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2015-07-10, 09:49 PM
Then it is clear we are all being tricked. I heard the exact same thing but in Changlic. That is what gave it away to me. A Changling would not have risked himself like that, if they are hiding in this world.

2015-07-10, 09:55 PM
"So... not a spell that maybe translates their language to one of ours? Cause I heard chirping in a kind of basic bat-like language and you didn't?"

2015-07-10, 09:56 PM
Why then did they not come to us if they wanted help? Rather they lead us into the forest were we will easily get lost?

2015-07-10, 11:57 PM
"It does seem awfully suspicious for them to hide themselves when asking for help," Trump agrees.

2015-07-11, 08:16 AM
"Yeah... guess we should just keep going on the little path here to Ophelia's place.

2015-07-11, 06:06 PM
"We are the heroic five! we cannot ingore cry of distress! Maybe they are tied or something!?" Muse scolded the others.

2015-07-11, 06:08 PM
Heroic five we maybe, but I have played enough games to know that this is a trap. Remember we joined here for a game. Why don't we turn this trap around on who ever is setting?

2015-07-11, 06:23 PM
"I wouldn't know. I've rarely ever played any games before." Marbles says to the group.
He opens his book, waiting for the group to come to a decision. If they're ready, he'll know by now that Stamps will let him know.

2015-07-11, 06:26 PM
what kind of trap did you have in mind, Stamps?

2015-07-11, 06:30 PM
Well first off if it was talking each of us individually in a way we could here it only, then it wants to separate us. If we stay as a group we will already break a big part of its plan. Aside from that I have no Clue. Stamps says flatly which after knowing so much is rather humorist.

2015-07-11, 11:27 PM
Suddenly, another pair of eyes - the same green color - reappear in that darkened spot, but lower this time, still just beyond the reaches of the light. Again a keening wind beckons to you with what seems to be words.

"Please! Mistress needs you, friends!" It seems to beg, then dashes off just like the previous pair of eyes.

This time, the creature's words are definitely not in your home language. They're much more similar to the traditional Equestrian language.

2015-07-11, 11:30 PM
Stamps: 19/25 fort 15/15 will

So did it just speak Equestrian this time to you all? Stamps asked as he cast the simple Light spell from the Canterlot Archives.


2015-07-12, 12:41 AM
"I know... but this is diffrent kind of game." When they begged again.
"You can stay here, if you are afraid." she said softly, and galloped after the voice.
"I'm coming to save you!" she yelled.

2015-07-12, 12:52 AM
Stamps taps Marble's head.

Time to go Marble. Wait up Muse! Stamps says as he chases after the filly.

2015-07-12, 07:49 AM
"How quickly the trumpeter changes tunes," Bass notes with a glance to Stamps. The batpony gallops after Muse.

2015-07-12, 01:37 PM
Trump wants to facehoof at how the group was running off into the woods. However, the lack of more appealing alternatives convinced him to chase after them.

2015-07-12, 01:39 PM
"Hey! Wait for me!" Marbles cries out to the others as he tries to keep up with them.

Casting my invisibility spell:

(2d6) [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

2015-07-12, 05:16 PM
Both Stamps' and Marbles' spells go off without a hitch; light twinkles into place at the tip of Stamps' horn, and Marbles vanishes without a trace, the former proving to be very useful indeed as it makes the path much easier to take. From the sound of it, the creatures seeking your help are leading you straight down it, without veering too far off course. As you follow the sound deeper into the forest, you notice the trees and brush have slowly started to distance themselves not just from the path, but also from each other - and soon, there is only very soft soil entirely clear of scree under your hooves, and trees of stone-grey color that lack foliage entirely, their empty branches raking the sky above like angry claws. Though there is a slight wind, not a single branch or twig budges; on it, however, you can hear words yet again.

"Over here!"

To your right, you see a cliff face cracked and worn with age, and a small cave entrance; directly ahead of you, the path veers to the left as continuing would eventually run you directly into what appears to be a ravine; and to the left, the forest begins looking healthier, though only compared to the current desolation you've found. The sound of galloping has suddenly taken a turn toward the right, though with the combined effect of the light from above, Stamps' light spell, and the less-cluttered forest, you don't actually notice any creatures around that could be making the galloping sound. A faint flash of bright green illuminates the cliffside for a moment, apparently coming from inside the cave.

2015-07-12, 05:24 PM
Stamp flies leading the group towards the flash of light. He treads softly as he leads the group.

Well time to go inside a creepy cave, home sweet home. Stamps says as he enter the crack in the Earth, that allowed for entrance into the depths.

2015-07-12, 10:19 PM
"Home? Oh, did you live in a cave back home?" Bass asks. He keeps his senses at attention for danger as he enters the cave.

2015-07-12, 10:43 PM
No I actually lived in a nice two story house. Mom is a Orchestra Conductor and Composer, while Dad umm.... I think he is a Doctor. I mean he reads a lot of medical Journals. Though.....He does also say he works for both Hive and Hierarchy? I don't know really what he does.

2015-07-12, 10:49 PM
"Oh yeah? My dad is a doctor. Works a lot with younger ponies and kids."

2015-07-12, 10:51 PM
What does your mom do?

2015-07-12, 10:52 PM
"She's a mechanic. Really good at fixing stuff."

2015-07-12, 11:17 PM
"That is cool! So what got you into music then Bass?"

2015-07-12, 11:59 PM
Before you are able to go too far into the cave, you hear a voice from further in, echoing through the entryway chamber.

"You brought a pony?! You know well enough I can't eat them! Oh my... what am I going to do? Are they here already?" Those of you furthest into the cave hear a shuffling sound from deeper in, and another emerald flash illuminates the cave for a second - though you can't see anyone, the flash comes from around a corner, and the voice seems to be coming from there as well.

"Oh, no, umm... uh... N-no one's home! You can leave now! Please?"

2015-07-13, 12:08 AM
Stamps just continues down the cave.

It is great you can't eat ponies, that is sad. Anyways what is wrong we are here to help.

2015-07-13, 07:50 AM
"Yeah, anything we inedible ponies can help with?"

2015-07-13, 09:29 AM
Hearing what the voice said made Marbles grateful that he turned himself invisible.
He decides to just keep quiet.

2015-07-13, 11:28 AM
Muse walking in the cave, almost hoppig happily. "Adventure! A true true true advneture, is an awesome deed! and there no need for any liiiight!" she starting to sing, ejoying the echoe.

"You don't eat ponies?!" she asking shocked. "So what kind of trap is that?!" she asks almost anigrly.

2015-07-13, 12:58 PM
"So what kind of trap is that?!" she asks almost anigrly.

"One where we don't get eaten," Bass whispers to Muse.

2015-07-13, 05:01 PM
Muse sighs. "Sooooooooooo... why are we here again?"

2015-07-13, 05:25 PM
"Because morsel you ran off when we were talking about not doing that." Stamps says to Muse.

2015-07-13, 05:42 PM
"Oh." she blushed. "I... heard... somepony crying for help..." she bowing her head with shame.

2015-07-13, 06:38 PM
"Oh." she blushed. "I... heard... somepony crying for help..." she bowing her head with shame.

Bass gives her a hug. "I heard it too. Nothing wrong with wanting to help! I think the gorge outside was mentioned as being near Ophelia's place, so maybe we could be close... or maybe this is her place? This could be dangerous, you know?" Bass hopes that pep talk cheers muse up.

2015-07-13, 07:03 PM
"I'm sorry about that... that was my, um, my hunting spell," The voice returns. Obviously someone must be home! "But sometimes, it, uh, doesn't work so well. For some reason it occasionally will lure a wandering pony or giant spider in here and then everything gets really awkward!" A giggle is heard, one that sounds rather nervous.

"So, um, unless you have some business with me, you can leave if you want."

You notice that one of the outcroppings in the cave doesn't actually match the rest of the stone in the cave... it appears to be a very lifelike statue of a scorpion, only about your size instead of tiny. It appears to have been dragged in by somepony, as it has left deep, jagged scratch marks on the ground. It's utterly unmoving, however, and simply leans helter-skelter against the cave wall. It seems to be missing part of a leg that would end in a claw...

2015-07-13, 07:24 PM
"So, um, unless you have some business with me, you can leave if you want."

"Well, we have business with somepony named Ophelia," Bass remarked. "Decimal Dew recommended we seek her out in our quest. Do you know which direction is her place?"

2015-07-13, 08:21 PM
"Oh." she blushed. "I... heard... somepony crying for help..." she bowing her head with shame.
Stamps just puts a hoof up not knowing what to do. He was ashamed, he did not mean to upset her. He just sulked, as he could taste her negative emotions. They added to his own, as he just made himself fall into an even bigger spiral. He just silently goes as deep into the cave as he can.

"I'm sorry about that... that was my, um, my hunting spell," The voice returns. Obviously someone must be home! "But sometimes, it, uh, doesn't work so well. For some reason it occasionally will lure a wandering pony or giant spider in here and then everything gets really awkward!" A giggle is heard, one that sounds rather nervous.

"So, um, unless you have some business with me, you can leave if you want."

You notice that one of the outcroppings in the cave doesn't actually match the rest of the stone in the cave... it appears to be a very lifelike statue of a scorpion, only about your size instead of tiny. It appears to have been dragged in by somepony, as it has left deep, jagged scratch marks on the ground. It's utterly unmoving, however, and simply leans helter-skelter against the cave wall. It seems to be missing part of a leg that would end in a claw...

Stamps just sits infront of the creature when he can finally see it. He is sulking, as he stares at the ground. He is to sad to even notice her there, as he was just trying to get away from the negative.

2015-07-14, 12:07 AM
Muse blushed a bit from Bass's hug.
"Thanks.." she wishper shyly

2015-07-14, 12:50 AM
"You're looking for Ophelia...? For a quest?" the voice stammers a moment, and you see a pony emerge from the darkness of the depths, though you can only see her forelegs and her face, most of which is hidden behind a huge dark-red mane. "No pony ever comes out to see Ophelia... I'm sorry, I don't think I can help you with your quest. If nothing else, I'll only scare you away like I do everypony that comes here... once you've... seen me..." Before stamps can approach her in earnest, she recoils into the darkness, the sound of something heavy slithering across the cave floor.

