View Full Version : Now That Roy is Gone

2007-04-25, 10:13 PM
We can admit it without fear of his retribution:
Roy's sister is totally hot.
I'd tap that, and now I won't get tapped with a greatsword for sayin' it. Boo-yah!

(Danger: This thread is made of joke.)
But seriously, though.

2007-04-25, 10:16 PM
as much as roy wasn't my favorite. i think its safe to say he's not gone for good. maybe the remainder of the battle/war. or making a triumphant (spelling ick. pirates can't spell *lol*) comeback.
its gutsy to 'kill' off a main charcter, but hey. he was the wise guy who decided to fight an undead wizard (would lich have been the right word?) on top of a zombie dragon, 200+ feet up in the air.

i feel no pity for mr. greenhilt.
