View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous IC

2015-06-18, 12:51 AM
For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres—Armasse is coming! Traditionally an opportunity for scholars and priests to come together to study the lessons of history from wars past, since Aroden’s death, this holy day has become more about training commoners in weaponry, choosing squires, and ordaining new priests. Over time, Armasse has grown to encompass jousting competitions, mock duels, battle reenactments, and other festival events. In Kenabres, the festival (which takes place on 16 Arodus) is eagerly anticipated, for it provides distractions from the horrors of being on the front line of the war. Smiles on faces normally marred by downcast eyes and furrowed brows do wonders for city morale in the weeks leading up to the event. Armasse is a citywide celebration, but the majority of the event, including its jousting matches and other entertainments, takes place at Clydwell Plaza, just west of the cathedral.

Armasse officially began at noon, with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself, ruler of Kenabres. The crowd gathered in Clydwell Plaza quieted as the aged inquisitor took the stage, clad in shining, resplendent armor. He cleared his throat, but just as he was about to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun’s shadow fell huge and distorted across the cathedral’s facade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor. To the west, the fortress known as the Kite—the location of Kenabres’s wardstone—had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke erupted into the heavens. A moment later, a powerful roar accompanied a welcome sight rising from the crowd—Kenabres’s greatest guardian, the ancient silver dragon Terendelev, who had until that moment been attending the opening ceremony disguised as a human. Above, another form appeared, as nightmarish as the dragon was breathtaking. A humanoid shape three times the size of any man, with skin coated in fire and lightning, gripped a flaming sword and whip. The creature’s identity was immediately obvious: Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had come to Kenabres!
As the ground continued to shake and disgorge demons into the streets, the dragon and the balor lord clashed above. The fight was over in a few harrowing moments, as the balor cut deep into Terendelev’s body, swooping down to strike the dragon and arresting her charge. A few more blows, and the titanic duo spiraled downward toward the crowd. The sight of the dragon smashing into the facade of the Cathedral of St. Clydwell is one no witness would ever forget. At that moment, a titanic demon erupted at the far end of the plaza, reducing several buildings to ruins as it smashed into this world. The rift it created shot across the plaza, and this time there was no escape—it opened below your feet, angling away into darkness. Even as you fell, the dragon noticed your plight. Though she saw death standing over her, she seized this final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a few arcane words and stretched out a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet the fall remained as inexorable, and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last thing you saw was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut, and the light of the world above was gone.

You find yourselves in complete darkness. Your heads throb with thunderous headaches. Your ears ring. You’re having trouble breathing. After a few moments, the sounds of rocks clattering, coughing, and moans of pain, as well as the choking smell of dust, become apparent as your senses seem to return, but it remains pitch black. Feeling around in the darkness, you feel rubble all around yourselves, and realize that your bodies are covered in dirt and filth. Despite the general aches and pains, none of you are damaged.

2015-06-18, 03:22 AM

Grunted as he hefted another sack of vegetables up onto a shoulder and brought it into the house. Gydion had been commandeered by his step mother to bring in the produce she has bought that morning at market, and as he exited the building once again to look at the cart with a few more boxes and bags on it he shook his head. It was nearing the start of the festival, at this rate he'd have to run to make the opening ceremony!

He finished up his chore and gave his step mother a firm kiss on the cheek before he made his way, and quite quickly towards Clydwell square. By the time he arrived the crowd was thick and he had to elbow through as politely as he could. He got more than a few sour looks as Lord Hulrun took to the dias, but he had spotted what he was looking for! That ornate staff head and denoted his elder step brother among the crowd.

It was just as he had elbowed past the last person in his way and was about to clap his step brother on the shoulder and tell offer some sort of borderline insulting greeting when that flash of light simply stole his vision away for a second. He turned and with mouth agape watched that pillar of flame, and as the events unfolded he could neither speak or move, simply enthralled by such a display. Such a show of power as the Storm King stopped Terendelev's charging fury...

The crowd had turned to panic around him but it did little to sway Gydion. He stood almost calmly, watching in shock as the two monstrous powers did battle, and then the world began to fall away. He could almost remember the sound of that intense crashing, at first he thought it was the sound of the two titans smashing into the cathedral. It must not have been though, he didn't even see the new demon enter the fray. By then all he could see was the darkness swallowing him up, and the feeling of familiar forces floating him down into the abyss.

When his eyes finally snapped open to darkness, and he pulled in a ragged breath Gydion instantly fell to a fit of coughing. Crumbling rock and clouds of dust does not for good breathing make. Once he had himself cleared, and had probably alerted anything within ear shot that he was indeed sitting there, where ever "there" was. He took a deep breath and reached about, finding his Falcata still on his belt he gave the thing a tight grip, especially glad for it in times like this and brought it forth, a word of power causing the thing to glow and light the surrounding area.

"What in all the hells is going on..."

He said to himself, as much as to anyone else he might illuminate with his magical light.

2015-06-18, 05:50 AM

Etherian rises to his feet raising his ornate glowing staff, his eye darting around looking for anyone injured or buried. He speaks grimly. "I think the appropriate question is what in the Abyss is going on. The demons have attacked and are doing a damned good job it seems."

Perception [roll0] to spot any who need help

2015-06-18, 06:13 AM

Began to look around, seeing various people but the voice caught his attention and he rushed over to his half brother, shaking more of the dust off himself as he began to look around in earnest and see who else had survived the fall. Of course any survivors would purely be thanks to the fallen dragon. The thought made his heart feel a bit heavy. Such an icon of good. It couldn't stifle his happiness at seeing his half sibling unharmed though.

"Etherian! Some sort of magical field far beyond what I'm capable of...The dragon had to have done it. I'm glad you see you alive my friend. Let's see who else was fortunate enough to be saved eh?"

Gydion turned and began attempting to help anyone who might seem to need it.

2015-06-18, 07:01 AM
Ravana lets out a pained groan as she pushes herself up onto her hands and knees. Somehow the fall hadn't killed her, and from the sound of it there were other survivors too. She climbs to her feet and starts toward the new source of light. "Is everyone alright?"

2015-06-18, 11:22 AM

Hask was Clydewell Plaza, leaning on his long spear patently waiting for the events to begin. With his odd blue skin and white eyes drew odd looks and marked his foreignness. He was used to the looks from his travels and he wasn't quite as unfamiliar with Kenabres as it would first seem. While it had been 70 or so years since Mojal had walked these street and the city has grown since then, the major landmarks such as the Clydewell Plaza and the Kite remained.

Just then Lord Hulrun appeared. While the old human had probably seen a lot battle in the cursades, the Lord of Kenabres probably wasn't even born when Mojal had died. But perhaps Hulrun had a father or someone who knew the Samsaran paladin? But it was unlikely that he would get a chance to speak with the aged inquisitor. He'd probably have to find someone else to heard tales of the Blue Moon Paladin.

However before Lord Hulrun had a chance to address those who had gathered, the fortress of Kite exploded in a flash of light. It was soon followed by a roar and the appearance of a silver dragon. Memories of the dragon flashed through the Samsaran's mind, memories of Mojal seeing the guardian of Kenabres in action. "Terendelev," Hask quietly spoke to himself. Terendelev would have probably known about his predecessor, though now was definitely not a good time especially as the enemy revealed itself. Khorramzadeh. The Samsaran had heard about the Storm King from the people around Kenabres himself. The demon and dragon clashed in the air, but the Storm King got the upper hand and the duo crashed into the ground. The impact caused a rift to appear in the plaza.

Hask was paralyzed as the events unfolded before him. It was like something from out of his nightmares, nightmares that he knew were really memories of Hojal. Then he realized that the ground had opened up below him and he started to fall. However, Terendelev had one last blessing, turning the Samsaran's plummet into a more of a floating downwards. However, that would be the silver dragon's last act as Khorramzadeh cleaved off the dragon's head. "No!" Hask yelled, but soon everything faded to black.



Hask awoke with a start. It was dark and it took him a moment for him to remember what happened. He felt his eyes water a little as he recalled the fight up on the surface. The mighty silver dragon had fallen and with it, Kenabres as well most likely. Just then he saw a light showing a couple people and a few voices. They must have been others that the dragon had saved at the last moment. "Hello?" the Samsaran called out but then remembered he had his own source of light. "J-just a moment." He took his bag off his shoulder and rooted through it, his hands still shaking slightly. "Come on Hojal, where did you hide the torch?" he muttered seemingly to himself. A burning stone floated out of a side pocket where it started to slowly orbit his head. "Thank you."

With the ioun torch circling his head, Hask got to his feet, leaning somewhat unsteadily on his long spear. He heard someone asking if everyone was alright. "I'm fine. I have some healing magic if anyone needs it." the Samsaran offered.

2015-06-18, 09:29 PM

"I think, as my brother suggested, Terendelev protected us," Etherian looked at Ravana. "and as such we are all alright."

2015-06-19, 01:02 AM

Breathe.... was the only thought that could surface through Tasigur's mind. The events that had just been witnessed were disheartening at best, soul-crushing at worst. His eyes fluttering open, Tasigur attempts to pull a ragged breath into his lungs but no air comes of it. BREATHE... his mind screams again, thirsting for oxygen and energy. Moving a bit to his side, Tasigur finally feels the immense weight sitting upon his chest. A massive stone seemed to have situated itself on top of him and was slowly squeezing the life out of him. Attempting to push the overbearing rock from himself, Tasigur lets out the meekest of plea to anyone with in earshot.

"Can't.... Breathe.... Please.... HELP!"

2015-06-19, 01:44 AM
A third light flickers and further illuminates the area. In addition to Tasigur you hear three other humans who appear to be in need of help.

A portly male human grunts and gropes about his person not sure what to grab. "Ugh! Urgh! What a fall! Ouch!" He gets to his feet but he seems to be hurt quite badly.It seems he is more looking for sympathy than actually hurt.

A human female who is dimly lit is far less vocal than the portly man but appears unable to stand up on her own. She utters a few curses and continues to try for all she is worth. Not far from Tasigur she notices his plight and pulls herself toward him using only her upper body. She wraps herself around the large stone on his chest and struggles to help him.

