View Full Version : Take Two Round Two Discussion thread.

2015-06-10, 07:43 PM
For those fans of this epic fanfic and the one that came before it, I figured maybe we could stop hijacking the naruto thread to talk about it. I just finished rereading YAWALEH, and thought that, combined with whats come up so far in the sequel, it might be interesting to theorize what everyone else has for a presence. As an example, Tenten.

I had this mental image of her presence feeling that that scene from the Matrix where neo and trinity are gearing up to save morpheus and they get this endless arsenal of row after row of weaponry. Basically, Tenten has that, only its all the various weapons she has seen. Everything from the common and endless number of kunai and shuriken, to the most epic and legendary weapons ever seen in the elemental nations, and a good chunk beyond that she has in her mind from when scabbard did his reality marble thing and she went into shock trying to comprehend them all. All these endless racks of weaponry, each with its own name, its own history, all whispering its knowledge at the same time in a confusing babble only she can translate and focus through to find what she wants. Unlike scabbard, whose marble had all the weapons lying everywhere, hers are clearly organized, cared for, valued as only a professional who loves weapons as deeply as she does (her early on insanity trying to grab gods tear or zabuzas sword is evidence of that) Thats why her presence invokes the feeling of an ARMORY.

Her version of unlimited blade works would make this all real. With her control over the reality marble allowing her to basically cause the racks and shelves to blur as they move towards whatever weapon she wishes to use. Battles going to the top of the shelves, as her opponent sees the endless rows stretching off into infinity, she knows where every weapon is, she knows what every weapon can do. The best anyone else can manage is to grab them at random and try to fight back.

Anyone else have an opinion on one of the currently unknown characters presence and what it could be? How about any theories on where the story is headed?