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View Full Version : Martial Adept Dervish

2007-04-26, 12:49 PM
A few days ago I built a Swashbuckler/Fighter/Champion of Corellon Larethian/Dervish/Ranger (yes, that's way too many classes for a sane person.) I was quite pleased with it, she was rather effective. But that was before I saw Tome of Battle.

Warblade and Swashbuckler mix so well together with Intelligence score being synergistic that I had to try. (And Uncanny Dodge is wonderful for a high dex build...never being flatfooted is wonderful). As nice as Swordsage is, the MAD issue starts to crop up. The build above was all Dex/Int/Con with strength last. Throwing swordsage into the mix makes it Dex/Int/Wis/Con + strength. Now, I can't get more than 3 levels of any martial adept into the mix above. Since I need at least 2 stances to make some of the things I want work, 3 levels of warblade is not enough.

So, I got thinking....the problem is feats. I need too many feats for this build which necessitates the fighter levels, and if I didn't need all those, I might not need the fighter levels.

Two biggest uses of feats:

Champion of Corellon Larethian. Dex to damage is nice, but requires a useless weapon focus and mounted combat...AND uses up two of my levels to boot. It's gotta go.

Two Weapon Fighting. This uses 3 feats, but getting rid of these doesn't actually save me any feats. If I start using a two hander, I lose a whole lot of bonus damage...and I've already lost some by giving up champion of corellon. I could pump up strength, but that creates more MAD issues. Alternately, I could take power attack...but I still need a finessable 2 hander.

The obvious choice is the Elven Courtblade (exotic, finessable 2h 1d10, 18-20/x2), with power attack,and don't worry about strength. It also would be included in any martial discipline that had greatsword as a preferred weapon. Of course, that requires exotic proficiency and power attack, so it only frees up one of the TWF feats.

I'm thinking about this build, and I might like it...as flashy as the 2 scimitar dervish is, the dervish is far more flexible if they can get the same damage out of fewer attacks, it means their dance doesn't get as complicated and they don't need as much room.

So, how do I do this?

I'm thinking human, since elf or human still need the exotic proficieny (or improved weapon familiarity feat for an elf.) Being finessable, insightful strike should still work.

Feats needed in this build, assuming it includes 3 levels of swashbuckler: Exotic Proficiency: Elven Courtblade, Weapon Focus: Greatsword (courtblade), Dodge, Mobility, Combat Expertise, Power Attack.

That leaves two more feats. I was thinking about these: isn't there some improvements to power attack that would be nice? Perhaps the one that gives 3 damage per 1 attack point spent? Or one that steals from your armor class for more damage rather than attack bonus?

Edit: Additionally, any particular warblade maneuvers or stances you think would work well here? I already like the iron heart stance that adds +5' reach...while dervish dancing that adds tremendous flexibility.