View Full Version : Dungeon Siege

2007-04-25, 03:38 AM
I just got Legends of Aranna today and started playing. I've gotten a fighter/battlemage up to the dwarf mines, where much smashing is occuring. Does anyone else play this game?

2007-04-25, 05:17 AM
The first one is horribly unbalanced, favouring the fighters. The second one is horribly unbalanced, favouring the casters.

2007-04-25, 05:58 AM
Both miserable games. Lowest common denominator kind of game. A chimp could play it. Repetetive doesn't even begin to describe it.

2007-04-25, 06:57 AM
One was toooo repetetive for me, 2 is repetetive BUT still has enough interesting bits to keep me happy....I use it on Saturdays that i've nothing to do on and am sick of, it makes 8 hours pass in mindless hack and slash. Not a great game, but a very effective time killer when one desires low levels of mental activity.

My favorite thing is feeding my pets, and see what they get as they grow....i really like that.

and hey, its better than sacred....

2007-04-25, 07:51 AM
I loved Dungeonsiege, I don't care that it's easy, you can adjust that.
I loved that there was no loading, I liked the ease of play, just enough to keep me intrested without being any kind of burden, I like to relax with a game from time to time, it doesn't all have to be super intense to have fun you know.
LOA is cool, a bit on the short side compared to the multiplayer world in the original though. I love it when you get the spell imbibed items, finally a bit of kit you might hang onto for more than five minutes.

Did you ever do the chicken run?
That was a slog, but you get some outragious kit ... and a chickengun!
I would still play if I could find the time, though I bought DS II and I felt it had lost the charm of the original, the pets were a nice feature but it didn't ring true, gameplay wise, unlike it's predecessor.

2007-04-25, 08:50 AM
Personally, I'm more a Diablo fan. None of the clones I've played seemed to be as enjoyable (Though Hellfire was really good, despite not being a Blizzard-made expansion).

Woot Spitum
2007-04-25, 04:00 PM
I just got Legends of Aranna today and started playing. I've gotten a fighter/battlemage up to the dwarf mines, where much smashing is occuring. Does anyone else play this game?

Yes, I have both one and two. How can a fantasy game that lets you find miniguns and grenade launchers be half bad?

The story for Dungeon Siege 2 got kinda silly. When the Sword of Zaramoth struck the Shield of Azunai...

2007-04-25, 05:36 PM
I played the first one. It was okay if you don't mind this style of gameplay:

Walk into room.
Get attacked by about three million enemies at the same time.
Kill them all because it takes all of one hit to kill most of them.
Loot corpses.
Heal and recharge mana.
Walk into next room.
Repeat until you make it out of the dungeon.
Also, the way they just throw large dungeons in unexpected places was rather laughable.

"Hey, there are bad guys hiding in my basement. If you go kill them, you can take the items I keep down there. Oh, yeah, did I mention that each of the dozen rooms in my basement is larger than my house? And that it's three stories deep, with an elevator to move between floors?"

2007-04-26, 08:28 AM
Play multiplayer JM

Walk into room.
Get attacked by about three million enemies at the same time.
Your mate runs by, pursued by another three million enemies whom are twice as hard in multiplayer.
He casts respite, and they all attack you.
You run/die/cast invisibility.
The pair of you fight a running battle, occasionally getting caught out and exploding in a shower of inventory.
Repeat until you make it out of the dungeon.Chaos reigns in multiplayer DS, if you have the spare capability you can load up 16 players on a LAN I think. You won't find the beasties a push over then.
Melee/Combat magic FTW go triple strike.

2007-04-26, 09:28 AM
I've played DS1 demo version and DM2 full version, and both were boring. In DM1 there were absolutely no character development(you fight, you get better, and that's all). DM2 was better in this respect, but I grew tired of fighting millions of incects and monkeys in the jungle so I quit. Both games are seriously overrated.

2007-04-26, 09:39 AM
I played the 1st one with a mod for it that added all sorts of stuff including a freaking awesome summon called Rozo's Deathknight. That was a really good mod and I enjoyed the game too.

2007-04-26, 10:47 AM
I had no illusions that either DS1 or DS2 would be more than a smashfest when I first played them. It's fun, relaxing, and with appropriately epic boss fights (more so in DS2).

2007-04-26, 06:17 PM
Tragically, like diablo, this game has been hacked to the point of noninterest. If you like this style of play however, PSOBB has better graphics and cooler weaponry but not the same magnitude in size or multiple towns. Like diablo original with less spells.

Woot Spitum
2007-04-26, 07:50 PM
I find Dungeon Siege both relaxing and fun. Sometimes I want to play complicated turn-based strategy, but there are other times when I want to just play some simmple hack-em-up. That's why I enjoy Dungeon Siege.

2007-04-26, 08:33 PM
I didn't like the second one. It was too much like "Keep your caster alive, and let him cast Death ray at guy". Fighters weren't too great.

Elliot Kane
2007-04-26, 11:38 PM
I found DS & LoA to be good mindless fun. A great game to play if I'm a bit tired and don't want to do too much thinking. The actual engine is fantastic, and still unsurpassed AFAIK, with no loading screens and pack mules, plus I like the 'learn as you do' system.