The third source of light comes from a male elf. He is standing upright with good posture and his nose held high. He continuously repeats a series of motions and words that would suggest that he is casting a spell. Eventually he stops. "It would appear my magic fails me. Would anyone care to create some kind of light? Even a torch would do."

2015-06-19, 06:24 AM

Hearing the cries for help Etherian heads to the person who can't breathe and helps move the rock. "Lets get these people free."

Strength roll [roll0] if needed.

2015-06-19, 11:16 AM
Ravana gets up and heads toward the man pinned beneath the stone, aiding the others in pushing it off of him. Her gaze turns toward the elf when he speaks up; how could he think his magic had failed when he was holding a globe of light in his hand? Unless... had he lost his sight when they'd fallen down here?


She looks over to the first pair that had lit up the area. "Could one of you see to the elf and the man over there? They seem to be in need of help."

2015-06-19, 12:13 PM

Tilted his head, watching the Elven man as he cast his spells. He approached the portly man, turning his focus to him for a moment.

"Sir please..calm down and sit. Don't move if you're hurt. You'll only make yourself worse. We'll have someone see to you."

He turned to the woman who seemed to be unable to stand admonished her a small bit as well, but it came from a good place.

"You as well, please let us get everyone freed and together and we can assess injuries..don't make yourselves worse. Just relax."

Finally he turned to the Elven man and approached to kneel next to him.

"Sir..your spells are functioning properly. Thank you for the light...but it seems something in the terrible event has stolen your sight. I'm sorry."

2015-06-19, 05:24 PM

Hask looked around trying to assess the situation. The stout man looked rather pained at first glance, but he was standing. The woman wasn't able to stand, but she was helping the others trying to pull someone out of the rubble. The elf was seemed unable to see his own light, but otherwise seemed to be not too badly off. Weighing his options for a moment, he went over to the group trying to pry away some rocks. He knelt beside the injured woman and spoke softly. "Pardon me miss, let me take over from you. You really shouldn't try pushing yourself while you injured. You might cause more damage. Not just to yourself either," he finished gesturing to the pinned person. In her injured state she might cause more harm then good. Regardless of the woman's answer, he stepped in to give aid moving the heavy rocks while gesturing and saying a couple of foreign words once in a while causing some smaller stones to float out of the way.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Combination of Mage Hand and Strength check [roll1]

While working he gave some advice. "Someone should scout around a bit. A demon or something else could have also fallen and we do not want to be attacked while we are still recovering."

2015-06-20, 01:06 AM
Everyone's combined effort moves the rock easily from Tasigur's chest.

Upon close inspection of the elf you see that he has a nasty burn across his face which has seared both of his eyes. He raises a hand to touch his face and winces in pain as he quickly retracts it. He still seems a bit dazed as if he has yet to gather his senses from the fall. "I... its starting to come back to me. That balor. That was Khorramzadeh. His whip... Oh... Oh by the gods... am I really blind? This is a catastrophe." He stumbles back until he hits the wall of the cave then slumps into a sitting position. "I must get back to the surface. You don't understand. It is very important that I get back to my people."

The portly man slowly takes a seat, grunting in pain as he does so. It seems his back, or his knees, or something is paining him greatly as he does so. "Ugh. What a fall. Its a wonder any of us managed to survive." A brief glance around the room shows pieces of people who where clearly not so fortunate.

The human female rolls to her side and grasps her leg appearing to be in a great deal of pain. "Yeah. It's a good thing no one was actually hurt." She glares at the portly man.

2015-06-20, 02:58 AM

Grasped the Elf's wrist when he began to stumble backward, having listened to him with much attention for the moment. He moved with him and knelt next to the blind man and shook his head a bit. It must be rather disorienting to suddenly lose your sight, he figured.

"Please, try not to hurt yourself any further. We'll get everyone out of here, we just have to make sure we can get everyone in shape to move."

He gave the Elf a pat on the shoulder.

"Sit here and rest. We'll get everyone on their feet as best we can and I'll come back to lead you so we can keep everyone together."

Turning to the portly man, he walked over and knelt next to him now, looking up at the man with the Ioun torch circling his head first.

"You said you can heal? Check on her leg...if she can't walk we're going to have to carry her out of here somehow."

He turned back to the Portly man and rummaged around in his pockets, finding a handkerchief he tied it tight around the mans knee.

"Sorry I'm not much of a doctor, but is there anything else I can do to help?"

He sat back and looked around for a moment. What a mess this was.

2015-06-20, 07:54 AM
"Terendelev's last act was to slow our fall with her magic. If not for that, we'd likely be joining the poor souls who didn't make it." She helps Tasigur to his feet.

2015-06-20, 11:27 AM

Gladly accepting the hand offered, Tasigur brought himself up from the ground. Once standing, Tasigur is very thankful to all that helped him out from under the rocks. Brushing the dust and debris off his outfit, Tasigur checks his bandolier and powder horns making sure everything is still safe and dry. With the glow of light in the cavern, he sees the glint of blued steel from under a pile of small rocks. Moving a few aside, Tasigur is finally able to free his musket from the debris and slings it over his shoulder.

"Thank you so much to all of you for getting me out from under there. I thought I was going to die even though She...." Tasigur's voice trailed off at the thought of what happened to that beautiful dragon. Having given her final breathe to save so many, Tasigur vowed to himself to bring meaning to her sacrifice. Looking around at the group of people that had survived the fall, Tasigur is brought out of his thoughts when he looks towards the young woman that was being pulled from the rubble.

"Oh my... Excuse me, Sir?" Tasigur said hesitantly towards the being seeing to the young lady. "I seem to recall you speaking of healing earlier even when I was in my plight. I don't have any actual schooling in the arts of medicine, but I've bandaged up enough people in my platoon to know how to keep things from getting worse. Please let me know if I could be of any help to you." Tasigur then turns towards the rest of the group.

"I know we're in quite the mess at the moment, but we can pull through and get back to the surface. This gentleman," gesturing towards Hask, "Is correct though. Our first priority should be to make sure our current vicinity is clear of danger. I propose we leave injured here with a few people for protection, while the rest of us comb the area to see if there is anything dangerous. Then we can decide our next move from there."

2015-06-20, 09:22 PM

"I think it is safe to say we are in danger. Demons have attacked the citadel and likely killed Terendelev. Khorramzadeh was here and killed her. I suggest we gather everyone and stick together and see if we can find a way out of this hole."
Etherian hold up his staff the glowing stone illuminating the area.

Perception [roll0] to find a path out.

2015-06-20, 09:46 PM
The lanky elf stands once again. "Fah! Eyes or no, I am the most qualified to lead us out of here. I am an experienced practitioner of the arts."

The portly man also stands and puffs up his chest, suddenly appearing to be devoid of injuries. "Hah! You blind twit! You couldn't lead a horse to water if it were dying of thirst and had a tiger chasing it!"

The woman continuing to clutch her leg, painstakingly backs herself against the wall of the cave so that she can sit upright.

2015-06-21, 07:18 AM

Etherian ignores the posturing and searches for a path as well as something to serve as crutches for the woman with the broken leg. If nothing is found, he will give her his staff to use.

2015-06-21, 03:25 PM

Hearing the need for his healing abilities Hask gave a nod, his ioun torch bobbing with the movement. "Right then. It's a good thing I picked up a couple of scrolls beforehand. Let's see..." He reached back into the side pocket of his backpack, then paused to frown and then reached into the main section. "It should be side pouch for easy access..." he muttered to himself.

Pulling out a pair of scrolls, he first went up to the woman and then the elf, as the man didn't seem as badly injured, just somewhat shaken. Drawing the magic from the written words, he blessed the two. "At the very least, this should stop the bleeding. It probably is not powerful enough to heal broken legs or burned eyes, but it should tide you over until we get someone with more medical expertise."

Using both of my scrolls of Cure Light Wounds, one one the woman, one on the elf.
Woman HP recovered: [roll0]
Elf HP recovered: [roll1]

"Now then, as we all seem to need one another's help, I believe introductions are in order." The Samsaran gave a bow to the group at large. "You may call me Hask. I am a warrior and mystic devoted to the god Tsukiyo from the distant nation of Zi Ha. I am part of a race called Samsarans to those wondering about my appearance. I have just arrived in Kenabres, but I have some familiarity with the area. Glad to make everyone's acquaintance."

2015-06-21, 10:17 PM

Etherian feels the introductions could wait for a better time, but he supposes it is better than saying hey you all the time.
Etherian nods towards Hask. "I am Etherian Nylanass, from right here really. I am a ... magic user, the pleasantries can be dealt with later, when we are in a safer place."
He helps the woman with the broken leg up and gives her his staff and supports her with his arm.

2015-06-21, 10:28 PM
"I'm Ravana." She loops her arm through the elf's so that he isn't stumbling around. "With all due respect, sir, your blindness may be more of a hindrance than your knowledge would be a benefit to getting out of here."

2015-06-21, 10:32 PM
As you root around in search of anything that might help the female's broken leg you find several bits of wood, cloth and rope allowing you to fashion a crude splint and crutch. She appears most appreciative as she is now able to stand on her own. "Thank you for the help. I should be able to get around well enough until we can get to the surface. My wife knows several devout priests of Iomedae. My name is Anevia by the way. Anevia Tirabade. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance." She takes a few practice strides and seems able to get around painlessly, though not very quickly.Anevia's attitude has improved from indifferent to friendly.

As Hask approaches the elf with his healing scroll the elf waves him away. "No, please. There is no need for that. I was able to slow my own decent much the same way that Trendelev did for you all. I fear we do not yet know how necessary that scroll might be at a later point." He moves to back up but once again backs into the wall. He stiffens and raises his nose as if to maintain his composure. "Anyway, my name is Aravashnial and I vow by my moral coil and all hope of an afterlife that I will see you all to safety."

The portly man reaches for his hip and grimaces as he grasps nothing but air. "You know, when you retrieve a scroll from a scroll case it's better to hold it the other way around. Twist, pull and grap as one fluid motion. Much more efficient that way. But moving on, I am Horgus Gwerm. Noble born of Kenebres and the most valuable ally you will ever have, both literally and figuratively. For starters, if you can safely deliver me to my home I offer you all 1000 gold pieces to split as you see fit."

