View Full Version : DM Help Animal companion, share of XP?

2015-06-15, 11:48 PM
Does a druid or ranger's animal companion get a share of XP as a party member? He seems to act as one, and my druid has even equipped it with some barding, it's becoming a rather tanky beast with trip attacks. I wonder, because it's so powerful, is it granted a share of XP, splitting the pool one extra way?

2015-06-15, 11:53 PM
The animal companion does not gain XP. It gains hit dice (the equivalent of levels) based on its master's level. You can find the specifics here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/druid.htm#theDruidsAnimalCompanion).

2015-06-15, 11:54 PM
By the rules, no. Animal companion is a class feature, not a character. It advances as the druid advances.

Druids are one of the most potent classes in the game, and don't take a lot of optimizing beyond their basic class features to be powerful in combat.

2015-06-16, 07:41 AM
It doesn't have a level adjustment, and thus can't use XP even if you gave it any. But yeah, it's a class feature, it doesn't get XP.

Hiro Quester
2015-06-16, 08:18 AM
If it did, that would be taking away XP from other party members. And that would penalize others for playing with a Druid. It advances based on the druid's share of XP, as the Druid levels up.

2015-06-16, 02:37 PM
If it did, that would be taking away XP from other party members. And that would penalize others for playing with a Druid.
This. I mean, in addition to the actual rules. (As another piece of evidence, you'll note that even a Leadership-granted cohort specifically does not count against how much experience the party gets-- and that in a character that does use experience to advance). The person to penalize is the druid, not the rest of the party. And to some extent there is a penalty, in that his WBL has to stretch to equip two characters: himself and his animal companion.

Now, as has been mentioned, the druid is both one of the most powerful classes in the game and the easiest to break-- literally all you need to do is make intuitive choices. Natural spell is the only druid-only feat in the PHB, wolves are both cool, iconic, and one of the better companions, and most of the animals for summons and wildshape that you think would be nasty actually are.

If you want to reduce the druid's power, my suggestion would be to do the following:

Use the Shapeshift variant from the Player's Handbook 2 to replace Wild Shape. (If that's not available, try reducing the duration to one minute/level and banning Natural Spell).
Replace the animal companion's advancement with a familiar's, and require a feat ("Improved Companion") to access the higher-level options.
Use the Spontaneous Divine Caster (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/spontaneousDivineCasters.htm) option from Unearthed Arcana.

2015-06-16, 02:56 PM
Does a druid or ranger's animal companion get a share of XP as a party member? He seems to act as one, and my druid has even equipped it with some barding, it's becoming a rather tanky beast with trip attacks. I wonder, because it's so powerful, is it granted a share of XP, splitting the pool one extra way?
Anything that is there because of other characters' abilities doesn't count - for instance, if a wizard summons a badger to aid him in combat, the badger doesn't count for the wizard's party's EL and gains no XP for the battle.

2015-06-16, 03:44 PM
Giving the animal xp wouldn't even work, as it lacks a level adjustment and therefore an ECL. There's no way to do the math to figure out how much xp it would get and how much it would need to gain a level. Furthermore, the implication of giving it xp is that it can gain class levels--you'd end up with, like, a Crocodile Bard or whatever. I get the feeling that's not what you're going for.

2015-06-16, 06:09 PM
you'd end up with, like, a Crocodile Bard or whatever. I get the feeling that's not what you're going for.
However, it's what you should be going for.

2015-06-16, 07:56 PM
However, it's what you should be going for.

I'm not so sure. The world of music is not kind to marsh-dwelling reptiles.


2015-06-17, 12:08 PM
a Crocodile Bard or whatever. I get the feeling that's not what you're going for.

Something shocking, indeed.

2015-06-25, 04:21 PM
Ok, now that we mentioned it...how would one create a crocodile bard? Not to be confused with an anthropomorphic crocodile.

Obviously, it would need to be awakened (maximized, empowered awakened of course)

I think it's perform should be Perform (Tail Thumping) in a form of percussion. Bonus to swim checks, bonus to intimidate (because you know, it's a crocodile).

I am not sure how to fix its abysmal CHA score (it would be 2+3+half of 1d3 = 6/7) without first turning it into a plant first. Its INT on the other hand will be between 19-27 and a WIS of 12. Better to make this croc a wizard....

To the OPs question - companions don't consume XP :smallbiggrin:

2015-06-25, 05:03 PM
Ok, now that we mentioned it...how would one create a crocodile bard? Not to be confused with an anthropomorphic crocodile.
Step 1: Get a bard.
Step 2: Polymorph Any Object the Bard into a crocodile. The bard gains the Animal type.
Step 3: Awaken the bard. The bard gains +1d3 CHA.
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 indefinitely.
Step 5: Use a wight to drain off the unnecessary Animal HD.

2015-06-25, 05:12 PM
Ok, now that we mentioned it...how would one create a crocodile bard? Not to be confused with an anthropomorphic crocodile.

Obviously, it would need to be awakened (maximized, empowered awakened of course)

I think it's perform should be Perform (Tail Thumping) in a form of percussion. Bonus to swim checks, bonus to intimidate (because you know, it's a crocodile).

I am not sure how to fix its abysmal CHA score (it would be 2+3+half of 1d3 = 6/7) without first turning it into a plant first. Its INT on the other hand will be between 19-27 and a WIS of 12. Better to make this croc a wizard....

To the OPs question - companions don't consume XP :smallbiggrin:

Feats/leveling needs

1 Racial HD 1
improved grab

2 Racial HD 2

3 Racial HD 3

4 Racial HD 4 (awakening)

level up

5 Racial HD 5 (awakening)
Must lead followers into

6 Warchief 1 (MH)

7 Warchief 2

class feature

8 Bard 1
knowledge arcana 1,
language: draconic
level up

9 Dragon devotee 1
spell focus enchantment
class feat

10 Bard 2

11 Bard 3

12 Bard 4
level up

13 Bard 5

14 Bard 6

15 Bard 7


16 Bard 8

Level up

17 Heartwarder 1

class feat

18 Heart warder 2


19 heartwarder 3

class feat

20 heartWARDER 4

level up