View Full Version : 3rd Ed Help building up a Wilder please!

2015-06-22, 03:05 PM
Hello everybody, i been following this community from long time ago!

I am very new to this class, and i've been doing a lot of brainstorming and researching LOTS of info about Psionics, etc. My DM allows me any kind of feats, psionic powers, suplements, etc, as long as i can give him proof/info of where i found everything. So far i've got the Complete Psionics Book, Player's HandBook II, Expanded Psionic's Handbook, i've been tweaking with some of the Mind's Eye stuff (but there just plain too much), so i'd like someone more experienced than me to help me out.

We begin at level 7, im Maenad (although im not sure if i receive the Human Feat at lvl1 with this race?), i picked Educated Wilder from one of the Mind's Eye suplements. That's all the info i can give you for now, unless you need me to give you more. Like i said as long it does exist in the net, its valid for him. I'd like my Wilder to be offensive, caster oriented character, able to cast rays, fireballs or thunderbolts, able to summon guardiands to protect him and some minor spells to protect himself.

This is so far what i designed but i am not sure i can get better stuff out there.

+1 Hidden Talent Feat (Expanded Psionic Books Pag 67, Charm lvl 1, Ex. Psionic Book Pg. 82)
+1 Human (Psionic Meditaton, Wis 13, Concentration 7)
+1 (lvl 1) Psicrystal Affinity Feat
+1 (lvl 3) Expandable Knowledge Feat ~ Astral Construct lvl 1
+1 (lvl 5) Boost Construct Feat
+1 (lvl 7) Expandable Knowledge Feat ~ Energy Missile lvl 2
+1 Educated Wilder (feat 5th, 9th, 13, 17th) lose volatile mind

Noncombatant (-2 Melee Attack Rolls) - Privileged Energy (Fire)

Psionic Powers
Level 1: 2 spells
Vigor (Wilder lvl 1)
Inertial Armor (Wilder lvl 1)

Level 2:
Share Pain

Level 3:
Still deciding between Time Hop or Energy Bolt

2015-06-22, 03:54 PM
I haven't done a lot of stuff with psionics, but it seems like you could do worse than Wilder 9/Thrallherd 1/Anarchic Initiate 10. Pick up one of those crystal damage powers and an energy power, take mindlink with Educated Wilder and go to town with your cohort and crazy psionic explosions.

2015-06-22, 04:05 PM
No, Maenads are not humans and you won't get a bonus feat for picking one.

Also, are you playing 3.5 or Pathfinder? I saw you mentioned 3.5 books, but it looks like you're getting a feat at every odd level instead of every 3rd level.

2015-06-22, 05:56 PM
No, Maenads are not humans and you won't get a bonus feat for picking one.

Also, are you playing 3.5 or Pathfinder? I saw you mentioned 3.5 books, but it looks like you're getting a feat at every odd level instead of every 3rd level.

I am playing D&D 3.5

2015-06-22, 06:33 PM
I am playing D&D 3.5

Cool - so is your GM just handing out extra feats then?

2015-06-22, 06:35 PM
Cool - so is your GM just handing out extra feats then?

No, that i know. I am kinda new to the 3.5D&D System, so i am not sure how many feats we get per level, etc.

So let's say i roll human instead Maenad

At level 1 i would have 2 feats (Human+1st level feat)
At level 3 i would have an extra feat
And at level 6 another one, right?

2015-06-22, 07:05 PM
No, that i know. I am kinda new to the 3.5D&D System, so i am not sure how many feats we get per level, etc.

So let's say i roll human instead Maenad

At level 1 i would have 2 feats (Human+1st level feat)
At level 3 i would have an extra feat
And at level 6 another one, right?

Yes. This is true.

2015-06-22, 07:07 PM
Yep, you get feats at levels 1,3,6,9,12,15, and 18.

I would definitely check out this Thread (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=bhncqb0u8llje9n8gihf04pdc5&topic=5343) for stuff like powers and feats. Yes it is technically for Psions, but as you are basically taking an ACF to give you more powers like a Psion it should apply.

2015-06-22, 07:09 PM
Yep, you get feats at levels 1,3,6,9,12,15, and 18.

I would definitely check out this Thread (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=bhncqb0u8llje9n8gihf04pdc5&topic=5343) for stuff like powers and feats. Yes it is technically for Psions, but as you are basically taking an ACF to give you more powers like a Psion it should apply.

Thanks i am going to check it. What is an ACF? My DM allows me to pick other Pisonic Powers from other lists outisde the Wilder list with the Expandable Knowledge Feat.

2015-06-22, 07:15 PM
Thanks i am going to check it. What is an ACF? My DM allows me to pick other Pisonic Powers from other lists outisde the Wilder list with the Expandable Knowledge Feat.

ACF is Alternative Class Feature. Basically you are trading out class features of a given class (this time wilder) for other class features, often new or from different classes.

And Expanded Knowledge always let you pull powers from other classes power list. It also lest you pull powers from specific psion disciplines too.

2015-06-22, 07:19 PM
ACF is Alternative Class Feature. Basically you are trading out class features of a given class (this time wilder) for other class features, often new or from different classes.

And Expanded Knowledge always let you pull powers from other classes power list. It also lest you pull powers from specific psion disciplines too.Hello, i am a bit confused, i am not sure which Alternate Feature are you talking about :S. He isn't allowing me to crossover or pick features from another class. Basically im playing Wilder, the only thing that he did allow me to pick was the Educated Wilder Background, which allows me to trade Volatile Mind for extra feats at certain levels, but besides that (i wish) i could pick from other psionic classes, wilder seems very limited.