2015-06-22, 02:40 AM

Finally able to take a breath, he listened as the various new people introduced themselves. Upon finding a pause he made his own introduction.

"My name is Gydion. Etherian there is my half brother, and despite the circumstances I'm glad to have met you all. Now, seeing we have such lovely allies we can easily get to the surface if we work together."

Stepping over to Aravashnial he took the man by the arm softly.

"Sir, if you don't mind I'll serve as your eyes for now. We've got to get moving soon."

He turned to Horgus and the rest, giving them all a rather winning smile.

"Well now that we're ready to be mobile, perhaps someone could take the lead? Mr. Gwerm, being a noble any insight you might have would be very appreciated. For now though, we shouldn't linger any more than we have to."

2015-06-22, 06:39 PM

What... where am I?

Consciousness gnawed upon the back of her skull for meager moments, before darkness once again.


"I swear, worry is your natural state of being. This is meant to be a BREAK from our lives, not some sort of prison."

Cyarra's dearest friend and lover, Izabetta, was pulling her through the crowd at an alarming pace. So much to see and do here in Kenabres during Armasse... particularly for a scholar and priestess of Desna. As for herself? Well, Cyarra was on... better terms with the gods as of late, for what it was worth. Devout? Perhaps. The unfortunate circumstance of her early life had driven her all but away from the gods.

"You should be used to me by now sweetheart." She said flatly, looking around at the hustle and bustle. "Don't worry about me. I'll be alright. I'm still not used to this many..."

It was then that Cy noticed Izabetta was no longer holding her hand. In fact, she wasn't even in sight anymore.

"... Izzy?"

Sound. Panic. Cyarra drew her sword, drew her shield. But it was too little too late, she was distracted by her own thoughts and suddenly the sky went dark. Something hit her, and she fell.


The sound of her own coughing filled her ears as she desperately began to reach upwards. Stone and rubble surrounded her sight as she tried to claw her way out with only the most minor amounts of luck.

"My name...Gydion. Etherian ... h-...brother, and despite... you all.

Sound. Cyarra began to claw for it.

"...if you don't mind I'll serve as ... for now... We've got... moving soon."

Moving? No wait!

She tried to respond, tried to yell, but more dust crawled up her throat. But out of desperation, finally, her hand emerged from the pile of rubble.

2015-06-22, 10:03 PM

Seeing a hand emerge from the rubble and Anevia standing on her own, Etherian moves to the hand grabs it and with the other hand begins to move ruble. "Hold on, I'll get you out."

2015-06-23, 02:22 AM
With a little bit of work the rubble is removed. Cyarra is on her feet and Horgus begins to lead Gydion who in turn is leading Aravashnial. As more of the cave is revealed you notice a large spider sitting quietly, not moving at all. It only takes a moment to realize that the spider is dead.You notice two disturbing elements—a muffled chewing sound and a bulge wriggling inside of the spider’s abdomen.

2015-06-25, 09:53 PM
Ravana stops when she hears the sound of chewing coming from the spider. She turns to Hask. "Perhaps we should see if there are any paths without foes before engaging in unnecessary combat." She glances back toward where the others were, seeing if there were any other paths available.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-06-25, 10:05 PM

Etherian moves between the bystanders and the spider. "It's dead ... isn't it?"

2015-06-25, 11:23 PM

Reflexively both gripped Aravashnial's arm a tiny bit more firmly and drew his Falcata with his other hand. He gave the husk of the spider a long look, wary of anything that might be down here.

"Looks dead to me...but we can't be too careful."

Drawing Falcata and taking a good look at the spider (From a distance)


2015-06-26, 03:38 AM
The horse-sized spider begins to quake visibly and list to one side. It's abdomen splits apart as three oversized maggots slither out from inside of it.

2015-06-26, 07:34 AM

Hask saw the corpse of the spider moving. Was something unseen moving it? But then it body split open to reveal a trio of rather large maggots. Sensing that they were aggressive, the Samsaran moved up to try to protect those who had started moving ahead. "Watch out for the maggots," he warned, holding his long spear ready to attack.

Too far away to attack so double moving up to besides Gydion.
And have an AoO: Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2015-06-26, 07:45 PM

Etherian raises his hand above his staff and mutters some arcane words in abyssal and readies himself for the maggots to move.

Initiative [roll0]
Uses arcane strike on his staff and holds action in case one gets close.

2015-06-27, 11:34 AM

Cyarra cautiously walks alongside her new fellows, deeply concerned.

"This happened so fast. Where are we even going? I'm not from... around here, and a fortified-.."

"It's dead ... isn't it?"

"Well, isn't THAT nice."

She approached alongside Hask, peering at the spider. Thank the gods they didn't need to fight that right now...

"Watch out for the maggots,"


And suddenly the assault was on, Cy tried not to wretch at the site of the disgusting creatures! In an instant her shield and sword was drawn.

"Eugh! We'll lay them low!"

2015-06-27, 06:38 PM
Upon spotting the spider Horgus moves behind Gydion. "I am an able bodied swordsman but I have no weapon. It looks like this is up to You."

Aravashnial chimes in. "Horgus is correct. I would suggest that Gydion, Ravana and Cyarra move in and dispatch them."

The maggots just seem to slither around near the spider, oblivious to your presence.Back to the top of the order. The entire party may go now.

2015-06-27, 07:57 PM

Blinked at Horgus. The man had a point, he was unarmed. He might not be exactly truthful about the whole swordsman bit, but Gydion wasn't going to argue the point when a threat was nearby. He gave Aravashnials arm a pat and moved away, nodding to Horgus as well.

"Um..they're maggots. I think you're correct. We'll handle it."

Fought the desire to roll his eyes and confidently stepped forward to cleave one of the maggots in twain.

Move up to the closest maggot (Moved my figure in Roll20.) Swift action: activate Arcane Strike (+1 damage for 1 rnd) Attack the Maggot once (Two handed)



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-06-27, 08:03 PM
Ravana moves up to the far-left maggot and strikes at it with a vicious kick.

Hit/Crit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2015-06-27, 08:47 PM
Gydion and Ravana each dispatch one maggot quickly and decisively.

2015-06-28, 12:32 PM

Having kept quiet for most of the commotion, Tasigur pulled the heavy mace from it's loop on his belt. Usually he would dispatch enemies from afar, but considering the current situation he felt it prudent to save his musket for tougher foes. Moving forward, he swings with all his strength!

Moving forward to base the last maggot, swinging at it once in position.

Screwed up rolls, will post rolls in OOC thread

2015-06-29, 02:02 AM
In his haste, Tasugur smashes the ground next to the third maggot.

2015-06-29, 03:43 PM

The shield, Cyarra was quick to admit, was probably a bit overkill for defense against a meager maggot. Sheathing the protective wall, Cyarra goes at the thing with a two handed swing of her spear!

Cy's going to try and give it a thumping with her short spear, wielded with 2 hands!
Lets make it a power attack for funsies.

To hit! [roll0]
DAMAGE: [roll1]

Cyarra Maewood
Female archon-blooded aasimar (lawbringers) fighter (phalanx soldier) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 105, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 84)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee shortspear +5 (1d6+6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
. . 1/day—continual flame
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Combat Stamina, Dodge, Power Attack
Traits bastard, exposed to awfulness
Skills Acrobatics -2 (-6 to jump), Climb +4, Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +7, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ dodge
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, shortspear, 79 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Dodge [Combat Trick] Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.
Exposed to Awfulness (1/day) Vs Death/Incapacitation by demon: Reroll saving throw as free action, keep 2nd result.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

2015-06-29, 08:03 PM

Etherian moves forward and swings his staff at the last maggot.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-06-29, 08:11 PM

The Samsaran watched as both Gydion and Ravana went in to attack and take both of their targets out in one hit. "You know, we might have been able to just go around them. I do not think the would be able to move fast..." he said softly, as if he wasn't really expecting to be heard. Still the damage had been done, but both Tasigur's and Cyarra's blows failed to land. Stepping up behind the gunman, he lunged at the larva with his long spear.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-06-30, 12:21 AM
Cyarra's spear skewers the third maggot. Eventually Aravashnial speaks up. "So they are all dead right? Okay. I suggest our able bodied warriors scout forward while the rest of us wait here."

2015-06-30, 07:04 AM

Shook his head and grabbed up a piece of tattered cloth from the nearby rubble and cleaned the maggot guts from his blade. He made his way back to Aravashnial and put a hand on the mans wrist once more.

"Not a bad idea. If there are no objections we can get ourselves on the way now I think. Cyana and Ravana in the lead perhaps?"

2015-06-30, 07:25 PM

"Again I think we should stick together. Certainly with warriors leading the way."

2015-06-30, 10:18 PM
Horgus puffs up his chest. "Well lets get moving then! We haven't got all year to get back to the surface!"

2015-07-04, 09:44 PM
"I'm fine with leading, but we'll need a light source."

2015-07-04, 09:59 PM

Leaves Aravashnials arm for a moment, and steps over to Ravana.

"I can help with that. Let me see..."

Making a few arcane gestures, Gydion took out an arrow from his quiver and made it spring forth with light. He handed it over to Ravana, to use as a makeshift torch.

2015-07-05, 08:33 PM
Cyarra frowns softly, hefting her shield forward she gives the party a nod.

"Going first is what I do best. Also, I can do a bit of that light magic, being... what I am."

She lowers her hood, showing off her runes. "I can cast light. One of the few perks."

As she begins to lead forward, her dark vision kicks in.

"I'll let you know when something is, you know." her tone turns sarcastic as she continues to scan for threats. Of which, Cy was sure, there were many. "Eating me."

2015-07-05, 09:06 PM
As you move forward you notice that the cave opens up into two paths.as you move your characters on the map I will reveal what you see with your light sources. the first 20 feet is regular light and the farthest 20 feet is low light.

2015-07-07, 01:29 AM

Moving forward towards the eastern most pathway, Tasigur slinks his way slowly. Once he gets to the wall, he peers down the dark passageway straining to make out any movement in the darkness.

Sneaking forward to the position character is currently at on Roll20. Once there, look down the hallway with what little light is available while doing my best to not be seen.

