either. I'll get something together about it later.

Glad to see that everyone is busy bringing forth the Light Eternal, Xim will wander the streets of the Temple District looking for a more warrior-like temple that might enjoy killing evil things in the docks at night.

2015-07-14, 12:37 AM
His feet lead him to the entrance to Pelor's temple, which is surrounded by a thick, circular outer wall. A sense of power seems to linger in the air. The large front door to the temple stands open, and can be seen from the gate in the outer wall, revealing a large statue of Pelor sitting cross legged with open arms, welcoming his children into the temple. A gold sun the size of a troll tops the temple. He has heard rumors of warriors of a light gather here.

Barely a block away stands a temple quite the opposite of the grand temple of Pelor. The modest temple of Bahamut is simple and avoids the baroque and heavy ornamentations of many of the other temples. It seems to be made of rather plain stone, though the inside of front door is inlaid with Bahamut's holy symbol, wrought in platinum, the only ornamentation visible on the temple. Xim is fairly sure that there are warriors that can be found here, though they're likely less interested in the Light than in draconic matters.

He passes the Almathean Hospital, which appears rather utilitarian when compared to the temples around it. Though the followers here would be likely to champion his cause, Xim doubts that many powerful warriors will found be among them.

He eventually finds the temple of a warrior deity and quickly moves to check it out. Unfortunately, the temple of Heironeous has seen better days. It's not decrepit by any means, but it is clearly showing its age and a lack of proper upkeep. The temple consists of a 10-foot thick stone wall surrounding a small courtyard about 30 feet wide and 50 feet long. On one end of the courtyard is a low stone building designed to look like a fortress. On the opposite side is a tired looking warhorse, obviously well along in years, tethered to a post and eating from a feed bag. The courtyard itself has some scattered tufts of grass but is mostly bare dirt and gravel.

2015-07-14, 10:24 PM
Seizing upon the temple to Heironeous as the most likely candidate, Xim will walk into the middle of the courtyard and call out, "Greetings, I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron! I come seeking a worthy warrior to aid me in my quest to fight the Darkness that has beset this city's docks at night!"

While doing all this, Xim tries to recall what his studies of the local religions tell him about this particular order. [roll0]

2015-07-14, 11:45 PM
Do note that this is the temple as defined when Selenia ran through is part of the city and later modified by Ghostaxe...An elderly priest who shows signs of having been a fine warrior in the past steps out of the little keep followed by a young boy of about 10. He squints at you as he tries to figure out what's going on.

"What's all the ruckus?"

You know that the church of Heironeous is extremely militant in nature and follows a strong military tradition, with its temples often doubling as fortresses or training camps for local armed forces.

2015-07-14, 11:51 PM
Thinking that perhaps the priest misunderstood him since he was speaking the awkward local tongue instead of proper Draconic, Lumos repeats himself in Draconic, "Grüße, ich bin Lumos Maximiss, Priester des Solaron! Ich komme suche eine würdige Krieger zu mir in meiner Suche zu helfen, um die Dunkelheit, die Docks dieser Stadt in der Nacht zu kämpfen hat, zu kämpfen!"

2015-07-15, 12:20 AM
"Yeah, yeah. I heard you the first time. What did you want?"

2015-07-15, 08:23 AM
"Well, I have a plan to make the Docks safer at night, and I've gotten together a posse of local residents willing to stand with me. I am looking for a worthy warrior with the courage to stand with me against the Darkness."

2015-07-19, 03:24 PM
"Ha! Were I fifty years younger, I'd gladly take to the Docks to clean up this mess! As it is, I'm the only priest here, and, as you can see, my only acolyte is in no way old enough or able enough to do aught but get his guts spilled on the hard ground."

The little boy looks ashamed at this assessment of his skills. It seems he really thought he was doing better than that.

2015-07-19, 09:48 PM
"That is a true shame. Would you happen to know any younger warriors who might be eager to join me in my quest?"

2015-07-19, 10:08 PM
He sighs and looks quite dejected.

"Sir, if I but knew that, I would not be the sole priest of this temple. Indeed, should you meet any willing to follow Hieroneous, even merely lip service, I'd be more than glad for you to send them my way.

2015-07-21, 01:30 AM
"Of course. May the Light shine upon you." Xim departs and will head to the temple of Pelor.

2015-07-23, 11:26 PM
You find yourself outside the temple (http://images.yuku.com/image/pjpeg/37716d3423a654bdbbb1b92b223a9cedc158e54c.pjpg), which is surrounded by the thick, circular outer wall. A sense of power seems to linger in the air. The large front door to the temple stands open, and can be seen from the gate in the wall, revealing a large statue of Pelor sitting cross legged with open arms, welcoming his children into the temple.

A number of priests are tending to the grounds inside while two others, of obviously higher rank, are performing a small religious ceremony for a group of civilians gathered in a circle to one side.

2015-07-24, 07:25 AM
Xim strides in and approaches the group that are performing the ceremony. He'll listen in on them for now.

2015-08-06, 02:40 PM
They seem to be calling upon the blessing of the Light while decrying the "lesser lights" that are nothing as compared to the greatness of the Light of Pelor.

2015-08-07, 12:23 PM
In usual Xim fashion, he will wait until the priests are done with the ceremony and the crowd disperses. Once they have, he will approach them saying, "Greetings, I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron! I come seeking a worthy warrior to aid me in my quest to fight the Darkness that has beset this city's docks at night!"

2015-08-10, 03:03 PM
The priest looks at you with a mix of compassion and pity.

"Then you have indeed come to the right place. Come, let us share with you the knowledge of the True Light, embrace it, and you will have all the aid you need."

2015-08-10, 04:06 PM
"I'm just looking for someone to help me kill some evil things. I'm not looking to convert."

2015-08-10, 05:15 PM
The look on his face changes drastically.

"Then you are not in the right place, my friend. Only those who follow the Light are welcome here."

2015-08-10, 05:25 PM
Deciding that these priests weren't nearly as good as their facade would lead one to believe, Xim leaves the temple of exclusive wads and decides to visit the temple of Bahamut.

2015-08-13, 01:59 PM
Barely a block away stands a temple quite the opposite of the grand temple of Pelor. The modest temple of Bahamut is simple and avoids the baroque and heavy ornamentations of many of the other temples. It seems to be made of rather plain stone, though the inside of the front door is inlaid with Bahamut's holy symbol, wrought in platinum, the only ornamentation visible on the temple.

