View Full Version : Goddess alignment

2015-06-08, 08:12 PM
Hey there, playgrounders! I have something I've been wondering at for a while now, and was hoping for some input. I have been wanting to have Pele, the Hawaiian Volcano Goddess, as a usable deity. I have most of what I need worked out, but I'm not sure on her alignment. I think its pretty fair to say she would bbe Chaotic, and I am leaning towards CN, but I can see arguments other ways and would like some outside advice

2015-06-08, 08:24 PM
I'ld call her True Neutral. As a force of nature the volcano can do good and evil, it refreshes the nearby soil meaning crops grow better and its ash would destroy homes and deter invaders in equal amounts. She doesn't do anything out of anger or compassion, just lets things go their natural course.

2015-06-08, 08:25 PM
I think CN seems to be your best bet.

2015-06-08, 08:26 PM
Ahh, but Hawaiian lore portrays her as capricious and vengeful. The type of being who is wonderful to be around, until she gets pissed

2015-06-08, 08:32 PM
Ahh, but Hawaiian lore portrays her as capricious and vengeful. The type of being who is wonderful to be around, until she gets pissed

textbook definition of CN. doing random dangerous and destructive things, but not as a rule, so it's okay.

2015-06-08, 09:06 PM
But she also has a merciful side. The Hawaiians have a legend about Pele wandering the back alleys of a city that is soon to be subject to an erruption, and supposedly if you stop and offer her a ride your property will be spared from destruction in the coming erruption, but if you just drive past her your properties will be destroyed by the lava

2015-06-08, 09:16 PM
But she also has a merciful side. The Hawaiians have a legend about Pele wandering the back alleys of a city that is soon to be subject to an erruption, and supposedly if you stop and offer her a ride your property will be spared from destruction in the coming erruption, but if you just drive past her your properties will be destroyed by the lava

Absolutely love that you have Pele as a deity.

Help her out, she does not destroy your stuff. Don't, and she does? Textbook CN. Volcanoes are random, erratic forces. They usually destroy, but they also create, but always through chaos. They are fickle and emotionless. They are the CN part of nature(nature being true neutral, but having Neutral Good, lawful neutral, neutral evil and chaotic neutral) that goes along with storms, random comets hitting the planet, and other sporadic and chaotic natural phenomenon.

For domains, fire, destruction, earth and chaos.

2015-06-09, 10:24 AM
CN sounds good here. She's too capricious to be anything but Chaotic, too destructive to be CG, and too merciful to be CE.

Still, I could see CE worshippers being more common than CG ones, if only because people are more likely to see her destructive side only.

Firest Kathon
2015-06-09, 10:27 AM
Having her CN also allows her clerics to be CG (protect this town from the next eruption) or CE (destroy this town in the next eruption).

The Viscount
2015-06-09, 11:52 AM
CN sounds pretty appropriate. I'm reminded of Taiia, Neutral deity of the sun. She has two main branches of worshippers, one that worships her creator aspect of life-giving light, etc. and are good aligned, and another that worships her destroyer aspect of cold night when she denies the world her light.

Pele definitely sounds capricious enough to be chaotic, and the dual aspect of destroying homes but creating land with eruptions sounds like neutral to me.

2015-06-09, 11:59 AM
CN sounds good here. She's too capricious to be anything but Chaotic, too destructive to be CG, and too merciful to be CE.

Still, I could see CE worshippers being more common than CG ones, if only because people are more likely to see her destructive side only.

Having her CN also allows her clerics to be CG (protect this town from the next eruption) or CE (destroy this town in the next eruption).

I think that is going to be an interesting duality, and make for some great RP and backstory. CG clerics see the destruction that also brings creation. New land, and volcanic ash means fertile ground. CE revel not only in the destruction, but certainly seem more the type to throw virgins into the volcano in exchange for power, or perhaps to appease her and prevent her eruption. Maybe CG clerics or worshipers would volunteer for the honor to be fed to Pele and appease her for the good of the community. But deep down, she is random explosions of lava and fire for the sake of nothing but volcanic activity. Destruction, creation, lives created lost and change are all side effects; CN through and through.

2015-06-09, 05:39 PM
CN sounds pretty appropriate. I'm reminded of Taiia, Neutral deity of the sun. She has two main branches of worshippers, one that worships her creator aspect of life-giving light, etc. and are good aligned, and another that worships her destroyer aspect of cold night when she denies the world her light.

Pele definitely sounds capricious enough to be chaotic, and the dual aspect of destroying homes but creating land with eruptions sounds like neutral to me.


she is but another mask of the burning hate. NE

2015-06-11, 12:24 AM
Razors Coast by Frog Gods Games has statted up Pele enough to use as a deity.