View Full Version : What should i do about common magic items

2015-06-22, 10:03 PM
more specifically the lack thereof

I mean seriously, only a handful exist and i really don't want to give them some of the stronger stuff currently

Safety Sword
2015-06-23, 12:41 AM
more specifically the lack thereof

I mean seriously, only a handful exist and i really don't want to give them some of the stronger stuff currently

Make your own magic items. It can be magic and not have plus to attack and damage.

Swords (and other weapons) that cast light are common magic items created by humans in my campaigns.

The options are limitless.

2015-06-23, 12:55 AM
I'd knock down the rarity of a lot of consumables. No one wants a one time potion over a +2/+3 sword.

2015-06-23, 01:24 AM
Depends how familiar your players are with the rules. Do they expect a lot of magic items? You can give them a lot of potions and 1-st level spell scrolls if you want. Consumable items are always a good choice, if they start stockpiling too much just give them less.

My current 3rd level (soon to be 4th) group of 5 players has a short sword +1.

Also, the DMG has some minor enchantment ideas for weapons, like Alertness weapon, or Darkvision or some other buffs, and some features tied to weapon origin, like Elvish or Gnomish. You can experiment with them, they are not too strong to give freely.

2015-06-23, 03:56 AM
Ehh, don't worry about it too much. To be completely honest, while I like the idea behind the magic items, the actually items themselves, their rarity and their value can be thrown out the window.

A "common" item usually doesn't enhance the players abilities, it's something useful but not earthshattering, something you can buy on the open market, a healing potion, a driftglobe. There is nothing wrong with giving the players a +1 sword or a low level wand at low levels. Just dont give them too much at once, and control what they get.

Also like others are saying, anything can be a magic item. A magical handaxe that deals +1 cold damage, an amulet that lifts you to the surface if submerged, a key that glows when planer portals are near, minor items write themselves.

2015-06-23, 04:34 AM
Also like others are saying, anything can be a magic item. A magical handaxe that deals +1 cold damage, an amulet that lifts you to the surface if submerged, a key that glows when planer portals are near, minor items write themselves.

These "minor" items that have little apparent use are also usually the most fun when your players find unorthodox uses for them. If you can set-up these unorthodox uses, all the better to encourage "out-of-the-box" thinking.

Just as an example off the top of my head; TheOOB's "life-buoy amulet" might be used to retrieve an item from the bottom of an acid-filled well, using Mage Hand to attach the amulet to the item (the item being too heavy to lift with Mage Hand itself). Once on the surface, item and amulet can be retrieved by more mundane means.

2015-06-23, 03:23 PM
My favorite out of the box application is the use of pellets of dryness (or something like this, I'm AFB) when the party as fighting beneath decks of a ship. A dragon was harassing them from above and other enemies coming below to fight. They were outnumbered and outgunned. Finally the wizard suddenly decides, if I throw all of these pellets can I sink the boat? He quickly calculated the volume, which was way high, so I let them use it to escape. They all had water breathing up so sank the boat and walked along the bottom.

2015-06-23, 05:14 PM
Well, you could use Cantrip Gems. I thought of the idea for charms a long time ago, and cantrip gem concepts have been around longer than that. One allows you to cast cantrips, with Spell Save DCs as 10 (if any) and a +0 to attack. They are either single-use and cost 5gp each or recharge the ability to cast a cantrip at the start of a new day, and cost 15gp. They can be any Wizard cantrip in 5e with the rules I use.

2015-06-24, 07:39 AM
depending on "how magical" you want the world?...

I'd refer you to the "list of mostly useless magic items thread" for an assortment ranging from "powerful, but what?" to "garbage but hmmm..."

Single use versions of uncommon or rare items

items that are "magical" in non-bonus (or very limited use bonuses) ways
- a sword that cannot be dissolved in acid (for grey oozes and similar)
- a helmet that removes obsurement caused by less that 2" of unworked stone or living wood
- boots that prevent foots sores from long hiking (maybe a +1 or 2 on the con save for forced march? also: comfy and stylish)
- a bed roll the repels vermin, dirt and rain
- a hammer that will never break, always misses your fingers, and never breaks nails (unless you want it to)
- glamoured armour that looks like clothes (or glamoured clothes that look like armour)

2015-06-26, 09:34 PM
K, thx for the advice, this actually helps quite a bit