A dragonborn priest stands at the door ready to welcome any who approach.

I've been thinking that I'd really like to define a "native" pantheon for this world, or at least this part of the world. I'd prefer if we do a full set of homebrew deities, and I have no problem using LoC characters we have permission to use. I intend to incorporate most of my own past LoC characters into the pantheon.

2015-08-13, 04:19 PM
that's great with me. How many gods are we looking to put together in this club?

Xim will walk up to the dragonborn and say, "Greetings, I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron! I come seeking a worthy warrior to aid me in my quest to fight the Darkness that has beset this city's docks at night!"

2015-08-13, 04:23 PM
As many as we want. The more the better, I suppose. Overlap on domains is fine too.

I'm actually thinking about having three or four "pantheons" akin to what's seen in the OotS comic, though likely not as friendly with one another. Of course, due to the extensive nature of Temple, all would be represented in some way. I'm still working through all the old threads as I have time and will compile all the gods already in the game as I come across them.

2015-08-13, 04:27 PM

btw, can Xim get a response from the priest?

2015-08-13, 04:32 PM
Stupid touchpad randomly highlighting things because I bump it... I apparently deleted the response before I posted it."Well, dragonkin, what is it you propose?"

2015-08-13, 04:50 PM
"I have contacted a group of people in the Docks who will not put up with being bullied any more by thugs in the dark. We have a plan in place to make a public stand against them tomorrow night. I was hoping to find a warrior here in the Temple District with the courage to join me and fight against the Darkness with me as I light up the dark."

2015-08-14, 03:36 PM
He scratches the scales on the left side of his neck as he thinks.

"I see. I believe there was a warrior of our order here not long ago seeking allies for a similar endeavor. Provide me with the specifics, and I'll forward them to her."

2015-08-15, 12:55 AM
Xim tells the man the specifics of the time and location of the Docks hunt the night after tomorrow. He also explains that he'd like anyone interested to meet with him anytime beforehand at the Temple to Solaron so he can account for them.

"I thank you very much for your time and your help. I have been to several temples today that I thought might wish to help fight evil only to be turned away."

2015-08-27, 09:46 PM
Computer is fixed, so I'm back. :smallbiggrin:"Right, I'll pass it along. She'll probably be there if she doesn't come looking for you sooner."

2015-08-27, 11:37 PM
Xim will return to his temple and practice his evening meditations before retiring for the night. If anyone else should visit him before he goes to bed he'll receive them. If not, he'll awaken the next morning and perform his morning rituals.

2015-09-02, 01:03 PM
Your evening rituals proceed uninterrupted, though you awake at one point in the night with the sensation that you are being watched. However, you do not immediately detect any threats.

Awaking the next morning, your morning rituals proceed uninterrupted.

2015-09-02, 04:01 PM
After his usual morning routine, Xim will search down that priest from yesterday and inquires as to the progress of finding him duct tape an item of stick.

2015-09-03, 06:44 PM
"Ah! It's is good to see you again! Our scribes have penned another few scrolls for you. I have them right here."

He pulls [roll0] scrolls from his bag and hands them to you.

2015-09-03, 10:15 PM
"Praise be the Light! I thank you for this. Has the search for an item to enable me to stick my lights to the Docks found anything?"

would Hagan be able to craft a psionic version of this duct tape?

2015-09-04, 09:56 PM
Possibly, if you can find an item/power that has a similar ability.
"I put out an open request, but it seems that none of the priests have the ability to craft wondrous items. Or rather, to be more accurate, the only one who does is currently away from the temple for the establishment of a mission in Brunsgrove."

2015-09-05, 08:18 AM
"Then would the temple object if I took a loan and attempted to find a mage in the city who could craft such an item for me? Having prayed over things for a day, it is my conviction that such an item is essential to my mission."

would Hagan be able to craft such a thing if Xim supplied the spell for the crafting? Or does our magic/psionics transparency not extend that far?

If not, I guess I'll have to hunt down a new contact. I smell a trip to the Mage's Quarter.

2015-09-06, 09:46 PM
I think we allowed it when he was a PC for one wondrous item that didn't directly employ the required spell. I don't think it ever came up other than that one instance.

Since I trust you to divorce your personal interests from your views as a DM (or at least disclose when you don't), what's your opinion on it?"I'm afraid a loan is likely out of the question. While we do have several members willing and able to contribute to the scribing of scrolls, the temple is, quite sadly, rather short on local currency..."

He looks rather saddened by having to make this admission.

2015-09-07, 07:21 AM
"Alas, I was afraid that this would be true. We have hardly been showered with tithes and offerings from the people of this world. This is nothing like the home world, is it? Where the holy God-King could just raise up a hill full of gold if the people found themselves short of funds. Alas, for such hardship and difficulty did we volunteer to become extraplanar missionaries. Still, while the Light Eternal might shine itself without us, we'll hardly open the eyes of the blind by sitting around moaning, will we? With your blessing, I will be off to see what path the Light has opened for me to accomplish this."

I'm not totally sure if it should be allowed or not from a DM standpoint, honestly. To me, it seems to be coming down to a standpoint of how transparent our magic and psionics are for the purposes of item creation. If Hagan was a normal artificer, then the rules do indeed allow for another caster to supply the spell contributions during item creation.

So, do we mean for psions and magic-users to be able to collaborate together to build a magic item or not? I'm inclined to say yes, as it would seem to fall in line with our general transparency rules, although I know that I am having difficulty divorcing myself from my desire as a player to get the 70% discount so all my starting funds aren't wiped out.

2015-09-07, 05:30 PM
"Your words have truth in them. Let us both be about the Light's business." He gives you a slight bow and turns to go back to what he was doing before you approached him.

I'm not totally sure if it should be allowed or not from a DM standpoint, honestly. To me, it seems to be coming down to a standpoint of how transparent our magic and psionics are for the purposes of item creation. If Hagan was a normal artificer, then the rules do indeed allow for another caster to supply the spell contributions during item creation.

So, do we mean for psions and magic-users to be able to collaborate together to build a magic item or not? I'm inclined to say yes, as it would seem to fall in line with our general transparency rules, although I know that I am having difficulty divorcing myself from my desire as a player to get the 70% discount so all my starting funds aren't wiped out.Quoting from the Consolidated Rules Thread:
General Rulings System Transparency: Magic and Psionics (and other alternate systems with their own skills) work on a semi-transparency rule. For purposes of magic/psionic item crafting, similar spells/powers can substitute for others with a successful UMD/UPD check as if activating a scroll/power stone of the appropriate level. If the spell/power does not have the same name or nearly identical effect, a sufficiently similar spell/power may be substituted, but the UMD/UPD check DC is increased by 10. If the crafted item casts a certain spell/power, then translated spells/powers will work, but 'close enough' spells/powers will not suffice, e.g. psionic charm person can substitute on an item that casts charm person, as they are effectively the same ability.

