View Full Version : A Great Boon- Anti_Ninja stay out!!

Elandris Kajar
2015-06-08, 04:31 PM
I need a couple of specific bits of campaign advice.
First, I have an isle in my campaign where various dragons and fey live. It is in the shape of a ring, with another island in the middle. They are going to need passage, which will of course involve negotiations. However, I was going to offer each player a significant boon from either the fey or the dragons? Any ideas? Templates ae too easy.
Second, I am trying to find a final boss for this. I am considering low epic (we are very unoptimized, so it should be all right.) but I have no idea what. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance

2015-06-08, 07:20 PM
There's a pretty wide range of things that would fit. What level are the PCs going to be receiving this boon at? Off hand:

* Grafts. Not the ones that require killing a dragon for, obviously, but there are a fair number that just need some scales or blood.
* Ritual Powers. There's a lot of dragon-themed classes in D&D. Give a class ability from one of them.
* Magic Items. Dragons tend to have lots, including probably a fair number they can't/wouldn't use themselves.
* Firepower. Like a one-time favor where the PCs can contact them and have some dragons show up to intimidate their foes, or vaporize an unfriendly army.
* Lore. If there's any specific knowledge the PCs are looking for, especially ancient knowledge, there you go. If they don't need any currently, have it be a "contact them later" thing like the firepower.

* Transport. Fey often have access to portals, mystic shortcuts, and other unusual ways to get around.
* Pets. Fey usually have unusual and/or magic creatures around.
* Luck. A classic one. "Nine lives", for example, giving them eight chances to avoiding things that would normally have killed them. Or a blessing that makes them supernaturally fortunate in a certain field.
* Information. Between being stealthy, divinations, and entrancing key people, fey have a good shot at getting any intel you need. Similar to the lore option for dragons.
* Curses. On the party's enemies. Either immediately, or by giving the PCs a cursed weapon / poison / trinket / whatever that they can use at a later point.

2015-06-08, 07:26 PM
DMG2 and Planar Handbook also have rules for Magical Locations as treasure. Basically they perform some kind of ritual at a magic/holy/special site, and they get semi-permanent buffs (like slotless items, with no item attached) for a year or so until they return and perform the ritual again. You can make this time longer or shorter. They also have to then defend said holy site from the Big Bad, who can usurp its power or simply defile it if they neglect it or fail to protect it.

Elandris Kajar
2015-06-08, 08:42 PM
I was looking for something more different. I do not want anything published, I was just trying to ask for advice for a starting point. It would have to be quite powerful. Maybe even enough to raise ECL by one or two. No set limit on power though, so any idea flies.