View Full Version : Your Favorite Campaign

Milo the Gnome
2015-06-22, 06:14 PM

So there's so much talk on these boards about how to optimize characters, better classes spells and features, et cetera.

But what made something your favorite campaign? There's a lot of talk about great moments when the dice gods brought a series of well timed 20's and 1's, and memorable silliness ensued. And there's been a few forums about great character moments people really enjoyed. Both of these are great fun to read. But what makes you love a campaign? What made the big over-arching story, the journey that you went on with a group of friends around a table, really stand out?

2015-06-22, 06:42 PM
The one I DM, of course. An entire homebrewed world... that I can control...

2015-06-22, 07:40 PM
The one I DM, of course. An entire homebrewed world... that I can control...

I have to agree with this. World creation is an endless outlet for creative thought and it's literally explore-able by your friends. Having them find things and uncover this story that you've hidden for them is really awesome and similar to when a father sees his child figuring something out for the first time...

... And no, I don't have a god complex...

*runs away to play with his toys/PCs*

2015-06-22, 07:58 PM
I have to agree with this. World creation is an endless outlet for creative thought and it's literally explore-able by your friends. Having them find things and uncover this story that you've hidden for them is really awesome and similar to when a father sees his child figuring something out for the first time...

... And no, I don't have a god complex...

*runs away to play with his toys/PCs*

My God Complex is actually bad enough that my toys friends continually refer to it.

2015-06-22, 08:18 PM
My God Complex is actually bad enough that my toys friends continually refer to it.

No need for modesty, you're among similarly enlightened individuals. We all know how best to utilize our... What are we calling them these days, "friends?"

My favorite campaigns are the unpredictable ones. Whether I'm playing or DMing, my favorite feeling in the world is to meticulously imagine out a scenario based on current circumstances that would emphasize a character's (or the entire party's) newfound personal growth (whether in power or personality), only for an unexpected event or action to throw the entire session into chaos, resulting in one PC dead, the remainder split into two groups that have somehow found themselves on different continents or even planes, and most of all with that event stealing all potential session spotlight.

Milo the Gnome
2015-06-25, 11:08 AM
Any thoughts / fun stories for your favorite campaigns where you were a PC?

As I DM, more than making a world that I think is intriguing and fun I want to things that will be fun and memorable for the people playing it.

2015-06-25, 01:33 PM
I ran a quite amusing Dragonlance campaign for about a year. A number of memes and traditions were spawned during the course of that game that lasted until the group broke up some years later.

I wish I had a particular game I played in, rather than DMed, but I've mostly been the primary DM for my groups. The secondary DM in my first group was frankly awful, and the secondary in my current group has struggled to put together a game lasting more than a few sessions. It's life's fault, not his. The only good playing memory I have is a short-lived game where all the players named their characters after various brands of soda. Sir Barque (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barq's) Seagram (http://www.cokesolutions.com/OurProducts/Pages/Site%20Pages/ProductDetails.aspx?ItemID=435&L2=Soft%20Drinks&ItemTitle=Seagram%E2%80%99s%C2%AE+Ginger+Ale) and Rafe Reshe (http://www.safeway.com/ShopStores/Brands/Refreshe.page) are the two I remember off the top of my head.