View Full Version : Good stuff to Twin metamagic?

2015-06-19, 01:28 PM
So with the new errata and Scorching Ray officially not being twinnable, I'm wondering what spells my sorcerer should look out for.

This my sorcerer's current spell list (level 7). (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1pdYIcfHauwYTB6cU1lWEZSdTQ/view?usp=sharing)

So I can twin Firebolt, which isn't bad. I've never really had to twin Fly, since it's almost strictly a utility exploration thing. I think I'm allowed to twin Polymorph, but I stomped through last session's encounters as a giant ape and the barbarian and DM both hate the spell now. Twinning it is just asking for trouble. Though I did goof with it's use; I forgot to make concentration checks when I took damage. It was my first time using it :(

What other good spells are available to a sorcerer for twinning?

2015-06-19, 01:50 PM
Hold person, haste, fly, spells of that nature.

2015-06-19, 02:30 PM
if he's casting polymorph, hold person and fly can already have two targets without using twin.

honestly, polymorph is probably the best choice by a significant margin. just use it on the barbarian for when he isn't raging, and he'll hate it less. especially if you use it in a ranged fight where he goes from lobbing the handful of javelins he brought to lobbing boulders of doom (won't help with the DM though. on the other hand, you may as well use it while it's still good; beasts stop at CR 8 last i checked, so it's gonna start dropping off in a few levels as a combat buff anyways).

twin haste is a better use of your action than non-twinned haste, but still isn't that amazing most of the time. twinned levitate can remove two melee enemies from a fight (with no recurring saves, though it initially targets con which is not great). at least until your next level of spells, twin banishment gives you something you otherwise couldn't have at this point. twin greater invisibility can be helpful, if you have a party with really good stealth (an ally with pass without trace as a spell known could really help there).

of course, most of those require you changing your spells around, which requires gaining levels...

honestly though, the main compelling argument in favour of twin (outside of using it on polymorph for the next few levels, which a druid could be doing with pixies that stay far out of the fight up to 8 times per hour using the official rules) is for cantrips imo. the inexpensive DPR boost is probably the main thing it has going for it.

2015-06-19, 02:49 PM
if he's casting polymorph, hold person and fly can already have two targets without using twin.

So? This just means he can use a lower level spell slot in place of a higher level spell slot. Twin spell costs 1 point per spell level. To twin a second level spell (hold person) it will cost him 2 Sorcery Points.

To create a 3rd level slot that the sorcerer used instead of twinning the 2nd level slot he would have to give up 5 Sorcery Points.

Twining a 2nd level spell is worth more to the sorcerer than casting it in the third level slot. That is to say that there is only two targets that the sorcerer wants/needs to hit with hold person.

Want to make two people fly? Twin fly spell costs you 3 SP. To create a 4th level slot it would cost you 6 SP.

Once you start hitting more than one target then this doesn't work but for when you only need or want to target two creatures, twin spell is the better choice.

2015-06-19, 02:58 PM
why would you compare to creating the spell slot? if he's got none of his higher level spell slots available, what makes you think he's got all of his sorcery points available? odds are good he can't twin anything much beyond level 1-2 at that point. he only gets 7 in the first place.

2015-06-19, 03:06 PM
Whether the spell slots are available or not, twinning a spell is more efficient than using a higher level spell slot. I'd sooner spend two points to twin a Hold Person, and save that third level slot for a boosted Scorching Ray, for example.

2015-06-19, 03:52 PM
why would you compare to creating the spell slot? if he's got none of his higher level spell slots available, what makes you think he's got all of his sorcery points available? odds are good he can't twin anything much beyond level 1-2 at that point. he only gets 7 in the first place.

If he doesn't have the slots or the SP then why is he asking for Spells the twin?

You aren't making sense.

Throughout the day it is better to use your SP to make those spells one level higher instead of using the higher slots to do it.

This makes you a lot more versitile. Slap fly (3SP) on someone (edit: 2 someones) and you still have your 4th level slot for polymorph at some other point.

2019-06-26, 04:55 PM
I just wish you could twin Maximillion's earthen grasp :,(

2019-06-26, 06:54 PM
Cleric buffs

2019-06-26, 10:11 PM
Can't use it on animate dead either, but that's no excuse for thread necromancy.

2019-07-24, 03:01 PM
The Fullmetal Mod: Thread Necromancy is a forbidden art.