View Full Version : Kobold-Wranglin'

2015-06-10, 11:56 AM

The kobold is bound in the wagon when Flynn arrives, outside, while a pair of large brown bears sit sentinel no more than 20 feet from the rear of the vehicle. They look to Flynn when he emerges from the building, turning their heads to the side but do not interfere with his actions in any way. A few moments later, the piercing keen of a bird of prey splits the air, an odd series of calls following the first sound. After leisurely finishing his portion of stew, Mander rises and grumbles his way to the cart. At Flynn's guidance, he approaches the bound kobold, saying "Now then, to deal with you." He leans over the creature, visually inspecting it for some time before gently pressing his hands on either side of it's head. "You seem to have taken quite the blow to the head, at some point.... Let's see here..." As the same healing power flows out from the druid's hands, the kobold suddenly springs to alertness. His bonds hold fast, and he rolls side to side, frantically screaming in Draconic, "What is going on!? Who are you!? Where am I!? THE MASTER WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS!!!"

Mander frowns at the creature's outburst. He raps the bound kobold on the head, just hard enough to jar and stun the creature, with his walking stick, and says, "Come now. Speak sensibly. Do you know the common tongue?" The kobold shakes his head, gathers his wits, and responds in another stream of Draconic rambling, introducing an impressive stream of vulgarities, this time. "I WILL SAY NOTHING TO YOU, MISCREANT AND LIAR! MY MASTER WILL AVENGE ME IF YOU DO NOT RELEASE ME, YOU ***** ******* *****!I WILL KILL YOU FOR THIS INSOLENCE, *****!!!"

Mander's frown deepens, and he turns his attention back to Flynn. "This may be more complicated than I foresaw. Can you assist in translation, Master Flynn?

2015-06-10, 12:39 PM
Flynn blanches at the vitriolic outburst of the kobold before looking at Mander hesitantly. When the druid requests a translation from the thief he hesitantly replies, "I can, but I don't think this is going to go well. We never resuscitated him, and he is threatening us both..."

Turning to the reptile Flynn speaks in its tongue, saying, "You would do well to hold your forked tongue and listen if you hope to live through this - this man is no stranger to powerful magic, and your reaction to his question will greatly influence if he feeds you to his natural allies or not. Will you calm down a moment and speak with us?"

2015-06-10, 04:16 PM
"You would do well to hold your forked tongue and listen if you hope to live through this - this man is no stranger to powerful magic, and your reaction to his question will greatly influence if he feeds you to his natural allies or not. Will you calm down a moment and speak with us?"

The kobold pauses his raving just long enough to hear Flynn speaking his native tongue with unmasked surprise. He turns his face to the bard, and screams as best his bound torso will allow. "Bah! His magic is nothing compared to the strength of my master! I have nothing to say to usurpers, charlatans, liars, and thieves! My master stirs even now! His revenge is swift and terrible! Quake for your misdeeds, your paltry lives have already been made forfeit!! Olledin will put all under his mighty wing and whim! He comes for you, puny human!!" He spits at Flynn, and makes no effort of responding to his reasoned pleas.

2015-06-10, 04:52 PM
Flynn relays the kobolds ravings and asks, "Does a winged 'master' named Olledin mean anything to you, Mander?"

2015-06-10, 08:59 PM
Mander frowns. The name doesn't mean much to me, but it does resemble "Oldéan," a dragon of lore- said once to have ravaged most of Druma and northern Andoran... Perhaps this master seeks to follow in it's footsteps?" He mulls about the thought for a time, finally adding, "It's really not very clever, is it?"

All the while, the kobold continues screaming Draconic obscenities and vile threats.

Mander turns to you, and comments. "I doubt he's listening, but would you tell the ruddy beast that I brought him back from unconsciousness, and I can damned-well send him back, if he keeps this up?"

You recall the tales of a great dragon, scorching the earth with acid.An ancestor to the current High-Chancellor of Andoran is said to have lead the party that felled the creature and ended it's reign of terror.

2015-06-11, 04:20 AM
...it does resemble "Oldéan," a dragon of lore..."
"I remember hearing tales of a great dragon, scorching the earth with acid. An ancestor of one of the leaders of Andoran killed it and ended it's reign of terror... Flynn mutters before turning back to the kobold.

Scowling at the reptile Flynn sibilantly spits, "If you don't shut your fool mouth you are going to be silenced. Did you not hear me? He means to kill you if you don't cooperate! All the might and power of your master won't be worth one scale to your dead corpse. Now be silent!"

Knowledge (History) [roll0], Knowledge (Arcana) [roll1]

If you want an Intimidate check it is at +5 (untrained).

2015-06-11, 08:37 PM
"If you don't shut your fool mouth you are going to be silenced. Did you not hear me? He means to kill you if you don't cooperate! All the might and power of your master won't be worth one scale to your dead corpse. Now be silent!"

After a few seconds, the kobold seems to deflate. While his eyes continue to seethe with unmitigated hatred, he ceases his ranting. By all appearances, the physical demands of his body healing for the last day and a half have exhausted him. He says nothing, but stares hatefully at the three humans standing nearby in turn.

2015-06-12, 11:02 AM
"There, that's better. Now, will you at least converse with him without loosing your mind? He has offered all of us, yourself included, an opportunity to gain our freedom. Your clutch-mate, the one we fought in the cave, has already received his when he surrendered to us. If you cooperate you could earn the same," Flynn says to the kobold before waiting for either Mander or the reptile to speak again.

2015-06-12, 02:08 PM
"Nothing hinders my mind, puny human. I care little for your perceived freedom. You will learn that it is but an illusion- a figment of your feeble thinking. I anxiously await watching Olledin crush the life from your pitiful body! None steal from my master and live to boast of it!"

2015-06-12, 03:42 PM
Looking annoyed and a bit confused Flynn relays the kobolds speech to Mander before asking, "What are you suggesting we stole? We were attacked by the moss trolls at the bridge and explored their cave. When we found you and the other kobold there we defended ourselves as you attacked us. I have been a thief, but I usually know what I am stealing..."

2015-06-13, 06:21 PM
I have been a thief, but I usually know what I am stealing...[/I][/COLOR]"

The kobold erupts in furious declamation, "YOU WERE THERE!! YOU THINK US TO BE BLIND AND FOOLISH? We see! We watch! You take our goods from us, and spoil our alliances! We watch and wait! You will not know when your doom approaches, but it comes! Your arrogance will be repaid you, and harshly!"

2015-06-15, 05:39 AM
Flynn sighs and replies to the vindictive reptile, "You aren't helping your own hide - if you were in league with the moss trolls we fought, that's your loss. Taking the spoils of combat is not theft. But, if you have nothing else of use to share, I think I am going to let our host decide what to do with you. I hear his pets are often hungry..."

Turning to Mander he then reports the kobold's accusations and shrugs, saying, "His clutch-mate seemed less intelligent but much more reasonable. It really is a shame that he cannot be brought to see reason. What shall we do with him now?"

2015-06-15, 09:53 AM
"What shall we do with him now?"

In answer, Mander limps forward and bludgeons the kobold smartly on the head with his new staff. As the creature loses consciousness again, he turns to Flynn. "Now, we wait. I will call for someone who can translate, as what he knows may prove to be life or death for my order. They will come, and in the meantime, he will likely spend many hours bound, ranting and raving, but will eventually eat the stew I attempt to feed him. Or starve himself to death- if he is truly too far gone for survival to be a weighty concern. At any rate, a decision will not be made today, or likely before you all leave."

He relays his expectations to Flynn, and otherwise turns to go inside. "Rest well this afternoon and evening; the next few days will be demanding."