View Full Version : Pathfinder Solo Campaign

2015-06-24, 02:37 PM
Out of all the pathfinder campaign modules

Like Jade Regeant, Way of the Wicked, Curse of the Crimson Throne etc;

Are there any that can be played Solo? I have a friend that wants to attempt to play one but I'm not sure what's good for a new player. I can DM but I tend to run dry on original settings and the like (I get easily distracted unless I have some structure to work with at least)

2015-06-24, 04:08 PM
You need to run some DMPCs on any of these modules trust me. Solo doesn't cut it. Too many enemies.

2015-06-24, 04:54 PM
I checked the final chapter of a couple o these too and I agree.

Some of these bosses are annoying. They all have some sort of "HAHA JERK I"m out of here" tactic they're supposed to automatically use when they drop below a certain HP. I ca see how that'd irritate players to no end, a DM may get accused of using it as a cop-out.

What about using NPC's to support?

Red Fel
2015-06-24, 07:08 PM
Here's the thing. Most modules, unless explicitly stated otherwise, are designed around the "typical" party - a beatstick, a skillmonkey, a healer and a blaster. Now, many people in this forum disagree with that kind of party arrangement, but that's the default assumption. And that means at least four characters. Three well-designed characters can handle some modules, and many can accomodate as many as five or six (although the difficulty starts to fall out at that point).

One PC and one DMPC will not cut it. One PC and two or three DMPCs could potentially do it, but at that point you're basically just playing with yourself in front of a friend, with all of the connotations that phrase carries. I'd advise against it.

If you want to run a solo campaign, your best bet is to design one, keeping in mind the action economy, and removing save-or-suck effects altogether. Remember that a single failed save can basically be terminal for a solo PC, and plan accordingly. But modules really weren't designed with that in mind.

2015-06-24, 07:12 PM
Why, hello there (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?325310-3-5-Soloing-Curse-of-the-Crimson-Throne-From-the-Start-Until-the-World-Opens-Up)!

2015-06-24, 07:26 PM
You CAN do it with a single character (that includes a superior action economy) but the character likely has to have either several templates and free items or enough levels that you basically trivialize the combat anyhow. Maybe a high mythic level could cut it? (Then your game devolves into a saturday morning cartoon show where the villain always escapes and the hero never dies because of hero points and extra mythic/epic maneuvers and spells.)

2015-06-24, 07:39 PM
Currently, I am the player in a solo Rise of the Runelord. I'm playing a Gestalt Vizier//UnRogue, right about to hit level 2. Let me tell you, if you don't start at 3+, action economy can and will eat your soul. I'm scraping by on Combat Reflexes combined with long-range tripping, but I've already "died" once in the intro fights. Story gave me a freebie, though.

My build was not 100% optimal, due to RP consideration (good-aligned Golarion looks down on zombies, for example), but even if I had been this would have been absurdly tough.

2015-06-24, 08:03 PM
I bought this awhile back but have not actually sat down and looked through through it but it is a compendium of 1 on 1 adventures (http://paizo.com/products/btpy89ux?One-on-One-Adventures-Compendium) for 1 DM and 1 PC. This may have something for you but as I said I haven't looked through it, so your mileage may vary.

2015-06-25, 08:12 AM
It's doable for a gestalted class with a pet or lots of control. But for an ordinary build, generally no.