I think I'd like to allow another to provide a spell/power that would otherwise be unavailable for the purposes of item creation; however, the craftsman must still make a successful UMD/UPD check as if he were emulating a spell/power of the appropriate level to "convert" the provided energies into the appropriate format. In essence, you are having another cast the spell/power for you instead of suffering the standard +10 UMD/UPD DC penalty.
However, since this seems to be a spell that does not have a power analogue that I readily remember, and the intention of the item is to cast the specific spell #/day, I think that allowing its creation in this manner but maintaining the +10 DC penalty would be appropriate.

2015-09-07, 11:40 PM
well then, it looks like Hagan can do it, provided he has sufficient UPD... lol. Like Hagan'll fail a UPD...

wait, Hagan does have UPD, right?

Xim will head out and look for a shop where such an item as he is looking for might be found. As he finds himself on Mastiff Road on his way to the Mage's Quarter, he comes across the Plaza. Seeing a shop where "dynamos" can be purchased, he walks inside. Xim doesn't know what "dynamos" are, but they sound impressive.

2015-09-07, 11:53 PM
Oh snap! Hagan can't legally create any items!!!

Hagan has something like a +25 to UPD.

TE=planswalker;WhatLink?]Erbauer's Enchanted Devices and Dynamos sits on the north-west side of the Plaza on Mastiff's Road. A stout wooden door with elegant etching work opens onto the Plaza. The sign hanging on the corner of the building has a picture of a bag of holding with rings, swords, and other magical items protruding from it.

Inside is a small workshop, about twenty feet by forty feet. On entering, one does not find a true proper shop area, and there is often at least one apprentice noisily working on some magical contraption within.

Near the front are two comfortably upholstered chairs and a small counter which separates the entryway from the workshop. Behind the counter stands a woman of shocking beauty, a nearly perfect face, and shimmering golden hair with trace highlights of blue. Her diaphanous clothing is only just on this side of modest and is really quite distracting. Once you notice her, you find it physically difficult to look anywhere else in the shop... The name tag she wears reads "Clearwater".

"Welcome to Erbauer's! How might I be of assistance to you today?"[/QUOT

2015-09-08, 12:07 AM
what, you couldn't be bothered to remove the [quote] tags from the copypasta? It's bad form to leave a link to another private thread in the copypasta. We normally at least give some passing effort to the illusion that each player's experience is unique. :smalltongue:

Somehow experiencing a feeling of deja vu while knowing that he's never been here before, Xim says, "Greetings! I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I've come here today looking for a rather unusual magical item, and I was wondering if this shop could help me."

2015-09-08, 12:14 AM
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. *innocent whistle*The woman smiles at the little shiny kobold.

"Welcome, Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron. I bid you greetings of Light. I can, of course, assist you with almost any item you might find necessary."

2015-09-08, 01:00 AM
"That is good to hear. I am working on a plan to fight the Darkness in the Docks at night, and in order to do that, I need a rather specific, unusual item. I am looking for a device that would be able to duplicate the powers of the stick cantrip at-will. Would this shop be able to create such an item or direct me to someone who could make such a thing?"

2015-09-08, 09:55 AM
She thinks for a moment before replying.

"Such an item would normally be outside of our area of expertise; however, if you were able to provide the necessary spell, I believe we can accommodate you. Such an item would normally retail for around 1,000gp, but we do have a new customer discount that will bring the price down to 700 gold."

2015-09-08, 10:51 AM
"Yes, I am able to contribute the spell component of such a creation." Xim will pay with the 500 gold he has, along with the 200 gold worth of rubies he was holding for castings of continual flames.

2015-09-09, 03:30 PM
She collects the payment and writes down a few notes, putting everything into a small bag.

"Very well, if you would return this afternoon just after lunch, I'll have someone here ready to work with you on your item, though it won't be until tomorrow morning that the item will be completed."

2015-09-09, 03:37 PM
Satisfied, Xim will return to his temple and double-check his supplies for tomorrow night. Though it had only been two days, this preparation had felt like it took months to accomplish. Such was his anticipation at finally confronting the Darkness. He will spend his morning at the temple in quiet prayer and meditation. Assuming that nothing interrupts this sequence, he will return to the shop after lunch.

2015-09-09, 03:45 PM
Your prayers and meditations are interrupted by the who provided you the sticky scrolls that also happen to hold stick.

"I am sorry to interrupt your communion, but you have a visitor."

2015-09-09, 08:07 PM
"Oh, a visitor? Please, let them in."

2015-09-10, 12:36 PM
The priest leaves for a moment before returning with an obviously dragonblooded woman, her purplish scale shimmering with a faint aura of platinum light.
She steps into your chamber and gives a slight nod before speaking.

"I was told you were seeking me."

2015-09-10, 12:37 PM
"You're from the temple to Bahamut? Yes, yes! I was looking for a warrior of courage who would be willing to come with me to fight the Darkness in the Docks at night."

2015-09-10, 01:14 PM
"Very well. I am interested and will assist in this endeavor. However, be aware that I am a paladin following the path of The Greater Good, a path which cannot be served if I am dead. If things look too bad, I'm out, and I can't guarantee I'll take anyone else with me when I leave.

The said, tell me your plan."

In short, she's a Gray Guard who has absolutely no qualms about abandoning an ally so she can live to fight Evil another day.

2015-09-10, 02:04 PM
"Yes, that sounds great! If anyone's supposed to be a martyr, it's me! It is my crazy idea after all to string Christmas lights up to fight monsters in the night!" Xim then outlines for her the plan of lighting up a very visible part of the Docks bright as day to eliminate the skulks' ability to hide in the shadows and kill without notice. He explains that there is a group of Docks natives that he has met who will be aiding him in killing off the skulks who come to stop him, and it will be his goal to act as bait. "I'd like you to stand by my side out there and keep them from killing me while I work."

2015-09-10, 02:22 PM
She looks significantly less than pleased with your plan.

"Your plan is brash, foolhardy, and ill conceived." She grins. "I like it! When do we start?"

