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View Full Version : Roleplaying SCP GURPS: would you play?

2015-06-09, 11:33 AM
Ok First off SCP is short for SCP foundation, an online writers group that wright about strange things that could threaten normality, most of the articles on the site are in the form of reports. More(and better explained) info at their site www.scp-wiki.net

Ok now that is out of the way, would people want to play SCP in GURPS. I have a few Ideas(and are welcome to more).

The main plot is a group of researches split in the foundation have starting to steal SCPs and using them of "Evil".

This is a hit or miss plot, and am welcome for more ideas

2015-06-09, 09:30 PM
Is it kind of like GURPS Warehouse 23?

2015-06-10, 12:08 AM
Kinda, a bit more dark

2015-06-10, 08:49 AM
Is there any way to use SCPs for anything other than evil?

I think the foundation itself is massive, interesting and bizarre enough to make for years of gaming. No need to involve an outside antagonist when you can just make the players work for the foundation itself and see how weird it really is up close.

The Glyphstone
2015-06-10, 07:33 PM
Not to mention your antagonist concept is just a rehash of the existing Chaos Insurgency group in the SCP canon itself.

2015-06-10, 09:20 PM
You had me at "GURPS".

2015-06-10, 09:58 PM
Not to mention your antagonist concept is just a rehash of the existing Chaos Insurgency group in the SCP canon itself.

Well they use SCPs as tools and weapons this one is thinking about freeing all humanoid SCPs under a probation program. How they do this however is more or less like everyother terrorist.

2015-06-11, 12:25 AM
Is there any way to use SCPs for anything other than evil?

Of course! Many SCP's have both beneficent and damaging abilities. For example, 472 is a locket able to cure nearly everything, but if you put it on for too long you mutate in a ferocious monster.

Another example of this would be SCP 21. It's a living tattoo that grants physical strength, a stronger immune system, and improved stamina at the cost of feeling constant pain.

Mr Beer
2015-06-11, 03:47 AM
I would play this game, also GURPS is awesome.

2015-06-11, 06:03 AM
Of course! Many SCP's have both beneficent and damaging abilities. For example, 472 is a locket able to cure nearly everything, but if you put it on for too long you mutate in a ferocious monster.

Another example of this would be SCP 21. It's a living tattoo that grants physical strength, a stronger immune system, and improved stamina at the cost of feeling constant pain.

Fair enough, though I still think the best you can do with that stuff is to Secure, Contain and Protect :smalltongue:

People seem to be really excited for GURPS. Could you tell me what makes it so cool? Is there something that makes it particularly great for SCP?

2015-06-11, 01:16 PM
Fair enough, though I still think the best you can do with that stuff is to Secure, Contain and Protect :smalltongue:

People seem to be really excited for GURPS. Could you tell me what makes it so cool? Is there something that makes it particularly great for SCP?

GURPS is a system which anything is possible...and I mean anything. SCP is hard to do in most systems because the site said and I quote "we are not making RPG monsters"

2015-06-11, 01:32 PM
With that in mind, I'd love to see 693 duke it out with the Tarrasque.

2015-06-11, 05:04 PM
GURPS is a system which anything is possible...and I mean anything. SCP is hard to do in most systems because the site said and I quote "we are not making RPG monsters"

Cool. I don't know the system that well, which is why I had to ask. I would love to see some SCPs given GURPS stats so I can see how this thing works in action.

2015-06-11, 05:45 PM
With that in mind, I'd love to see 693 duke it out with the Tarrasque.

I think you mean 682.

2015-06-11, 05:47 PM
682, right. My bad.

2015-06-12, 06:19 PM
Maybe I should have asked this when the thread first appeared but what is SCP? I followed the link and besides assurances that this was all fictional the best description I got was that SCP stands for Secure. Contain. Protect.

2015-06-12, 07:50 PM
Maybe I should have asked this when the thread first appeared but what is SCP? I followed the link and besides assurances that this was all fictional the best description I got was that SCP stands for Secure. Contain. Protect.

I always found it annoying that the things themselves get casually called SCPs. They're listed as such officially, and I guess people call them that because it's easy to recognize, but the more appropriate name (and the one that's commonly used within the site itself) is anomolous object.

The Secure Contain (and) Protect Foundation, or SCP Foundation for short, is a group of scientists, soldiers, and other assorted personnel who work to contain, learn about and, if necessary, protect the world from powerful things, places, creatures, and people... The anomolous objects. They have various powers and may be either well-known in media and folklore (the skeleton key and the zombie virus) or entirely unheard of (extradimensional door that leads to a room with a godlike being sealed miles below, an invincible talking alligator-thing, and a scratch-and-sniff computer image). They're all contained (though in pretty much every circumstance except 682, not attacked) to the best of the Foundation's abilities, and studied as much as is deemed safe.

This is just a very general overview. A lot more about the Foundation can be learned by navigating the guides on the wiki, and there are almost 3000 anomolous objects, all with their own individual articles. Very fun reading.

2015-06-12, 08:23 PM
Heck yeah, I'd play.

2015-06-13, 01:46 AM
I stumbled across the SCP Foundation some time ago and then forgot what it was, and have recently been trying to find it again to import a few of them into an ongoing GURPS Monster Hunters campaign, so I'm glad you made this thread!

2015-06-13, 02:03 AM
Eh...Honestly, I don't think the SCP Foundation is as fun to play in as it looks. There are a few authors on there way too enamored of having their Mary Sue super-genius badass longcoat researchers merrily massacre improbable numbers of D-class personnel, and the whole operation just feels kind of vulgar in its arrogance. "It must be done" doesn't hold up when half the "experiments" described aren't controlled or blinded or quantitated. They're certainly [REDACTED] though.

I suppose if you can get over having a supply of people designated for fatal medical experimentation at your disposal, it might be fun, but I would rather significantly retool the SCP Foundation to be more about containment and ethical investigation and less about wrapping the whole world around our finger and laughing as the little people die for our amusement.

Then again, it might be fun to play in a version where the anomalies being contained are the cabal of sociopaths at the heart of the SCP itself.

2015-06-13, 03:47 AM
682, right. My bad.

682 wins, hands down. The Tarrasque is a big, stupid, beast, while 682 has literally survived people changing the laws of physics on a fundamental level with no other purpose than to destroy him. His D&D stats, if any, would be closest to a Protean's (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/hagunemnon.htm).

At the very least, neither would be able to kill the other until the Tarrasque would go down because of lack of food, leaving 682 the 'winner'.

And that is assuming 682 can't just evolve into something able to kill the Tarrasque directly.

2015-06-13, 09:59 AM
Oh, I know 682 would win. It'd just be fun to watch him succeed.

The Glyphstone
2015-06-13, 03:00 PM
Eh...Honestly, I don't think the SCP Foundation is as fun to play in as it looks. There are a few authors on there way too enamored of having their Mary Sue super-genius badass longcoat researchers merrily massacre improbable numbers of D-class personnel, and the whole operation just feels kind of vulgar in its arrogance. "It must be done" doesn't hold up when half the "experiments" described aren't controlled or blinded or quantitated. They're certainly [REDACTED] though.

I suppose if you can get over having a supply of people designated for fatal medical experimentation at your disposal, it might be fun, but I would rather significantly retool the SCP Foundation to be more about containment and ethical investigation and less about wrapping the whole world around our finger and laughing as the little people die for our amusement.

Then again, it might be fun to play in a version where the anomalies being contained are the cabal of sociopaths at the heart of the SCP itself.

This is why Voct's Ethics Committee is part of my SCP canon - who guards the guardians and all that.