View Full Version : Rules Q&A Cobalt Charge

2015-06-22, 03:27 AM
I'm reading the Magic of Incarnum, but I have some problems.
I.E. cobalt charge (http://dndtools.pw/feats/magic-of-incarnum--74/cobalt-charge--370/) give me a bonus for all the day, or only for one charge?

(And cobalt rage, give me a bonus only for one rage, or for all the rage in this day?)

2015-06-22, 03:34 AM
I'm reading the Magic of Incarnum, but I have some problems.
I.E. cobalt charge (http://dndtools.pw/feats/magic-of-incarnum--74/cobalt-charge--370/) give me a bonus for all the day, or only for one charge?

(And cobalt rage, give me a bonus only for one rage, or for all the rage in this day?)

Most of the Incarnum feats last for 24 hours, but only work in specific instances. Cobalt Charge gives its benefits only when you charge, but it doesn't matter how many times you charge in a day. Cobalt Rage works only during a rage, but is only limited by the amount of times you can rage every day. The 'once per day' that is mentioned is for the act of putting Essentia in the feat, not for the amount of times you gain the benefits. Unlike soulmelds and meldshapers you are stuck with the amount of Essentia you put into the feat every morning. The only exception I can think of th Midnight Metamagic, which specifically mentions that the Essentia are returned to your Essentia Pool when you cast the spell.

I hope that clarifies everything

2015-06-22, 03:35 AM
Well, thank you very much!