2015-09-10, 02:38 PM
"An hour before sunset tomorrow tonight."

2015-09-10, 02:45 PM
Won't your item not be ready until the following day?

2015-09-10, 02:47 PM
... dammit, I hate it when timelines don't work out.

are you okay with us just pretending it'll be another day before the meetup?

2015-09-10, 02:53 PM
"Good. That gives me time to prepare. I will meet you at Dockside Gate at the appointed time."

2015-09-10, 03:00 PM
...and ring up one cohort for Xim so his leadership feat isn't a waste, right?

His various ventures coming together nicely, Xim will then proceed back to Hagan's shop after lunch.

2015-09-10, 03:10 PM
Dragon girl can't be your cohort. She's higher level than you.
I didn't think Xim had Leadership anyway...Clearwater meets you at the shop and calls an apprentice from the back to speak with you.

He shows up carrying an odd metallic item (https://2ecffd01e1ab3e9383f0-07db7b9624bbdf022e3b5395236d5cf8.ssl.cf4.rackcdn.c om/Product-800x800/3fee24f3-eadf-483a-8ac5-464ea18d3769.jpg). "Just cast your stick spell into this while I focus..."
A faint green glow appears around the apprentice's hand which holds the item while a bluish glow appears around the small crystal tool he uses to prod the item as you cast.

Hagan is sending out an apprentice with Craft Wondrous Item to handle this one.

2015-09-10, 04:17 PM
it was the bonus feat he picked up off of mentioning Aldhaven's anniversary.

Xim complies with the directive. "It looks like things are coming together nicely. Soon, it might even be safe to take a stroll around the docks at sunset without having to worry about evacuating before nightfall. Either that or I'll be dead within the week."

2015-09-10, 04:34 PM
Ah, then you need to add it to his sheet. It's not there currently...The apprentice just nods to you as he binds the magic into the item.

"Thanks. That should do it. Just come back in about two hours, and it'll be ready to go."

2015-09-10, 04:43 PM
I guess I'd forgotten to hit "save" after adding it. Sorry for the clerical error.

Xim will leave Hagan's and spend the next two hours preaching in the Plaza about the glories of the Light and how it is the duty of all free peoples to fight the Darkness. Afterwords, he'll return to the shop to pick up his item.

2015-09-10, 04:48 PM
[roll0]Let's see...A man leaving the Sad Flint slightly drunk pauses to listen for awhile before scoffing and walking away.

A man leaving the Sad Flint slightly drunk pauses to listen for awhile before scoffing and walking away.

A woman carrying a bag of groceries stops to listen nodding and agreeing. She starts to get really into it, echoing things you're saying. Finally, unable to contain herself any longer, she shouts, "Praise be to Pelor!!"

2015-09-10, 04:57 PM
Deciding that it's not worth correcting her, Xim is just glad that someone got the message, sort of.

His hours of preaching done, Xim returns to the shop to pick up his item.

2015-09-10, 05:45 PM
If item is thus picked up.

2015-09-10, 05:53 PM
"So, what do you call this item?" Xim asks curiously as he picks it up.

2015-09-10, 07:34 PM
Clearwater just shrugs.

"I didn't think to name it. I just placed the order you requested based on attributes."

2015-09-10, 10:03 PM
"Then how about this item be known as Erbaur's Sticky Gizmo?"

2015-09-12, 10:20 PM
"As nice as that sounds, how about we just call it The Sticky Gizmo?"

2015-09-12, 10:56 PM
"Very well. Thank you and have a nice day. Shine the Light Eternal!"

Xim will return to the temple and proceed to use the accumulated scrolls to create another dozen continual flames pebbles. He then will remove all 23 pebbles and put them in a pile. Removing his cloak and placing it on the ground in his room, he'll proceed to use his new gizmo to place the 23 everglowing pebbles in a pattern replicating Solaron's holy symbol, a stylized lantern.

That completed, he places the cloak around his shoulders once more and awaits the appointed time for him to meet up with the people who will be standing with him against the Darkness.

2015-09-12, 11:08 PM
He spends the day waiting. The time has come.

2015-09-12, 11:29 PM
Xim meets up with his compatriot and proceeds to the meeting place, his cloak glowing quite conspicuously.

2015-09-27, 12:28 AM
She eyes you warily but follows you to the arranged meeting place. Once there, you find that those who promised to aid you are nowhere nearby...

2015-09-27, 02:29 AM
"That's odd... where could they be?" Xim asks.

2015-10-11, 12:17 AM
Sorry, I kind of lost track of this in the new DM thing and computer death. Trying to actually get caught up on all my players' threads. Thanks for staying on top of Sa'ul for me.The woman grumbles at you as she flexes one claw.

"This does not bode well. If you have led me astray..."

As her threat lingers in the air unspoken, you hear a "PSST!" come from the nearby alley. It's repeated a few seconds later.

2015-10-11, 06:15 PM
Xim will walk over to where the "PSST!" is coming from and peer into the alley. "Hello?" He whispers cautiously.

2015-10-11, 06:22 PM
One of your contacts grabs you and yanks you forward.

"Are you trying to get us killed? This was supposed to be a stealth mission... wasn't it?"

After taking a look at your glowing countenance, he suddenly seems doubtful about that particular aspect...

2015-10-11, 06:32 PM
"Well, you all were going to be stealthy while I lit up this area like... "Christmas", I believe you called it? Would this be an appropriate place to set up my display?"

2015-10-11, 09:18 PM
"No, we need you to move two blocks farther down. Didn't want to meet up at the exact spot."

The dragon lady clears her throat. "Everything okay back there?"

2015-10-11, 10:37 PM
"Yep! The voices in the alley just told me where to go to get started. This way!" Xim will walk the two blocks further down, eager to get started. Upon arriving, he'll take a moment to examine the area he's to illuminate more carefully.

2015-10-12, 11:26 PM
You find yourself on the narrow street directly north of Piers 3&4. There are four buildings wedged closely together on the north side and another four on the south side with just enough room between the two middle ones to make a street heading south to the pier. These all appear to be warehouses of one kind or another, but none of them have signs indicating what they are. This street is distinctly lacking any sort of sewer grate or manhole.

2015-10-12, 11:31 PM
Xim will begin removing everglowing pebbles from his cloak and using his sticky gizmo to apply them to the sides of the buildings as high up as he can reach.

"Please watch my back and make sure I don't get murdered by surprise." He requests of his dragon lady friend as he works.

