View Full Version : Pathfinder Using D&D soulmelds with Akashic Mysteries?

2015-06-19, 09:56 AM
To those of you with experience with Akashic Mysteries (or who have a hand in creating the system), how do the old 3.5 soulmelds compare to the Akashic ones? Is there overlap, or could the old soulmelds be used with the Akashic classes? Is there a big difference in terms of power?

2015-06-19, 12:08 PM
In my experience, a lot of the old ones port over quite well. There is relatively little overlap, and the power difference is no bigger than the usual 3.5-PF port. These are mostly cases where the 3.5 version was overly cautious and the PF version scales better. Lammasu Mantle vs Gorget of the Wyrm comes to mind. I'm afb but Claws of the Wyrm vs Wrathful Claws is another one where you might see a difference.

Beyond that, it's mostly renamed chakras and the occasional terminology change.

2015-06-19, 12:21 PM
3.5 soulmelds had a different design in mind, but they were greated overly cautiously due to a certain fear of all-day abilities. There are not any that would cause undue stress on the system as Veils, and many of them have direct ports (just about all of which are noticeably stronger this time around). PF's power standard is a noticeable notch higher, even with the added benefit of not locking out item slots. Plus the condensed skills, such as Disable Device, Acrobatics, and Stealth.

Flip side, there are only a couple of gaps that are filled by those soulmelds that are not by Veils. I don't have my copy of MoI on me, but going by memory one of the only ones that do so are the Mage's Spectacles (Spellcraft isn't covered by a Veil at the moment), Thunderstep Boots (watch for this on a Vengeance Daevic, but they don't have the Essence to really fuel it), Astral Vambraces (just really versatile), and possibly 1-2 more. Which one were you looking at, specifically?

2015-06-19, 12:59 PM
I didn't have a specific soulmeld in mind to use as a Veil, I was more generally interested in how the two interact. Mostly just to know whether I should be looking through MoI while I familiarize myself with Akashic Mysteries.

2015-06-19, 01:25 PM
I didn't have a specific soulmeld in mind to use as a Veil, I was more generally interested in how the two interact. Mostly just to know whether I should be looking through MoI while I familiarize myself with Akashic Mysteries.

In that case, you probably don't need to bother looking through MoI.

2015-06-19, 03:37 PM
In that case, you probably don't need to bother looking through MoI.

As the designer of Akashic Mysteries, I would agree that this is probably true. I tried to ensure that any functionality present in MoI was present in Akashic Mysteries, though not necessarily presented in the same way. Akashic Mysteries also has a lot of functionality that MoI lacked, particularly in the realm of control and AoE options.

2015-06-19, 08:34 PM
The only thing I miss is my Manticore Belt. And that was just because of my silly build that rolled over 1k dice