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View Full Version : DM Help Good 4th to 5th Level Adventures

2015-06-19, 03:23 PM
My friends and I recently began playing D&D 3.5. Another friend and I have decided to take turns being players and DMs. We have been creating a massive city and storylines to go inside of it, however, the PCs recently blew through the adventures we had, and I need a new adventure fast because the city and story isn't finished yet. The PCs are now sick and tired of dungeons, and want something different, so if you know of any good, non-dungeon-crawling adventures for 4th to 5th level PCs, please post it and a link to where you found it below. Thank you for your help.

P.S. Free adventures would be nice, as we are currently strapped for funds. Again, thank you.

The following section only applies to posts made after 6/20. To those who have already commented, thank you. To those of you want to add after the date I have listed, please keep the following in mind:

The adventure/quest should contain little to no dungeon crawling
3.0 and third party adventures are allowed
Free adventures are encouraged
No adventures over $10
An interesting story!

Keep the things I listed in mind, which are suggestion, not requirements.

Thank you for your help.

2015-06-19, 03:35 PM
It is Eberron, but I've always liked Whispers of the Vampire's Blade. Very much NOT a dungeon crawl, except a small bit at the end. Note, it will not port over into other settings very well; it pretty much has to be run in Eberron. With Shipping, Amazon has copies for under $5. It is for 4th level characters, and they should reach 6th level by the end of it.

2015-06-19, 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Grothmog
The PCs are now sick and tired of dungeons, and want something different, so if you know of any good, non-dungeon-crawling adventures for 4th to 5th level PCs....

You might look at Speaker in Dreams (http://www.amazon.com/Speaker-Dungeons-Dragons-Roleplaying-Adventure/dp/0786918306), an open-air module which could easily be adapted to a city, or at least to a town on its outskirts. The adventure is designed for fifth-level PCs and involves sinister happenings during the town's annual street fair. Plenty of opportunities to slip in future plot hooks while giving the PCs a little fresh air and exercise.

Note that it's 3.0, but shouldn't be too difficult to upgrade. There's also a web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20010105a) for a little extra flavor.

2015-06-19, 04:09 PM
It's much more expensive than the two other options listed so far, but the Forgotten Realms adventure Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave is for levels 4 - 7, and it is a little more open-air than your typical dungeon adventure. The PC's travel to the plane of shadow, and adventure through a swamp and forest there, encountering foes at little buildings and keeps on the plane of shadow.

I have it and have looked through it, but I've never run it, so I can't speak to how well it plays. I've heard it plays well, though.

Of course, Red Hand of Doom would be a great option. It is for 5th level PC's, and focuses on them fighting targeted strikes against an encroaching goblinoid army. Very little of it is dungeon-trudging. Tops out around 9th or 10th level. DNDclassics.com has the PDF for $10.

2015-06-19, 08:03 PM
Are you open to 3.0 material? How about 3rd party?