View Full Version : Roleplaying Wherein I inadvertantly give an NPC exactly what he wants

2015-06-08, 04:35 PM
or, The Value of Backstory

NOTE: If you currently want to kick the butt of a guy named Glass-staff, this post may contain spoilers. You're on the honor system here.

OK, so first of all, some background on my character: He's a rogue with the sage background. Personality-wise, if he were alive in our world, he'd be an ideological copyright pirate: He believes that information wants to be free, and should be shared with all. He came from the House of Knowledge in Neverwinter, and became a rogue to sneak into the library after hours. He has a ritual book that he stole from there (Ritual Caster feat).

Well, our party encountered a creature who was willing to negotiate with us instead of fighting. It said that it would let us all past, for a fee: It wanted a secret from each of us. At the time, none of us knew (in character or out) what it was, but getting past this thing without fighting sounded like a good idea to us.

So, I figure, if he likes secrets, how about a secret that leads to other secrets? So I pipe up, "Does he know about the back entrance to the library at the House of Knowledge? It comes out right next to the Restricted Section.". No, the creature did not in fact know about that, and considered that a very good secret indeed: It let the rest of the party past without payment, and was actually quite helpful to us for the remainder of the session.

After the encounter, the DM asked if I knew what it was. I might, I said, if it's a creature associated with History or Arcana. One good Arcana roll later, and the DM starts reading us the Monster Manual entry. Apparently, it's a thing called a nothic, a wizard under the effects of a terrible curse, and obsessed with seeking knowledge and... sneaking into magical libraries. Huh, who knew?

Capac Amaru
2015-06-08, 06:42 PM
Huh, who knew?

It sure would be a shame if this were to come back around and slap your character in the ass some day lol

2015-06-09, 12:16 AM
I can imagine the librarians will be upset if the find out, though in my opinion, a nothic is pretty harmless.

2015-06-09, 01:36 AM
This is a good story, indeed. The Nothic must be overjoyed. :smallsmile:

2015-06-09, 03:01 AM
looks like you made a friend.

lets hope there is scope for the Nothic to return.

2015-06-09, 06:06 AM
Yeah, the DM did say that if we ever have occasion to return to Neverwinter, we might find that things there have gotten a bit... interesting.

Which is fine by my character. Those old fuddy-duddies could use some shaking up. And besides, I steered it specifically towards the restricted section: Nobody else is reading those books anyway, so there's no harm done.

2015-06-09, 07:10 AM
Sure, no harm done. What can possibly go wrong? :smalltongue:

Rad Mage
2015-06-09, 01:19 PM
Sure, no harm done. What can possibly go wrong? :smalltongue:

...and I've only got two days left until retirement, when I will finally settle down and marry my sweetheart.

In all seriousness, though, I can see cool and interesting things down the line.

2015-06-09, 08:26 PM
You know, the MM claims they're Evil-aligned, but reading the entry, I'm really not seeing anything in the nothic's behavior, motivations or even attack routine that makes it seem particularly dangerous, much less malicious. Maybe if they were willing to do absolutely anything to cure themselves, but it doesn't really suggest even that. It would be perfectly reasonable, if not very interesting from a literary perspective, for it to just hang out haunting the stacks reading books for the next couple lifetimes, doing nothing more onerous than spooking the occasional clerk.

2015-06-09, 09:33 PM
Well, they are anthropophages. Or at least, the one we met was. It was satisfied with the corpses we gave it (that was the paladin's idea, since we had a few spare ones just lying around anyway), but we got the impression it preferred its food a bit more fresh.

Safety Sword
2015-06-09, 09:52 PM
Well, they are anthropophages. Or at least, the one we met was. It was satisfied with the corpses we gave it (that was the paladin's idea, since we had a few spare ones just lying around anyway), but we got the impression it preferred its food a bit more fresh.

So, just to recap:

You gave the evil knowledge seeking wizard the secret to the restricted section of the library and your paladin is feeding it corpses.

Sounds like everything is on track... for your DM :smallamused:

Capac Amaru
2015-06-09, 10:02 PM
"I could have sworn I left some initiates round here somewhere" he said to himself.

"I certainly don't remember this section having such an awful smell."

His foot brushed against something, and it skittered away across the marbled floor.

The rainbow femur slid to a halt in the colored shafts of moonlight descending through the high stained glass windows.

"Oh dear."