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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other To Boldly Bind What No Man Has Bound Before (new Vestiges, PEACH)

2015-06-16, 01:41 AM
So I really don't know what levels these should be, but I made them, and figured I'd share them with the world. If you've got an opinion on the levels please let me know. Worried with both that they ought to be higher level.

Tiberon, the Peerless Captain
Tiberon was a legendary captain of a Spelljamming vessel, one of the first human captains into space. While he is bound you gain some of his leadership ability, some of his personal bravado, and the ability to call a faithful team of astral marines.
Level: 3rd?
Binding Check DC: 20.
Legend: Tiberon was said to be the finest captain in a great federation of planets which stretched across many Crystal Spheres. Given the task of exploring space, Tiberon and his crew explored Crystal Sphere after Crystal Sphere. Somehow the captain and his ship drew the ire of the Spelljammer and the great ship chased them through the Flow. Entering a Crystal Sphere where the primary was some form of great maw that pulled into it everything nearby, Tiberon and a few loyal members of his crew detached from the main ship. When the Spelljammer pursued Tiberon's smaller vessel giving the main ship a chance to escape, the captain led the Spelljammer straight into the maw of the inverted primary and both seemed to be destroyed forever... until the captain's voice began to whisper from a different void.
Manifestation: Tiberon manifests as many bursts of light held roughly in the shape of a man surrounded by the rainbow gases of the Flow. He speaks in a strangely, stilted manner, with many strange and awkward pauses. While he stands within the circle there is a constant whispering of wind sometimes rising to a howl, and always seeming to blow back into him as if to pull everything into the void from which he comes.
Sign: A torn shirt of golden light forms around you. It merges with anything you wear on your torso, causing it to become yellow and appear torn. If you wear nothing it simply floats there. Bras are treated as nothing worn.
Influence: While under Tiberon's influence you develop a weakness for women. You find a need to flirt with any female with Charisma of 15 or higher. If you are given charge of a ship, fortress, or mission you also develop a single minded need to protect it or complete it even if it means not flirting, living for your ship.
Granted Abilities: Tiberon allows you to create security teams consisting of weak humanoid eidolons, fight unarmed with all the power if not the elegance of a monk, charm your way pass what you cannot fight, deactivate constructs and automatons by talking to them, and stir allies to greater excellence.
Security Team: As a full round action you can manifest a group of 3 humanoid eidolons dressed in red. Mechanically these eidolons are identical to a fully augmented astral construct manifested by a psion 1/2 your EBL, except that they have only 1 hit point per EBL you possess and Improved Evasion. While one of these eidolons remains within 30-ft of you enemies aware of its presence suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls against you and you gain a +4 bonus to saves. Once you have used this ability you cannot use it again for 5 rounds; if you use this ability while you still have members of a previous security team the old security team vanishes.
Noble Fisticuffs: Channeling the legendary captain you become a power house in unarmed combat, striking hard if inelegantly. You gain the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, your unarmed strikes deal damage as a monk of your effective binder level, and they overcome damage reduction as if magic. This ability does not grant you other monk abilities such as flurry of blows. If you also have Ronove bound your unarmed strikes overcome damage reduction as if adamantine.
Soldier-Diplomat: You gain a +6 competence bonus to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.
Logic Trap: By uttering words of power, you can channel Tiberon's power to disorder the command matrices of constructs and unintelligent undead. To do so is a standard action and the target must be able to hear you (it does not need to be able to understand you however). The target must make a Will save or be dazed for 1d3+1 rounds. Once you have used this ability you cannot use it again for 5 rounds.
Motivate Competence: While Tiberon's powers fill you, you become a leader of men, able to drive them to extremes normally beyond themselves. Allies within 60 feet (including yourself) who can hear you, have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher and can understand your language gain a +1 morale bonus on skill and ability checks per 5 EBL you possess. This benefit is lost if you are dazed, unconscious, stunned, paralyzed, or otherwise unable to be heard or understood by your allies.

Harspock, the Half-Breed Officer
Harspock was Tiberon's loyal second in command who accompanied him on many missions and to many worlds. When bound he grants a measure of his wide-breadth of knowledge.
Level: 3rd?
Binding Check DC: 20.
Legend: Harspock was the half-hephaestan second in command to the legendary Captain Tiberon. After Tiberon led the Spelljammer into the devouring maw of the void, Harspock began the journey back to the Federation from which they hailed. Unfortunately as Harspock's ship traveled through the Flow it was accosted by a strange being seemingly made from the Rainbow Sea itself. Pressed for a means of defeating the seemingly god-like energy being before it used the ship to enter Wildspace and begin a path of conquest across one Crystal Sphere then another, Harspock tricked the being into entering his body. Wrestling mentally with the Flow Entity, Harspock flung himself from the ship, disappearing into the Flow never to be heard from again until he returned as a vestige.
Manifestation: Harspock appears as a pointy eared humanoid made of coruscating rainbow energy. He speaks in a calculated tone, his discussions interrupted by grasping at his head as if in pain.
Sign: Your ears grow pointed (or more pointy than normal), your eyebrows rising up at an unnatural slant, and your blood turns green.
Influence: While under Harspock's influence he demands that you show no signs of emotion, and do not allow it to drive your actions. Even fleeing under the influence of a fear effect is repugnant to him.
Granted Abilities:
Alien Sage: You gain a +4 bonus to Knowledge checks and may make Knowledge checks untrained. This bonus increases by +1 per 4 EBL beyond 4th.
Hephaestan Will: A portion of the hybrid nature of the half-breed's mind and his resolute will is shared with his binder. While you have Harspock bound whenever you make a Will save you may roll twice and take the better of the two results.
Hybrid Vigor: You gain the Endurance and Diehard feats as bonus feats. In addition should you do not die for 1 minute after losing your brain or head.
Stunning Grip: With a melee touch attack you can attempt to stun a living creature. If you successfully strike a creature it must make a Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d3 rounds. Once you have used this ability you must wait 5 rounds before using it again.
Limited Telepathy: You can communicate telepathically with a creature that you can touch. As a standard action you may attempt to detect a creature's thoughts (as the 3rd round of the spell Detect Thoughts) that you are touching; the target is allowed a Will save to resist and if the target is unwilling to allow you to touch it you may have to make a melee touch attack.

2015-06-16, 05:14 PM
You should give "Tiberon" a bonus to saves against disease, for all those alien STD's he didn't catch.

2015-06-16, 07:57 PM
You should give "Tiberon" a bonus to saves against disease, for all those alien STD's he didn't catch.

Think it actually needs the extra mechanical oomph?

2015-06-16, 09:14 PM
Think it actually needs the extra mechanical oomph?

When you phrase it that way, it does seem a bit unnecessary. Making his way through vast numbers of space babes was always one of the major hallmarks of Kirk to me, but making the Binder amorous is probably enough to sate that.

2015-06-16, 11:59 PM
When you phrase it that way, it does seem a bit unnecessary. Making his way through vast numbers of space babes was always one of the major hallmarks of Kirk to me, but making the Binder amorous is probably enough to sate that.

Especially since Kirk didn't usually sleep with them (there's once or twice its implied he did) but instead just seduce them and use them to protect his ship which if his monologues are to be believed is his wife. Kirk is a weird man.

Any ideas about the levels?