View Full Version : 3rd Ed Craft Wonderous Item - limited use of Alter Self

2015-06-09, 06:11 PM
Situation: DM saw fit to place a God powerful gender-swap curse upon me. (Actually placed upon me by Boccob himself, emphasizing his trickster aspects)

I am looking for a way to negate its effects. Disguise Self/Hat of disguise would work to a minimal extent, but not enough to really mitigate the changes.

So I'm eyeing Alter Self. 2nd level spell, 3rd level caster, continous use of a 10 minute/level spell = 2x3x2000x1.5 = 18,000 gp

Now all I want it to do is change back to my own gender, so the full price would be a bit excessive.

The SRD provides rules for reducing cost based on skill, class or alignment restrictions, but that doesn't help me much.

Going through the list of existing items, only the Necklace of Adaptation uses the spell, and it costs 9,000 GP.
The fact that the item's effect has absolutely nothing to do with the possible effects of the spell makes it a bit iffy to compare to. (but that's a whole other topic!)

So, for practical purposes, what would be the best restrictions to place on this item to reduce its cost and what would that final cost be?
Gender swap would make the item highly restricted in use. Restricting to only "own kind" or same subtype might help reduce the cost while retaining decent functionality...

Anyway! Suggestions please!

I will note that I am actually a wiz3/rog1 with Craft Wonderous Item feat and so can actually create the item myself.

With a box
2015-06-09, 06:20 PM
Before you craft said item, I think you should test it by cast the spell on you. I can't sure it will work or not.

Girdle of Opposite Gender

Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th

Slot belt; Weight 1 lb.


When this magical belt is put on, the wearer must immediately make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw or be transformed into a person of the opposite gender. The character's abilities, mind, and spirit remain unaffected; only the character's sex changes. If the character's saving throw is a natural 1, the item actually removes all gender from the wearer, giving him an androgynous, neutered appearance. The change is permanent unless undone with curse-removing magic. Once its magic takes effect, the belt can be removed without effort. A creature can only be affected by a particular girdle once, though other girdles of this type can cause another transformation.
I think you want this, but you need to make a lot of belt for it..

2015-06-09, 06:23 PM
Paying for polymorph any object costs 1200 GP I think? Permanent duration, so it can be dispelled, but it sounds like the DM is being an a**hat to begin with.

There are already two items that offer alter self or polymorph at will: Phylactery of Change (11200 GP, A&EG) and Fleshshifter Armor (13160 GP, BoVD).

2015-06-09, 06:26 PM
Before you craft said item, I think you should test it by cast the spell on you. I can't sure it will work or not.

There is that - I might not be able to bypass the curse this way. Still, I won't have a chance to try anything until the weekend, so I may as well amuse myself pricing out the item in the meantime so I can present it to the DM immediately after a successful test. (and even upon failure, as a player I still get a better understanding of CWI rules for later use.)

2015-06-09, 06:32 PM
it sounds like the DM is being an a**hat to begin with.

There are already two items that offer alter self or polymorph at will: Phylactery of Change (11360 GP, A&EG) and... some leather armor in BoVD for about the same price, I forget the details.

Well I might be able to pull off the Phylactery, but BoVD/ED are banned.