View Full Version : DM Help Collaborative Homebrew; Video Game Races in 5e.

2015-06-13, 07:34 PM
Howdy Playgrounders. Forgive me if this in the wrong area(honestly can't remember), but I figured it'd be best to place it in the 5e area since that's the edition I'm looking into. So I've finally got my fiancee and a few friends to try out a Dnd Campaign with me. They suggested a sort of Cross-over of races; a few from Fire Emblem, and a few from Legend of Zelda. Now, that being said, I can likely replace standard races with video game counterparts. I plan on updating this starting post as more things are fleshed out, And any advice is welcome. You guys know this game in and out, and I know I can rely on your knowledge.

Legend Of Zelda Races-

Hylians; High/Wood Elves

Gorons: Mountain Dwarfs (Burrow speed of 10 feet, or rock eating?)

Sheikah: Drow

Zora: Water Genasi

Kokiri: Halfling

Gerudo: As Tieflings, but possible change in spells given by race. No Male PCs through Gerudo reproduction

Fire Emblem-

Manakete: Will not be playable as a PC; Difficult to balance. That being said, Manaketes are really, lore wise, Dragons with the ability to take 'human' form, not the other way around like with Laguz. Might lead to some interesting developments for role plays, with Dragon Laguz vs Manaketes

Laguz/Taguel: Shifter/Were-X forms? Hengeyokai from 3.x comes to mind, but Balancing would be an issue.

Beorc: Just a fancy name for human.

So, ideas, suggestions?

2015-06-13, 07:55 PM
Laguz shifted form Grants static +x bonuses to attributes. the downside is they have 0 attribute bonuses in humanoid form.

Dragon laguz gain flight at level 10, and their breath weapon scales the same as dragonborns

laguz natural weapons scale at the same rate as monk's does.

Specific laguz bonuses

-Heron Charisma and dex bonus, Unique language and bard bonus

-Hawk Str and dex, str is the main bonus, vision bonus

-Crow Dex and intelligence bonus, mobility bonus


-Cat Dex and Charisma bonus. mobility bonus, stealth bonus

-Tiger Str and Con bonus, can roar to cause fear, stealth bonus

-Lion Str Con Cha bonus, leadership feat, stealth bonus, roar

-Wolf Dex and Str bonus, Pack tactics, stealth bonus, mobility bonus

Dragon, also usable for manakete

-Red Str, Con, Cha bonus, Fire breath

-White Con, Wis, Int bonus, Ice Breath

- Black(dark blue) Dex Con Cha bonus, Lightning breath

Laguz can use skills, extra attacks, and spells, in beast form.

2015-06-13, 08:29 PM
Laguz shifted form Grants static +x bonuses to attributes. the downside is they have 0 attribute bonuses in humanoid form.

Dragon laguz gain flight at level 10, and their breath weapon scales the same as dragonborns

laguz natural weapons scale at the same rate as monk's does.


Laguz can use skills, extra attacks, and spells, in beast form.

I agree with most of this, but the issue is variation. It's hard not to break the balance with these figures, but I'd suggest an alternative, based on your figures.

"Laguz fall under three main categories; Dragon, Avian, and Beast.

Dragon Laguz get a racial Bonus of +2 Con

Avian Laguz get a racial Bonus of +1 Dex, and +1 Str

Beast Laguz get a racial Bonus of +1 Str and +1 Con


A laguz can assume it's beast form for 1 hour per level per day as a bonus action. The Laguz takes on all physical aspects of the assumed creature (Maximum HP of the assumed creature or current HP, whatever is higher), while keeping personal mental stats."

I wouldn't plan on using Druid in this sense, but its an idea. Dragon laguz wouldn't be able to fly until level 10, and they would progress in age categories as they grew older/gained more character levels.

As for Beast and Avian forms, they would select an animal, and as they grew stronger, they would either get a sort of 'Dire' Template, raising it's size, AC, and physical attributes. The beast would have to be CR 1, and at least medium size (preferably large), and of the 'beast' type. Still gotta figure out Large rabbits though... Damn you Panne.

2015-06-13, 08:36 PM
Zora could be water genasi maybe?

2015-06-13, 08:40 PM
Zora could be water genasi maybe?

Water Genasi Works great for Zoras! Thanks!