Both are really too linear, and the lack of a minimap is immensely annoying, but overall if someone used the engine to create a new Baldur's Gate type game I'd be very happy.

2007-04-27, 01:31 AM
Both are really too linear, and the lack of a minimap is immensely annoying, but overall if someone used the engine to create a new Baldur's Gate type game I'd be very happy.

That would probably be pretty awesome. D&D just doesn't lend itself to real-time CRPGs; Baldur's Gate using Dungeon Siege could work well, assuming the Baldur's Gate story is as strong as I've heard.

Elliot Kane
2007-04-29, 06:34 PM
That would probably be pretty awesome. D&D just doesn't lend itself to real-time CRPGs; Baldur's Gate using Dungeon Siege could work well, assuming the Baldur's Gate story is as strong as I've heard.

It is. While the BG games are not at the level of Planescape: Torment for story, they are head and shoulders above almost everything else out there.

While a lot of CRPGs are in actual fact Diablo clones (Thereby involving little to no actual role playing at all) the BG games are probably the closest I've seen to proper tabletop RPGs (Excepting Torment again, obviously :)).

As you say though, the D&D system is not exactly made for computers. A system that was, combined with a proper in depth story would rule :)

And possibly be called Dragon Age, but that may well be hopeful thinking on my part :)

2007-04-29, 08:55 PM
What does it mean when it says 'fairy has given you a gift of life/mana'? Is it just healing/mana replenishment?

2007-04-30, 10:00 AM
The fairy heal is really dinky, you have to look pretty close to see it.

Hunting deer in the game is interesting. You can't shoot the deer (they aren't monsters) but if you target just beyond them and shoot a bow it works.

There are a couple places where summoned critters are really really useful. Anywhere with 5+ monsters on the other side of an elevator or platform that is lever activated. Spam your critters once the platform is not pathable back to you but still within spell range.

2007-05-02, 04:29 PM
I played the 1st and had a blast with it. The 2nd, not so much. The game just didn't grab me.

2007-05-02, 06:38 PM
Yay, I finished. My character had the Champion rank by the end; I'm a little disappointed that her Combat Magic didn't level fast enough for her to get to Grand Warwitch, but Champion is good anyway.
The final boss was rather disappointingly weak, and the giant dragon is just damn annoying. He barely does any damage and has 20,000 hit points; he dies easily enough, it just takes forever.

2007-05-03, 04:48 AM
If you play through again on veteran mode you will soon climb up those levels.The Dragon is a girl.

Have you done the chicken run, if you think killing the dragon takes ages, the chicken run well... there is however some glorious kit to be had though.
chicken run (http://dungeonsiegegear.tripod.com/id3.html)

Anyone know of any good playable mods? I might give the old DS another run out, Thuggette rides again wooo.

2007-05-03, 05:43 AM
How to you turn veteran mode on?

2007-05-03, 06:05 AM
Casts mind back a few years

When you chose the map you wish to play on (kingdom of Eb, Utrean peninsula etc) there is a choice of standard veteran or elite, you need to be level 83 to play elite, (which is quite a time investment btw) I can't remember what level you need to be for veteran ... ah 54
If you haven't achieved level 54 yet, all you need do is load up the Utraen peninsula on multiplayer, (if you have more than 1 PC you can add more players for extra difficulty/experiance/goodness) and knock around at the highest area you can start at, you'll soon put on a few levels.

In fact have you only completed the kingdom of Eb?
because the multiplayer map is much bigger, it also has several secret areas *shudder* wandering through the desert looking for pyramids *shudder*

2007-05-03, 06:09 AM
So it's a multiplayer thing?

2007-05-03, 06:30 AM
You can play multi player on your own, you don't need a server or any such, and it gives you a whole new wide world to explore and there is a mission to do, and you get to jet about on the hub... man I am so going to start playing again.
The Utraen Peninsular is the best map for DS it is non linear, really worth exploring. also unless you kept the knife you started with, you will need 2 PC's to do the chicken run that i keep wiffling on about, as one of the objects you need is the knife you get as a new character.

Actually thinking about it, I think the kingdom of Eb is only standard, there is no veteran or elite, though LOA has vet levels, but seriously the Utraen peninsula is golden, load it up and check it out.

2007-05-03, 06:30 AM
I've had a Dungeon Siege II sitting on my shelf for at least half a year now. Never even bothered to install it. I got it from a friend because it didn't like his computer, and I only took it because I thought the Ultima V - Lazarus mod was for it. Unfortunately it's for the first Dungeon Siege. I'd love to try out that mod, but I'm not so interested in the game itself.

2007-05-03, 06:37 AM
I think DS 1 was a better game than DS2, it's a shame but I think they lost the feel of the game. Pick up a copy of DS1, it is cheap and well worth it IMHO.

2007-05-03, 07:17 AM
I think DS 1 was a better game than DS2, it's a shame but I think they lost the feel of the game. Pick up a copy of DS1, it is cheap and well worth it IMHO.

I agree, I got Legends of Aranna for $25 from Electronics Boutique.