2015-07-14, 02:00 AM
Muse blinking. "Scare us?" she asking sadly. This pony or... whatever she was... didn't sound... evil.
"Wait!" she called after her. "We are the heroic five! We won't get scared that easily!" she calls after her.
"Are you the Mistress wich they talked about?" she walking after her.

2015-07-14, 06:05 AM
"Yeah, are you Ophelia?" Bass adds to Muse' questioning. "I mean... either way we've been chosen for this quest because we're a bit braver than the usual fillies and colts our age. We just want to help put the sun back in the sky, and for that we need Ophelia's wisdom."

2015-07-14, 07:44 AM
Stamps just keeps going deeper into the cave. He looks at the ground as he keep going, he does say as he passes the snake pony. Her negative emotions adding to what was already a whirlwind of emotions inside Stamps.

Naga's are cool. Though he does just continue on till the cave ends, which he sits down. He waits for the bad feelings to go away.

2015-07-14, 10:38 AM
"Well, if you don't eat ponies, then we really don't have any reason to be afraid. Right guys?" Marbles says, although not entirely sure about what he just said.

2015-07-15, 12:31 AM
"Egghead's got a point; it's going to take a lot more than somepony who doesn't eat ponies to scare us," Trump says. He flashes his most confident grin towards the half-hidden mare.

"Is anyone else hearing snakes in this cave," Trump whispers to the rest of his group, "Or is it just me?"

2015-07-15, 12:32 AM
"I... I am, yes. I am Ophelia... w-wait, what are you- hey!" Ophelia shouts, backing up again. The light from Stamps' horn barely graces her body, and you notice that there are several shiny scales beneath her forelegs. Suddenly, an enormous snake's tail slams down in front of the changeling, barring further entry into the cave, and the light falls entirely on her upper portion. Two bright green eyes with red slits for irises glare down, and though her neck and upper body look much like a pony's, from where her hind legs would begin is a sleek, scaled serpentine body - and at its widest points, are much larger around than even her own head.

"F-fine. Now you know I am but a hideous gorgon. What can I possibly do for you that your pony f-friends..." - you can't really tell, but she either just sniffled or hissed - "...back in your city can't?"

2015-07-15, 12:45 AM
Stamps just starts rubbing the area at the base of his horn. He looks up at Ophelia straight into her eyes. His eye lens that make his seeing orbs looks like one solid color, stare at her as he seems to be near tears.
He states with a sniffle as well.

Would you stop the negativity. It hurts, Why would you think yourself hideous, when all I see is an amazing and beautiful creature. I mean being a snake like you are is so cool. Yet all this negativity, I can't think. It just brings me down. Maybe you simply have to see through the eyes of another to know your own wonder.

Stamps then just looks at the ground. a smile finally creepy over his face. He then laughs.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! There was never a Cocktrice. I mean wow, you are so cool Ophelia. That stone garden, it is a wonder to walk through.

2015-07-15, 01:56 AM
Muse Bloom staring with opened maw, he glasses slided down the muzzle.
"Wow!" she shouted with excitment. She galloping forward, and looked closer. "You are amazing!" she circled her. "I wish I was a Gorgon as well!" she giggled.
"Oh... and there was something about restoring somepony ancientish or something..." she stops, trying to remember why have they looked for Ophelia.

2015-07-15, 06:50 AM
Bass walks a bit closer. "Half pony, half snake? Dude, that's metal!" he compliments. "But uh, yeah we're looking to find the power source for an ancient airship that crashed. We were instructed that it's located in the Thornsnarl, and to get there we needed to go through Arrachis. I... some of us are not found of spiders, so we're hoping you know another way into the Thornsnarl?"

2015-07-15, 10:58 PM
Ophelia stands stunned by your reaction. "You're... not afraid, at all?" She slinks back, resting on her tail. "I don't... I mean, this is just... everypony always runs away. Except the unicorn, from the city. But she was never interested in camaraderie, she only wanted to study me. To use me. I think I scared her and her friend off, though... I haven't seen them in a while." She sighs, glancing between the four of you that she can see.

"I... I can show you the way into the Thornsnarl, yes. It's dangerous once you're inside, though... are you sure you have to go? You're the only ponies that would even stay around even after seeing me. I don't want to lead you to your... your deaths."

2015-07-15, 11:01 PM
"Well we are these chosen ones so I think we have to go whither we like it or not. Though I would love to come back and visit after we succeed out quest."

2015-07-16, 03:25 AM
"Pffff." Muse Bloom waved her foreleg with disrespect toward the danger. "You are such a knupechka*! We are the heroic five! We don't die!" She said as she explaining something very simple.
"Hmmm..she circled Ophelia. "Could you bite me and turn me into were~gorgon or something?' She asks in sudden.

*Kunpechka~ button/sweetheart in Russian/Stalliongradish.

2015-07-16, 06:07 AM
"We have been made somewhat aware of the dangers in the Thornsnarl," Bass said, "But there seems to be a driving... force behind us. A prophesy in other words, like the bass to a really good rock song."

2015-07-16, 09:27 AM
Stamps looks at Muse.
"I don't think it works like that Muse though that would be pretty cool if it did." Stamps tries not to upset her he really did not want to have more a negative emotions they would his make him feel worse and maybe give him a stomach ache.

2015-07-16, 01:00 PM
At first, the gorgon's appearance frightened Marbles for a moment. As he tried his best not to make a peep, he couldn't help but to notice how sad and lonely Ophelia sounded. He felt really sorry for her. So he just keeps sitting in place, not making a sound, and paying attention to what everybody is saying.

2015-07-16, 04:05 PM
Trying to ignore Muse's comment about biting her, Ophelia goes from scrunching her muzzle to kneading her hooves and glancing away. "Alright... I'll take you there. I hope you little ponies know what you're getting in to... and I... I hope fate is on your side." When Stamps makes mention of coming back to visit, her frown starts to pick up at the corners, and almost threatens to show a smile. She lets out a sigh as she slowly makes her way out of the cave, glancing skywards once she's outside. "I really haven't been inside that place in a while, so I can't tell you exactly what you'll find..." Just then, she gestures toward her tail, three jagged scars along it now visible in the dim ambient light of the forest. "But the plants there really don't like intruders. You four are a lot smaller than me, though, so... so maybe you'll have an easy time getting... um... what was it that you came for, again?"

"S-sorry... this is all kind of, well, um, new to me. I don't get visitors often... and I definitely don't get asked to help anypony with prophecies and such..."

2015-07-16, 04:43 PM
"Looking for an object... a power source that'll help us get a ship flying again," Bass answered. He gulped when he saw Ophelia's scars though. Yeah, the Thornsnarl didn't seem like it would show mercy to a group of squishy kids.

2015-07-16, 11:53 PM
Muse sighs, when Ophelia refused to answer her request to turn her into were~gorgon. Gorgon or not she was a grown up. Many grown ups ignored such questions from her.
She looked with amazement at the scars. She probably lacked any basic tact, because she said:"Its soooooo metal!" She got closer, almoat hypnotized.
She didn't knew what that really meant. But it probably was bat~pony's version for "awesome" or sonething.
"Pfff. You acting like a Knupechka again, Lady Ophelia. We are heroic five! We don't die! And especially not from some bad mannered grass!"

2015-07-17, 05:34 PM
"Heroic five? We may be a bit brave, but we haven't actually done anything heroic yet." Marbles mumbled.
"And the name is Marbles! Not egghead!" He says as he bops the back of Trump's head.

2015-07-17, 05:39 PM
Stamps smiles up at Ophelia.
"It is ok and don't worry Ophelia we will beat this game and come visit you again."

Stamps then takes his place next to Marbles.
"Eh don't worry Marbles though may want to not pull out your book we may want to stay focused. On look at that"
Stamps then loses go focus and points to something in the forest ahead.

2015-07-17, 08:29 PM
Trump Card gawks at Ophelia, but quickly regains his composure after seeing how the others were responding. This composure is shattered when a hoof hits him in the back of the head.

"Marble and eggs are both white," Trump counters, turning around, "So I wasn't too far-"

Trump stops as he sees empty space where he was expecting a bookworm.


Trump blinks a few times in confusion, poking at the space in front of him.

2015-07-17, 09:09 PM
"A power source, huh? Well, there was a wizard's tower nearby... but, uh, there are... five of you?" Ophelia says, turning her head and counting the group tailing her. When a voice speaks from none of the four she can see, she raises an eyebrow. "Is... uh... one of you, like, a ghost?" Right as she finishes saying it, however, Marbles' spell dissipates and he comes into full view. "O-oh, you're a pony...! Phew."

When Stamps mentions 'beating the game', however, Ophelia ***** her head at him. "Uh... beat a 'game'? I h-hope the Thornsnarl isn't a part of that... it's not a place to play in..." A moment later, she follows his point into the forest and lets out a chirp of surprise. She quickly slithers up to a rather large pine tree, its lower section partially petrified with a large gash in its bark. Behind the tree, you notice the forest is almost entirely dark, though with help from a stray ray of light, you notice something churning in that space... from here, it looks to be a solid wall made of extremely large thorn vines that are very slowly undulating.

"This is it! So... it should be, uhm..." Ophelia leans down and inspects the ground nearby, and swipes at a pile of debris - mostly consisting of dead branches, dried pine needles and other fallen foliage. Underneath is revealed to be a roughly-hewn stone staircase that appears to descend just underneath the ground. Ophelia quickly ducks into the tunnel, and motions for you to follow. "This is the tunnel... it'll lead you into the base of the wizard's tower. I... I'm gonna stay on this side. Please, be, um... be careful."

2015-07-17, 09:20 PM
Bass carefully descends into the tunnel. "A wizard's tower huh? Would you know if... um, anyone still lives inside it?"

2015-07-17, 09:23 PM
Stamps smiles up at Ophelia.

Thanks Ophelia. Stamps heads in without thinking, then he seems to poke his head from the tunnel and looks up.