2015-10-12, 11:37 PM
"Yes, of course," she says slightly irritated, as if she doesn't need you to tell her what to do.
"I'll be sure to let you know when the fun starts."

As you work, unable to reach terribly high, you do notice two of your previous contacts atop the roofs in good positions. The woman who advocated your plan to her allies smiles and waves slightly when you spot her.

Nearly 30 minutes pass without incident.

2015-10-12, 11:42 PM
When it's convenient, might I trouble you for a map?

Xim will start by placing the stones 40 feet apart so as to cover the whole street in bright light. If nothing happens while he's setting this all up, he'll continue by asking his assistant. "Would you mind helping me by placing a stone at the maximum of your reach near the midpoint between pairs from the first run?"

2015-10-12, 11:52 PM

If you want a tactical map... ... ... I'll try to see what I can do from my phone, but no promises. Just look for Pier 3/4 on that link. You're on the street due north of it, west of The Red Rose.The face of each warehouse along the street is about 40 feet. With narrow gaps in between each, it seems that a mere 6 stones will be sufficient to light the entire street, though it'll be the absolute bare minimum necessary for the job.

As you get to the east end of the street, a tall, heavily armed orc, apparently a bouncer, says, "What is you think you doin?"

Your dragonborn compatriot seems to tense as for battle.

2015-10-12, 11:56 PM
"Just lighting up the streets to make them safer at night. Is there a problem?"


2015-10-13, 12:01 AM
"Is too bright! I see in dark. No need. Go away."

2015-10-13, 12:05 AM
"You see in the dark, but not all who live here do. There are those who use the darkness to hide their murder. I plan on taking away their hidey-holes."

2015-10-13, 12:08 AM
"Sneaky darks no scare me! I no is weak human!" He laughs loudly. Perhaps a little too loudly.

2015-10-13, 01:39 AM
"Well, of course. I understand. These lights scare you, though. I'll take them down to help you feel more comfortable."

2015-10-13, 01:48 AM
He looks distinctly uncomfortable at your comment.

"Yes. Good. Do that."

You Spot a blue-skinned humanoid slink up beside the orc, who doesn't notice the newcomer until it speaks and gently slides the flat edge a faintly glowing dagger across his arm.

"What was that about not being scared?"

The orc promptly wets himself.

I decided to scale her down 3 levels so that Xim can keep her as a cohort as soon as he levels up. Until then, the dragonborn lady is just going to be an occasionally ally.

Until then, here is her sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=588842). I also added you as an editor to the sheet.

2015-10-13, 02:56 PM
Deciding that the fellow is harmless and quite unlikely to bother them, Xim continues to fill in the lights halfway between the others.

2015-10-13, 03:50 PM
"Now, now, little lizard thing, I'm going to need you to stop doing that. Put those lights out."

The knife finds its way up to the orc's throat, who promptly starts to quietly cry.

2015-10-13, 07:02 PM
"Oh, do these light scare you, too?"

2015-10-13, 07:10 PM
"No, but they irritate them." He flicks the point to motion behind you, where you hear a faint chuckle.

The woman on top of the roof shouts, "Look out! They're surrounding you!" as she hastily sends a quarrel flying at one of them, only for it to skitter off of the cobblestones.

2015-10-13, 07:23 PM
Xim casts shield on himself, ready for the Darkness to step out of hiding. Should they give him time before appearing, he'll cast mage armor as well.

if I'd been thinking, I'd have pre-cast mage armor

2015-10-13, 07:31 PM
Seeing that their intimidation hasn't worked as well as they expected, they charge. Two attack your companion.
Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]
Dagger – [roll2] – [roll3] + [roll4]

A third charges you.
Dagger – [roll5] – [roll6]

The first to show up slices at the cowering orc's throat, the coup de grace dropping him to the pavement.

2015-10-13, 08:38 PM
Xim takes a 5' step back and casts mage armor on himself.

"Shine the Light Eternal!"

2015-10-13, 09:13 PM
Your dragonfriend claws at the skulk in front of her and smacks the one behind her with her tail.
Claw – [roll0] – [roll1]
Claw – [roll2] – [roll3]
Dragon Tail – [roll4] – [roll5]

"What? No. No light for you!"
The first one slides up to attack you as the others all attack.

Vs dragon lady.
Dagger – [roll6] – [roll7] + [roll8]
Dagger – [roll9] – [roll10] + [roll11]

Vs you
Dagger – [roll12] – [roll13]
Dagger – [roll14] – [roll15] + [roll16]

2015-10-13, 09:14 PM
Crit threat vs her.
Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]

"Foul denizens of darkness! By the hands of a dragon, you shall die!"

2015-10-14, 07:27 AM
Feeling very glad that he had the prudence to protect himself with spells, Xim will take a 5' step forward and to the left to leave himself only threatened by one skulk as he casts protection from evil on himself.

"Yeah, what she said!"

2015-10-14, 09:34 AM
It kind of stinks, but you know that not having precast is totally in character for him. At least he heals with every casting.Blühende lets out a guttural growl and bursts into brilliant platinum flame as she continues tearing at the skulk in front of her, who falls under her first strike. With preternatural swiftness, she swipes at the second with her tail before spinning to strike with her claws. He also falls to the ground unconscious.
Claw – [roll0] – [roll1]
Claw – [roll2] – [roll3]
Claw – [roll4] – [roll5]
Dragon Tail – [roll6] – [roll7]

The two skulks flanking her continue attacking but yelp in pain, catching fire as they strike.
Dagger – [roll8] – [roll9] + [roll10] || 4 damage.
Dagger – [roll11] – [roll12] + [roll13] || 4 damage.

2015-10-14, 09:42 AM
Since he didn't cast defensively, the one threatening skulk strikes at Xim as he casts. Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]

He attacks again on his action. Dagger – [roll2] – [roll3]

The second skulk moves to flank Xim, taking an AoO from Blühende. Claw – [roll4] – [roll5]

Seeing his allies fallen, he changes his mind and attacks her instead of the little guy who hasn't done anything but try to defend himself. He, of course, yelps in pain as he catches fire trying to strike her.
Dagger – [roll6] – [roll7] || 4 damage to him.

2015-10-14, 01:54 PM
His spell failing as his concentration is broken, Xim will give a squeal of pain.

He's not good at fighting. He knows this. It is, after all, why he sought an ally who was.

He'll take a 5' step out of reach and cast magic missile at the one who hurt him, which has the side-effect of healing him slightly as the draconic magic surges through his body.