Stealth Checks! - [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Ask for more rolls if needed, or just roll my stealth yourself! :)

2015-07-08, 02:07 AM
As you proceed forward you find 6 silver dragon scales strewn about the rubble. Each one is roughly the size of a human hand. Tasigur moves forward a bit more to have a look down the dark path.The hall that stretches into the darkness opens up into another room. A stone ledge juts out at a right angle on the south wall of this cavern, fourteen feet off the ground. The leather strap of a backpack hangs from the edge of the ledge, while above, a narrow fissure yawns up into the dark.

2015-07-08, 04:01 AM

Slowed to a stop, giving Aravashnial a squeeze on the arm and telling him to stay still a moment, please. He crouched and picked up one of the silver scales, turning it over in his hands. He felt a wave of grief, he had never seen such a magnificent creature, or one so terrible. A shame to see the dragon struck down.

He stood and took the Elven mans arm again, and looked down at the scale he had picked up..

"A scale from the mighty dragon...there are a few scattered about here. They might be all that remains of Terendelev..."

2015-07-08, 05:58 AM

Etherian also picks up a scale. "The creature that saved us no less. I only wish we have helped her as she did us."

2015-07-08, 10:15 PM
As you pick up the scale you are hit with an emotional rush of sadness, but it is immediately followed by a feeling of perseverance and resolute determination. While you hold it in your hand you can tell that it is something special. Trendelev has chosen you as her champions of good. This crusade will not go the way of the others. By simply coming in contact with the scale you know whats its properties are, and it is special indeed.

2015-07-13, 09:37 PM
Aravashnial speaks up. "What do you see? Is there a way out of here?"

Horgus per usual can't let Aravashnial speak without getting the last word in. "I don't know Aravashnial. There is a path out of here, but it's pretty dark in there. Probably some kind of conspiracy involving Grues. We'd better be careful." He bites his words off with an extremely sarcastic tone. Aravashnial's lips tighten but again he lets Horgus' attitude slide.

Anevia continues to hobble forward on her makeshift crutch. "Fortunately for us the fall didn't hurt your vocal chords, Horgus."

2015-07-13, 10:19 PM

Suppressing a small chuckle at how the conversation was progressing, he turned and made only a small comment.

"Potential Grue activity aside lets move on, shall we? Best if we keep quiet, our light will give us away easy enough as it is."

With the light spell he cast earlier on his falcata leading the way, he lead the party deeper into the caves.

2015-07-14, 05:07 AM

Etherian looks at a few of them. "What is a Grue?"

2015-07-14, 05:55 AM

"Nothing, just an old joke. A scary story to keep children from wandering into dark places."

2015-07-15, 02:15 AM
Horgus continues forward. "Alright then mister fighter. After you."

2015-07-15, 04:03 PM

Cyarra grunts at the 'Grue' commentary, glancing around in the dark.

"Our enemies should fear our light, yeah? I thought that's how it worked and all of that."

Despite the sarcasm, her weapons were at the ready, she moves side by side with Gydion, "How the hell did we end up so far down anyhow? This is bad luck at its worst."

2015-07-15, 09:47 PM
Gideon takes a closer look down the path to the left.

This smaller cavern appears to have once served as a campsite or temporary lair. A torn bedroll lies next to the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, broken equipment, and rubble lies just past the campsite.

You think you see some movement in what appears to be a trash pile.

2015-07-16, 01:43 AM

Straining his eyes against the engulfing darkness, Tasigur barely makes out the shape of a bag hanging from a ledge down the way hallway. Turning back towards the motley troupe of survivors, he notices the fallen dragon's scales scattered upon the floor. Tasigur is pulled towards a particular one, and once he touches it, a flood of knowledge hits him. Stuffing the scale into a chest pocket, Tasigur stands and moves towards the other hallway.

Once within speaking distance Tasigur informs the others of what he saw.

"Down that other hallway, I didn't see anything dangerous but I did notice a pack hanging from a ledge. It might contain something to help the injured with us or perhaps just food in case our treck through these caves take awhile. I feel it would be prudent to recover that pack, what are the thoughts of the group though?"

2015-07-16, 03:24 AM
Horgus is predictably quick to voice his thoughts on the subject. "I say we recover the pack! Anything it might contain could be useful. If you're lucky there will be a sword up there too that I can equip my self with."

2015-07-16, 11:32 AM
Revana picks up one of the scales and clutches it delicately in her hand. It was a beautiful object, just as magnificent as the dragon it had come from. A wave of sadness hits her when she recalls the dragon's death; would Terendelev have survived if she hadn't taken the time to slow their descent? More importantly, why had the dragon chosen them specifically to save?

Forcing the thoughts from her mind, she tucks the scale into her shirt. There was no time for those thoughts right now, and even if there was they would get nowhere by dwelling on them. All they could do now was escape these caverns and return to the surface.

She turns to Tasigur at the mention of the pack. "I agree, any supplies we can salvage would be a great help. Can you point me to where the pack was?"

2015-07-16, 10:17 PM
Room with the Pack

There do not appear to be any people or creatures in this area. A stone ledge juts out at a right angle on the south wall of this cavern, fourteen feet off the ground. The leather strap of a backpack hangs from the edge of the ledge, while above, a narrow fissure yawns up into the dark.

2015-07-16, 10:44 PM

Slowly backs up, hearing the commotion about the pack. He kept an eye on the trash pile as he moved back, trying not to disturb anything that might be lying there.

Backing up back to the party, going to use Stealth to see if I can like, not antagonize whatever is in the trash pile (if it is even a monster)


2015-07-19, 12:52 AM
Horgus Gwerm

"So what do you see Gideon? Apparently someone dropped their backpack in this tunnel over here."

2015-07-19, 03:10 AM

Was rather glad nothing had jumped out at him, given how poorly he had stayed quiet. He turned to Horgus and shrugged his shoulders.

"Just some remnants of a camp site..so it looks like these underground tunnels had things in them long before this travesty. I saw something move, but it didn't come out..I came back before I spooked it too much."

2015-07-19, 09:36 PM

Etherian ponders this for a moment. "Hard to imagine demons camping out down here."

2015-07-19, 09:49 PM

"Agreed, there were some bones there as well, and it looked very old...did anyone grab that pack yet?"

2015-07-20, 11:55 PM
Aravashnial continues to stay close to Gydion. "Indeed. Supplies could be quite useful. It would be shrewd to procure that pack first, then perhaps some of the more physically inclined among you could investigate the camp site. There might be something there we can use as well."

2015-07-23, 05:21 AM

Seeing as most of the other people in their ragtag group were encumbered by armor or the injured, Tasigur decided to go retrieve the pack that was hanging in the previous room. Moving towards the pack, he laid his musket and own pack against a wall to help him in scaling the cliff face that the pack was hanging from.

Tasigur moves to the previous room and starts to scale the cliff face towards the pack. I don't know how many skill checks you'll want for it, but I'll put 3 acrobatics checks here and if you need more, I can roll more in the OOC thread.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

2015-07-23, 05:56 PM
Cyarra grunts to herself, folding her arms. "Alright, lets get that pack sorted quick then... getting the hebe jeebies. I don't know, something feels off."

She made a face, then shrugged. "I guess that's every time your in a creepy setting though."

2015-07-23, 06:20 PM

Etherian looks at Cyarra oddly. "Feels off ... you mean like demons destroying Kenabres and killing Terendelev and sinking us in collapsed hole in the ground. I think that would give anyone the hebe jeebies."

2015-07-23, 06:27 PM
She frowns and waves her hand in a defensive sort of way. "Well, yeah. I know THAT. I don't mean that though. That's off in a straightforward, in your face kind of way."

Cy carefully pans the surroundings, frowning. "I mean... off. As in, something's just waiting for us to make a false move off."

She carefully grips her shield. "I don't know. I'm paranoid. Sorry."

2015-07-23, 06:31 PM

Etherian smiles in a friendly way. "Paranoia maybe what keeps us alive."

2015-07-24, 02:29 AM
The cliff is a sheer edge with a bit of an overhang at the top. It appears quite difficult to scale and Tasigur makes no progress.

2015-07-24, 02:31 AM

"Your instincts will serve you well. I think we should all remain on our guard."

2015-07-24, 05:16 AM

"Does anyone have a rope?"

2015-07-25, 04:07 AM

Furrowed his brow. He indeed had all of his traveling possessions on him...but he didn't have rope.

"Hmm. I don't...I bet someone does though."

2015-07-26, 09:33 PM

Etherian tosses his staff to Ravana and walks towards Gydion. "Ok, boost me then and I will grab it."

2015-07-26, 09:37 PM

Grinned to his half brother and nodded, walking over to the ledge and leaning down a bit. He cupped his hands together like a stirrup, Etherian being taller than he he figured they could get it done quick.

Strength check I guess, to get Etherian up to grab the pack.


2015-07-27, 03:51 AM
With a strong boost from his half brother Ehterian is able to grasp the strap of the backpack and pull it down. The backpack itself seems to be of high quality.The backpack itself is masterwork. It contains 15 days of trail rations, a flint and steel, a set of
caltrops, three flasks of oil, a bundle of 18 arrows, and three different potions.
OOC: Spellcraft is trained only and you have Detect Magic as a cantrip. You are the only member of the party with spellcraft. for the sake of keeping the game moving Im going to assume you automatically try to identify all magic items. Let me know if this is not the case.

[Spellcraft Success!] The potions are cure light wounds, lesser restoration, and enlarge person

2015-07-30, 02:43 AM

Looked in the backpack, rummaging around at the mundane items while Hask determines what the potions are. Shrugging his shoulders he tossed the backpack over his shoulders, noting how nicely it was made.

"Keep those Potions handy someone, we might need them. Let's go check out that camp site."

He turned and nodded to the group, taking Aravashnials arm and leading him along.

2015-07-30, 03:10 AM
Horgus steps forward. "Well lets check out this bloody camp of yours already. Just don't expect me to fight without a weapon!"

Aravashnial meekly replies "Horgus is right."

Anevia can hold her tongue no longer. "Does anyone have a weapon to lend to this fit blademaster? Or perhaps a holy symbol, that is if you can guess the correct diety. Maybe one of those potions can help our friend grow a backbone..."