If there are not any living beings here is there any magic still around you know traps, Animated Objects, things like that?

2015-07-17, 10:24 PM
"Hey!" Marbles protested, waving one of his hoofs to deflect Trump's poking.
He however freezes when he realizes that his invisibility spell had worn off.

Turning his attention back to Ophelia, he listens to what she has to say.

"We'll be careful Ophelia." Marbles assured Ophelia as he comes closer to her to offer her a hug.
"And thank you."

2015-07-17, 10:26 PM
Bass joins in Marbles group hug for Ophelia.

2015-07-17, 11:06 PM
"Group hug!" Stamps says as he flies and tackles the group with his own hug.

2015-07-18, 12:24 PM
Trump refrains from hugging, preferring to offer a respectful tip of the hat towards Ophelia.

2015-07-18, 04:59 PM
Muse Bloom, stares surprised at the group hug, but smiling widely, and joining in!

2015-07-18, 07:42 PM
Initially, Ophelia gasps as each of you - minus Trump - pile on and give her a hug, though after a moment she tenderly leans down and embraces all of you. "Th-thank you... um, oh my goodness, I didn't even ask your names. P-perhaps if... no - when you come back, we can get to, um, know each other a little better."

Releasing you, she slithers down into the tunnel, but stops as soon as she reaches the floor - a short descent. For those that descend with her, you can see that the tunnel is a short one, terminating in another stairwell not far into the darkness; in the pale light shining in through the exit, you can make out writhing, tendril-like shadows. Small brown vines hang from the top steps, though they are unmoving and appear dead.

2015-07-18, 08:38 PM
"We will definitely be back, like an earworm," Bass confidently replies. "Alright gang, look sharp." He walks carefully to the stairs up, trying not to disturb the seemingly dead plants.

2015-07-19, 12:42 AM
"The Heroic Five alwayes returns!" Muse siad, waved her foreleg and followed Bass.

2015-07-19, 01:41 AM
I am Stamps, the Changling. unlike them I am no Pony. I am kinda like back were we all are from. Anyways we will come back Ophelia. Stamps gives one more squeeze to Ophelia, before he runs off and joins the others.

2015-07-19, 03:54 AM
"I have no intention of dying," Trump Card assures. He tips his hat once more and grins at Ophelia before turning around to follow the others.

2015-07-19, 09:44 AM
"This is only goodbye," Marbles said, briefly following the others before stopping and turning to Ophelia.
"Until next time." He waves goodbye to Ophelia before he resumes following the other foals.

2015-07-19, 05:36 PM
The brown vines crunch noisily under your hooves, and they do seem to be very much dead. As soon as you reach the top step, however, you notice that everything around you is moving - huge thorny vines undulate overhead, some of them careening down low enough to nearly scratch at you; strange plants snap at you (though their roots keep them from approaching), their fang-like spikes nearly as long as your hoof; and straight ahead, some kind of enormous flower - easily as tall as a grown-up pony - glows with a mysterious, rainbow-colored light, though its petals hide whatever it is that is making the light. Broken trellises sag under the weight of overgrown plants and what appear to be magical lanterns still glow with an eerie blue light, though they are half-buried in the ground. From the three spots of light they provide, you can make out a flagstone path they once ran along, leading toward a ruined stone tower just behind the rainbow flower. Everything else is shrouded in a darkness so thick, you could swear it was supernatural...

Suddenly, a vicious-looking vine sweeps across the top of the stairwell from behind! Though it is smaller than those around it, its thorns are just as menacing.

Cinematic mode engaged!


I need short reactions (for those new, these are like dodging, jumping or running down a few steps, plus the appropriate check - such as a body check for a dodge) from everyone to avoid the vine's surprise sweep attack.

Optional music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdsEowF1bd8)

2015-07-19, 05:53 PM
"Eep!" Bass squeaks. He jumps up to try and clear the sweeping vine's reach.

+1 Body

Total: 8

2015-07-19, 06:41 PM
"Yikes!" Marbles let out as he musters his strength to jump away from the sweeping vine.


+1 Body

2015-07-19, 07:47 PM
"Whoa!" Trump Card shouts as he leaps up, clutching his hat with one hoof as he uses his wings to aid his jumping.

[roll0]+1 Body

Total: 7

2015-07-20, 01:18 AM
"Wohooo! Finally some real danger!" Muse Bloom giggles, with joy, trying to hoop away, and avoid the deadly flowers!


6 in conculsion

2015-07-20, 07:29 PM
Stamps just books it for the tower.


2015-07-20, 08:54 PM
All of you clear the thorned vine easily - except poor Stamps, whose rear leg is caught and scratched roughly. The force of the vine's swing is enough to unbalance him and keep him from running too far into the darkness, only managing a few hoofs' worth of progress toward the first lantern. A keening screech echoes from the black veil around you, and a large flytrap-like plant erupts from the dirt just in front of him. Though the vine behind you has cleared the stairwell, there's a good chance that waiting at the entrance will just entice it to swing again.

Perhaps luckily, the flytrap's body is covered in thin lines of green that glow eerily in the darkness, making it pretty obvious where it is. It moves with the kind of quickness and carnivorous intent you might expect from a dangerous animal, rather than a plant. Though its "head" is about the size of your own, the stem supporting it appears to be very thin - it's a miracle all its movements don't cause it to just snap. Just behind the voracious plant is the first of three circles of blue light, where you now notice there aren't any vines writhing about - just simple, unmoving grass and worn flagstones.

ROUND 1 (post-surprise)

Stamps takes very light ([roll0]) Fortitude damage from the thorns' scratches and the impact of the vine.

The vine has cleared the stairwell; while Stamps is now out of reach of the vine, the rest of you are still within its reach for a second swing.

All of you can take a full action each now.

2015-07-20, 09:42 PM

"Well Muse, is this adventure everything you hoped for?" Bass jokes. He charges forward at the plant blocking Stamps' path. "Back off, you overgrown weed!"

Bucking the flytrap
Roll: [roll0]
+1 Body

Total: 11

2015-07-20, 10:59 PM
Now in the air, Trump flies over the stairs before circling around the plant that Bass was attacking. Trump dives down and dropkicks the stem of the plant, trying to crush it and disconnect the head.

[roll0]+1 (Body)

Result: 9

2015-07-21, 12:37 AM
"Staaamps! Way to go!" Muse cheered on Stamps, thinking he made some awesome feat.
She spining herself to give to the plant rear-kick. "Eat this!" she yelled.
"Well. Almost, Bass my lad." She tried to make "dwarf" accent. "I was hoping to get magical sword or something. But yes, this is the best thing I have ever done!"

2015-07-21, 06:06 AM
"Well. Almost, Bass my lad." She tried to make "dwarf" accent. "I was hoping to get magical sword or something. But yes, this is the best thing I have ever done!"

"Heh, I'll keep an eye out for magic sword once we get inside," Bass replied as he continued to fight.

2015-07-21, 05:34 PM
Marbles stepped away from the fight that was going on. He wasn't very good at defending anypony, even himself.
This seemed similar to what would usually happen to him at school, only instead of foals picking on him, there were plants that wanted to do them harm.
He isn't sure what to do in this situation. He has no spells that can help in this situation. He doesn't know what to do.......

2015-07-21, 05:38 PM
Stamps takes a note from his father, during his times adventuring as a kid. Be a leader, be always think head of your opponent. Though he also had to follow Aunty Sabina, so he had to encourage his friends who may be scared, and get their energy back up. He looks to Marble's who is looking scared and unsure. Even though his hind leg ached as the thorns cut through his carapace, he walked tall. He looked back to Marble's.

If things get to out of hoof, light these things up can you do that Marble? He then once he has answer Charges the Venus Fly trap. He attempts to gore the weak spot that looked like it was ready to snap with his horn.

body attack check

2015-07-21, 05:49 PM
"I don't even remember that spell!" Marbles replied at Stamps.
"I can only remember an invisibility spell and an itching spell at the moment!"

2015-07-21, 06:00 PM
The flytrap lashes out at Bassline, its thorn-like teeth seeking flesh but finding only hoof. Between Bass's and Trump's bucks, the plant is stunned long enough for Stamps to charge straight into it, his horn easily tearing through the stem and sending the top half of the plant flying into the lantern's light. As soon as it becomes enveloped in that blue glow, it begins rotting, twisting, churning and bubbling; before it even hits the ground, it disintegrates into ash. The leafy appendages at its previous base instantly wilt back into the ground, and another screech echoes from somewhere nearby.

From behind, you hear the sound of something ripping up from the dirt and scraping across stone; in what little light there is to see, you can make out the same vine from before, only now it has significantly more length to its body than before. It winds up for another swing, which perhaps is your cue to get going!

Round 2!

Need reactions from everyone, as another vine whip threatens to hit!

Your gut reaction to what you just witnessed is that the blue light is somehow related to controlling the animated plants - they probably can't willingly enter the light, and doing so could probably hurt them, unless they had powerful magic protecting them.

2015-07-21, 06:27 PM
"Quick, up the tower steps!" Bass shouts. He gallops quickly, trying to outrun the vine's whip.

Roll: [roll0]
+1 Body

Total: 7

2015-07-21, 06:39 PM
Stamps wings buzz as he now takes to heart his mother. Stamps grabs Marbles as he leads the way to the Tower with Bass.

We get out of this buddy, I will teach you the spell. Now get moving!

Stamps flys above Marbles.


2015-07-21, 10:09 PM
Leaping off of the defeated plant to evade the incoming vine, Trump takes to the air once more as he flies towards the tower at top speed.

[roll0]+1 (Body)

2015-07-22, 12:21 AM
"Waaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" Muse Bloom shouting. "We should go to the blue light! Thr lantern will protect us!" She shouted, and charged toward the blue lantern.
"Davai! davai*!" she shouted.
* Come on come on!


2015-07-22, 07:32 PM
Marbles immediately darts for the blue light, going as quick as he can in hopes of out-trotting the vines.

