View Full Version : [3.5] Prestige Class requirements and Temporary Magic question.

2015-06-19, 11:49 AM
When you take a Prestige Class, Can you use temporary Methods to obtain the requisites? (Say a class that says you need +5 BaB, and you only have 2 but you can use a Wand of Divine power and have 5 character levels)

If you can take it, I assume that if you lose the requisites (in this case) 5 Bab or more, you lose all that PRC's bonuses until you obtain that again.

Are there any class requisites that don't affect your eligibility wether you have them or not?

and what exactly do you lose from it? Only special abilities? BaB, Saves? Skill points?
Of all of these, All I know that is you keep BaB and Saves, but I don't know if that is right.

Lastly, If you take a Level in a PRC while meeting the preqs with temporary means, and then later gain the Preqs, after taking the levels, would it reactivate the PRC?

For Example, Lets assume I want to take a level in Stormtalon, and you keep BaB from PRCs you can no longer acess.

+5 Bab
Flight (ex)

Assuming I am a Raptoran Cleric 5 (+3 BaB).

So I Cast Divine Power from a scroll, take a level in Stormtalon. I'd be a 6th lvl character (Cleric 5, Stormtalon 1) with a BaB of 6. Now, when Divine Power runs out, What would happen? I'd be dropped down to BaB 3. Would I get the BaB of the Stormtalon? If so, I'd be BaB 4, right?

Now, Lets say I level up again, and Again, use divine power. Im now a lvl 6 character with 6 BaB. So I take the level and become a lvl 7 Character with 7 BaB Cleric 5/Stormtalon 2.

Now, heres the question. Divine power runs out. I'd be left Cleric 5 (+3 BaB) Stormtalon (Doesn't meet prequisites) (+2 BaB) In theory I'd have +5 BaB, would that reactivate Stormtalon as a Prestige Class for me?

On another note, How does a Changeling's Racial Emulation feat work?
Assuming a Feathered Graft for the Fly (Ex), and Racial Emulation.

Would my Changeling (Altering to Raptoran) Be able to qualify for Stormtalon? what If I shifted to some other race? Would I still keep the benefits from Stormtalon?

2015-06-19, 12:28 PM
I believe that even under the CWar and CArc rules, you keep HD, BAB, and Saves from PrC levels, you just lose the special abilities granted.

So even under the most restrictive rules, you'd keep the BAB, so if that was the limiting factor in your case(Full BAB on a Partial BAB base) once you hit Stormtalon 2, you'd qualify anyway.

The Changeling question is a bit tricky though. The Feathered Wings doesn't designate its flight as Ex, Su, or SLA which means it defaults to Natural. You'd need some way of actually gaining an Ex Flight ability, and while I'm sure there are more races that have that designated, Raptorans have it listed because they originally get Glide (Ex) which later upgrades to Flight (Ex).

2015-06-19, 12:52 PM
This is largely an academic question, because it will only work if your DM gives you notice before awarding XP. There isn't any preparation time included in the level advancement process (Player's Handbook, pages 58-59); it's immediate upon receiving enough XP.

2015-06-19, 12:58 PM
This is largely an academic question, because it will only work if your DM gives you notice before awarding XP. There isn't any preparation time included in the level advancement process (Player's Handbook, pages 58-59); it's immediate upon receiving enough XP.
True, but if you somehow managed to snag a scroll of Extended Persisted Divine Power (probably crafted through DMM) then it becomes less of an issue.

2015-06-19, 01:09 PM
It should be noted that the Complete Arcane version of the rule allows you to retain SPELLCASTING. This is a fairly major difference so if your DM is using one of the two rules, you should clarify which one applies.

2015-06-19, 02:23 PM
This is largely an academic question, because it will only work if your DM gives you notice before awarding XP. There isn't any preparation time included in the level advancement process (Player's Handbook, pages 58-59); it's immediate upon receiving enough XP.

Well, The DM is doing a "you get enough exp to level, after 8 hours of rest, you gain the level." kind of thing.

2015-06-19, 02:26 PM
Well, The DM is doing a "you get enough exp to level, after 8 hours of rest, you gain the level." kind of thing.
Then that's only going to work if someone else applies the magical effect to you and then wakes you up. Divine Power is a Personal-range spell, which won't help you.

2015-06-19, 02:50 PM
Then that's only going to work if someone else applies the magical effect to you and then wakes you up. Divine Power is a Personal-range spell, which won't help you.
however, as I mentioned above, a scroll of Persisted Divine Power (crafted through DMM) would work. Cast it right before resting, it lasts for 24 hours, badabingbadaboom.

2015-06-19, 03:10 PM
however, as I mentioned above, a scroll of Persisted Divine Power (crafted through DMM) would work.
You know that doesn't change the price of the scroll, right? The price is dependent on the (metamagically-adjusted) level of the spell and CL, not the level of the actual spell slot used by the item creator.

2015-06-19, 04:42 PM
You know that doesn't change the price of the scroll, right? The price is dependent on the (metamagically-adjusted) level of the spell and CL, not the level of the actual spell slot used by the item creator.
True. Hmm.... could have sworn that there was a way to get personal spells on others...

2015-06-19, 04:48 PM
It should be noted that the Complete Arcane version of the rule allows you to retain SPELLCASTING. This is a fairly major difference so if your DM is using one of the two rules, you should clarify which one applies.you should also make sure that the DM houserules that you actually get back whatever the broken rules from CArc or CW take away. Neither of those rules allow getting anything back. The stuff is just gone as soon as you no longer qualify for a PrC.

2015-06-19, 06:12 PM
You know that doesn't change the price of the scroll, right? The price is dependent on the (metamagically-adjusted) level of the spell and CL, not the level of the actual spell slot used by the item creator.

Which is in turn irrelevant, because RAW metamagic doesn't actually adjust the level of the spell unless that metamagic happens to be Heighten.

2015-06-19, 06:27 PM
Which is in turn irrelevant, because RAW metamagic doesn't actually adjust the level of the spell unless that metamagic happens to be Heighten.
It doesn't change the operating level, but it does alter the level for pricing.
Effects of Metamagic Feats on a Spell

In all ways, a metamagic spell operates at its original spell level, even though it is prepared and cast as a higher-level spell. Saving throw modifications are not changed unless stated otherwise in the feat description.
Magic Items and Metamagic Spells

With the right item creation feat, you can store a metamagic version of a spell in a scroll, potion, or wand. Level limits for potions and wands apply to the spell’s higher spell level (after the application of the metamagic feat). A character doesn’t need the metamagic feat to activate an item storing a metamagic version of a spell.

2015-06-19, 10:00 PM
The scroll thing seems a little bit shaky to me.