View Full Version : Pathfinder Alienist Unchained: Angels of the Tapestry..?

2015-06-13, 11:39 PM
I know that most archetypes can function perfectly fine with both the standard class they were made for as well as the unchained version released for them. With that, we have no problem, but one has arisen from a third party archetype (from Beyond the Void) called the alienist.

In short, the alienist archetype is a summoner archetype that alters the eidolon such they are creatures of the dark tapestry. On a mechanical level, it works perfectly fine with everything the unchained summoner has. On a flavor level, however, we hit an interesting problem. Every eidolon has a subtype, and gains abilities according to that subtype. Now, lets say you select, as the title of this, the angel eidolon and elect to be an alienist. You will have an angelic, tentacled, eidolon with the angel and mythos subtypes (The mythos subtype is just used to specify creatures of alien origin or association). That being said, am I the only one who sees a conflict, at least on a flavor level, produced by this? Do you think there should be created a "mythos" eidolon subtype to at least make sure there isn't a conflict of flavor, or do you view the opportunity to make lovecraft-equse eidolon that are angels (or demons, or devils, or elementals, or ect.) to be a plus?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-13, 11:44 PM
The Protean eidolon would work well enough for a Dark Tapestry eidolon, IMO. Just switch the alignment to true neutral.

2015-06-14, 07:12 AM
The Protean eidolon would work well enough for a Dark Tapestry eidolon, IMO. Just switch the alignment to true neutral.

Im inclined to agree. Just from the standpoint of abilities, and even to a point in flavor, that would work quite well.

Looking at the archetype again, the tile of the thread doesn't work given an unexpected, though perhaps appropriate, interaction.

1. The archetype specifies (and it should be fine to give out this much text) the following: "-and it must have at least 1 tentacle evolution."

2. Tentacle (Ex): -snip- Requirements: Daemon, demon, or protean subtype.