2015-07-22, 10:35 PM
This time, the vine's more obvious wind-up is easier to dodge; all of you manage to avoid it, and it rears back suddenly as if in anger. Luckily, the quickest path to the tower happens to be through the circles of blue light; once you enter the first one, the vine behind you pulls back and slinks away. Ahead of you, the ground shakes for a moment before it bursts open in three spots, revealing more flytrap creatures; two of them are like the one before, their bodies are lined with glowing green veins; however, the middle glows a sickly purple, and its maw is lit up with some kind of disgusting-looking ooze that slowly drips down in small droplets, only to splatter with a sizzle on the ground. Fortunately, it seems the purple one is also smaller than the green ones, and its stem is probably even more brittle.

Round 2 actions!

Three plants now, two greens and a purple. They are all about the same distance from you, and their direction is "in your way". You'll have to leave the light to physically bop them.

2015-07-23, 06:05 AM
"Good call Muse," Bass remarks. "Alright, how do we tackle this group? I say we kick the purple one first and then the left one."

2015-07-23, 12:59 PM
"These plants don't like the blue light very much..." Trump says, staring at the lantern that said light emanates from, "So why leave it behind?"

Trump looks over the lantern, trying to see how difficult it would be to remove from it's current placement.

[roll0]+1 (Mind)

Result: 9

2015-07-23, 05:08 PM
Muse blushed a bit. "Thanks.. Bass."
"You are geniouse Trump!" Muse says with admiration, tighten her sliding glasses from her muzzle.

2015-07-23, 07:33 PM
Stamp buzzed above the others, as he thought of what to do. What was he going to do? Lanterns! He decided with his height advantage he would help Trump with the light.


2015-07-23, 10:07 PM
Trump and Stamps

Both of you notice that while the lantern is firmly lodged in the ground and several entirely mundane plants have entwined themselves in its carriage, there doesn't seem to be anything preventing you from wrenching it from its resting place.


In what little light there is to see with at your altitude, you notice out of the corner of your eye that several huge vines have descended from the constantly-shifting ceiling, bearing curved and wicked thorns longer than any plant ought to have. Their advance is halted only by the blue light, however.


The purple plant pulls its "head" back and lets fly a glob of its disgusting saliva-like sap, the purple goo landing with a "splat" just outside the light. In moments, the flagstone begins to erode and the grass around it wilts. The green monster plant on the right vanishes, its glowing form sinking quickly back into the ground.

2015-07-23, 11:54 PM
"Alright tavarishi*!" Muse said cheerfully. "Lets take this lantern and shine the buckets out of these meddling flowers!" She opening her maw biting it, and hugging the lantern with her forelegs. "Here we go!" And tired to raise it from the ground.
*Friends/comrades in russian/Stalliongradish.

Power check just in case:

+ 1

2015-07-24, 01:47 AM
"Well, I try not to brag," Trump says to Muse, his grin seeming to be a bit less cocky and a bit more appreciative.

Trump grabs the top of the lantern with his forelegs, aggressively flapping his wings as he pulls up on it.

Adding my harmony bonus to Muse Bloom's check.

2015-07-24, 06:11 AM
"The blue lantern light is shining bright," bass sings with a series of claps. "Deep in the heart of Equina!" He giggles and gets close to the safety of the blue glow.

"With this we should be able to get inside! Muse, Trump, don't ever stop being smarty-pants."

2015-07-24, 06:10 PM
Marbles quietly follows the blue light, a bit fearful of the plant that spat at them.

2015-07-24, 07:00 PM
Stamps grabs the pole with the others to help also.

Add harmony bonus.

2015-07-25, 03:41 AM
Your strength combined is just enough to wrench the lantern from its spot, and inside of its dirty, age-worn carriage you spot a tiny mote of what must be magic, glimmering brightly. Those plants that were ahead of you recoil as if in terror, and the light shed by the lantern eases back the curtain of black that had fallen over the road. Now free, you can see that the lantern's light does indeed repel the animated plants - those vines that had crept close quickly pull away, and it seems there is only one more obstacle in your path to the tower - the immense flower bulb sitting directly in front of the only apparent entrance, its pink petal-like protrusions clasped tight around something giving off a gentle rainbow light.

In your hooves, the lantern is relatively weightless; it feels as if something - possibly magical in nature - is helping you lift it. It certainly looks like it weighs a lot more than nothing, at least.


No threats at the moment; the plants in your path are too busy being stunned by the light, and the vine behind you has retreated. There are still massive thorned vines above, however, and the bulb that just happens to be growing at the entrance.

2015-07-25, 06:54 AM
Bass points to the bulb. "I'm curious to know what's in that thing. Anyone else?"

2015-07-25, 12:10 PM
Stamps looks at it, and also wonders, but he was not the best learned person here. sure he was smart, but he always slacked in school, find social interactions tiresome and terrifying. He moved closer to the bulb, staying right at the edge of the light. HE tries to think just what it may be.

Mind( Botany)

2015-07-25, 03:24 PM
Muse Bloom cheered when the plants ecaped the blue light. "Well, its not a magical sword, but this lantern do count as magical weapon!"
She looked at the bulb, straightened her glasses and said:"Its probally a Devil's Onion*! Monsters love eating it with the ponies they devour." She said with learned tone.

* she doesn't have a slightest idea, what it is. But it doesn't stop her from deciding what it is.

2015-07-25, 03:34 PM
"So... do we peel it open like an onion, or what?"

2015-07-25, 09:40 PM

Though you can't make out what this exact plant is, you are reminded of a pink lotus bulb just before it blooms. With its size, however, it must be either extremely old, or actively feeding off of something powerful. In your investigation, you spot something glinting in the light; it appears to be a nameplate of some kind, though from where you are, it's difficult to make out what it says.


Unlike the other plants around that fled at the encroaching blue light, this one actually seems to be getting... closer. Tendrils curl around you, though they don't approach too quickly, and appear to stop once they get close enough to be veiled in the light.

2015-07-26, 12:43 AM
Guys the Lotus may have someone inside it. It should not be that big! It must be feeding of of someling or something.

2015-07-26, 01:28 AM
"Didn't that one plant turn to ash when it was in the blue light?" Trump asks, looking over at the bulb up ahead, "I bet this one is the same way."

Trump picks up the lantern in his mouth and walks towards the bulb, keeping his pace very slow in order to prevent the others from falling behind.

2015-07-26, 08:18 AM
Bass waits for the light to reach the bulb plant and then he'll try to peel it open. "Say Ahhh!"

Strength check:
[roll0] +1 Body = 6

2015-07-26, 03:58 PM
"Wow.. Bass.. tell me if it's tasty!" Muse bloom followed Bass, and got excited.

2015-07-26, 04:10 PM
"Wow.. Bass.. tell me if it's tasty!" Muse bloom followed Bass, and got excited.

"If you help, maybe I can find out!" Bass replies with a grin.

2015-07-26, 04:21 PM
"Are you sure that is such a good idea?" Marbles asked as he hid behind Muse.

2015-07-26, 04:24 PM
IF it means to save a life shouldn't we try?

2015-07-26, 04:30 PM
IF it means to save a life shouldn't we try?

Bass added, "And besides, this plant is in our way."

2015-07-26, 04:56 PM
"What possibly could get wrong?!" she said happily.


helping Bass-

2015-07-26, 04:59 PM
Exactly! Stamps moves to help Bass also.

Harmony to Bass.

2015-07-26, 05:37 PM
"Why did you have to say that?" Marbles moaned.

2015-07-26, 07:20 PM
"What?" Trump asks, confused by Trump's outburst, "What'd she say?"

2015-07-27, 01:53 AM
Between all your efforts in pulling at the petal, it starts to come loose, and it very slowly yields to your insistence. Then you notice that each other petal is peeling away as well; it seems that whatever alien plant this is, it is currently blooming!

The petals fall away onto the grass to reveal a flytrap not entirely unlike the ones before, though its mouth is divided into three huge sections, each one lined with thorn-like teeth longer than your leg, and from between the teeth, bright light shines through, pushing back the darkness and enveloping all of you in a prismatic array. It shudders, its mouth slowly opening; sap, or perhaps digestive fluid, drips lazily from the tips. Suddenly, with the sound of stone breaking and snapping, the plant pushes itself up on an immense thorned stalk, easily thicker than an adult pony's body. Its head rolls back before it snaps back toward you, somehow observing you though it appears to lack eyes. In the light now provided from its mouth, you notice a glimmering nameplate on a piece of broken brick.

It reads "Mega Deathbloom".


No obvious impending threats, though you have the advantage right now.

2015-07-27, 02:09 AM
Muse Bloom cheered happily.
"This is getting better and better!"
She taking a deep breath."Stamps! Cover me! Heroic Five~ chaaaaaaaaaarge!" She galloped forward to headbut the Mega deathbloom!


2015-07-27, 06:23 AM
"This place needs a better gardener," Bass states as he charges with Muse. He attacks the Mega Deathbloom with a firm kick.

Roll [roll0]
+1 Body

Total: 8

2015-07-27, 10:30 AM
"Here goes nothing." Marbles said to himself quietly as he hoofs the ground a couple times before charging towards the Mega Deathbloom, aiming to headbutt it as hard as he can.


2015-07-27, 12:00 PM
Trump lunges forth, taking to the air and flying over the Mega Deathbloom before launching a series of rapid-fire punches on the back of its head.

[roll0]+1 (Body)

2015-07-27, 09:55 PM
"FIre Dragon Roar!"

Stamps says as he focus his magic once more. He pictures all the fire and passion that dragons possess. He channels all that energy through him to his horn. If the spell succeeds he lets out a gout of green flame.

to cast Dragon tongue the easy level one where the spell is sustained[roll0]+2

2015-07-28, 03:34 AM
Caught off-guard, the Mega Deathbloom takes the brunt of Trump's baps to the head, and a glancing buck to the stem from Bass; Muse and Marbles, however, aren't as lucky. A tendril bursts from the ground and nabs Marbles by his back leg, pulling him down to the ground; another attempts the same on Muse, its interception breaking the earth pony's charge and causing her to gently collide with a pile of soft vegetation at the 'bloom's base - a bit like leaping into a pile of leaves.

