View Full Version : Player Help [Pathfinder] My first inquisitor

2015-06-20, 11:45 PM
So I'll be playing my first inquisitor next week, and I've got an idea in mind, but I'm still not knowledgeable in Pathfinder, and would love the help. That being said, I know that this probably won't be optimized, but I'm okay with that. I'd assume 20 point buy, but we may decide to roll stats as well.

So the character idea I have would be as such;

I'm hoping to make a katana wielding Inquisitor (Shizuru is the God of choice), and with a pistol as a sidearm, wearing a breastplate for armor. If I can't have the pistol, then I'll likely change to a heavy crossbow. I like the idea of the monster hunter, and demon slayer. He's a bit rough around the edges and reserved, but he wants the best for everyone, and took up this mantle to explore the world and make it a safer place for those who can't protect themselves.

I know I need wisdom for spells, and strength for damage, but from there I'm pretty open. That being said, I'm not too huge on optimizing, so I don't really intend on significantly dumping a stat just so I can have more in another. (I.e. "I took CHA as my dump stat, hope you don't mind the smell")

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-21, 12:13 AM
First off, nice choice of class. Inquisitor is one of my favorites. They make for great beatsticks, because they can put out some serious damage while still being capable outside of combat.

I'd recommend that you use a greatsword and fluff it as a katana. Seriously, that weapon is not worth a feat (it's a scimitar with one higher damage die).

Also, the firearm won't be worth it. Like, really really not worth it. Compare to a composite longbow, which gets Strength to damage, reloads as a free action without any feat taxes, and is something you're already proficient with (so no need to waste a feat or your choice of inquisition on it).

Regarding ability scores and races, I'd recommend an Asura-Spawn Tiefling (+Dex, +Wis, -Int) with Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14 , Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8 before racial modifiers. Remember, having slightly-below-average Int and Cha doesn't mean you're stupid and smelly; maybe you never got a formal schooling, and are gruff and abrasive towards people other than close friends.

Alternately, an Undine (+Dex, +Wis, -Str) or a Tengu (+Dex, +Wis, -Con) would both work with the above point buy.

Tiefling also have one of my favorite racial FCBs: get an extra +1/2 to the bonuses provided by your Monster Lore ability. Combine with the Improved Monster Lore feat to get +level to IDing monsters, without investing more than 1 skill point into each monster-relevant Knowledge. Learning a monster's weaknesses can be crucial when fighting heavily-resistant enemies such as golems or monsters with regeneration. Ask your DM if you can use the 3.5 feat Knowledge Devotion (http://kolidascope.wikia.com/wiki/Knowledge_Devotion) to turn those Knowledge results into bonuses to attack and damage, too!

For feats, pick up Power Attack and maybe Furious Focus. Those are the only feats you need to be effective in melee as a 2HFer. After that you can get some archery feats to support your secondary combat style.

2015-06-21, 12:19 AM
I'll alter the greatsword then. I chose the katana since I get proficiency due to deity choice. I see what you mean with the gun though. I'll likely scratch it. Not sure I want to play a tiefling, but an Undine might be interesting.. I think they have an alternate feature that allows them to stay on land or water indefinitely as well.

in this case, what LG or NG deities have a greatsword or earth breaker as a favored weapon?

Extra Anchovies
2015-06-21, 12:27 AM
First: I don't know how I managed to do this, but I gave you ability/race suggestions for an archer Inquisitor. I think it was because I discussed bows immediately beforehand. Sorry about that.

For a Strength-focused Inquisitor who sometimes shoots people, you want Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10 before adjustments. Race-wise, good options are Oni-Spawn Tiefling (+Str, +Wis, -Cha) or Oread (+Str, +Wis, -Cha).

I'll alter the greatsword then. I chose the katana since I get proficiency due to deity choice. I see what you mean with the gun though. I'll likely scratch it. Not sure I want to play a tiefling, but an Undine might be interesting.. I think they have an alternate feature that allows them to stay on land or water indefinitely as well.

Hm. If you're already getting katana proficiency than you should be fine using one, since it has stats that are basically the same as the falchion. Just be sure to use it in both hands.

2015-06-21, 08:44 AM
Where can I find the Oni-Spawn Tiefing?

Red Fel
2015-06-21, 10:05 AM
Where can I find the Oni-Spawn Tiefing?

If you scroll down here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-tiefling), you'll find the variant tiefling heritages. They're also listed here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fiendish-heritage). Basically, Oni-Spawn gives you the ability modifiers mentioned above, swaps your skill bonuses for Disguise and Intimidate, and swaps your 1/day Darkness with 1/day Alter Self. Most people are in it for the ability modifiers, though, since the rest you'll probably trade for alternate racial traits. As mentioned, Oni-Spawn is better than the default, because Str and Wis are very valuable to a Str-focused Inquisitor.

2015-06-21, 10:17 AM
I'll alter the greatsword then. I chose the katana since I get proficiency due to deity choice. I see what you mean with the gun though. I'll likely scratch it. Not sure I want to play a tiefling, but an Undine might be interesting.. I think they have an alternate feature that allows them to stay on land or water indefinitely as well.

in this case, what LG or NG deities have a greatsword or earth breaker as a favored weapon?

fairly certain the only Gorum has the greatsword as a favored weapon.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-06-21, 10:33 AM
If you scroll down here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-tiefling), you'll find the variant tiefling heritages. They're also listed here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/fiendish-heritage). Basically, Oni-Spawn gives you the ability modifiers mentioned above, swaps your skill bonuses for Disguise and Intimidate, and swaps your 1/day Darkness with 1/day Alter Self. Most people are in it for the ability modifiers, though, since the rest you'll probably trade for alternate racial traits. As mentioned, Oni-Spawn is better than the default, because Str and Wis are very valuable to a Str-focused Inquisitor.

And even though it is seriously nerfed compared to it's 3.5 version, Alter Self as a SLA is still ridiculously good, specially for the archer part netting a +2 to hit if you change into a small form, medium form isn't that good since it is only 1 extra damage, but IME at low levels every bit counts.

2015-06-21, 11:24 AM
an Undine might be interesting.. I think they have an alternate feature that allows them to stay on land or water indefinitely as well.

They are already perfectly fine on land, and have a swim speed, but can't breath underwater.
But you can trade away the Spell-like to gain Aquatic/Amphibious and breath underwater too.

The only race that has issues on land is the Gillmen (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-gillmen), and they really don't have much in the way of redeeming features. Never play a Gillmen.