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View Full Version : D&D 4e Epic Destiny And Powers (Warlock) Pact Forger

2015-06-17, 04:16 PM
Hey Everyone,

I'm Hoping for a little help Refining this. I'm running a DnD campaign and our Group warlock didn't like the options Available to her (She's Basically Playing Richard from "Looking for Group" And while looking for something she found more palatable she stumbled over the "Pactbreaker" Thread here. While it's close, it's still not quite what she's looking for and asked if I could make something similar. She said, and I quote "I spent all this time Amassing Awesome Powers, there is no way I'd give them up that easily."

Using 'Pactbreaker' as a template I came up with this

Pact Forger:

Long ago, you pledged fealty to fell entities for power. You have since grown older and wiser, and now begin to turn away from these entities. Having Sampled their Powers and found them Wanting you have forged yourself into something Similar yet Wholly Different. Where once you turned to Others for Power, Now Lesser Mortals turn.... To you.

Prerequisite: 21st level warlock

When you first became a warlock, you made a pact with some manner of powerful being: maybe demonic overlords, maybe masters of the Feywild, and maybe unknowns from beyond the stars. The costs exacted by these beings have proven to be far higher than the benefits of the pact, and now you aim to subvert this Pact. It has taken a long time, but your spirit is strong enough to even challenge these beings, By Sampling their powers, Purifying and Internalizing them you have begun to manifest similar Strength. Your Mistake was not in Seeking these powers, but rather in Seeking to use the power of Others.
Your abilities once Drew from fell sources, but you have begun to wean yourself from them, shifting their powers to draw from your own abilities. It has changed their nature ever-so-slightly, but the change is welcome, and you'll need it to deal with the agents of your "beneficiary". Perhaps you do this to help your allies without their suspicions of your abilities, or maybe you care not for their opinions and only want to claim or empower others, but either way, you're prepared to do what it takes to negate the power Others hold over you, and Instead assert your Natural Dominance Over others.

The Final Outcome
At this point, you're unsure of what will await you in the end. Naturally, the powers you have made a pact with are loathe to renege on the deal, and their agents will move swiftly to deal with you. Assuming you succeed, you'll finally be free from their demands. If you Succeed, you will be able to make demands of others Instead.
Upon completion of your final quest, your bonds of servitude will be dissolved completely. The pact direction is changed, and either the agents of your former pact master cease to harass you or your independent abilities are enough to deal with them. Whatever the case, you're completely free from their orders.
As far as fame goes, you might not be known for much other than settling down and living a simple life afterwards. Allowing others to think you powerless even as your disciples exercise and grow your powers for you. Lands that once spurned you for your malevolent Aura now openly welcome you. Word may even spread that it is possible to break free of the Demonic Aspects of warlock pacts and Elevate yourself. This news would come to the joy and Intrigue of some and the disgusted pity of others who have no intention of relinquishing or Betraying their Masters or Risking the alteration or lessening of their powers.

Pact Forger Features:
All pact Makers have the following features.

Pact Subversion (21st level): Upon taking this destiny, you begin to subvert the nature of your pact, which changes the nature of your abilities tied to your pact.

Fey (Mind): You lose the Eyebite at-will power, and instead gain the Travelers Touch at-will power. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and an additional 2d6 Warlock's Curse damage against creatures of the Fey origin under the effect of your Warlocks' Curse.
Infernal (Body): You lose the Hellish Rebuke at-will power, and instead gain the Flame of Invocation at-will power. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and an additional 2d6 Warlock's Curse damage against creatures with the Devil or Demon subtypes under the effect of your Warlock's Curse.
Star (Soul): You lose the Dire Radiance at-will power, and instead gain the Interstellar Ripple at-will power. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and an additional 2d6 Warlock's Curse damage against creatures of the Aberrant origin under the effects of your Warlock's Curse.

In addition, when placing a Curse upon a foe, you can choose to reduce the number of damage dice associated with your Curse. If you do so, your Pact Boon benefit is granted to you and a number of allies equal to the number of damage dice you sacrificed when the target of the curse is reduced to 0 hitpoints or fewer, instead of just to you.