Stamps' spell goes off without a hitch, and the jet of green flame arcs toward the plant-beast. As it roils over part of the thing's body, it writhes and thrashes, the light in its mouth growing even brighter than before. The "skin" along the outside shimmers with a blue sheen and a shower of sparkles and twinkling light; though its leaves are singed and tattered, the flames die off before they can ignite the entirety.

The Mega Deathbloom pulls its head back and bellows, a terrifying cacophony of an ear-splitting shriek, a guttural roar like a lion's, and an odd noise that is difficult to place...

Despite the clashing sounds, you could have sworn that you heard a guitar screech as part of its roar.

ROUND 5 Reactions!

Everyone must make a reaction against the Mega Deathbloom's bellow. ((In case anyone needs some pointers for what kind of reaction you can make for this, it can be as simple as covering your ears (a body check), or trying to retain your courage through force of will (heart) or rationalizing that you needn't be afraid just because it made a loud noise (mind) :smallsmile:)).

Marbles can make an additional reaction to attempt to escape the tendril's grasp on him, as a body check.

2015-07-28, 06:09 AM
"Keep it together Bass," he told himself. "You got it singing like a six-string." He's not sure why it sounded like that, but he tried to psyche himself up to keep going at it.

Courage check:
Roll [roll0]
+2 Heart

Total: 5

2015-07-28, 06:15 AM
Trump sneers at the plant, trying to stifle his surprise at the Mega Deathbloom's roar/shriek/sounds that a plant shouldn't be making.

[roll0]+2 (Heart)

2015-07-28, 03:00 PM
"Davai* Heroic five! We aren't afraid of some silly onion!" Muse yells.

*Come on!
Courage check:

2015-07-28, 06:05 PM
Stamps mutters to himself.

It is just a loud noise. Just a loud noise.


2015-07-28, 06:38 PM
"Get it....." But before Marbles can finish that sentence, he hears the most terrible shriek he ever heard.
"I'm not listening!" Marbles yelled to himself as he tried to cover his ears with his front hooves, while trying to break one of his other legs away from the Bloom's grip.

"This is just a game. This is just a game. This is just a game....."

Body Check: [roll0]
Mind Check: [roll1]

2015-07-30, 03:36 AM
Through your own reassurances, all of you manage to weather the Mega Deathbloom's screech - except poor Bass, whose ears and mind are assaulted by a sound like a horrible earworm that threatens tinnitus. The plant-beast growls again as Marbles manages to slip from its grasp, its tendrils drawing back underneath the vegetation at its base. It raises up a huge vine, as if to swat at Trump, and a series of throaty grunts - perhaps a chuckle - escapes its thorned lips.

Round 5 begin!

Everyone but Bass avoided the Mega Deathbloom's roar; he takes [roll0] Willpower damage.

2015-07-30, 05:59 AM
"Oh, pipe down, you overgrown flower!" Trump shouts with a mocking tone. He flies around the Deathbloom in a semicircle before charging in to roundhouse kick the giant plant.

[roll0]+1 (Body)

2015-07-30, 06:09 AM
Bass covers his ears, disoriented by the painful wailing. "Owww..." he whimpers. He kicks out at the source of his torture.

Roll: [roll0]
+1 Body

Total: 9

2015-07-30, 03:32 PM
"Heroic Five! CHARGE!" Muse Bloom crys like a barbarian from some book she have readen.
She trying to bite the plant, using her earth's pony jaw!


2015-07-31, 05:13 PM
Between Trump and Bass, the massive plant monster starts showing signs of exhaustion - bruises begin spreading on its stalk, and part of its head caves in mushily; it swipes wide at Trump, but is far too late to counter its attacker, instead smashing part of the tower behind it. Then, Muse tears a rather large part of its stem free, eliciting another roar - this one much weaker than before. The beast wobbles, lurching forward and thrusting two huge vines into the ground, barely supporting itself on a half-torn stalk. Another vine snakes up from behind it, this one bearing a head much like the Mega Deathbloom's, only significantly smaller. It lashes out with sharp teeth at Muse, seeking to repay her in kind.

You notice that as soon as it falls toward the blue light, its wounds begin to bubble and sizzle, especially where Muse had just torn a piece of its body free.


Only Muse is in danger here, so only she needs to make a (body) reaction. You can combine your reaction with the rest of your turn to expedite the action here, if you'd like.

2015-08-01, 10:38 AM
Watch out everyone I will light the flower up!
Stamps when the others move out of the way, he sets ablaze the last big of the Deathblooms stem.


2015-08-01, 03:04 PM
"I can sort of help with that!" Bass says. He holds fast to the ground and flaps his wings to fan the flames toward the plant.

(Acting in Harmony)

2015-08-01, 03:37 PM
+ 1
Muse Bloom probably looking like an odd combination of geek~filly and a barbarian~ her glasses were bent . But the plant's "juice~blood" dripped from her mouth to her neck. "All who oppose the Heroic Five shall be doomed!" She yelled.
And then when the little plant attacked her, ahe yelled:"Gyaahhhh!" And ducked.

2015-08-02, 03:12 AM
Trump evades the attacking vine, laughing as he watches the Deathbloom miss him. Seeing Muse getting attacked, Trump flies down at the Deathbloom's offshoot, grabbing it's head with both hooves and smashing it into the ground.

[roll0]+1 (Body)

2015-08-02, 09:01 AM
Marbles.... wasn't sure how settling Muse's look was. While it left Marbles with wide eyes for only a moment, the thing that really caught his eyes that the wounds seem to have reacted to the blue light.

With that in mind, he gets to the lantern of blue light and attempts to drag it closer to the Deathbloom.

Body check to pull the lantern: [roll0]

2015-08-03, 02:52 AM
Through fanned flames and magical lanterns, more of the Mega Deathbloom is torched and then turned instantly to ash. It loses its stability as both of its support vines are incinerated, and it comes crashing down, taking the full brunt of the fiery spell. Several more vines, topped by smaller blooms like itself, lurch up from its base, only to wither and die in seconds, screeching and whistling as their stalks are seared.

Luckily for Muse, Trump successfully knocks the vicious plant-mouth off course and into the dirt, where the light of the lantern turns it into glorified mulch. The entire deathbloom is suddenly very still, and its body quickly decomposes in the magical light Marbles had brought up.

Behind the rotting mass, you notice that the doorway to the ruined tower is very much free of threats now, and the darkness that had lingered about the place is retreating - above, the writhing vines are already loosening from the tight knot they had formed overhead, allowing the occasional beam of grey light to poke through into the clearing. As the plant-material wastes away before you, a faint glow rises above it - what appears to be a hoof-sized orb is now floating just above where the deathbloom's mouth once was. It gives off several sparks before radiating a soft, warm glow that shifts between all colors of the spectrum. It slowly approaches Bass, as if drawn to him.

2015-08-03, 06:11 AM
Bass glances at his new-found friends, as if unsure about being near the orb at first. He slowly reaches out to grab it. "Okay, uh... I guess the plant left a gift?"

2015-08-03, 07:54 AM
"Looks like Bass got a pet Orb, that is pretty neat!"

2015-08-03, 10:10 AM
"Wait..... Did we actually win?" Marbles mumbled under his breath.
Before he could cheerfully celebrate their victory (and their survival), he couldn't help but to be slightly mesmerized by the orb that appears to be following Bass.
"What is that thing?"

2015-08-03, 10:17 PM
Upon touching the orb, Bass's head is filled with a cascade of thoughts and ideas, most of which pass too quickly - or are far too contrived - to retain at all. The deluge seems to calm itself, however, when one phrase repeats itself several times over.

Nemesis Power Core online. Awaiting reunion with generator...

As if in response to Marbles' inquiry, the last remains of the Mega Deathbloom vanish quietly into the ground, only a single sprig left in the ruins of its previous growth. The light overhead grows brighter, and the vines have retracted almost entirely into the ground. Those few that remain above are inanimate, clinging only to trees as ivy might. In the brighter - yet still steel grey - light of the vale, it becomes much easier to see that you are in what remains of a magical garden, most likely previously owned by the wizard who was said to have owned the tower.

Suddenly, the sound of metal scraping against stone draws your ears to the interior of the tower, though you can't see what it is causing the sound.

2015-08-03, 10:18 PM
Forward March! Stamps says as he prances towards the tower.

2015-08-04, 06:01 AM
Forward March! Stamps says as he prances towards the tower.

"Yeah..." Bass idly says as he tucks the orb under a wing before following Stamps to the tower. "We might be looking for a... generator. I think this orb is a power source."

2015-08-04, 11:10 AM
"A power source?" Marbles repeated with a raised eyebrow.
"A power source to what exactly?" He asked, following Bass.

2015-08-04, 11:17 AM
"I... don't know," Bass replied. "I heard a voice say 'Nemesis Power Core online. Awaiting reunion with generator'. I guess this orb goes somewhere?"

2015-08-04, 11:29 AM
Trump lands after his attack, taking some deep breathes after all the flying he's done. He stands up, adjusts his hat, and follows Bass.

"If this is a power source," Trump says, thinking out loud, "Then maybe it powers that ship we were supposed to find."

2015-08-04, 12:19 PM
"Hmm... maybe you're right," Bass says, glancing at the orb. "Seems kind of easy though, doesn't it? ...but I didn't ask what the ship's power source looked like."

2015-08-04, 07:52 PM
Why would a pet ball be a power source. who knows, maybe the wizard left notes... That I will not understand. Hey Marbles you are good at magic right?

2015-08-04, 08:29 PM
"Well, I do my best to learn and understand as much about magic as I can." Marbles answered with a nod.
Marbles adjusts his glasses as he closely examines the orb, to see if he can identify any magical properties of the object.
"Let's see what we have here....."


2015-08-04, 08:31 PM
Bass will hold out the orb to help Marbles get a good look at it.

(Acting in Harmony)

2015-08-05, 12:46 AM
Muse Bloom smiled widely after the victory. Now she stared at Marble, hoping to hear some intresting news!