2015-06-22, 07:25 PM
Hello, i am a bit confused, i am not sure which Alternate Feature are you talking about :S. He isn't allowing me to crossover or pick features from another class. Basically im playing Wilder, the only thing that he did allow me to pick was the Educated Wilder Background, which allows me to trade Volatile Mind for extra feats at certain levels, but besides that (i wish) i could pick from other psionic classes, wilder seems very limited.

Umm, yes, that is it exactly. As written in the Expanded Psionics Handbook Wilders have certain class features, including Volatile Mind, that they get. If you had two wilders in a group they would have the same class features, the only difference would be race, ability scores, and powers. Alternative Class Features allows swapping of class features as described by the source, in your case the Minds Eye Archive, and only what is described by the source.

I mentioned getting features from different classes as the Unearthed Arcana book has a section for the base classes to swap features. Here (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1151316) is a list of most of the ACF's for most classes and their source.

2015-06-24, 05:18 AM
Ok, now next thing would be the score abilities:

I decided his primary damage spells will be Energy Ray and Energy Missile, coupled with Metapower x2 + Quicken Spell on Energy Missile for 2x Energy Missiles every turn if needed. Also i have Astral Construct, Levitate, Share Pain, Vigor, Psicrystal Affinity just in case i need to pull off other tricks.

So now, someone can help me to select scores? I have a ring of charisma +1 for my character, take this into account. We use this website for purchasing the points: 32 buyout-points.


2015-06-24, 11:22 AM
So now, someone can help me to select scores? I have a ring of charisma +1 for my character, take this into account. We use this website for purchasing the points: 32 buyout-points.

I think that may actually be a ring of protection +1 that you wrote down wrong on your sheet accidentally. Items that boost ability scores generally give even bonuses, not odd, and the standard items that boost Charisma are cloaks or vests, not rings.

2015-06-24, 11:25 AM
If you're not limited to setting, try and play a kalastar. You'll get +1pp per level rather than a flat +2, and you get access to Quori power stones, which are insane since they break the power point limit on your powers, allowing you to churn out ridiculously high pp powers at relatively low levels.

2015-06-24, 04:06 PM
There are a number of threads on how to play wilders around, as well as master lists of powers and stuff. minmaxboards come to mind, as does the wotc forums. i think there are even some here, though minmaxboards is more organized as to "handbooks of 'x' class".

2015-06-25, 11:18 AM
Ok i will detail my "limits":

I am limited to either Human or Maenad (with the Hidden Talent, not the Wild Talent) as explained on the Expanded Mind from Mind's Eye (Hidden Talent offers +1 Psionic Feat +2PP and 1 spell from lvl 1 from any list). Again, Hiddent Talent is only if i pick Maenad.

2nd thing: I got 32 points to buy out my stats. I am level 7. We use this website : http://tools.digitalightbulb.com/pbcalc.html. Take into account i got a +1 Charisma RING as starting item.

I hope this clears my situation and someone can help me develop my character (i am really newbie, i swear it) xD.

2015-06-25, 11:19 AM
I think that may actually be a ring of protection +1 that you wrote down wrong on your sheet accidentally. Items that boost ability scores generally give even bonuses, not odd, and the standard items that boost Charisma are cloaks or vests, not rings.No, i didn't write it wrong, its a ring that grants me +1 Charisma
just for wearing it.

2015-06-25, 11:51 AM
No, i didn't write it wrong, its a ring that grants me +1 Charisma
just for wearing it.

Is it your only wealth at this level? Do you have normal wealth for a 7th level character, plus the ring? Or do you have normal wealth for a 7th level character, including the ring?

Is there any particular reason your DM made it a ring? Something campaign-specific? Does it have a doubled price for being an unusual item slot?

2015-06-26, 07:34 AM
Is it your only wealth at this level? Do you have normal wealth for a 7th level character, plus the ring? Or do you have normal wealth for a 7th level character, including the ring?

Is there any particular reason your DM made it a ring? Something campaign-specific? Does it have a doubled price for being an unusual item slot?Family Heirloom. And i don't have normal wealth at all, just my clothes

2015-06-26, 08:51 AM
Don'the take energy missile. Take energy ray and crystal shard and the metapsionic feat split psionic ray. That will get you far damage wise. Vigor is a fun power given the near cleric chassis you have going on and I would recommend it.

Be a human. Mean ad is flavorful but mechanical extremely weak.

Wilder is easier for a new player than psionic IMHO because you just need to make a small number of critical choices (and wild surge is hilarious, if risky, fun). I am going to echo you taking the Alternate Class Feature where you lose all your Volatile Minds for that many Expanded Knowledge feats. Volatile Mind is unreliable and near useless when it does work; free powers from any list are always delicious. The Freedom Mantle has a nice level 1 power IIRC.

2015-06-26, 09:59 AM
Family Heirloom. And i don't have normal wealth at all, just my clothes

I see! Is this true of everybody's character?

Since attack bonus and AC scale differently with wealth, most DMs who're running low-wealth campaigns (and know what they're doing) introduce some sort of system to fill in the bonuses that the system expects the players will be getting from items. If your DM is using a system like that, then it might be worth it for your character to do a bit of gishing (doing melee with a caster). Normally this takes wealth that you'd be spending on other things, but if your DM is giving you the bonuses anyway then you might as well do a little melee occasionally. As mentioned above, you've got practically a Cleric's chassis.