2015-10-14, 02:01 PM
Blühende focuses on the one attacking her as you fight the other.
Claw – [roll0] – [roll1]
Claw – [roll2] – [roll3]
Dragon Tail – [roll4] – [roll5]

He drops to the ground, bleeding copiously.
"Now, for the last of you."

The only one remaining looks to his comrades as doubt crosses his features. A quick glance over his shoulder causes him to pale, and he continues to attack you regardless of his chances.
Dagger – [roll6] – [roll7]

2015-10-14, 02:18 PM
Xim will step out of reach and magic missile once more.


2015-10-14, 02:30 PM
He flinches under the forceful barrage.

Blühende steps up and attempts to disembowel him with a single powerful slash, leaving him bleeding and unconscious on the ground.
Claw – [roll0] – [roll1]

"That looks like the last of them."

2015-10-14, 02:34 PM
Xim will convert a nimbus of light into cure light wounds to heal himself and offers, "Would you like some healing as well?" to his companion.


2015-10-14, 02:40 PM
She pops her neck and heals herself for 8 hp.

"That is not necessary at the moment."

2015-10-14, 07:29 PM
"That's good." Xim will complete his set of lighting so that there are everglowing pebbles spaced every 20 feet or so.

"Note to self: it would be useful to learn how to climb." He'd really prefer to place his stones about 10' high to get them out of the way of traffic and to even out their illumination.

These dozen stones in place, he'll hold back the other 11 for now, waiting to see what further retaliation might come from the night. He doesn't believe things are over, not by half.

If his shield buff runs out before something happens, he'll ready an action to re-cast it on himself.

2015-10-14, 11:03 PM
You barely get a single stone hung before another quartet of blue skins appear from the shadows. Their silence reveals that your rooftop backup has either fled or been slaughtered.

"Really, we must insist you stop."

He flings a dagger at you, causing it to embed into the ground at your feet to emphasize his point.

2015-10-15, 04:29 PM
Xim will cast shield on himself, pick up the dagger and say, "Um... no. I don't think so. I rather like letting the Light Eternal shine!"

2015-10-15, 10:15 PM
The skulk smirks as your pick up the dagger.

Blühende leans down and whispers to you, "I don't know how many more of these you can take. If things turn bad here, I'm out."

She readies an action to attack the first blueskin who comes within reach.

The four move to surround you, their movements belying the fact that these have more skill or training than the first group, but not move into melee range just yet. It's as if they are appraising your abilities rather than just rushing forward.

2015-10-17, 11:13 AM
"I understand. This is my mad crusade, not yours."

Xim will cast hold person on one of the four, seeking to reduce the danger of their numbers.

save dc 16

2015-10-19, 04:34 PM
The skulk fails his save and freezes in place, dagger half thrown at you.

Two approach Blühende, who gets her readied attack but misses. Dragon Tail – [roll0] – [roll1]
They then attack attack her.
Dagger – [roll2] – [roll3]
Dagger – [roll4] – [roll5] + [roll6]

The third steps up and attacks you, threatening a critical.
Dagger – [roll7] – [roll8]

Blühende tears into the one she's already attacked, trying to take him down as quickly as possible and leaving him a bloody mess on the ground.
Claw – [roll9] – [roll10]
Claw – [roll11] – [roll12]
Dragon Tail – [roll13] – [roll14]

2015-10-19, 04:36 PM
Critical Threat vs. Xim.
Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]

2015-10-19, 05:40 PM
Xim will step back away from the one attacking him and towards the one he's paralyzed, initiating a coup de grace with the dagger he's picked up.

2015-10-19, 05:47 PM
The reason behind the evil smirk given to you by the skulk as you picked up the dagger is revealed! The backbiter spell triggers, the blade twisting around and hitting you for [roll0] damage. (-1 Str, +1 enhancement) The spell then dissipates.

The paralyzed skulk fails to break free.

The remaining skulk attacking your ally continues to attack her.
Dagger – [roll1] – [roll2]

The one you stepped away from steps up to attack you.
Dagger – [roll3] – [roll4]

Blühende tears into the one attacking her, still power attacking for 1.
Claw – [roll5] – [roll6]
Claw – [roll7] – [roll8]
Dragon Tail – [roll9] – [roll10]
And she misses with every attack...

2015-10-19, 05:52 PM
More surprised than seriously harmed by this, Xim then steps around to put the paralyzed skulk between himself and the not-paralyzed one once more and goes for his coup de grace again.

2015-10-19, 07:34 PM
Your attack hits. Roll for damage.

2015-10-19, 08:46 PM

while not telling you how to run your encounter, the skulks do consider human bane weapons to be standard-issue. All it takes is a blood sacrifice of a single human in their rituals to get it to happen.

2015-10-19, 09:12 PM
I'm aware, and all of these daggers are indeed human bane.The dagger flares a brilliant, sickly blue as you strike him with it, causing it to deal an extra [roll0] Bane Damage.

2015-10-19, 09:19 PM
The paralyzed skulk survives the initial damage but quickly dies as he succumbs to rapid exsanguination. Funny thing how that Hold Person spell allows bodily functions to continue. Had it not, he might have survived in stasis for a few moments longer...
[roll0] vs DC 26

Hissing foully at you, the other skulk steps forward and slashes at you while the other continues to try to kill your ally.
Dagger vs Xim – [roll1] – [roll2]
Dagger vs Blühende – [roll3] – [roll4] Miss

Blühende, ceases to use Power Attack and makes use of Wild Fighting instead.
Claw – [roll5] – [roll6]
Claw – [roll7] – [roll8]
Dragon Tail – [roll9] – [roll10] Miss
Dragon Tail – [roll11] – [roll12]

Her attacks leave the skulk bloody and unsteady on his feet, but she doesn't look much better. You fear she's going to bolt if she takes any more damage.

2015-10-19, 09:24 PM
Without bothering to ask her permission first, Xim will walk over behind her and convert soul of light into cure serious wounds. [roll0] "We've got them on the ropes now!"

2015-10-19, 09:51 PM
The skulk gets an AoO as you walk away from him. Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]

Blühende glances over her shoulder as you touch her, one claw raised to strike. When she realizes its you and that you're healing her, her face clouds with a mix of relief and irritation.