2015-08-05, 10:38 AM
Inspecting the "power core", you notice subtle magical currents about it; the way it occasionally churns and lets off magical energy reminds you distinctly of a spell used by almost any unicorn to power magical contraptions: a Magic Surge spell. Though, usually a Magic Surge is more of a one-time thing; this orb seems to be a constant application of the same effect. Based strictly on your observations, it could theoretically be used to power any number of magical things, but it's probably made with a specific construct in mind.

Once you pass the threshold of the tower, it becomes obvious that the interior of the tower is somehow much larger than the exterior. Not only that, where there once was absolute ruin, the interior appears to be rather preserved - its walls haven't taken so much as a scratch, though some things have fallen to age. Fancy carpets, once vibrant and soft, are now tattered and covered in dust - the same can be said of the multitude of tapestries adorning the walls. Both look absolutely ancient; several of the tapestries depict four unicorn ponies, apparently two adults and two foals, and a gold crown above them; perhaps this is the royal family from back in "the day"?

The stone that makes up the interior is smooth and cold, and it appears to give off a pale blue light; that is only helped further by the ornate chandeliers that hang at least fifteen or more feet above you, their glimmering candles still somehow lit. Before you is a grand-looking stairwell, easily wide enough for six ponies to walk side-by-side, ascending into some kind of huge room. By the looks of it, you're currently in some kind of entrance hall - several free-standing clothing hooks are the only real furniture in the room, aside from several very dusty, probably rotted-through benches.

The scraping sound echos from the room beyond the stairs; there aren't any other apparent exits but the one you came in, and the stairway. Aside from the scraping, the only sound that haunts the tower now is the sound of your voices and hooves.

2015-08-05, 11:01 AM
Stamps flies up to the tapestry, as he takes a closer look at them. He tries to see if he recognizes any of the ponies depicted in the artwork.

Memory (mind)check

2015-08-05, 11:32 AM
The scraping sound echos from the room beyond the stairs

"Echo!" Bass shouts.

Echo echo echo

The batpony grins and lets out a few lines of beatboxing, working with the echo.

Roll: [roll0]
+2 Heart

Total: 9

2015-08-05, 03:45 PM
Muse bloom looking over the place, with amazment strightening her glasses.

Exotic lore:

2015-08-05, 07:41 PM
"Interesting." Marbles says.
"It produces magical energy much like the Magic Surge spell. But what is interesting is that while a regular Magic Surge spell doesn't last for very long, this orb is constantly generating the same effect without wearing off. This orb can be used to power more than just the magical items it is designed to power. Oh, just think of the possibilities!"

Marbles couldn't help but to be excited about it. He then goes on, listing all the things the orb can power as he excitedly paces around Bass and the orb.

2015-08-05, 07:48 PM
Bass turns his head following Marbles. "So like... a flying ship perhaps? Or smaller?"

2015-08-05, 08:13 PM
"Exactly!" Marbles replies enthusiastically, jumping up in the air and clapping his two front hooves before landing back on the floor.
"I wonder if this kind of magic can be replicated? Maybe there is someway to amplify the Magic Surge spell to get the same result? Just thinking about it has my mind racing!!! If I can cast such a spell, it might be able to get me into the School for Gifted Unicorns!"

2015-08-06, 02:44 PM
Stamps and Muse

Examining the tapestries, the two older unicorns are unknown to you; though they look quite regal, they aren't quite like Princess Lily. One of the two little unicorns, on the other hand, reminds you distinctly of the Princess; she has the same mane and coat color, and a similar - though shorter - mane style. The other child is almost the same coat color, though its mane is cropped short and it boasts a slightly stockier body.

On a particularly well-preserved specimen, a short description is written in a language very similar to Equestrian.

"Queen Lotus and King Cichori, with Foals"

"Princess Lily and Prince Intybus"

Other tapestries seem to tell a story, though the language there is much more compact than Equestrian and is difficult to follow in places.

From what you gather about the tapestries' story, King Cichori simply vanished one day. Queen Lotus already had two foals with him, and had cast a protective spell over the world as she left to find her husband while her children matured and became the new Queen and King upon their coronation.

The story suddenly drops any mention of the Queen, the King, or Prince Intybus, and a new unicorn - Princess Rose - enters the picture. It doesn't say anywhere where Intybus could have gone, or where Rose came from. That might be explained in the hieroglyphs that aren't similar to Equestrian ones. The two Princesses rule over their inherited kingdom of Mareinev, and even help found a new city - Neighattle. There is some mention of diplomatic relations between bats and spiders, but it's rather boring to read about.

The story apparently ends with a strange warning, or possibly a prophecy. Specifically, it reads "When the sun shineth no more/ And the Rose hath been lost/ Heroes shall cross dimensions/ and Save us from Fate". In the art, it shows a many-armed shadowy monster pulling apart the world, but five ponies of various shapes and colors are striking it down. In each of the five corners of the image are various symbols: one that looks symbolically like wind, or perhaps waves; a star, a sword, a heart, and a skull.

Bassline, Trump and Marbles

Bass's sick beats momentarily cause the air to stir near the stairwell, and a shadowy pony-shaped apparition appears there. It flashes in and out of existence, attempting to greet you in some way.

"Archmage Starc-... welcomes you... Stallizhan. Musicians to... ballroom, plea..."

With a start, it reappears - only for a moment though, as it completes a gratuitous bow and motions toward the staircase before disappearing once again.

2015-08-06, 03:04 PM
With a start, it reappears - only for a moment though, as it completes a gratuitous bow and motions toward the staircase before disappearing once again.

"And this is the part where I freak out," Bass says as he back away from the apparition. "Tell me you guys saw that."

2015-08-06, 10:15 PM
Stamps was impressed and mesmerized by the tapestries. He looks at the symbols trying to pull some unknown meaning. Though he then hears Bass.

Hm? what are you talking about Bass?

2015-08-07, 05:49 AM
Hm? what are you talking about Bass?

The batpony points to the staircase. "There was a... ghost-like pony that showed up, said the archmage welcomes Stallizhan or something, and then asked me to go to the ballroom."

2015-08-08, 04:58 PM
"Huh?" she looked over the tapestaries, and were amazed from the information, she obtained.
"G..ghost?!" she asked with shaking voice. "Wow! maybe it's King Cichori! Let's find him!" she said excited.

2015-08-09, 07:37 PM

From what you can tell of the other symbols, you can make out something about King Cichori's disappearance being "foretold". Something about the "cycle of light and dark consuming him"? It may well be metaphorical or literal, but you can't tell from the surrounding symbols.


As soon as Bass mentions the word "Stallizhan", the apparition reappears. "Welcome to Stallizhan... tower of archm-... -arcutter." Its voice wavers and cuts in and out, much as if it were having trouble just manifesting in order to deliver its message. "This anci... tower is curre-" the phantasm suddenly cuts out entirely and disappears with a tiny sparkle of magic.

2015-08-09, 07:56 PM
"Well, guess we can go up the stairs and find out... what's up," Bass said. He actually flinched at his own unintentional pun.

2015-08-09, 10:30 PM
Trump stares at where the ghost was, giving himself a kick in the hind legs to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"Stallizhan? Cichori? What's with this world and weird names?" Trump grumbles, "This is like The Merchant of Marenice all over again!"

2015-08-09, 10:32 PM
Stamps laughs and rolls over in the air with Bass's pun. Though he quickly descends and hovers over the group staying close to them. He could not help but mainly wonder these so called prophecies.

2015-08-10, 06:28 AM
Bass rolls his eyes (in a playful manner) to Stamps. "Yeah, didn't mean that one. Got it out of your system?" he asks with a smirk. He glances to Trump. "Let's be careful with those names. Seems like saying them triggers these... ghost things to show up."

2015-08-10, 09:07 AM
Muse Bloom stared at the ghosty thing. "Oooooooooh!" As it was facinating spectacle~ like a fireworks for example.
She walked after Bassline. "You... think?" She answered to his warning. "Then lets try it! We will start with..." she stopped to choose a name.
"Chichori Chichori Where are you?" She called. And then started sing while jumping up from stair to stair:
"Chicho chicho chi chi chicori! Where are you?
We got some work to do now!
Chicho Chicho ri where are you?
I need some help from you now!
Chicho Chicho ri, I see you!
Pretend you'v got a silver!"

2015-08-10, 01:49 PM
"Quiet!" Marbles whispered, rushing to stop Muse from attracting anymore ghosts by covering her mouth with his hoof.

2015-08-10, 02:01 PM
Bass covers his mouth with a wing, holding in a giggle at Muse's pretty awesome tune. The desire to join in was almost as great as she is.

2015-08-10, 02:40 PM
"Mmmmmf! Fihofori! Mmmmffff!" Muse mambled under Marbles hoof

2015-08-10, 04:20 PM
From where the ghost-pony once appeared, a mote of magic appears and sets off the lightest of blue sparks, before fizzling out and pumping out blue smoke, which quickly dissipates. Nothing else appears there, and the area goes eerily silent with the exception of Muse's muffled singing.

From what just happened, you realize that the "ghost" was most likely an image spell, set to appear when certain words were spoken or other conditions were met. Between how old it could potentially be, and the number of times the other ponies have set it off in a short amount of time, it probably just short-circuited.

And then the scraping begins again. It is much louder now, and you all distinctly hear the clanking sound of chains along with it. It seems that whatever is making the sound is just beyond your sight in the ballroom above. On the walls of the stairwell, you spot portraits of various ponies who all look incredibly antiquated in their garb. They all share a common name, "Starcutter".

2015-08-10, 04:41 PM
"Oh...." Marbles let out with a sigh of relief.
"Its just an image spell. These image spells are triggered when you say a certain word. By how it looks, it doesn't seem to be working that well, probably worn down from age and how many times it has been set off. So that means we don't have any ghosts to worry about!"
But his reassurance was short lived when he heard noises from the ballroom above, forgetting that he was still had his hoof over Muse's mouth.

2015-08-10, 04:42 PM
"Everyone look sharp, those chains might be attached to something real," Bass warns his friends.