Pact Creation (24th level): Once per encounter, you may Transfer one of your non-utility encounter warlock powers to an Unseen but well heard supplicant. If you do so, you gain +4 to two ability scores depending on your pact until the end of the encounter (or for 10 minutes). Infernal pact Makers gain this to Intelligence and Constitution, Fey pact Makers gain this to Intelligence and Charisma, and star pact Makers gain this to Constitution and Charisma.

Pact Reciprocation (26th level): You gain the utility power appropriate for your pact.

Fey (Mind): Gain the Transcendent Force utility power.
Infernal (Body): Gain the Pertinacious Insight utility power.
Star (Soul): Gain the Radiant Spirit utility power.

Untapped Potential (30th level): Once per encounter, you may forgo one of your non-utility daily warlock powers. If you do so, you gain an action point. These daily powers cannot be recovered except by taking an extended rest. Any one other Spent Daily power can be regained by Spending an action point

Pact Makers Powers:

Travelers Touch
Pact Makers (Mind) Attack 21
You close your eyes, yet they illuminate brightly all the same. You peer into the mind of your foe, and mentally clear away all obstructions, both of their mind and your view.
At-Will: Arcane, Charm, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action, Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier psychic damage, and you may disregard all cover and concealment the target has until the end of your next turn. On 30th Level Changes to 3d8+ Con Mod

Flame of Invocation
Pact Makers (Body) Attack 21
You strike out with a clenched fist, which sends a brilliantly glowing flame to strike foes. The flame is tied to your Life and Magic, burning brightly alongside your vitality.
At-Will: Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action, Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + Constitution modifier fire damage. If you do not take damage before the end of your next turn, the target takes an extra 2d6 + Constitution modifier fire damage. On 30th Level Changes to 3d8+ Con Mod in (Type) Damage

Interstellar Ripple
Pact Makers (Soul) Attack 21
Although none can perceive it but you and your foe, you are both outlined with an intense power, so strong it is almost a physical presence, that seems to encase and isolate the two of you.
At-Will: Arcane, Fear, Implement, Radiant
Standard Action, Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution vs. Fortitude
Hit: You may choose a Damage type (with the Exception of Divine and Infernal), Deal 2d6 + Constitution modifier (Type) damage. If the target moves away from you on its next turn, it takes an extra 2d6 + Constitution modifier (Type) damage.

Pertinacious Insight
Pact Makers (Body) Utility 26
In a sudden burst of Understanding you gently draw upon the Experiences of your followers, Recomposing your spells power and Foreseeing your opponents actions.
Daily: Stance
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: You May Choose a Damage type (with the exception of Divine and Infernal) to change your attack damage to. You Gain +1 to all defenses, and an additional +2 to AC until end of the encounter. Your Spell attack increases by one die, and you gain +5 to attack power regardless of what Stat you are targeting.

Radient Spirit
Pact Makers (Soul) Utility 26
You wrench your mind free from the grip of the icy depths of the night sky, Pondering instead the awesome majesty of the noon sun and bringing forth a brilliant radiance that revitalizes your allies. It comes with the temporary cost of your fell powers, but the respite is welcome.
Daily: Stance
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: Allies within 10 squares of you gain regeneration equal to either your Charisma or Constitution Modifier and +1 to all defenses untill the end of the encounter. You may use a standard action to grant either your Charisma or Constitution score as a Damage bonus to an ally within 10 squares makes. You may use a standard action to teleport a willing ally within 10 squares to any other square within 10 squares. You may not use Infernal or divine Keyword spells until the start of your next turn.

Transcendant Force
Pact Makers (Mind) Utility 26
Your mind pulses with unrestrained power, freeing yourself from both the trickeries of your fey masters and the material concerns of the battle around you. Even as your Body lifts and your Id leaves you, your mind roams free, immortal and unstoppable.
Daily: Stance
Minor Action, Personal
Effect: You deal psychic damage equal to your Charisma Score to all enemies within 10 squares at the end of your turn. You gain a speed of fly 8, +2 to all defenses, and become invisible Until the end of your next turn unless you make an additional attack. You may not use Divine or Infernal Keyword spells.

2015-06-17, 07:47 PM
If there weren't better Epic Destinies available and I were a StarPact warlock, I would take this. However the Eyebite and Hellish Rebuke powers are too good to let go.

2015-06-23, 02:13 PM
From the Lack of Replies I'm going to Assume that it Shouldn't break the Game for the rest of the Group?