The skulk attacking you charges at you and strikes. Dagger – [roll2] – [roll3]

The skulk still attacking Blühende also attacks. Dagger – [roll4] – [roll5]

Blühende utilizes Wild Fighting again.
Claw – [roll]1d20+7/roll]Manual Roll: 19 – [roll6]
A single swipe drops the skulk she's fighting, so Blühende 5-ft. steps over to direct the rest of her attacks against the last remaining skulk.
Claw – [roll7] – [roll8]
Dragon Tail – [roll9] – [roll10]
Dragon Tail – [roll11] – [roll12] Miss

I'm SO glad I got all the attack rolls in working spreadsheets on my phone. It makes running combat SOOO much easier, even if Sa'ul's sheet lags heavily when calculating his spell preparation. :smalltongue:

2015-10-20, 08:37 AM
Without their sneak attacks, these skulks just simply don't offer much of a credible threat to Xim, whose magical protections deflect the AoO. When that skulk charges him and manages to stick him this time, Xim will say, "Well now, that one hurt.". He'll take a step back and pepper that skulk with another magic missile, letting the healing magics close up the worst of the wounds he's sustained.


2015-10-20, 04:26 PM
The skulk curses you in a language you don't understand and attacks again. Dagger – [roll0] – [roll1]

Blühende attacks the skulk, but he dodges all but the first of her attacks.
Claw – [roll2] – [roll3]
Claw – [roll4] – [roll5] Miss
Dragon Tail – [roll6] – [roll7] Miss

Blühende glances over at you and says, "This group is stronger than the last. I believe they will continue send stronger troops and more of them if we tarry here. I grant that you're competent, but I do not believe we have the resources or positioning for an extended siege."

What's your current AC and hp?

2015-10-20, 05:09 PM
currently at 22 ac, 22 hp

"I'm afraid that you might be right. I'm afraid that my plan really counted on the locals who were here to be of more help than they have been." He turns to the rooftops and calls out, "Are any of you still alive?"

2015-10-20, 06:06 PM
There is no response. It seems your other compatriots have either been killed or fled. You spot a bloody blue arm hanging over the edge of the roof near where you know one of your allies was stationed. If nothing else, you know they at least gave as good as they got.

You don't have time to investigate this though, as you still have a hostile skulk right in front of you.

2015-10-20, 11:25 PM
Oh yeah, the last one's not dead yet!

Xim will step behind his bodyguard and pepper the skulk with another pair of magic missiles.


2015-10-20, 11:39 PM
Your magic missile robs him of what little vitality he has left, and he drops unconscious to the ground. Before you can do anything more, you catch sight of a flitting shadow on the edge of your vision. It seems that more are already here and moving into position to attack.

2015-10-20, 11:51 PM
Xim will use the break before the next onslaught to convert wall of light into cure serious wounds on himself.

"Looks like we may not get our chance..."


2015-10-20, 11:54 PM
She fingers a talisman around her neck before sighing heavily.

"How much do you weigh?"

2015-10-20, 11:58 PM
"Just over 30 pounds. You're planning to carry me? I don't have any dignity to worry over losing right at the moment."

A less biased observer would find it very difficult to find Xim's dignity at all. Of course, such an observer is more likely to be a blue-skinned psychopath than an unbiased observer.

2015-10-21, 12:10 AM
"I should be able to carry you out, but I can't fly straight up. We need to get higher off the street."

2015-10-21, 07:43 AM
"That sounds like a plan. If I hold onto your back, would you be able to climb up to one of the rooftops?" Xim will bend over and pick up the dagger that this skulk had and add it to the first. He figured that if one of them used a weapon with powerful enchantments, another might have as well. "Try and grab one of their daggers to take back with us. These things are magical of some sort, and it'd be useful for us to know exactly how for when we come back."

2015-10-21, 12:27 PM
She nods in response to your question and grabs the two that have fallen near her feet.

"Hold onto my tail. Just keep your hands to yourself, or I will drop you.

Oh, and if you have any spells that could be helpful, cast them on me."

She turns digs her claws into the wood of the building and begins climbing up the side.

2015-10-21, 01:39 PM
Other than converting a light-generating spell to a cure spell or casting mage armor on her, Xim's choices of spells are rather more... thematic than practical. Perhaps making nearly every spell you prepare generate some form of light wasn't the best.

Xim converts a nimbus of light into a cure light wounds and then grabs her tail tightly. The thought of trying to grab anything else never even crosses his mind. She's a nice enough gal, but she is hardly his type. Too big and not nearly enough scales on her.


2015-10-21, 04:52 PM
As a dragonborn spellscale, I'm pretty sure she's thoroughly scaly.Four more blueskins rush into view as she reaches the second floor. Hurled daggers fly through the air towards you.
((<=3, dagger targets you. Otherwise, her))
[roll0] Dagger – [roll1] – [roll2]
[roll3] Dagger – [roll4] – [roll5]
[roll6] Dagger – [roll7] – [roll8]
[roll9] Dagger – [roll10] – [roll11]

Any time you take damage, make a Climb check vs DC 5 to keep from falling off.

If you manage to hold on: A moment later, she hoists the two of you up over the ledge of the roof to the sounds of cursing from the skulks below. Two of them disappear from view as they dart to circle around the building while the other two start to scramble up the wall behind you.

2015-10-21, 08:04 PM
All but the last of the attacks miss, deflected by Xim's protections. The last one, though, managed to stick him well.


As he successfully managed to hang on, Xim will get to the top and pant. "We made it." He says, his usual enthusiasm dimmed by the very credible threat to his life that this situation provides. While Xim is perfectly willing to become a martyr to the cause, he'd much rather be a successful priest than a failed martyr.

2015-10-21, 10:24 PM
Blühende pulls the dagger out from where it stabbed into her armor, adding a 5th dagger to your collection.

"For the moment, but they're not far behind."

Sounds of the skulks scrambling up the walls emphasize her point. Blühende grabs you under the shoulder, pulls you close to her side, and says, "Hold on tight, I can't come back for you."

Upon breaking the small wooden token hung around her neck, a sudden rush of winds blast in towards you, forcing upward. Blühende spreads her wings and rides the magic winds 30 feet up into the air. The winds die down, and she begins to glide slowly out over the river, drifting towards the southeast.

Sinking slowly towards the water, the two of you tumble from the air into the muddy shallows on the far western tip of the Fortress' island, unable to fly any farther.

Checked it on the map, which is generally to scale, and she has just enough glide distance to make it, with only 2 feet to spare.

The item was a one-use updraft spell at CL 3, very useful for a dragonborn who isn't yet able to fly under her own strength.