Perception in hopes to avoid being surprised--
Roll: [roll0]
+1 Mind

Total: 10

2015-08-11, 12:07 AM
Bass + Anyone that followed

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, Bass is able to see - pretty clearly - the source of the scraping sound. A rather large pony-like creature is chained up in the center of a badly mangled ballroom, his hooves shackled and chained. His tail whips to the side and you suddenly realize that only half of this creature is a pony, for the top half is much stranger - it sports a broad chest with arms ending in distinctly un-pony-like parts, and its face is much too flat to have a pony's muzzle. A great mane of hair extends from his chin, and two horns branch up from his head, curving upward like a bull's except they almost touch at the top, then spread back out again.

Stones, huge broken slabs and fallen wooden beams litter the area, and in the immediate area surrounding the chained creature, you notice scorch marks, cracks, and deep chips in the stone - though with the amount of dust that has settled on everything but the creature, there's a good chance that all of that happened a while in the past. The creature lifts a clawed hand and strikes the stone floor, making a scraping sound as the chain links shudder from the impact - though they remain pristine. He doesn't seem to have noticed you quite yet, though he probably knows someone is there thanks to the activity in the foyer.

2015-08-11, 12:19 AM
Stamps move closer to the creature, as he eyes it curiously. He felt bad for it for some reason, he felt like it reminded him of something, but what he could not recall. He looks over the creaturing trying to decide just what it was.


Hi there, Can you speak?

2015-08-11, 05:36 AM
Muse Bloom was disapointed for a short moment to discover that there no ghosts here.
But when she have discovered the not~so~pony creature she squealed with the same enthusiasm that a girl from a diffrent dimension would squeal to meet creature of Muse Bloom's kind.
She galloped forwardand started to examine him. "Hello! I am Muse Bloom! The offical Seer of the Heroic Five! See my honor glasses? And probaly a future queen of Equinia in the not~that far future! Who are you?" She started to talk friendly.
She have studied him while talking.

Exotic Lore(if fits)

+ 1

2015-08-11, 05:59 AM
Bass kept a little distance in case this creature had a couple tricks to show a group of foals.

"Hello, I'm Bass," he introduced, deliberately leaving out the part about being the team 'thief'.

2015-08-11, 10:56 AM
Marbles followed the group to find the chained creature. Seeing Muse get too close however, Marbles immediately bit her tail and used all his strength to pull her away from whatever that thing was.

Body check to pull Muse away to a safe distance: [roll0]

2015-08-11, 01:51 PM
Trump trots up the stairs with the others, keeping distance from the creature just like Bass was. He stares at the creature, trying to think of just what it could be.

[roll0]+1 (Mind)

2015-08-11, 05:31 PM
You can't quite place the creature, but you're sure you've seen or at least heard of one of its kind before.

You identify the creature as a centaur (http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Creatures#Centaur), though its blue skin and pale grey fur thankfully tells you that it isn't the one you've seen or heard of before.

Marbles and Muse

Marbles manages to yank Muse back, and gets a face full of filly and a mouth full of tail hair. The quick motion goes unnoticed by the creature before you, however.


The creature stirs, pushing himself up and turning to fully face you. His eyes, as little of them as you can see, appear pale and milky, and from this vantage point you can see that he is in rather poor health. "It is not often I receive... guests. What manner of creatures are you?" He bellows, though it's obvious it takes him a great amount of energy just to shout like he is. When Muse mentions her becoming a queen, he waggles a clawed finger, his chains rattling again. "There will be no Queen of Equinia in the future, tiny one. Soon, there will be no Equinia."

"But enough about our impending oblivion. What do you want with Zebul?" He says, slowly rocking his head to the side, a loud cracking and popping sound joining it.

2015-08-11, 06:11 PM
Bass gulps. "Well, we're, uh, we were curious to explore this tower. See, we're on a quest to help stop the oblivion thing and this place was one stop so we can find a power source."

2015-08-11, 06:39 PM
"Hey, Marble, I was just talking!" she groans at him. But she hurryly, forgets it.
"Well.. we are little ponies!" she answered him cheerfully. "Well.. most of us. There, is nice changling... hmm and you are a centataur. Right?" she said cheerfully.
She circled him.
"And why are you chained here? Are you planning on derstroying Equinia?" she asked with the same cheerful tone.

2015-08-11, 06:41 PM
Stamps backs up not knowing why, but this thing just gives him a bad feeling. He tastes the air as he tries to probe more information namely its emotional state.

2015-08-11, 07:33 PM
"Centaur?" Trump echoes, mostly to himself, "Yeah, that's right! Just like in that dumb book Scrivener brought to school."

Trump takes to the air, flying up to the same height as the centaur's head, but still keeping his distance from it.

"Just how long have you been chained up here, big guy?" Trump asks.

2015-08-11, 08:08 PM
Stamps seemed to have the right idea, so Marbles steps back as well.
How can Muse be so excited and cheerful about such dangerous situations like this?! He thought.
Doesn't she realize that she's putting herself in danger?!

2015-08-11, 09:36 PM

You feel... nothing. Your senses can't probe the centaur at all. It's entirely possible his mind and emotions are simply so iron-clad from years of imprisonment that he's unreadable.


"Power source? I see. You must be referring to the core of the Nemesis ship. If you are in here, then I believe you already possess it." Zebul pulls at his restraints again, grimacing. "You are lucky to have come across it after the fall of Starcutter. He imprisoned me here for daring to seek it out." He spat the words like venom, and his voice falls from booming to hissing. At the sound of Muse's voice, he recoils as if insulted. "Why would I want to destroy this world? I have no reason to do so. It is home to so many, it would be a tragedy to see it fall."

He looks then in the general direction of the flying pony, though you're unsure if he can actually see Trump. "Twenty years. Twenty long years I have been waiting. My jailer is gone, and now the warden is as well." He looks up, and following his gaze shows that the ceiling has long past caved in. A tumultuous storm of grey and neon green clouds whips about somewhere high above the ruined tower, looking nothing like the sky found outside.

He looks down to your group, his shadow growing long. "If you are truly those who will fight against oblivion, then I will be able to educate you about it. But only if you free me from the wretched archmage's binding spell." He motions behind him, to a deep red crystal formation jutting out of the floor far out of his reach. "It's impervious to magic; I would not waste the effort trying. But I bet a swift kick is all it would take to disable the focus and set me free."

2015-08-11, 09:49 PM
Bass reflexively turns his body slightly so that the wing holding the orb is obscured a bit more from sight. "So... why did you want the power source? Freeing you might be a conflict of interest if you still want it."

2015-08-12, 06:16 AM
Muse stood in her place. She folded her ears, when she noticed Marble's look. She gotten so much of those stares that she could "feel" them.
(A memory.. so you may skip it if you wish)

Just two days ago at school, there were super boring lesson~ something about circls, diameters and strangely she have noticed the use of the word "pie" from time to time.
Her mind slipped to dimension of adventures and excitment, while physically she just stared blankly.
Then the teacher awoken her:"Ms. Muse Bloom! Are you with us?"
She got scared and didn't managed to fully leave her imaginery adventures~ she screamed:"The robo~ghost are coming! Duuuuuuuuuuuuuck!". She havs shouted so dramatically that few students by instinct ducked as well under the tables.
And then were the stares. The worst was of Diamond Tiara~ she haven't said a word. She didn't mocked her. But her stare just said silent thought:"couldn't you just disapear please?"
Cheerlie and most the students glared angirly.
The CMC were the nicest ~ they simply face hoofed themselves.
She bowed her head with shyness.
He thinks I'm crazy...
She bowed even more her head when she have realized that she have hurted Zebul's feelings.
"I'm... sorry." She have wishpered. "I haven't meant to hurt you..." she said quitly. And then her usual playful smile started to recover. "Its just that you could be an awesone super villian. All the chains and all.. it would be classic!"
She straightened herself, while her glasses slided a bit. "And I admire super villians! They are awesome! My favorite is Mane~iac! She can walk with her mane! And of course there Queen Chrysalys! Iv heard that she is such a beauty..." she shaked her head forcing herself to stop from ****iue babbling.
"Anywayyyy..." she looked at the others. "We should release him anyway~ Could we just leave this poor guy chained up here? We are the Heroic Five! Its not heroic to leave people to rot like unwanted potato!"
She smiled. "Beside... ita a win~win situation. Even if Zebul would be exposed a villian we will get another epic battle!"

2015-08-12, 08:29 AM
When Muse mentions Chrysalis Stamps. Starts to look extremely worried as he hides his head underneath his hooves. He can't control himself as he whines softly.
"Not Chrysalis. Not Chrysalis."

2015-08-12, 11:41 PM
Zebul lowers himself back to the ground and closes his eyes. "If you ponies are willing to take on the mantle of heroes, then I no longer have need of it. Twenty years ago, I sought to use it to fight against the threat of oblivion." He steeples his hands at his chin, nodding. "Starcutter disagreed. He would not listen, called my intentions dangerous, and imprisoned me here. Thus, I have waited."

"You should listen to your friend," he says, motioning toward Muse's voice. "I can be your ally, if you just release me."

2015-08-13, 06:14 AM
"Well... maybe we should release him," Bass says. "At the very least no one deserves being locked up like this forever."

2015-08-13, 12:02 PM
"But the question remains," Marbles speaks up, mustering up as much bravery as he can.
"Can we trust you?"

2015-08-13, 02:33 PM
Muse Bloom sighs. "Aww, come on Marbles! How can he prove that he can be trusted. We have his word on that he is a good guy. So.. I choose to belive him." She getting closer to him touching his foreleg. "We are the Heroic Five. We do the right thing even if it include a risk!" She looked at Zebul from her short height. "You were heroic, and paid painfully... I would be honored to release you, and to learn from your heroic exprience!"

2015-08-13, 02:52 PM
Trump swoops down and lands a few feet behind Muse.

"If he's so heroic, then why did Starcutter chain him up here?" Trump asks, "Ponies don't put somebody in chains without a reason."

