View Full Version : Roleplaying Improving Workforce Conditions for Commoners

2015-06-18, 09:50 AM

My PC is part of a group of 20 PCs (6-7 players, we each have a couple of PCs in this campaign, we pick one at the start of the session and run with it) who are based out of a Fort in the forests.

We discovered the fort abandoned and disused, so have put ourselves to task in getting it into an up and running settlement.

During our exploration of the surrounding forest, we discovered an old mine which can be used for iron a fifteen minute walk away, a clean lake nearby connecting the mine and the fort, ample woodland (we can clear some for agriculture and timber without causing huge damage), and a tribe of 50 people (who want to live near the fort and we are now allied with).

We have a magic carpet. We have limited gold. We sent one of our more charismatic PCs to a nearby city with the carpet and gold to pay for workers. We acquired a couple of dozen architects, stonemasons, woodworkers, farmworkers, and experts.

After being attacked by Salamanders (from deep underground) we decided it prudent to get guards. We now have about a dozen guards.

So, great. Its the beginning of things to come. The captain of the guards is Chap Crannagan, a kind of mashup of Zap Brannagan from Futurama, Aldo Rayne from Inglourious Basterds. Very experienced soldier, but definitely sits 'neutral' in the alignment camp.

As he seemed happy to help, we (the PCs) charged him with acquiring more workers from the city and gave him gold to accomplish this.

Unfortunately, he's enlistened the work of a workhouse using child and teenage workers. They sleep on the ground without bedrolls, eat frugally, and work long hours. The workhouse managers receive the pay, with none going to the workers. Basically slaves.

Obviously my character is very unhappy at this. I want to turn the situation around.

The simplest thing would be say 'no' to having them at all, but there are some problems with this:
1 - The other PCs/investors have no qualm with this, this is culturally seen as completely normal, and "at least they have a roof above their heads"
2 - The character I'm roleplaying is new to the group and as yet has no money to have contributed towards the operation, - I'm not an 'investor' so have less say.
3 - The children would continue to live in terrible conditions being shipped to work somewhere else.

The laziest solution is to diplomance or just pay the 10gp required for 100 sleeping bags, and provide money or supplies for additional food. But that's just a slightly more comfortable version of slavery.

Considering my character is Neutral Good and one of her missions is the abolishing of slavery, I don't feel that's quite enough.

So - what to do?

Ideally, I would like to cut the workhouses out of the business entirely, and give the children the choice to work with us in our new community. They would work more reasonable hours for a stipend, have comfortable beds, better and more adequate food, with the option of learning to work the farms. They would be provided education. They would not be made to do any work considered unsafe, or beyond reasonable for their age. Younger children could probably just have a free ride.

Basically take these young people with no lives and give them the choice of being included in a community, giving of their time and effort but also being rewarded, runemerated and included.

Unfortunately, my PC has next to no gold, but is a Sorcerer with good Diplomacy and Bluff.... and a 1,000 year old family relic belonging to the Empire of the Old World long forgotten that will likely bring in a lot of money at auction..

I'm also a little hesitant at the idea of constantly 'buying' services from the nearby city, so any ideas on how to build a self-sustaining community people want to live and work with are very welcome right now. I'm not very knowledgable with economics or self-sustaining community, although researching it is quite fun. Whoever thought a roleplaying game could trigger such an interesting learning experience!

Thank you for reading..


Karl Aegis
2015-06-18, 10:56 AM
Do you have the requisite knowledge skill to know that unskilled workers with rock bottom morale don't actually do anything? You're basically paying a bunch of guys to sit around. If they get done at all expect the place to fall apart within a year.

Bad Wolf
2015-06-18, 11:16 AM
'Talk' to the managers and the captain 'peacefully' and try to 'persuade' them to pay the workers.

Karl Aegis
2015-06-18, 06:26 PM
'Talk' to the managers and the captain 'peacefully' and try to 'persuade' them to pay the workers.

The workers have to place to spend their money and the managers will use that as an excuse to not feed them or house them, possibly giving the workers their money and forcing the workers to use that money on the food and housing they were already providing.

Bad Wolf
2015-06-18, 06:32 PM
The workers have to place to spend their money and the managers will use that as an excuse to not feed them or house them, possibly giving the workers their money and forcing the workers to use that money on the food and housing they were already providing.

Just flat out fire the managers if it comes to that, find someone less scummy, and hire them. And yes, I do mean fire.

2015-06-19, 12:15 AM
Give them Healthcare and incentives?

2015-06-19, 04:55 AM
What level PCs?
How many other NG & CG characters are there?

Platymus Pus
2015-06-19, 05:05 AM
Start here.
end on 139
It should give you some ideas, these sorts of situations are best solved on your own wits.