View Full Version : Pathfinder Maokai?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-18, 12:44 PM
If I wanted to play as a magical tree (think Maokai (http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Maokai) from LoL), how could I do it without just being a Treant?

2015-06-18, 12:49 PM
good question mate no freak in idea

2015-06-18, 12:57 PM
Look into the Ghoran (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/advanced-races-11-20-rp/ghoran-19-rp).

2015-06-18, 01:10 PM
I'd say alchemist is your starting point. His most iconic ability is the saplings, so you need bombs.

I might play around with brewing a prc for him. There was a sizable number of 5 level LoL prcs a while ago, and I liked he idea. Already did Lucian, and will try to get ekko up this weekend. Maokai could be a fun challenge.

2015-06-18, 01:18 PM
Hmm, 3.5 or Pathfinder? Pathfinder has a race builder section in the Advanced Race Guide, so you could just make a plant race. The downside is that you'd have to spend 10 out of 10 points on your type, leaving you with 0 points for anything else. There are ways to get some points back though.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-18, 01:19 PM
Is there anything remotely similar to a knock up in 3.5 or Pathfinder?

2015-06-18, 01:51 PM
Is there anything remotely similar to a knock up in 3.5 or Pathfinder?

There's a feat that does that (Awesome Blow), but otherwise no. You could look at the status effect attributed to it, which is stunning. You'd also have to give the PrC a single target entangle effect.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-18, 02:29 PM
I suppose, though in all honestly when I've wanted to stat up a monstrous LoL character I find that brewing up a monster is better than trying to build it as a character.

2015-06-18, 04:00 PM
Is there anything remotely similar to a knock up in 3.5 or Pathfinder?

I believe BoEF has some rules on this. Normally we just fade to black.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-18, 04:01 PM
You are a bad person and should feel bad about it.

2015-06-18, 04:16 PM
I regret nothing!

2015-06-18, 07:25 PM
Is there anything remotely similar to a knock up in 3.5 or Pathfinder?

I believe BoEF has some rules on this. Normally we just fade to black.

You are a bad person and should feel bad about it.

I regret nothing!

And here's why I love these forums!

2015-06-18, 07:53 PM
Tanglefoot bomb (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo---alchemist-discoveries/tanglefoot-bomb-su) could be your "root" as an alchemist.

I almost feel like you could do something interesting with aegis and harness power stone, but I'd have to think about it.

2015-06-18, 09:01 PM
Theres a template (Woodkin, Treekin? something like that) that gives you all sorts of nifty stuff, including making you a plant. (im pretty sure on that last part) Stick it on a Half Ogre Druid and you have a decent Maokai.

2015-06-19, 12:31 AM
Theres a template (Woodkin, Treekin? something like that) that gives you all sorts of nifty stuff, including making you a plant. (im pretty sure on that last part) Stick it on a Half Ogre Druid and you have a decent Maokai.

Don't think too hard about it's conception.

Template is Woodling, if we're on the same page. Also look into LA buyoff.

2015-06-19, 05:38 AM
Hmm, 3.5 or Pathfinder? Pathfinder has a race builder section in the Advanced Race Guide, so you could just make a plant race. The downside is that you'd have to spend 10 out of 10 points on your type, leaving you with 0 points for anything else. There are ways to get some points back though.

There are 24 RP races with 0 LA (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-svirfneblin) so I wouldn't get too hung up on the numbers. Race design, like monster design, is more art than science - just eyeball the overall balance of the finished product.

Don't think too hard about it's conception.