Horgus is about to speak when Aravashnial cuts in with a tone sharp enough to shave with. "That's quite enough human! The last time you thought you knew what was best an elf lost a great deal more than his eyesight!"

Anevia fires back with a great deal of smarm. "You mean the world right? Because a human would like nothing more than to see the world not be devoured by demons. Or was there something EVEN MORE important that an elf is concerned with?" Horgus closes his mouth with a satisfied grin. As much as Aravashnial has sucked up to him he appears to enjoy seeing him taken down a peg.

Aravashnial grips Gideon's arm tighter and takes a deep breath. "Might we just get moving please." He says in a level tone.

2015-08-01, 01:58 AM

Listened to the argument, somewhat amused at first. When it became full three way battle he swallowed roughly, unsure if these three would be able to get along well enough to even get out to see the world again. As demon infested as their part of the world now would be.

He finally cleared his throat when Aravashnial spoke to him, giving a light nod.

"Absolutely. I would also appreciate it if you kept your squabbling to a minimum. I understand tensions are high but past grievances, while important need to take a back seat to getting everyone out of here in one piece. Now. Let's move on."

He had said his piece to the three of them for the moment, and didn't think for a second that the bickering would end there. Regardless, he lead them on to the camp.

2015-08-01, 07:34 AM

Etherian pulls out a dagger with his left hand and holds it towards Horgus, then flips the blade holding the hilt towards the man. "This is cold iron and as such will hurt demons. If you take it, be sure you are ready to use it.""

2015-08-01, 03:59 PM

Cyarra grinded her teeth,

"Thank you, Gydion. I'm in complete agreement that everyone needs to focus"

The Aasimar said with practically a hiss. She began to walk alongside Gyldion, muttering to him in a hushed tone.

"If they start bickering in mid battle I think I may join our enemies in stabbing them."

She frowned softly.

"Sarcasm, but you know what I mean."

2015-08-01, 11:06 PM
Horgus takes the dagger from Etherian. "Hmph. It would be better if it were a rapier, but it'll do for now. Thank you." He turns his body sideways, as if his round body were any thinner from his profile, and practices a few fencing moves pretending his dagger were some kind of foil. It actually appears as though he knows what he is doing.

Aravashnial lets go of Gydion's arm and conspicuously returns to his rigid upright posture. "I suggest we inspect that camp site."

2015-08-02, 08:51 PM

"It would be better if we were not in a hole in the ground under a city likely crawling with demons , but ..."

Etherian looks around the camp for clues of who was here and if they are still close.

Perception [roll0]

2015-08-04, 10:50 PM
This smaller cavern appears to have once served as a campsite or temporary lair. A torn bedroll lies next to the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, broken equipment, and rubble lies just past the campsite.

2015-08-04, 11:02 PM
Ravana cautiously approaches the campsite.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-08-04, 11:04 PM

Continued to lead Aravashnial, letting the man keep behind him a bit and to the side, as he approached the rubble to check it out.

Checking out the pile of stuff just beyond the camp site.


2015-08-06, 09:57 PM
Two giant bugs the size of small dogs emerge from the pile of trash. They move toward Gideon with hostile intent.

2015-08-06, 10:32 PM

Wasn't surprised to see more vermin infesting these tunnels, and moved to strike them down.

Stepping up into range to attack, double fisting the Falcata for this attack, swift action spent to activate Arcane Strike (+1 Damage this turn)




Bonus Damage

2015-08-06, 11:02 PM
Gydion strikes the first bug, splitting it in half and spilling its green ichor on the floor of the cave.

2015-08-07, 10:13 PM

Etherian moves forward and swings his staff at the second bug.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-08-08, 02:15 AM
the bug throws itself at Gideon but is unable to do him any harm.

2015-08-08, 03:52 AM

Backed off a bit as the bug continued towards him, evading it's clumsy attacks and bringing his falcata down with both hands again.

Another attack same as last time, double handing the falcata and swift action for +1 damage.




Bonus Damage

2015-08-08, 04:28 AM
Gydion splits the second bug in half easily. The camp site seems quiet. You notice some gear strewn about as if it were abandoned.a torn bedroll, three candle stubs (each can burn for 30 minutes), a bent fishhook, 10 feet of badly frayed hemp rope, and a copper brooch depicting a bat perched on a mushroom—both of the bat’s eyes are tiny amethysts.

2015-08-08, 01:14 PM
Gydion splits the second bug in half easily. The camp site seems quiet. You notice some gear strewn about as if it were abandoned.a torn bedroll, three candle stubs (each can burn for 30 minutes), a bent fishhook, 10 feet of badly frayed hemp rope, and a copper brooch depicting a bat perched on a mushroom—both of the bat’s eyes are tiny amethysts.

Cyarra, her shield and spear ready, chuckles softly and sighs as the bugs are handled in quick order. Shrugging, she holsters her weaponry.

"You people are making me look bad. I'm tough, not fast."

She sighs and shakes her head, "A work in progress though."

Crouching, she checks the campsite. Not specifically for loot, but evidence that people were here recently.

2015-08-08, 09:24 PM

Found the gear to be somewhat lacking, passing the things off to whoever wanted to keep track of them.

"I'm sure there will be something more challenging that these big bugs up ahead, so I'm sure you'll get plenty of chances to show how tough you are! Let's press on, shall we?"

2015-08-09, 09:03 PM
Horgus moves closer to Gydion. "Onward and upward! I say we move ahead through this cave."

2015-08-12, 01:35 PM

Shook his head so fly then thought better of it and nodded to Horgus.

"Agreed. Stay with me everyone. Lets get out out of here."

With that he lead the party onward.

2015-08-13, 12:15 AM
Several mounds of rock lie in heaps in this cavern, recently fallen from the walls and ceiling. Now and then, bits of dust settle from cracks in the stone above.

2015-08-13, 05:53 AM

"That looks ominous. I suggest we stay away from the piles of rocks."

2015-08-13, 07:45 AM

Takes a quick look at those piles of rock (from a distance) and then nodded to his half brother.

"Agreed. Too many potential ambush sites. Let's be cautious and get through here quickly."

Kept to the front, unless anyone wanted to search as they went. Trying to lead them through without disturbing anything.

2015-08-15, 12:54 AM
Continuing on you find yourselves traveling for more than twenty minutes before the path forks again. To the north, a 5-foot wide opening in the wall leads into a cave filled with soft but nasty-looking green light—the tunnel itself continues south.

2015-08-15, 07:05 AM

Etherian is wary of this new green light. "I wonder where that light comes from." Be begins to look around carefully.

Perception [roll0]

2015-08-15, 08:22 PM

Slowly stopped Aravashnial, watching as Etherian checked out the green lit entrance. He turned and addressed Aravashnial.

"there seems to be a strange green light coming from a passage to the north. We're going to investigate it. If it's dangerous we had best take care of it now. No sense letting something come at us from behind. Anything you know of that makes green light though? Before we venture in and all."

2015-08-15, 08:41 PM

Green light? Hmm, Green light...

"That's... no, I have no idea."

Cy frowns, stepping up besides Gydion.

"If its evil, hopefully we can stab it, yeah? That would usually be a smart."

She smirks just a bit. But also looks a bit uneasy.

2015-08-15, 10:59 PM
Aravashnial ponders for a moment. "There are many things that make green light. It might be anything from an ordinary light source to a demon with glowing eyes. Investigating is probably a good idea, but please tread carefully."

2015-08-18, 08:35 AM

Listened to Aravashnials council, and gave light laugh to the snarky comment from Cyarra.

"Well. It's worked for us so far. Hopefully it'll keep working till we're out of here."

He made sure everyone was ready then moved forward, keeping Etherian and Cyarra close as they investigated the small eerily lit cave.

2015-08-20, 01:19 AM
A single sizable 20-foot-tall building remains in the center of this 30-foot-high cave, a bunkerlike structure with no windows and walls of worked stone blocks. A 10-foot-long carving of a hammer decorates the building’s facade. The ruins of collapsed outbuildings stand to either side. There are several sconces lining the walls burning with a motionless green flame. A particularly large houselfly crawls around on the side of the structure.

2015-08-20, 05:45 AM

Etherian looks at the building in disbelief. "That fell from the surface and remained intact?"

How large is this housefly? perception [roll0]

2015-08-20, 10:56 PM
Cyarra looks stunned at this turn of events.. Gently placing her hand on Etherian's shoulder, she frowns.

"This is more than I expected. How much of the city caved in? How many died from all of this?"

She frowns deeply. Looking upon the green flames now.

Cy's looking over the green flames as best she can. Are they motionless motionless? Or simply lack the wind to flicker and fawn?

2015-08-20, 11:10 PM

Took a long look at the place, describing it to Aravashnial at length. The large hammer facade especially. Once he had done so he let go of the mans am and reaied his falcata.

"Well let us see what this place has in store eh?"

With that he started forward, entering slowly once he found an opening, if there are any.

2015-08-21, 01:14 AM
Aravashnial takes in the information. "Sounds like the holy symbol of Torag." No sooner than he finishes his sentence the giant fly flickers its wings then dashes toward the party.


Fly: 15
Gydion: 17
Ravana: 4
Tasigur: 9
Cyarra: 15
Etherian: 16

No Surprise Round

Round 0:

Round 1:

At the start of combat the fly is charging you from where it is on the wall. You are close enough to make a move action and attack, or charge (though the first to charge will block the charge lane for anyone else.) he is low enough to hit but high enough to gain the +1 to AC and attack for having high ground.

2015-08-21, 08:39 AM

Gripped his Falcata tight and rushes forward to hack at the insect.

rushing forward, but not charging. Leaving a charge lane for Cyarra.



2015-08-21, 07:43 PM

She turns around, immediately aware of the bug now. Wow, that thing was BIGGER than she thought it was.

"What's with all the damned bugs.."

Brandishing her spear and heavy shield, she charges the Beast! All bugs must die!!

Lets see if we can skewer some bug.
Charge Attack!: [roll0]
Damage if Hits!: [roll1]

No Whammy's, No Whammy's, No Whammy's...

2015-08-21, 09:37 PM

"I take it mamma is pissed." Etherian gestures and speaks in Abyssal.

Casts ghost sound behind the fly, trying to make is sound like a giant spider.

