View Full Version : Need script feedback

2015-06-20, 11:36 AM
I could really use some feedback on the first page of my sci-fi script. I'm not sure if I manage to muck it up in my attempts to be overly clear. Any comments would be appreciated!

Page 1
Panel 1
establishing shot, 3 panels wide Left to Right, top of page. High angle long shot. Two trucks move through a barren landscape of rolling hills and baked ground, kicking up a trail of dust behind them that stretches to the horizon. On a rocky hillock nearby you can just make out the figures of two men Hunter (MC) and another man crouched behind dying brush, gripping guns.

Panel 2
Second row, left panel. Medium shot, catching the second man over Hunter's right shoulder. Hunter is holding a slightly octagon shaped piece of glass over one eye, lights glowing around its edges, and he's tapping the top right edge, his left hand gripping a long range rifle style weapon.
Second Man
How'd they find us?

Not sure they did

Get Tosh up here, now

Panel 3
second row, right panel, long shot. SECOND MAN scurries down the far side of the hillock towards a quarry. Cave mouths can just be made out in the side of the quarry, and people move up and down the narrow roads carved into the side.

Panel 4
Center inset, shaped like the viewing piece HUNTER holds. Insert shot. In it can be seen the close up of the nose of the lead truck, a moderate sized hole in the front as if someone has shot at the driver.

Panel 5
Extreme close up, bottom left panel. HUNTER'S face, viewing piece zoomed in on the broken area of the truck's window. He can just make out a burly hand gripping a shoulder clad in form fitting silver.

It had better be you, you son of a bitch.

Panel 6
Long shot, bottom right panel, with HUNTER in foreground, looking over shoulder towards quarry. A small group of people run towards him, carrying an assortment of weapons, some 'new' to our century, others completely futuristic. Leading the crowd is SECOND MAN, closely followed by a willowy African-American woman (TOSH). A second group is moving quickly over the terrain onto the opposite hillside.

Because I'm tired of counting bodies