2015-08-13, 04:03 PM
Muse Bloom sighed. "Haven't you listened? Because he thought, that this source-what-ever-it-is is dangerouse to move!"
She sighs.
"We are bound to do mistakes... and I preffer to do mistake of helping the wrong guy, then mistake of abandoning a poor soul. Seriously! Can you simply leave him here, just like that?!"

2015-08-13, 04:40 PM
"I have to agree with Muse," Bass speaks up. "He might be a decent fellow and I'd hate to leave him trapped here if he is. I want to believe."

2015-08-13, 06:36 PM
"Come on Stamps! You are with us on this! Right?" Muse asked despratly.

2015-08-13, 06:50 PM
Stamps keeps trying to hide his head, as he is laying down. He is shivering almost. still whispering Chrysalis.

2015-08-13, 06:56 PM
"Stamps! What... is going on with you?" She asks cunfused and worried. "Are you ok?"

2015-08-13, 07:02 PM
Stamps looks up he seems to be hyperventilating, but looks only at Muse.
Nothing. is wrong, um what were we talking about?

He is a bad lair, though he does look confused, maybe he was not lying. Either way he seemed to be now looking to everyone as he catched his breath.

2015-08-13, 07:16 PM
Muse stepping closer to Stamps.
"Are you afraid?" she asked quitly, "Did I said something wrong? Is this haunted place make you nervouse?" She asked worried

2015-08-13, 07:19 PM
Stamps just rubs his head, as he looks at Muse.

I really don't know? I don't remember what you said or what was going on.

2015-08-13, 07:20 PM
"It is okay to be scared Stamps," Marbles said as he placed a hoof on Stamp's back.
"Whatever it was, all you have to know is that we're here for you."

2015-08-13, 07:32 PM
"Yeah, if something is scaring you, it's okay to share with us. We'll support you."

2015-08-13, 07:34 PM
I seriously don't know what you are all on about? Stamps does look at the centaur.

So why are you chained up again?

2015-08-13, 07:36 PM

Bass adjusts the orb under his wing and walks over to the crystal the centaur-y creature mentioned earlier. "So we just break this, and it frees the prisoner?" His phrasing was aimed at his friends.

2015-08-13, 08:10 PM
"And in case the centaur tries to hurt us, or anything 'funny', I have a nasty prepared just in case. So, by raise of hooves, who wants to free the centaur?" Marbles asks, not raising his hoof.

2015-08-13, 08:12 PM
Stamps still not fully sure why they are releasing the centaur raises his hoof first.

2015-08-13, 08:12 PM
Bass raises a hoof.

2015-08-13, 08:18 PM
Trump firmly keeps all hooves on the ground.

2015-08-13, 11:27 PM
"There are a great many forces at play here..." the centaur starts, looking to the group - sans Bass, who had moved away. "It is unwise to assume any of them are strictly heroic or villainous. Starcutter imprisoned me because he was victorious over me, and his cause dictated it." Once again, he enters what could pass as a meditative state. "His goals may have ultimately aligned with mine... but we shall never know."

2015-08-13, 11:28 PM
Well where we are from it is pretty much black and white.

2015-08-13, 11:30 PM
Still looking at Stamps with somewhat of guilt~ raising her foreleg.

2015-08-13, 11:32 PM
Stamps just leans into Muse grinning.

Come on Muse let free this guy.

2015-08-13, 11:47 PM
Muse blush a bit. "Right... so ita beed decided~ we shall do the right thing without fear" She said, and held the chain with her teeth, trying to yank it out.


Body check

2015-08-14, 08:42 AM
Bass raises an eyebrow at Muse, then he tried to kick the gem hard. "Let's try this first."

Batpony Kick! [roll0]
+1 Body

Total = laffo 3 (Why does this seem familiar?) :smallbiggrin:

2015-08-14, 05:11 PM

Stamps yells as he charges the crystal.
body slam

2015-08-14, 05:56 PM
With Muse gnawing on the chains and Bass gently caressing the crystal instead of bucking it, the centaur puts a hand up to his face and lets out a slow sigh. When Stamps headbutts the crystal - nearly colliding with Bass at first, whose attention is drawn away from the pretty crystal only by his changeling friend's battlecry - a noticeable TCHUNK echoes inside the device, and a small red sliver pops out of the formation.

And then the whole thing explodes in a shower of red dust and a brilliant eruption of light engulfs the room, and you hear an exultant "Yes! FREEDOM!" from Zebul. His voice instantly changes from wispy and hoarse to full-bodied and deep, much as his earlier shouting. When the light clears, he flexing his legs and arms, which have somehow already regained muscle mass and definition.

"I thank you, little ponies, for your kindness. Allow me to introduce myself in earnest." He bows ceremoniously to you, and his eyes no longer appear clouded. "I am Baal Zebul, Fifth Prince of Purgist. And now, your promised reward..." He sits back down, appearing to fully appreciate being able to do so without chains clattering everywhere.

"I can tell you much about what is going on now," he says, a red glow overcoming his eyes. "What is it you wish to know?"

2015-08-14, 06:38 PM
Then Please Zabul explain everything since we have really no clue. They just threw us at this quest saying stuff like Prophecy and blah blah destiny, blah blah princess. Stamps sits down as well waving his legs around at how confused he was. .

Also what is up with your eyes? They just glowed, glowing eyes are not a good thing were we are from.

2015-08-14, 06:43 PM
Bass kept the orb securely under is wing. You know, just in case...

2015-08-14, 10:14 PM
"Prophecy? Destiny... hmmm," Zebul puts his hand to his chin, pondering. "Then... you are the victims the Cult of Fate's Chosen. They wrote the prophecy, and though they are constant thorns in the side of my kin, we still have no idea what their goals are. There is word that even Princess Lily in Mareinev is an unwitting, possibly unknowing pawn to their agenda." He lets out a sigh and his brow furrows.

"All we know is that they are the ones kowtowing to the powers that wish to end this world... this universe. Because you are new to this reality, I do not know if you know - but there are more worlds than just this one at stake. My own - Purgist, realm of darkness; and Gildaea, accursed sanctuary of light - are threatened by the Cult's actions. I do not know how you five fit into it... but," he looks up, as if toward the sky, though his gaze seems to go beyond it. "You mentioned a Princess? Would that happen to be Princess Rose of the ponies? She was once a great ally to Purgist in our fight against the Cult, until somehow, she ended up a prisoner upon Gildaea. That was shortly after we granted her the crown of chaos, which would help protect her from the Cult's powers."

Zebul lets out a loud "hrmm", his eyes scanning over you. "Who asked you about the Princess? What did they want you to do with her?"

2015-08-15, 07:47 PM
Before I answer your Questions Seriously what is up with your eyes!? Stamps has issue with glowing eyes take 2.

2015-08-15, 10:13 PM
Before I answer your Questions Seriously what is up with your eyes!? Stamps has issue with glowing eyes take 2.

"It is a sign of power, little one," Zebul states, leaning down. "Do you wish to share in it? I don't typically do pacts with mortals, but for you five..." The grin he gives you all at this is perhaps not the most reassuring - especially given the fangs and more intense glow in his eyes. A pact with a demon prince is probably not the best idea.

2015-08-15, 10:15 PM
Stamps just growls at the centaur's comment about making a pact.

You are no better then Tirek!

2015-08-15, 10:47 PM
Stamps just growls at the centaur's comment about making a pact.
You are no better then Tirek!

"Hey, you did ask about the eyes," Bass pointed out. "'And he's probably not serious. Maybe."

2015-08-16, 02:41 PM
Muse Bloom:"Don't be a knupechka, Stamps! I wanna make a deal!" Muse said with excitment.

2015-08-16, 02:46 PM
" no Muse can't let you do that. You to nice a pony to let a demon control you!"

2015-08-16, 02:59 PM
"He is not a demon! Yes, he is looks much like tirek.." she said.
"But many ponies think that all YOUR kind are evil. And they are wrong. Right?" she said.

2015-08-16, 03:02 PM
Stamps looks down at this.
"Am I not evil, I feel off of love after all. If I am not careful I can easily hurt someone when I feed. Am I not evil?"

2015-08-16, 03:06 PM
"Neyt. I.. don't think so." she said straightening her glasses.
"You can decide if yoy want to hurt somepony. Do you? And you haven't hurt any of us, you haven't tried to look like a pony I love and steal my love. And they wouldn't gave you the game if you were evil." she said

2015-08-16, 03:14 PM
I am still a Love Eater, but you are a pretty and good pony, you should not listen to this Demon.

2015-08-16, 03:20 PM
"pretty?" she have blushed.
"Its... not the point!" she shaked her head. "Why are you sure that he is evil? I... just want to be somepony strong, somepony who ponies need around!"

2015-08-16, 03:26 PM
But i need you. you make this whole adventure fun. you dont need to be strong to be needed or amazing. you already are by being you.

2015-08-16, 03:30 PM
"I'm with Stamps here." Marbles joins in, stepping in front of Muse.
"Making a demonic pact might not be the best idea. I don't know if this pact is permanent outside of the game, but I feel as though it is unwise to make such a choice at all...."
Marbles takes a moment to ponder upon the consequences of making such a pact.

Then all of the sudden, Marbles wraps his upper legs around Muse's mouth to keep her from saying anything.

"We appreciate the offer Zebul, but we're not interested in any pacts." Marbles told Zebul.

Body check to keep Muse quiet: [roll0]

2015-08-16, 03:34 PM
"You dont know nothing! Stamps- you can turn into anypony! Marbles you are great magician! Bassline and Ace are awesome too! I'm just useless earth pony- I'm not even strong, and just causing problems..."
She stared at Zebul. "Please! I want to make a pact!| she yelled.

2015-08-16, 03:40 PM
stamps looked at muse.
i cant turn into another pony muse dont you think i would have so you guys did not know i was a changling! you are fun and imagnative and nice to me. i dont want to lose you to soms demon pact.

stamps then uns up and hugs Muse.

2015-08-16, 04:44 PM
"you won't lose me! I'll just be stronger!" she shouting. "Right? What is your price, Zebul?!" she asked.

2015-08-16, 04:50 PM
Stamps hold on to Muse tighter.

Please Muse don't.