2015-08-22, 03:26 AM
Unphased by what has happened so far the fly lands next to Gydion and attacks with its hideous mandibles. Gydion manages to spin away and avoid the attack.Everyone can go in any order before the fly goes again.

2015-08-22, 04:07 PM

Turns back to the bug and slashes down at it, wanting to end this quickly in case any more bugs lurked about.

Same as last round, attacking, wielding with both hands.



2015-08-23, 02:39 AM
...And end it quickly he does. As Cyarra charges and impales the giant fly with her spear, the fly turns its attention to her. Gydion's falcata falls like a guillotine removing the bug's head in one clean swipe.

2015-08-23, 02:43 AM
As the rest of the team files in to the cramped cave you see an entrance to the temple on the left side.

2015-08-23, 07:11 AM

Pulled out a bit of cloth from his pocket and wiped his blade clean of fly fluids and the like. He peered into the opening of the small temple and then took a few steps inside, looking about.

"Weird place to find down here..."

Going to go into the Temple entrance ten feet and hit up a perception, looking around and listening and such.


2015-08-23, 07:38 AM

"It is indeed brother, but fell magics were employed."

2015-08-24, 02:10 AM
A stone bench lines the southern wall of this chamber. At the far side of the room, a basin of water sits atop a stone pedestal. A stone door engraved with an image of a hammer stands to the north.

The room is 5' x 10' and there is another door next to the basin of water. Anevia takes a seat on the bench as her eyes well up with unshed tears. "My leg is acting up a bit, perhaps I should rest for just a moment."

Horgus stands outside the room with his hands on his hips. "I think its pretty clear that this one is slowing us down. Perhaps it would be best to split up and allow those of us who are more able bodied to take the lead."

Anevia immediately snaps at Horgus. "I can't say I'm surprised that someone unwilling to acknowledge even their own faith wouldn't be moved at the sight of a temple to a noble god! If you ask me anyone who denies their faith is no better than a demon worshiper!"

Horgus seems shocked for a moment but recovers quickly. "Hah! Imagine, a legitimate businessman who has done nothing but help with the crusade being chided by a common thief!"

2015-08-24, 09:06 PM

Etherian looks cross. "Children please. Lets all play nice and we are leaving together or not at all."

2015-08-24, 10:02 PM

Took a deep breath and turned to the arguing pair, knowing that they needed something more than chiding, they had gotten plenty of it from Gydion, Cyarra, Etherian and the rest before. Perhaps he could try and smooth things out.

"I don't presume to know what's transpired between the two of you before now, but I am sure of a few things. We're going to do this together. Questioning each others faith and convictions will get us nowhere, and we don't need to cause more strife. Neither do we need anyone making accusations of mischief, regardless of the circumstances, please. We can safely work out our differences once we're top side...and I'm sure the Crusade is greatly appreciative of Mr. Gwerms monetary contributions..and it isn't for any of us to decide who is guilty of what...this isn't a court."

Taking another deep breath Gydion turned and swept his arms to the sides.

"Now. If we haven't already alerted the horde of demons that are surely awaiting in this temple, shall we do so?"

2015-08-26, 02:43 AM
Horgus huffs and puffs then storms away to sit down outside. Anevia sits quietly and looks extremely angry. The door leading further into the temple is closed and you don't hear any sound coming from within.

2015-08-26, 10:02 PM
Cyarra focuses on the door, "If we're done with the back and forthing... it would be my pleasure, friend Gydion, to inform the demons we've..."

She pushes the doors open as hard as she could! SLAM! Wake up everyone!


Her spear and shield are out, ready to take on anyone looking to cause this day to get any worse.

Cy opens those doors like a bat out of hell! Her weapons are brandished and she's ready to fight anything that so much as looks at her the wrong way.

2015-08-26, 10:06 PM

Etherian takes a deep breath and changes his tone to one without sarcasm. "I am sorry. This whole situation is very stressful and bringing out things that are not the best in us. We need everyone to work together to get through this. We can't leave anyone behind and I won't leave anyone behind. None of is perfect, certainly not me. I was tainted by demonic magics and have to fight the darkness every day.
So lets all work together as best we can. Yes?"

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-08-29, 12:11 AM
Anevia hangs her head in silence appearing slightly ashamed of herself. "Yes you are right. We need to work together if we are going to get out of this alive."

Horgus folds his arms. "Don't worry about me causing any problems. As long as you get me home safely I intend to keep my word on the reward I promised."


Cyarra opens the door revealing the rest of the temple. Broken stone benches line this narrow room. The air is cold and stale, and thick layers of dust cover the floor, benches, and a large altar at the far end of the room. A hooded figure sits on a bench with its back to the party. By its proportions it appears to be a dwarf and is covered in an equally thick layer of dust. As the door slams open it leaps to its feet and turns around with a loud shriek.

2015-08-29, 12:27 AM
As the creature turns to face you it indeed appears to be a dwarf, although lacking of a beard, weapons, armor, or even skin. It rushes toward Cyarra and swipes at her with a bony claw of a hand. It catches her in the face and slices deep. Take 9 damage.
[Fortitude Success!] The filth on his decomposing hands infects your wounds but is no match for your immune system.

2015-08-29, 11:42 PM

Waits until Cyarra returns a blow to the creature and then steps in front of her to bring his falcata to bear. Hopefully their combined efforts would bring the thing down!

Swapping places with Cyarra after she attacks and making a single attack using two hands. Swift action to spend 1 Arcane pool to augment my Falcata, making it +1 enhancement bonus for 1 minute.



2015-08-30, 12:11 AM
Gydion's attack slices the undead dwarf deeply causing it to shriek again.Ravana and Etherian are left, but neither can get into melee range. If Etherian would like to take a different action that is acceptable. Ill update the action tomorrow whatever you decide to do.

2015-08-31, 12:37 AM
There are in all living things certain reactions that are completely instinctive. They bypass the conscious brain entirely and go straight to the muscles. Which is to say that when someone starts screaming you wake up. Even if you are covered in a heavy layer of broken stones. Instinct is not enough to get Izzy sprinting. That requires recognizing that one of the voices was Cy's.

Only to find a group of people and a wall and a very crowded corridor. This was not exactly the heroic rescue Izzy was imagining.

So uhm what exactly is going on here?

2015-08-31, 09:51 AM
The creature lashes out at Gydion with a flurry of claw attacks. One manages to tear into his shoulder. The wound stings with filth and grave dust.Take 5 damage.
[Fortitude Fail!] In time your wound is likely to become badly infected.

Your head is just starting to clear as you stagger down a long tunnel. You see a pale green light up ahead and hear Cyarra's cry of pain coming from that direction. This fully snaps you out of your haze. (A double move will get you inside the cave with the Temple of Torag)

Gydion is based to the creature in the doorway, with Cyarra behind him.

2015-08-31, 05:34 PM

Felt the claw tear into him and let out a grunt of pain, his eyes flashing with anger and his falcata coming down in a vicious chop.

"No one makes me bleed my own blood. NO ONE!"

Swift action to activate Arcane Strike for +1 damage. Round 2/10 weapon is +1.




Bonus Damage!

2015-08-31, 06:43 PM
Gydions second attack cleaves through the creature. It lets out one last shriek and falls to the ground, forever silenced. The rest of the temple appears to be devoid of other dangers. The undead dwarf has a belt pouch containing 2 potions which have the telltale color and smell of cure light wounds potions. On the bench previously occupied by the Dwarf lies a dusty warhammer of masterwork quality. One of the dwarf's bony fingers has a heavy gold ring that appears to be worth money as well.

[Knowledge Success!]This is a temple of Torag and the undead dwarf that lies in a heap at Gydions feet was a priest of Torag. He is now a Huecuva, an undead that results in the death of a faithless or heretical cleric. Whatever caused this cleric to die and become such an abomination seems to have left the temple desecrated. You feel like several hours of cleaning and praying will remove the taint.

2015-08-31, 07:08 PM
Cy's face immediately perks up upon hearing the voice. "Izzy? Izzy! I'm here! We're coming for..."

CH-KUNK! Way to let your guard down champ! Cy gets THUMPED. The otherwise giant shield totally unprepared upon hearing Izabetta's voice.


Cy stumbles backwards, stumbling back and letting the others take a few shots at the thing.

"I'm... I'm here! Bleeding, but here!"

She shakes off the blow, the blood just cascades from her face. Nothing was going to get in the way of her reunion though! It just may take a few moments longer.

"Anyone got... any healing?" She hisses. "That... that was actually pretty bad."

Cy will step back and hold action for the moment, that's a pretty nasty cut across her face...

2015-08-31, 09:09 PM
I can heal you if I can get closer or . . . Is anyone else injured?

If anyone else says they need help Izzy will channel for 1d6. If nobody speaks up fast enough she'll head for Cy and convert than SM1 to a CLW instead.

2015-09-01, 12:10 AM

Blinks at hearing a new voice, holding his festering wound. He looked back at the new arrival and nodded.

"No idea who you might be stranger, but from the dust and bits of rubble about you I'd imagine you were nearby us when things went bad? Thank you for the offer of aid...we seem to have a couple of people wounded here, including myself."

2015-09-01, 06:46 PM

Etherian steps out of the way and watches the stranger trying to ensure they are not a danger.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2015-09-02, 04:02 AM
Among the rubble and debris still stuck to Izabetta's clothing there is a silver dragon scale the size of a human hand.

2015-09-02, 08:03 PM

Etherian shakes his head. "I am whole in body, but thank you."

2015-09-03, 12:37 AM

Blinks at hearing a new voice, holding his festering wound. He looked back at the new arrival and nodded.

"No idea who you might be stranger, but from the dust and bits of rubble about you I'd imagine you were nearby us when things went bad? Thank you for the offer of aid...we seem to have a couple of people wounded here, including myself."

Oh right, sorry I should probably introduce myself. It's just been uhm rather busy."

The tiny woman casts a glance at the corpse on the floor of the temple.

My name is Izabetta Meresis and I'm Cyarra's girlfriend. Also a priestess of Desna.

Izzy moves over to Cy and then Gideon to get a better look at their wounds.

Sorry love but I don't have a kit with me so this is all going to have to be magical and nothing to help with the pain.

