View Full Version : When you totally missed the awesome treasure...

Hiro Quester
2015-06-11, 01:19 PM
Like it says, treasure the DM tried to give your party that you missed out on by foolhardy actions, forgetful choices, or unfortunate rolls.

My story is this:

Our party is about 17-18 level, seven players (wizard, cleric, druid, fighter, rogue, ranger/archer, paladin, bard). We're closing in on the end of the dungeon in which the BBEG has set up the McGuffin we have to stop him using.

DM sets up several semi-difficult encounters to sap (or make us conserve) our resources before the big boss fight. In one of them, we find a door that the rogue's spot check reveals has an odd green color to it, but he can't find any trap. Rogue unlocks the door and steps to the side turning the door handle as the fighter bursts through the door. turns out that the door is trapped with a disintegrate screen that disintegrates anything that comes through the door. Fighter initially rolls a poor saving throw, but fatespinner wizard gives him a reroll. This time he makes his saving throw, and survives the damage; disarming the trap by setting it off.

In the room we find three very well armed guards and a leader even more so. Archers shooting at us from windows that give them partial cover.

We defeat all but one of the guards, charm or kill the archers, etc. The last guard obviously intends go to alert the boss, so tumbles out of the room through a window one of the archers had been using. He turns and closes that window (like a small half-door) behind him. A quick spot check reveals the same green tinge of another armed disintegrate screen-trap.

Our party fighter wants to pursue him, but knows he can't take another disintegrate trap. So he angrily picks up the body of the leader he has just slain, and throws it through the window to set off and so disarm the trap. The party rogue and cleric recognize this as a bad idea but are too slow to stop him. The body is disintegrated. (Ranger shoots the guard dead as he flees down the hallway.)

DM laughs ironically at this and promises to tell us later, out of game, why.

After the game, DM gives the fighter's player the list of the magic items the leader's body had on it, which were disintegrated by the trap. Over 250 000gp worth. I don't recall all the details, but I remember that it included a magic item (a weapon, perhaps?) that the fighter would have killed someone to possess (ironic, since he had just done so). And a ring of evasion. Ring of protection +5. Gloves of dexterity +6. A belt of something. Good boots, too. And a map of the part of the dungeon.

DM was trying to give us items we'd need to prepare for the major Boss fight(s) to come. (In game, the BBEG was investing a lot of resources in trying to stop us or slow us down, so he could activate the McGuffin.) The fighter had just disintegrated some of the best of them.

This has now become a running joke in our group. Whenever someone suggests we should search the bodies of defeated enemies, someone (often that player, who is now DM) asks if we perhaps want to just defenestrate them instead.

2015-06-11, 07:00 PM
Magic items get their own saves, and are typically high, depending on the one who made them...some of those should have been successfully intact and dropped out the window or just at the screen, cascading to the floor...your DM made a big mistake...not just the fighter.

So yeah.

2015-06-11, 08:30 PM
It's also worth noting that if targetting a creature, gear isn't affected by disintegrate, and if targeting an object, it can only disintegrate a single object. Since the trap seemed to be discharged after hitting a single target, there's no reason that all the gear should have been disintegrated as well.

2015-06-11, 11:13 PM
Not loot, but we missed some awesome encounters in Cairn of the Winter King because we found our way directly to the boss and killed him. When we did eventually get to all those places, the tone was totally different, because their boss was gone, the place was melting and we were conducting job interviews.

Hiro Quester
2015-06-12, 07:27 AM
It was a disintegrate screen not a ray. Not a standard trap. (We were all very super powered, with bonus feats and divine bonuses to stats, so the monsters and traps were struggling to keep up; e.g. my Bard had a 40 CHA by the end of the campaign. DM was improving on standard traps and hazards.)

And I think DM wanted to teach the fighter a lesson about angry decisions made as individuals that have consequences for the group. Plus it was funnier, and more frustrating, that way.

Karl Aegis
2015-06-12, 07:38 AM
I generally assume all loot we find out in the wilds won't be worth anything, instead dealing entirely in favors. Even if all your gear is destroyed at that level it only takes a few rounds to replace it all, anyways.

2015-06-12, 08:25 AM
The screen would still have to have line of effect. anything under clothing or in pocket would be outside of LoE. Also how do you calculate the value (in CR and GP) for a trap that can cast an arbitrarily high number of disintegrate spells at once?