2015-10-22, 07:19 AM
Xim holds on tightly for all he's worth until they land. Upon landing, he double-checks to see how many everglowing pebbles he still has as well as checking to see that all four skulk daggers made it.

"Well, things could have gone better, but they also could have gone a lot worse."

2015-10-22, 03:15 PM
Since none were accidentally dislodged, he still has just as many as he hasn't yet used.

All five daggers made it.

2015-10-22, 05:45 PM
Okay, let's see...

He used 6 initially, and then you say he was interrupted putting his second up in the next set, so he's only used 8, leaving 15 on his person.

Glad to see that everything was accounted for, Xim says. "Well, we're both alive. That counts for something. Unless I'm mistaken, however, we're rather trapped here until morning.

2015-10-23, 01:09 AM
"Perhaps not. I expect the Watch noticed our landing and will be sending a greeting party and preparing a room for us..."

2015-10-23, 01:42 PM
"I suppose so. Then let's wait here and act like we're not criminals. After all, we're not." Xim will sit here patiently and wait for either dawn or the Watch, whichever comes upon them first.

2015-10-23, 04:29 PM
As if on cue, several armed members of the Watch appear and begin approaching you. Since neither of you react, they walk to the edge of the muddy riverbank and call out to you, demanding to know who you are and what you're doing.

2015-10-24, 01:36 AM
"Greetings! I am Lumos Maximiss, priest of Solaron! My companion and I were fighting the Darkness in the Docks at night when we found ourselves outnumbered and had to flee across the harbor! We managed to make it here before we had to land! I realize we're probably not allowed to be here at night and we're sorry about that, but our lives were in danger and we didn't really have a choice!" He shouts back cheerily.

2015-10-24, 01:58 AM
Sorry, I'm super mentally drained and can't even come up with basic dialogue at the moment.The watchmen require you to come with them. Assuming you don't resist, they lead you to a smaller building outside the Fortress walls. The building has three small cells, each only about 5 feet square, and some benches. It appears to be a temporary holding cell and place for the Watch to get in out of a storm. They split the two of you up and request you fill out paperwork, providing your name, home address, and a description of the night's events.

2015-10-24, 01:39 PM
that's fine. I'm feeling drained myself.

Xim does as asked. He'll describe the night's events from his perspective in melodramatic terms of Light and Darkness while being completely factual, given his characterization.

2015-10-24, 02:52 PM
Comparing the two accounts, they ask a few more questions but finally decide that your story checks out. You're both strongly reprimanded and told that it's too dangerous to wander the streets of the Docks at night. Your companion doesn't seem to take the reprimand very well, acting petulant throughout; however, she says nothing and merely grumbles quietly to herself after the Watch is done.

They offer to let you stay in the side building for the night, so long as you keep out of the way and out of trouble.

2015-10-24, 09:56 PM
"Well, yes it's dangerous at night. That's why I was there: to make it more safe or at the very least to take a stand against the Darkness."

Xim will comply with their request and do his best to not be in the way. He'll use his remaining magics to heal himself and his companion of all injuries before regaining his spells at dawn.

2015-10-25, 06:47 PM
The night passes uneventfully, and the gates raise about 30 minutes past sunrise.

2015-10-25, 07:11 PM
Xim will turn to his companion and say, "I thank you very dearly for your work last night. I would be a dead shiny kobold in the streets last night if it weren't for you."

2015-10-25, 10:09 PM
Blühende looks down at you over her nose. She seems quite haughty but very slightly pleased at the thanks, though she tries to hide it.

"You're just lucky you're a lightweight and were close enough to grab."

2015-10-26, 12:36 AM
"It's not entirely luck. There was a reason why I went looking for a big person to be my protector last night. I figure that if things went too badly, they could pick me up and run full speed while I throw up a few spells to cover our exit.

When I come back to the Docks better prepared and better-fortified, can I count on you coming with me?"

btw, how much story xp do I get for the whole "light up the docks" encounter just now?

2015-10-28, 03:42 PM
I was waiting to see how you handled the Watch before awarding any.

According to the encounter calculator, you would get just under 800xp, so let's call it 800 even plus 200 for just surviving the Docks. 1,000xp total.She looks at you for a long moment before responding.

"You truly are mad. You do realize that, don't you?"

She takes a longer moment to consider her position.

"I suppose so, but I'm going to require that we be significantly better prepared for the next foray. Also, might I suggest we instead setup the lights during the day?"

2015-10-28, 07:17 PM
"That sounds wise, which is likely the better part of valor. This first night, part of my plan was to find out just exactly what made the Docks so dangerous at night."

Xim looks at the five daggers they've collected and says, "So, how many if any of the weapons taken from our enemies did you wish to claim as your share of the loot?"

That seems reasonable. That number would have been a bit higher, I suspect, if Xim had stuck around for that next fight. Assuming he survived it, of course.

2015-10-28, 10:54 PM
For the skulk encounters, I've been doing 100xp per round survived plus normal combat XP. You had a level 6, a level 5 and two level 3s and three 4s on the rooftops, who actually managed to take out a third group of skulks on their own before scattering, which kept those from coming after you, giving you those few rounds of relief there in the middle, which looks like it made the difference between living and dying on that second group.

I counted the two groups you faced together as a single large encounter and rounded up the XP. I didn't count the third group, since you never encountered them yourself. It was that third group that kept the mooks you allied with there in the Docks out of the main battle, at least until they fled. They did lose one of the level 4s though, which is why they actually broke and ran."I'll take half, though I suppose with an odd number I'll just take two of them. This was your mission, even if I did do most of the fighting."

2015-10-29, 02:20 AM
I figured something along those lines. With only one corpse, I had a hope that the others got away safely.

"You did indeed do most of the fighting, for which I am truly grateful. You also were the one to fly us to safety at the end there. The former is precisely what I had recruited you for and the latter is how we both survived the night. I would like to note, however, that you would hardly have lasted as long as you did in that fight if I had not healed your wounds more than once. I also didn't back away from my share of the fighting.

I would say that the both of us fought with honor this night. If you would meet me at noon in my temple to discuss our next foray into making the Docks safe at night, I have a few errands to run this morning. I presume you also had things you wished to do and I don't intend to completely derail your life with my mad crusade. Only mostly derail it."

With a bow, Xim will depart for Erbauer's, where he will have the shop identify the items for him and sell two of the three to them for store credit, taking the costs of the identifications from the credit he's earning if they allow it.