The priestess grabs the icon from around her neck. Izzy draws in power raw and unformed from some source that she has never been able to truly comprehend, shoves the thread of energy through the necklace and releases it in a burst that always feels somewhat strangely like a sneeze in her mind. She's never been too good at this trick; there are other acolytes that are better than her let alone the full priests but she prays that it will be enough.

After she checks again on the wounded to make sure they're no longer dripping blood or other fluids everywhere she checks again on the body.

That thing is a Huecuva. Well was a Huecuva. Either way the temple's been desecrated and needs to be fixed eventually. I'm not sure we have the time for it right now though or for that matter that I'm the right person for this. The Toragian's might prefer for one of their own to do this. And I'm not sure what exactly to do with the body of a fallen priest. Even if he was undead, he was a sentient once . . .

Still doesn't mean that she can't at least do something for the poor soul.

May the gods stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk. May Pharasma light your way till you find the peace of the grave.

Izzy closes the eyes of the creature and lays her cloak over it to at least cover the body with an impromptu shroud.

Channel to heal: [roll0]

Summon Monster 1
Expeditious Retreat (Domain)
Comprehend Languages (Domain

Channel 3/4

Bit of Luck 7/7

Door Sight 7/7

2015-09-04, 09:55 PM

Took this new information in stride, the appearance of one of Terendelevs scales enough to sway his mind. Beside the fact that this new comer was the personal acquaintance of one already in their little group.

As he felt the healing magic wash over him he took a look at his wound, still worried of the infection, but feeling a little better.

"Thank you Izabetta. Cyarra has been a stalwart companion, I'm pleased to meet someone so close to her. As for the temple itself, your words sway me...what would we have to do to remove the taint from this place? I know we have little time but there is always time to do the right thing is there not?"

2015-09-05, 01:09 AM
I can cleanse it but it would take hours of prayer and meditation. Meanwhile there might be other people who also fell down here who could use our aid . . . Not to mention other creatures that would disturb us.

Seeing that people are still wounded Izzy channels again

Channel [roll0]

Summon Monster 1
Expeditious Retreat (Domain)
Comprehend Languages (Domain

Channel 2/4

Bit of Luck 7/7

Door Sight 7/7

2015-09-05, 03:24 AM

"Sadly brother, there is often no time to do the right thing, not to mention the ability. I imagine much of the city is tainted and many people are in grave danger, including us, lets keep moving."

2015-09-05, 04:23 AM
Aravashnial, while doing his best to downplay it, is clearly affected by the channeling of positive energy. "I'v always had an appreciation for The Goddess of the North Star."This elf has a ghastly burn across his face which has seared his eyes and clearly struck him blind. He has the air of a seasoned adventurer about him.

Horgus addressees the newcomer indifferently. "Greetings madam. You seem to be a useful addition to our motley crew so I will include you in the offer to which I have extended to everyone else. If you can deliver me safely to my home I will provide you one thousand gold to split as you see fit."Horgus Gwerm is a short stout man wearing clothes befitting a nobleman. His attitude is quite crass and everyone seems a bit off-put by him.

A lady with a splint on her leg and a makeshift crutch sits on a nearby rock leaning against a cave wall. She perks up a bit as she hears that Cyarra and Izabetta are lovers. "It's a pleasure to meet you Izabetta. I am Anevia Tyrabade. Your help will be most appreciated and I have the utmost confidence that we will not just make it out of this mess but thrive if we work together."

2015-09-05, 10:27 PM

Cyarra closes her eyes as the healing hits her. Absently, the Aasimar prods her tongue around the side of her cheek, it felt... good knowing that hole was gone. She wiped the blood off her face and smiles.

"Always to my rescue, love."

She embraces Izzy, gently at first, but then it turns into an all-out squeeze!

"Desna's graces, I thought you were dead. I was worried!"

She looks to Anevia and smiles, nodding at them. "She's the best there is, you'll see."

She looks back to Izzy, then to the group, "Sadly though, I agree with Etherian. Doing a multi-hour long ritual probably isn't the best idea considering how awful this situation is. We should take note, come back when things are less insane."

She gives a nod to Etherian, appreciating his regard to the big priorities of the moment.

2015-09-07, 04:21 AM
Anevia speaks up. "While I would welcome the chance to rest for a few hours I know that my wounds will not not receive proper attention until we reach the surface. I mean no offence Izabetta, its just that I once saw a priest of Iomedae restore a man's leg from nothing but a bloody stump."

Aravashnial appears invigorated by the reminder of the clergymen's power. "Indeed. there is hope for us all. Not only are the priests able to heal us but there are members of my... association... who's power put mine to shame."

Horgus seems to have returned to his bitter state. Perhaps not being the center of attention for several minutes has taken its toll. "Yes, yes. It must be just grand to have been handed magic powers on a silver platter. The rest of us had to earn what we have, including the silver platters themselves."

2015-09-07, 05:14 AM

Found himself far out matched in opinion, and of course took their reasons at face value. They were right. He cleaned his falcata and flexed his shoulder, feeling much better but still had that lingering sickening feeling that he might still be a tad sick from the undead things foul grasp. He'd find out soon enough.

"While it will pain me a bit to leave this noble temple in this state, you're all correct in your points. It is a dangerous place to dally in. I agree with the course of caution, and we should probably move on in that case."

2015-09-08, 01:25 AM
With any luck we can come back later and take care of the issue when things aren't quite so dire. Now does anyone know which direction is out? Or at the very least which direction we know isn't out?

2015-09-08, 09:02 PM

"I am pretty sure up is out, beyond that, no we don't know."

2015-09-09, 09:32 PM
The winding path continues for nearly 40 minutes before it opens up into a large cave.

Stone figures are carved into the walls of this cavern. Each depicts a different crusader clad in armor and wielding weapons, but their carved stone features contain expressions of sadness.

2015-09-10, 11:40 PM

Kept to the front of the group with Cyarra, though a step behind her since he still lead Aravashnial. When they finally came into the larger room he was at once wary of such a large opening, but at the same time marveling at the statues. He immediately began to describe the room to Aravashnial, asking him what this might be, what sort of place this was before the destruction.

"There are so many statues, was this some sort of great worship hall or feasting hall of some order of old heroes?"

2015-09-11, 12:19 AM
"There are so many statues, was this some sort of great worship hall or feasting hall of some order of old heroes?"

I dunno people don't put such sad looking statues in feasting halls often. Or at least I don't think so. Maybe its some kind memorial?

Izzy keeps to the back of the group and ties to listen to hear if there's anything else moving around here.

2015-09-11, 12:20 AM
As you enter the room you are caught by surprise as a pair of strange black objects fall from the ceiling on to Gydion and Cyarra. It becomes immediately apparent that they are living creatures with an appearance similar to an octopus with a fleshy web connecting its tentacles. They land on and attempt to envelop their intended prey.

Surprise RoundTake 3 damage. You are grappled.Take 3 damage. You are grappled.

Round 1
The creatures latch on tight to Cyarra and Gydion. They suck and squeeze for all they are worth.You fend off its attempt to constrict you.Take 5 damage as it attempts to squeeze the life out of you.

2015-09-11, 12:56 AM

Has his conversation with Aravashnial rudely interrupted by some sort of face hugging cavern dwelling octopus monster. How droll. The first order of business of course getting free of the damned thing.

Grapple to try and get free.


2015-09-11, 06:13 PM

Seeing the creatures fall on two of his companions Etherian, shifts his position, chants in abyssal and gestures and mesmerizing patterns of light surround the two creatures.

Casts color spray to catch both creatures. DC = 16.

2015-09-12, 12:26 AM
Izzy barely spares a look at the statues before rushing to Cyarra's side and feels around for the threads of fate pulling them into a better position.

Knowledge History: [roll0]

Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]

Knowledge Dungeoneering [roll2]

Move to next to Cy and use bit of luck on her. That will let her roll twice on one d20 roll on her turn

Summon Monster 1
Expeditious Retreat (Domain)
Comprehend Languages (Domain

Channel 2/4

Bit of Luck 6/7

Door Sight 7/7

2015-09-12, 02:22 PM
Gydion manages to untangle himself from the strange creature which then proceeds to float in mid air just above his head.

I will wait for Cy to post before updating the thread. I should be home from work around midnight or so.

2015-09-12, 04:19 PM

This was not a good day for Cyarra. What's usually a day in the heroic-walking park has just been bad luck after bad luck for her. Bad luck usually means dead adventurers and commoners alike.

She needed to get this thing off of her.

"I swear if you don't get off of me RIGHT NOW."

Lets see if my game luck continues to be just as bad as my RL luck.
Considering the circumstances I'll use the luck.

Cyarra Maewood
Female archon-blooded aasimar (lawbringers) fighter (phalanx soldier) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 105, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 84)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3) (currently 4)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Combat Stamina, Dodge, Power Attack
Traits bastard, exposed to awfulness
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Climb +2, Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +7, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ dodge
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, shortspear, 79 gp

2015-09-12, 11:17 PM
Cyarra also manages to peel the monster off of her. As soon as this happens, Etherian fills the area with bright multicolored light. Gydion, Cyarra and both of the creatures all fall to the ground and lay there motionless.

The mosters spend the round being unconscious, blind and stunned, as do Gydion and Cyarra. They will all be in this state for many rounds so Etherian and Izabetta may resolve their next few rounds of actions in a single post.

2015-09-13, 07:00 AM

Etherian tilts his head slightly to the left and then administers a coup de grace to the two creatures. "They'll be just fine."

Damage 1 [roll0]
Damage 2 [roll1]

2015-09-13, 08:24 AM

The Angry Aasimar Amazon ((Or as we like to call it back home, the AAA)) manages to pry the... the THING off of her face. Spear raised high, she was absolutely ready to skewer it!

"That's IT! I've had it up to HERE with-...?"

A flash of colors, just enough time for Cy to turn towards it and really, really wonder what circumstances lead her to this point in her life. She wondered if her life choices were the right ones, if her decisions were well made, if-

Times up!


Motionless on the ground.

2015-09-14, 01:28 AM
Izzy draws her dagger and readies to strike the unconscious creatures.

I don't think most magical beasts are sentient, but how exactly would I know. Its not like I can wake them up and ask them, I mean for starters I don't even know their language . . . Although they did attack us first and its not like they tried to parley . . .

Before she can finish debating the issue however the sorcerer has already struck rendering that question moot and bringing up another one. Did he know those things were nonsentient or was he just willing to kill a helpless being? She's not sure she wants the answer to that at least not right now. Now's the time to tend to the wounded.

Heal check to see how bad people are: [roll0]

2015-09-14, 02:46 AM
The creatures are crushed to a pulp under the rocks Etherian drops on them. Izabetta reflects ruefully upon how the creatures had to meet their end, but to the best of her recollection they are predators of animal intelligence who would have stopped at nothing to slay every person here.

She can not quite recall who these statues are supposed to depict. Their armor in particular is distinct and marks them as carvings of actual people rather than fictional characters or random works of art. If only she could remember where she has seen that armor before.

Once they are sure it is safe, Horgus, Anevia, and Aravashnial join the others in the large cave.

2015-09-14, 03:22 AM

Felt as if he had been subjected to a little too much Laser Zeppelin at the Planetarium. Unfortunately he didn't know what that was, so he had little reference for the shooting stabbing pain that had wracked his brain after an optical overload. He sat up groggily and rubbed his head, looking at the rock smashed darkmantles and shaking his head.

"I see...that you took care of things while I had my nap. Good."

Standing up shakily he looked to Cyarra, seeing she was injured he figured a fading headache was better than being crushed to death by that strange creature.

Once he had his faculties back about him he examined the statuary again, describing them in turn to Aravashnial.

2015-09-14, 05:35 PM
Aravashnial ponders for a moment. "Interesting. It sounds like these are the heroes of the first crusade. Perhaps the stories are true. You see during the first crusade many soldiers were infected with Abyssal energies. Their children were born with strange deformities so they moved underground to raise them in peace. It is said that their descendants lived on and created their own subterranean civilization and that many generations later they still live and thrive down here. The stories are widely dismissed, but these statues certainly lend credence to them. Perhaps they were carved by their original descendants."

2015-09-18, 03:58 AM
ahead there is a narrow entrance leading to another section of the cave.

2015-09-18, 11:50 PM

"That thing you did, Etherian. That was quite impressive, if on the opportunistic side. I would have done the same thing though, and so would my wife and she is my moral compass... Wait! did anyone else see that? That entrance over there, that flicker of light... There is a camp fire on the other side. I know it."


"It must be nice to be settled down with a wife you love. You'll have to tell me what that's like some time." Anevia clams up and looks away with a look of shame on her face.

2015-09-19, 12:15 AM

Looked between Aravashnial and Anevia for a moment...obviously these two, and even Horgus as well had some interesting connections to one another. Strange to be embroiled in such drama while venturing through such a dangerous place. Gydion decided no more needed to be said on the matter and quickly stepped between them.

"Come on. If there's light ahead it might be other survivors...or who knows what. Either way it's the way we're going."

taking Aravashnials arm, and making sure Anevia was up and about, he lead the party deeper into the caverns, down the hallway towards the flickering light.

2015-09-19, 06:56 AM

Etherian nods at Anevia. "I do my best to fight the darkness, inside and out."

2015-09-19, 11:14 PM
Gydion can see the light of a campfire clearly refracting off of the walls of the cave. so far no one has a clear view into the next area from where they are standing.

2015-09-21, 05:51 PM

Seeing the flickering of what can only be a campfire he turned and signaled to the party to stop for a moment before speaking softly to them.

"Looks like it's definitely a camp fire. Let's go in ready."

He took a deep breath and lead the party forward, making sure he and Cyarra went first this time, handing Aravashnial off to Izzy for the moment.

2015-09-22, 04:01 AM
A dwarf with a shaggy red beard stands near the fire.

"You will DIIIIIIIIIIIE, interlopers!" He begins to cast a spell.

2015-09-22, 06:17 AM

Conjures up a small ball of acid into his hand as he stepped into the cave with the crazed dwarf.

"Everyone down here is so friendly."

He pitched the acid at the dwarf, hoping it would be enough to disrupt his spell casting.

Moved into the room and out of the way so Cyarra can get in easily. Acid splash at the dwarf after moving.

Ranged Touch

Acid damage

2015-09-22, 08:23 PM

Etherian speaks some words and gestures and the head of his staff glows with a blue light. "Lets stop this fight before we reach a point of no return. We do not wish violence."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-09-23, 10:09 PM
The dwarf casts a spell on himself which causes him to appear blurry. he backs up and prepares to cast another spell as he shrieks and cackles like a madman.

He is done. everyone may go in any order they wish.

2015-09-23, 10:55 PM
Cyarra looks at the crazed dwarf bleakly. "It would appear that he has... little interest to listen to what they have to say."

"While I think we all appreciate the sentiment, Etherian, going to put this guy down before he does even worse."

Though blurred, Cyarra charges towards the dwarf to attempt a hit at it! If anything she could draw attention to herself, keep this guy away from harming the others..

Cy is going to try to skewer it with her spear!
+2 to attack roll due to charge
I'm also spending 2 stamina to get a +2 competence bonus to my attack roll. This leaves me with 1 stamina left until I can do a short rest.
Charge Attack: [roll0]

Cyarra Maewood
Female archon-blooded aasimar (lawbringers) fighter (phalanx soldier) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 105, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
LG Medium outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 shield)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee shortspear +5 (1d6+4)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +1)
. . 1/day—continual flame
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 18
Feats Combat Stamina, Dodge, Power Attack
Traits bastard, exposed to awfulness
Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Climb +2, Intimidate +2, Sense Motive +7, Survival +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate, +2 Sense Motive
Languages Celestial, Common
SQ dodge
Other Gear scale mail, heavy steel shield, shortspear, 79 gp
Special Abilities
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Dodge [Combat Trick] Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Exposed to Awfulness (1/day) Vs Death/Incapacitation by demon: Reroll saving throw as free action, keep 2nd result.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.

2015-09-23, 11:36 PM

"I think Cyarra is right...he doesn't seem like he'd enjoy a nice chat."

Gydion clutches his falcata tight in both hands and charges forward at the cackling dwarf.

Charging into position next to Cyarra, swift action to activate Arcane Strike for +1 damage this round.



Blur! (Low is good)

Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-09-28, 08:54 PM

Etherian moves forward, wielding his staff like a magic weapon, shouting, "Then he dies now!"

Bluff [roll0] to make it seem he is bringing great power to bear.

2015-09-28, 10:41 PM
The dwarf takes a step back as he cackles and threatens the party. "Then we all die! Ha ha ha ha ha!" He proceeds to cast a spell at Gydion and Cyarra, producing the same burst of light as Etherian created just minutes ago. Cyarra falls unconscious, but Gydion manages to keep his composure.

Unconscious for 4 rounds.

Back to the party. You may take your turns in any order.

2015-09-28, 10:54 PM

Got his eyes closed in time, and hoped to the gods that such bright flashes weren't doing permanent damage to his eyes as he clutched his falcata and stepped up to chop at the annoying spell caster.

"Just shut up with the cryptic stuff and the cackling geez..."

Five foot step up to him, swift action to activate Arcane Strike and make one two handed attack.



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-10-04, 12:29 AM
The crazed dwarf crowhops back again and pulls out a crossbow, firing it at Gydion. "Feel my sting!" He is too hasty in making his attack and shoots wide.

everyone may go in any order now. 3 rounds left of Cy's unconsciousness.

2015-10-04, 02:37 AM

Continues to follow the dwarf, hacking at him with his falcata.

Step up to him and make the same attack as last round.



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-10-04, 06:22 AM

Etherian Moves towards the dwarf and casts a spell and a weird screach comes from caves to the NE.

Cast ghost sounds.

2015-10-05, 03:37 PM
The dwarf's head snaps to the direction of the strange sound then back to Gydion. He steps back and draws a dagger. The dagger flys from his hand and swipes at Gydion, but to no avail. It quickly returns to his hand as he grumbles in frustration.

2 rounds left of unconsciousness

everyone may go in any order.

2015-10-05, 07:36 PM

Shook his head in frustration. Why was this spell caster so damned hard to hit! He gripped his falcata tighter and swung it again with as much might as he could muster.

Let's try this again shall we?



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-10-05, 07:49 PM
The dwarf shrieks as Gydion's falcata slices his flesh. "You filthy creature! I will destroy you!" He hops back and casts a spell. Two purple orbs arc out from his hand and converge on Gydion slamming into him with great force.


2015-10-05, 07:52 PM

Felt the thudding power of those magical missiles slam into him, sure to raise deep nasty bruises where they impacted him.

"OK, I've had about enough of that!"

Keep it going, stepping up and swinging for the fences.



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-10-05, 08:27 PM
Gydion's second hit seems to have put the dwarf in a dangerously injured state. "AAAAAAAARGH! You haven't seen the last of me!" He hops back, procures a potion and drinks it, immediately turning invisible.

2015-10-05, 09:39 PM

Growled in rage and hopped forward, slashing his falcata at the air where the dwarf had been.


Swiping at the air where he was, hoping he didn't get to move from that spot.



Possible Crit?

Bonus Damage!

2015-10-19, 03:40 PM
After a minute passes you do not see or hear the dwarf. Cyarra is back on her feet, and her vision comes back to her.

2015-10-19, 10:13 PM
Cyarra slowly opens her eyes, groaning softly to herself. She makes no attempt to get up, looking into the sky in a frustrated, weary sort of regard.

"Its been one of those days. Did we win?"

2015-10-21, 09:05 PM
The rest of the party piles into the cave with Horgus in the lead. "What happened? Is it over?"

2015-10-21, 09:41 PM

Thought about just telling them that it was indeed over, but thought better of it at the last moment.

"For the moment at least. The attacker was a crazed dwarf who cast spells at us. He rendered himself invisible and fled, to the best of our knowledge. Keep on your guard, he could be back."

2015-10-22, 09:05 PM
Horgus seems slightly worried but doesn't allow himself to lose his calm. "Alright then, lets keep moving. Upward means closer to the surface." The path indeed seems to move upwards with metal rungs pounded into the side of the wall, leading to a small ledge with an opening into another dark tunnel.